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Articles by Category
Croatian - Indian Links, monograph marking 30 years of diplomatic relations 1992-2022
Blessed Easter Greetings from the city of Solin, Croatia
Miracle from Dubrovnik on the 1049th St Vlaho Festivity 2021
Our Lady of the Stone Gate in Croatia's capital Zagreb
Maxo Vanka film to be made | American Sistine Chapel
Damjan Rodin 1910-1968 Croatian priest in Brasil founder of Vila Croacia in Rio de Janeiro
Akiane Kramarik spirituality of painting
Kresimir Cosic 1948-1995 the first European basketball player with major career in the USA
Kristian Krekovic connecting India and Croatia via his 1936 portrait of Mahatma Gandhi
Hrvojka Mihanovic-Salopek: Veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Diocese of Gospić-Senj
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek presenting Croatian Mariological Heritage of the Varazdin Bishopric
Zagreb AdvEnt Days among the most interesting in Europe
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek presenting Croatian Mariological Heritage of the Sisak Bishopric
Mother Teresa proclaimed a saint in 2016 and her connections with Croatia
St Leopold Bogdan Mandic Croatian saint visited Croatia in April 2016
Pavo Jurisic published an important monograph about 50 years of pastoral care among Croats of Melbourne
Anna Givargizyan exhbited her photos of Armenian khachkars in Dubrovnik Croatia in Feb 2016
Traditional celebration in Subotica Prelo sicanja to be organized on 7th February 2016
Zdravko Basaric's conversation with Rabbi Kotel Da-Don in Zagreb for Wall Street International
Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2016 accompanied with beautiful Croatian Christams carols
St Paul the Apostle spent three months on Croatian island of Mljet
Zdravko Basarić: Marija Husar Croatian singer and art director of Bonofest in Vukovar
Pope Francis in Sarajevo in 2015 meeting his old friend f. Petar Galauner, SJ Zagreb
Artur Bagdasarov and Vinicije Lupis promoting their joint book about Dubrovnik in Moscow on 14 June 2015
1136 years since the first international recognition of Croatia, more than 600 years before the discovery of America
Artur Bagdasarov and Vinicije Lupis creating a bridge of friendship between Armenia and Croatia
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek and her Stella Maris Croatiae project
Mirogoj Cemetery in Croatia's capital Zagreb through the lens of Nikola Piasevoli
Blase Joseph Cupich installed as Chicago's Archbishop on November 18, 2014
Bunjevci Croats from Backa and their Christmas traditions expressed in straw and cakes
Pope Frances appoints bishop Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago
Choir of Matrix Croatica for the region of Ruhr in Germany singing Ave regina caelorum by Dufay
Memorial plaque to three Croatians from the 17th century in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem
Ljubo Krasic director of Croatian Ethnic Institute in Chicago, USA
Happy Easter - Sretan Uskrs 2014 through art of Jozo Kljakovic
Dr Peter Kuzmic authority on Christian response to Marxism and on Christian ministry in post-Communist contexts
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014 to all the people of good will
Frok Zefi Catholic priest, historian and publicist in Croatia
Queen of Croatians Chapel on the mount of Medvednica near Zagreb celebrates 80th birthday
WTTW Chicago to rebroadcast documentary film "They Never Walked Alone" on Velika Gospa
Pope Francis and his encounters with Croatians in Argentina and Brasil
Carmen Verlichak Croatian-Argentinean writer published a monograph El Cardenal Stepinac in Buenos Aires 2013
Fr. Ante Gabric, S.J. - An Apostle of the Sundarbans, Croatian missionary in Bengal, India
Happy Easter from distinguished Croatian painter Zdenka Sertic 1899-1986
Cantores Maruli vocal quartet promoting Renaissance music and distinguished Croatian guitarist Petar Culic
Merry Christmas to Mr. Slobodan Praljak and to Mr. Dario Kordic with their families
Dr. Borislav Arapović: A Remarkable Address Given by a Croatian Minister to Those Going to War 1778
Gradovrh a new web portal for Croats in Tuzla is launched
Bosnia and Herzegovina where the God weeps
The Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Croatian painter Maxo Vanka
Collegium pro musica sacra Croatian choir founded in 1972 celebrates 40 years of existence
The Righteous Road of Stepinac - film by Jakov Sedlar produced by FILMIND Tel Aviv
Msgr. John E. Kozar Croatian American appointed president of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association
Branko Fucic 1920-1999, representative collection of conference papers published about his life and work
International conference in Carmelite convent of St. Elijah in Busko Blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pope Benedict XVI in Croatia's capital Zagreb 4 and 5 June 2011
Zvonko Martic & Vido Bagur authors of ethno monograph about Croatians in B&H
Pope Benedict XVI on his apostolic visit to Croatia 4 and 5 June 2011
Blessed Easter to Mr. Gotovina, Mr. Markac, Mr. Praljak, Mr. Kordic and their families
Rudjer Boskovic a famous Croatian scientist born 300 years ago in 1711
Andrija Buvina's 13th century Christams message Split, Croatia
New book by Slavica Jakelić "Collectivistic Religions"
Mile Bogovic opened the Church of Croatian Martyrs in Udbina 2010
Zvonimir Atletic photographs inspired by Mother Teresa
Dr. Borislav Arapovic elected member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2010
Jim Caviezel's spiritual journey from Medjugorje to Mel Gibson's Passion
Armenian bishop Nareg Alemezian in Dubrovnik Celebrating the Day of St. Vlaho
Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2010 Happy Holidays Blagoslovljen Božić
Ivan Mestrovic's Mother Teaching Child to Pray sold at Sotheby's auction
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek and her Stella Maris project of St. Mary's heritage
Uskrsnuo za nas. Sretan Uskrs Happy Easter Happy Passover
Bratislav Lucin leading expert for Croatian Renaissance classic Marko Marulic
Kristian Krekovic portrayed Mahatma Gandhi, Queen Mother, King Gustav V, etc.
Zumberak a hidden Croatian treasure
Wooden Baroque Church from 1642 near Zagreb
Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2009 Happy Holidays Blagoslovljen Božić
Bishop Alejandro Goic Karmelic Chile in ad limina visit to pope Benedict XVI
Ignjat Djurdjevic: St Paul was on the island of Mljet in the Adriatic for three months
Ante Gabric the Saint of Sundarban in India
Maxo Vanka, a famous Croatian painter
Azra Ljumanović, little known Croatian sprituality
Sretan Uskrs! Happy Easter! Felices Pascuas!
Mother Teresa and Croatians
Ivan Dragicevic Brings Our Lady of Medjugorje to Australia
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays 2008
Nopoki University for Peruvian Indians founded by Msgr. Gerardo Žerdin
Abortion in Croatia is Down 90% Since 1989
Catholic confraternity in Philippines promoting Blessed Ivan Merz
Spirituality and mission of the Christian teachers in Europe today
A river of the faithful visits Our Lady of Sinj from all directions
Muhamed Sacirbey: Civilization where religion is no longer denigrated
Sretan Uskrs - Happy Easter - Veliki Tjedan - Procesija na Hvaru
Ljudi previše naglaska stavljaju na 'pokoru', a manje na duh korizme
No "Hand of God" Goals in Priests' European Cup
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 2007 - Blagoslovljen Božić, Sretna 2007. Happy Holidays
Taizé Pilgrimage Stops in Zagreb from Dec. 28-Jan. 1. 2007
Croatian Christmas Traditions by James Monti published in The Magnificat Advent 2006
Magnificent Christmas Concert in Astoria, New York on December 18th, 2006
America’s Oldest Croatian Church Could Be Sold To Italians
David Parkes: Gospa mi je spasila život i brak
(E) Medjugorje 25 years later: Apparitions and contested authenticity
(H) Devetnica Srcu Isusovu online
(H) Kardinal Puljic posvetio misiju u Astoriji, New Yorku, blazenim Ivanom Merzom
(H) 35. obljetnica Hrvatske Katolicke Misije u New Yorku
(E) 35th Anniversary of Croatian language ministry in the Diocese of Brooklyn
(H) 35. obljetnica Hrvatske Katolicke Misije u New Yorku
(E) Zadar's Ecclesiastical Isolation from the Church in Croatia Must End
(H) BILLY GRAHAM u New Yorku
(E) Dateline NBC To Air A Piece On Medjugorje May 18, 2005
(E) From Nazareth to Trsat Monument to the Holy Father
(E) Applause, chanting complements farewell Mass for Pope
(E) Strict Protocol Will be Followed to Elect New Pope
(E) Karol Jozef Wojtyla Jr. Pope John Paul II 1920 - 2005
(E) Pope John Paul II died peacefully today
(E) Pope John Paul II 1920-2005
(E) Pascal singing in Vrbanj
(H) Veliki Tjedan
(H) Veliki Tjedan - Vrbanj, Hvar, Hrvatska
(E) I am a seminarian studying to be a priest, looking for parish
(E) Pope appoints Croatian bishop from his hospital bed
(E) Rabbis Thank Pope for Defense of Jews
(E) Wayne Weible, author on Medjugorje, speaks in the Wash. DC
(H) Vjera i politika
(H) Osnovni cilj zakona je zblizavanje ljudi
(H) Pukotina izmedu nase dubine i naseg nasljedovanja, izvor nasih nemira
(E) Spasenje nije okrenuto prema samom sebi
(H) Svi smo mi i ucitelji i ucenici!
(H) Odgovornost prema svojim talentima
(H) Zivimo u vremenu slatkorijecitosti i reklama
(E) Michael D. Antonovich & Mel Gibson
(E) Message to President Reagan from Marija Pavlovic
(E) Croatia to Mark 1,700th Anniversary of a Diocese
(E) Croatian-American Theologian Miroslav Volf on NPR
(H) Predavanje: Je li potrebno o Bogu misliti?
(E) Capacity to re-establish a common system of reference
(E) John Paul II welcomed some 7,000 Croatians
(E) Cardinal Josip Bozanic of Croatia
(E) Pope Appoints Croatian Cardinal
(H) Zupa Gospe od Andjela u Trogiru
(E) Pope leads prayers for rain in Croatia, Europe
(H) Nije li ovo sin tesarev i Marijin... ?
(E) The Passion of Mel Gibson
(E) Reflecting on Croatia - Papal Insights
(E) Prof. dr. Marijan Jurcevic - Duhovi, Trojstvo
(H) Ljubav nadmasuje granice medu ljudima, pa i religijama
(E) A Magna Carta for Strong Families
(E) Ivan Merz, first Catholic to be beatified in Bosnia
(E) The Archbishop of Zagreb and Cologne held a joint service
(E) Croatian Nazareth EWTN News Story
(E) Pope Speaks of Own Death as Croatia Trip Nears End
(E) Pope ends 100th foreign trip with prayer in coastal Croatia
(E) Pope in Croatia 2003
(H) Papa visit Hrvatska Radiotelevizija
(E) Pope's Croatia trip Televized
(S) Croatia Prepares for Papal Visit: J.P. II?s 100th
(E) Maria the Crucified Petkovic - on the way for sanctity
(H) Marija Propetog Isusa - na putu prema svetosti
(E) Croatian oil for the Pope
(E) Pope John Paul ll to visit Croatia June 5-9.
(E) Priest from Croatia reflects on differences
(E) Croatian Catholic Bosnian Children?s Fund
(E) Alojzije Stepinac - Feb 10, 1960 - Feb 10, 2003
(H) Misa za gluhe - Oce Nas za Gluhe
(H) Biblija na Internetu na hrvatskom
(E) Pope and Croatian Tree
(H) O starinama - Bozicni obicaji kod backih Hrvata - Bunjevaca
(E) Vatican lights up Christmas Tree from Croatia
(H,E) Sretan Bozic - Merry Christmas
(E) 100 feet Christmas tree donated by Croatia on St. Peter's square
(E) Saint Nicolas - Sv. Nikola
(E) Croatisan Mystical Priest Visits Capital City
(E) Fr. Jozo Zovko at Most Precious Blood Church
(E) Croatia to donate Christmas tree to Vatican this year
(E) Cleveland: St. Paul Parish 100th Anniversary
(H) Biblija na hrvatskom na CD-u
(E) Vi ste sol zemlje! Vi ste svijetlost svijeta- Molitveno bdijenje
(E) In the final analysis, It is between you and God
(E) St. Louis: St. Joseph Croatian Catholic Church Spring Picnic
(E) Father Sudac in New York Magazine
(E) St. Mary's Preservation Society
(H) Biblija na CDu na hrvatskom jeziku
(H) "Inter mirifica" Internet i Crkva - Izvezi na pucinu!
(E) Healed woman
(E,H) St. Jerome in Chicago
(E) Father SUDAC & Father BELANICH
(E) 3,000 flock to Croatian priest
(H) Ako mi i jesmo u pustinji, neka pustinja ne bude u nama
(E) 900-year-old Zagreb diocese
(E) Croatian Priest Has Church Buzzing
(E) few of my thoughts
(E) Is the Pope Italian?
(E) Father Sudac -
Merry Christmas to Mr. Slobodan Praljak and to Mr. Dario Kordic with their families
Rudolf Klepac 1913-1994 professor at Mozarteum and Croatian bassoonist one of greatest in history
(E) Robert Tyler Newbery July 30th 2003
G2 Meeting Second Generation, November 14 and 15, 2024
Elizabeth Kera recipient of Croatian Women's Network Award
Dubrovnik gets a new sister city – Sorrento in Italy due to an initiative of Ivana Marija Vidović
MICROBLINK a mobile vision software development company founded in Croatia in 2012
United States and Republic of Croatia sign new Income Tax Treaty
Croatian - Indian Links, monograph marking 30 years of diplomatic relations 1992-2022
Peljesac bridge connecting Croatia with EU and China
Jan De Jong interview for the CROWN
Croatia shining in 2020
MIRET ecological sneakers made with 97% natural materials
Rent A Local - Production for everyday people
Luka Krilic poslao otvoreno pismo predsjedniku Republike Hrvatske i predsjedniku Vlade
Kraljevski vinogradi / Royal Vineyards near Zadar producing some of the best Croatian wines
American Airlines flights to Dubrovnik (DBV) Airport three times weekly from June 7 till September 27, 2018.
Rimac Automobili Croatian company manufacturing electric hypercars
Meeting G2.4 Conference sucessfully organized by Udruga MEETING G2 in Zagreb in 2018
Croatian island's products - Hrvatski otočki proizvod
Nenad Bach posjetio poduzece Hedona u Krizevcima koje zaposljava osobe s invaliditetom
Filip Cvitic and his Fabula Shop promoting Croatian cultural heritage
Senoa House in Zagreb The Museum of August Senoa described by Lady Jadranka Beresford-Peirse
Mara Vitols-Hrgetic program director of the MEETING G2-3 project in Zagreb 6-8 Nov 2017
Vjeko Martinko director of Hotel Villa Astra in Lovran celebrating his 70th birthday in October 2017
Public call for an open statement of interest Small and Medium Business Entrepreneurs
5 Croatian Companies Make ‘1000 Companies to Inspire Europe’ Report
Tomislav "Tom" Mihaljevic is named new CEO of the Cleveland Clinic
Matt Sertic's Applied Ceramics and Sunceco rejuvenating his hometown of Sisak in Croatia
Vukovar Water Tower Restoration Project Fundraising Report
Surf'n'Fries Croatian franchise products in Moscow announcing at least 100 outlets in Russia
Ivan Rakitić's launches Scorrers app to connect fans and celebrities
Mara Vitols Hrgetic of Venezuela and Don Markusic of Australia describing their bussiness work in Croatia
6 Croatian Tech Firms Make 2016 Deloitte Fast 50
FORUM G2-2 synergy initiative between Croatian diaspora and homeland
MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb invitation to Croatia and its diaspora for new business opportunities
Croatian American Community Announces "40 Under 40" Program for USA
Air-Pannonia Croatian aircraft company directed by Miroslav and Jasna Vlasic
Ivan Mrvos of Croatia designed the best smart street bench in the world
FRODDO international Croatian shoemaker superbrand for toddlers and preschoolers
Filip Cvitic and his Fabula Croatica offer nice looking, edible and tasteful products
MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb offering new business opportunities for Croatia and its diaspora
Andrija Colak & Denis Polic founded Surf'n'Fries franchise in Rijeka Croatia awarded in Las Vegas
Beautiful Croatia founded and directed by Amanda Grbavac organized an event in New York on 26 April 2016
KISHA, the first Croatian smart umbrella that you'll never lose created by Andrija Colak
Association of Croatian American Professionals First In-Person Conference Held in Washington, DC
MEETING G2.2 Conference in Zagreb 10-12 October 2016 aiming at revitalisation of Croatian economy
My Little Piece of Land is award finalist for the NATURA 2000 AWARD by EU Commission
Branka Cubelic and her Dreamtime Events Croatia
BRANDING HRVATSKE 2 dvodnevni stručni seminar 11. i 12. ožujka 2016. u HMI u Zagrebu
What's This Croatian Village Doing in McKinney, Texas? Story by Money | Time
Mate Rimac lecturing at the Stanford University about the Electric Car Industry start-up in Croatia
Petition for direct flights between Croatia & USA
Mate Rimac: How We Build The World's Fastest Electric Car
Monaco Police testing Croatian Bikes | Greyp Bikes breakthrough to institutional markets worldwide!
Croatian emigrants are a great potential for growth and development of the Croatian economy
The Story of Ilija Letica by distinguished Croatian filmmaker Jakov Sedlar
Janica Kostelic the greatest female skier in history advertising Yakutian diamonds in 2015
First Conference Organised by Croatian Returnees for Croatian Returnees October 26-30, 2015
Mate Rimac and his fastests electric car in the world in Wall Street International by Zdravko Basaric
Hrvoje Prpic Trillenium creating beautiful online shops in VR, 3D and mobile
Josipa Majic from Croatia's capital Zagreb is founder & CEO of Teddy the Guardian global enterprise
Mireo co from a small village of Banjole in Croatia outbid Google in Dubai with their navigational tool
Nenad Bach: "Branding Croatia in the World" seminar July 21, 2015
Trillenium is developing the next phase of online fashion retailing
Violet Grgich: Following Your Own Path While Keeping the Legacy
Brittain Kovac is waking up debt-free in America
Grgich Hills Estate celebrates the 35th anniversary of The Great Chicago Chardonnay Showdown
Direct flights from Toronto to Croatia start June 22, 2015! New York, Chicago USA? When?
Robert Benmosche 1944-2015 CEO of AIG found paradise in Croatia
Announcing the formation of the Association of Croatian American Professionals
Darko Sertic's Applied Ceramics company in California, Croatia, Taiwan, Japan and Israel
My Little Piece of Land attractive brochure about Croatian farmers published by Suske consulting in Germany
Nikola Tesla Electric Vehicles Rally Croatia 2014 directed by Igor Kolovrat
Ivan Hrvoic Croatian scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and benefactor in Canada
Startup!Croatia Conference May 22-23, 2014 in Zagreb to facilitate changes in values and habits
Ignacio Frezik Croatian that flooded Colombia and half of the world with his strawberries
Quietest road race ever? Croatia hosts electric vehicle rally in May 2014
Marin Soljacic Croatian physicist and inventor founder of WiTricity Corp. announces "GOODBY WIRES..."
IN2 - the largest Croatian IT company founded by Ante Mandic
Phil Boskovich, King of Onions, descendant of Croatian immigrants, dies in 2013 at the age of 97
Dorat d.o.o. Company from Varazdin Croatia manufacturing social games out of paper and cardboard
How can Croatian science help Croatia to overcome the crisis?
Croatian entrepreneurs Ivan Matuna, Danijel Babić, Marjan Novak, and Antun Horvat
Bianca Childs and Healing Arts Croatia produces and promotes leading edge workshops and retreats
Goran Oreskovic founder and owner of VESKI Ltd. Croatian export and knowledge based company
Mate Rimac young Croatian inventor created the fastest electric car in the world
Zvonko Viduka Croatian enterpreneur selling high-tech products in 35 countries worldwide
Victor and Vlado Krizek sucsessfully direct Croatian jewelry company Zlatarna Krizek
Nenad Bach, Antun Lučić - Anthony F. Lucas i Boris Ljubičić u Slici Hrvatske s Karolinom Vidovic Kristo
Civic Innovation for a Better Future seminar in Zagreb September 14-15, 2012
Zagreb Technopolis - Silicon Valley on the Sava River in Croatia
BusyBasket™ designed by Diana Pečkaj Vuković
Cristophe Dolbeau expert in Croatian- French relations
MeL Lovric meat industry company in Croatia
Doodle Jump is a pop icon
Brodosplit shipbuilding company in the city of Split, Croatia
DOK-ING remote controlled fire fighting system developed in Croatia
Ivan Gligora's Pag Cheese awarded with the Superior Taste mark in Brussels 2010
Eight perfect days for Croatians in Perth Australia
Fifty three Croatian wines awarded at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2010
Croatian Warm Sea project - Projekt Hrvatsko Toplo More
Croatian train another great product by KONCAR - Electric Vehicles Inc
Croatian Creation is the trademark of best Croatian products
Robert Herjavec Croatian-born Canadian entrepreneur, businessman and TV star
Jaksa Cvitanic a leading expert in Mathematical Finance
Weaving workshop bridges past and present
What recession? Business is booming for a Croatian sawmill
CROWN BUSINESS: VRELO juices of health, love and beauty, Osijek Croatia
CROWN BUSINESS Profitable production of healthy food in Beli Manastir, Croatia
Slavonski Poduzetnik a Croatian success story
Marijan Busic - a Croatian visionary with The Cravat
Gordana Muraja Revives Hidden Cultural Heritage of Croatia
A wedding in Croatia
Croatian Tramway in Helsinki, Finland
Croatian Aussie Stan Bilic: "Money won't make you rich inside"
Organic agriculture in Croatia
Croatia's highway to Europe
Croatia - Dr. Shrink distributor expands territory
Croatia's HRT Expands Broadcast Workflow On NETIA's Radio-Assist Software
Višnjica estate offers riding of Arabian horses and looks for investment
Croatia 3, English Retailers -$1.2 billion
Touristic & Ecological Estate "Pustara Višnjica" ready for
Croatia would be able to supply raw organic products to the EU
Opportunity for Croatian Talent - RechargeIT Request for Investment
Kazulin family continues tradition of boat making
Vida Jurcic runs an award winning design firm Hangar 18
1st U.S.-Croatian conference on the ICT, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry
Organic agriculture rising in Croatia
GZH Zagreb Croatia a long history in book production dating back to 1874.
Four Croatian Railways' subsidiaries for sale
Atlantic Group buys Viciski Commerce
Hungary, Croatia sign power line deal
Flyglobespan offers new route to Pula
Croatia and Kazakhstan to boost ties
Family tradition continues at Grgich Hills - The Croatian connection
Croatia's Konzum grows domestically
Japanese Interested in Investing in Croatia
Government To Sell 20 Percent Of HT Shares
Putin in Croatia - A confirmation of Croatia's international authority
Green Action Against Russian Oil in the Adriatic Croatian website in English that shows up daily on Google search for news
Prof.Dr. Marin Soljacic: Wireless technology used to power light bulb
Poland's property developer will invest €42 million in Zagreb
Croatian Tuna for Japan
Tesla Motors Selects Site For Electric Sedan Factory
Croatia, India Sign Co-operation Agreement
Croatia Gifts established by Pam Kelley and Melissa Obenauf
Kastav, Croatia on the World map, thanks to Darko Ivančić & ELCON - KEZIA formed.
Croatia would soon be calling for bids to privatise five of its largest shipyards
Croatia's food industry challenges
Forum discusses Vietnam - Croatia economic co-operation
The dead-sexy Tesla delivers on its promise. 100% Electric car. No more excuses
Skup Hrvata i njihovih prijatelja zakazan za 9. i 10. prosinca 2006. u Las Vegasu
America’s Oldest Croatian Church Could Be Sold To Italians
BB Biti Bolji – Be Better - Novi Blog
A brand new product for toothcare, toothbrushing tablets DENTAMETE.
Varazdin Free Zone
Businessmen from Western Australia visit Croatia on Sept 20th 2006
Začini Nadalina na njemačkom tržištu
Croatia will strengthen its armed forces with ten more Mi-171Sh helicopters
Unemployment in Croatia has fallen to its lowest level in a decade
(E) High-end Jana Water in New York Post
(E) Barr Raises Pliva Bid to $2.3 Bln, Beating Actavis
(E) Croatia To Spend 1.2 Billion Euros To Modernize, Create Professional Army
(E) Croatia: Rijeka Gateway Project to Increase Int'l Cargo Traffic
(E) Croatia baterije will Close Down Operations after 100 years?
(E) Croatia will have the first 3.5GHz frequency in the European market
(E) Djuro Djakovic Interested in Power Plants Acquisition
(E) Actavis Makes $1.6 Billion Bid to Buy Croatia's Pliva
(E) Zagreb Fair: an essential European marketplace since 1909
(E) Seaport Of Rijeka To Become Adriatic Gateway To Europe
(E) Sealine T50 is the winner of the "Croatian Boat of the Year 2006"
(E) GlaxoSmithKline buys the research institute of Croatian drug maker Pliva
(E) Conference on Cultural Heritage as a Generator of Economic Development
(H) Lider - novi poslovni tjednik
(E) Croatia: A 'New Deal' for Transport Infrastructure
(E) UK & Croatia - Cubus Lux acquires Plava Vala
(E) Jana in 1500 Target stores - Success in America
(E) Cuba, Croatia Explore Trade Areas
(E) Croatia: EU Grants Euro 51 mn for Infrastructure Projects (?)
(E) Croatia, the New Europe and a second chance for Canada
(E) Bringing down barriers in Croatia through online partner match
(E) 'Buy Croatian' not bought by EU
(E) Italy's UniCredit selling Croatian bank HVB Splitska
(E) Holcim Croatia to Invest in Facilities Modernisation
(E) Croatia builds first certified WiMAX network
(E) Croatia to invest in Kish Free Zone
(E) Croatian Businessman Sells 20.48% Stake in Slatinska Banka
(E) Wizz Air - First low-cost route to Croatia
(E) Gavrilovic Makes Comeback to U.S. Market
(E) Croatian Koncar Co. Posts 11-mo Revenues Up by 9.4%
(E) Flat Tax - The Case for Tax Reform in Croatia
(E) Newly Established Croatia Credit Bureau to Use CRIF Technology
(E) IT Technology Centre Opens in Varazdin
(H,E) CROTRAM - Croatian Tramway - Tramvaj
(E) Crotian reaps $1.1 billion as Chinese market calls for copper
(E) Croatia has made significant advances in railroad industries
(E) Tourism along Adriatic is continuing to grow - Herald Tribune
(E) CROATIA: Bumper Rise in Tourist Arrivals
(E) Zeljko Covic of Pliva in International Herald tribune
(E) International Leaders Summit, Zagreb, Croatia - 2005 Brief Report
(H) Budite Bolji - Be better - Nova Knjiga
(E) Croatia's thriving funds
(E) Croatian Ambassador Handed Credentials to Armenian FM
(E) Malta's Foreign Minister Michael Frendo visits Croatia
(E) Croatia: Rockwool Group to invest 75 mil. euros in new plant
(H) Proradio je ONE STOP SHOP
(E) Spain and Croatia sign tax deal
(E) New USD 54.5 M office building in Zagreb
(H) Multilink postao T-Mobile partner
(H) Poslovni Forum - Sto se sve u Hrvatskoj proizvodi?
(E) Croatia is producing a 260 MVA transformer
(E) Croatia's Pliva, the largest pharmaceutical company in Eastern Europe
(E) Pliva gets first approval for generic EPO
(E) Drilling contracts with Crosco of Croatia
(E) First Croatia Properties to invest into Croatia
(E) Croatia business potential highlighted at Islamabad Chamber of Commerce
(E) Croatian inventors pitch product ideas to potential U.S. partners
(E) China dedicated to promoting partnership with Croatia - Hu
(E) Large trade deficit with China into reciprocal economic cooperation
(E) Orco Property Group Wins "Suncani Hvar" Tender in Croatia
(E) Special Invitation: International Leaders Summit, June 1-2, 2005
(E) The Atlantic Connection-Article by Anand Samy
(E) Croatia: Foreign Investors Council Presents Its Objectives
(E) Croatian president launches Optima Telekom
(E) Crosco Expands Service Activities in Libya
(H) Novinsko izvjesce - Croatia Business Report Issue 2
(H,E) Grupa 100 Website
(E) The Flat Tax May Spread to Poland Sooner than Expected
(E) The Best Instrument Cases in the world - Accord Case
(E) Heineken raises stake in Karlovacka Pivovara
(E) Consumers and Investors Protection in Croatian Law
(E) An Englishman's second home is dom or kuc´a
(E) Croatian Shipyard produces the biggest tanker in the world
(E) Salaries Growing in Croatia
(E,H) Croatia Business Report Launches on the Internet
(E) Flat Tax - the way to go - in Romania
(E) Sweden Tele2 Wins Mobile Licence in Croatia
(E) First Tuesday
(E) Seven Strategic Recommendations for Croatia
(E) Prvi hrvatski klaster e-Hospitality BEAM Alliance
(E) The International Leaders Summit's - 2004 Report
(E) Croatian Andronico Luksic Steps Down
(E) Croatia to step up cooperation with China
(E) Kerry-Edwards Economic Revival for Cro-Am Businesses
(E) Tax Policy for a Prosperous Croatia by Daniel J. Mitchell
(E) Why the Flat Tax for Croatia by Dr. Alvin Rabushka
(E) Prime Minister Dr. Ivo Sanader Speaking at ILS
(E) Adriatic Institute for Public Policy on AER Website
(E) New Zealand Croatian Family Sells Scami Business
(E) A brief synopsis of the International Leaders Summit
(E) Adriatic Institute Announcing Intern. Leaders Summit
(E) Croatian national airline join Star Alliance
(E) Croatia will benefit from the free market principles
(E) Mag Instrument will open 1600 new jobs
(E) International Leaders Summit in Zagreb Nov 5-7, 2004
(E) Croatian Minister Visits Portfolio Committee in South Africa
(E) South Africa, Croatia sign trade agreement
(E) EBRD To Finance Croatian Agriculture, Tourism
(E) A Million Quid For an Island
(E) Anyone know what Croatia still owes?
(E) Croatia puts 'family jewels' under hammer
(E) Europe's 1st Rental of Segway in Croatia
(E) Group 100 Official News Release
(H) Grupa 100 - prvi Tisak nakon Clevelanda
(E) Grand Hotel Park Dubrovnik - Submission of Bids
(E) Untold Wealth to a group of Croatian Fishermen
(H,E) The World Summit of Croatian Business Leaders
(E) The Best Country For Tax & Real Estate Investment In Europe
(E) Europe seems anxious to clear Croatia's path - Dubrovnik
(E) Croatia cuts fixed-line licence fees
(E) Martin Artukovic & Market for Kona keeps on growing
(E) U Washingtonu odrzan panel o mogucnostima ulaganja u Hrvatsku
(E) Investment in Croatia - Prospects for Growth
(E) Croatia to take offers for third mobile phone operator
(E) Croat tobacco firm attracts over 1 billion euros
(E) Wren?s Hotel Group expanded rapidly in Croatia
(H) "City of Dubrovnik" zaplovio iz Tajlanda
(E) Croatian Furniture in Utah
(E) Croatian Village in Dallas
(E) India, Croatia discuss trade, economic ties
(E) Coca-Cola Hellenic complete buy of Bistra in Croatia
(E) Croatia Selects Scientific-Atlanta to Upgrade
(E) Crosco Provides Onshore Drilling
(E) Dubai and Croatia seek to boost trade relations
(E) World Intellectual Property Organization meet the president
(E) Concordia orders two new tankers in in Split, Croatia
(E) Croatian president arrives in Moscow
(E) Croatian TV for sale or partnership - Forbes Magazine
(E) The International Success Award was given to a Croatian
(E) Energy infrastructure set to deregulate
(E) When Nation Needs a Little Marketing
(E) Tourism generate 22% of Croatia's GDP
(E) They need people to invest in Croatia
(E) Bulgaria, Croatia will Improve Region Infrastructure
(E) Int. Fair to Boost Croatia, Bulgaria Cooperation
(E) World Bank, EU Praise Croatia
(E) Croatian Islands Beckon as Property Market Blooms
(E) Croatia Airlines will be the main benefactors
(E) Croatia's INA plans to go to court over Beopetrol sale
(E) Croatia on Sixth Eurasian Summit
(E) Upgrading of municipal infrastructure in Croatia
(E) UIP strikes Croatian licence deal
(E) Croatia Airlines renews agreement
(E) Bill Gates, Jack Welch and Medjugorje
(E) Bulgarian business in Croatia?
(E) Parking meter payments in Zagreb, Croatia by M-commerce
(E) VIPnet celebrates its fourth birthday
(E) World Bank finances Croatia transport plan
(E) Autoscope Awarded Contract for Six Tunnels in Croatia
(E) CROATIA: Jamnica increases H1 revenues
(E) The XD-9: A Croatian Pistol - A TRUE 21ST CENTURY PISTOL
(E) Sri Lanka pledges to strengthen economic ties with Croatia
(E) Croatian President on a two-day official visit to France
(E) HRT with the new equipment
(E) Croatia to establish a Trade Center in Dubai
(E) Any Lavender Companies in Croatia ?
(E) Millward Brown signed with Centum Research in Zagreb
(E) Power Plant $56 million Dispute Croatia & Slovenia
(E) Croatian Ambassador Spoke at Midwest Conference
(E) Sava Initiative
(E) EUR500 mill. seven-year bond issued by the Republic of Croatia
(E) Russia's clearing debt to Croatia stands at $300 million
(E) Agrokor - Croatian food company acquire Serbian Frikom
(E) Crosco earned certification from BV Quality International
(E) The Two Towers opened in Croatia on Jan 16
(E) Croatia gets three bids for INA stake
(E) Renault reigns in Croatia
(E) Russia's first Mediterranean oil outlet through Croatian port
(E) More drilling - Crosco Increases Service activities in Oman
(E) Croatian firm finds commercially viable gas fields in Syria
(E) Cubic won MILES 2000 contracts from the Republic of Croatia
(E) MATAV assists Deutsche Telekom in Expanding to Croatia
(E) Cosmetics firm to make pretty women in the US
(E) Israeli investors buy (a 99-year lease) Croatian peninsula
(E) Croatia's Pliva unveils $100-mln R&D institute
(E) American-Croatian Commercial Advisory Committee
(E) UK-Croatia export deal agreed
(H) Hrvatski Izvoz - Croatian Export
(E) Dalmatian Riviera becoming the new Cote d'Azure
(E) CROATIA and The Liberian Registry
(E) ENI signs deal with Croatia's INA for 320 million euro
(E) Lessons from Croatia on perilous times
(E,S) Development Countries, Mini-plants in mobile containers
(E) Possibilities for Croatian manufacturers
(E) Pliva Gains U.S. Foothold with Sidmak Buy
(H) Hrvatski Dani Interneta 12-14 Lipnja 2002
(H) ISO u Hrvatskoj - Dr. Vedran Deletis
(E) Emerging Markets Such as Croatia
(E) Selling Croatia Osiguranje
(E) Europe, Italy and Croatia
(H) Banka Hrvata u svijetu
(H) Europa, Italija i Hrvatska
(E) Another Croatian Bank in foreign hands
(H) ''Davos WEF in NYC'' bez Hrvatske? Tko je odgovoran ?
(E) IBM To Build Supercomputer Croatia involved
New hypermarket opens in Zagreb
Humanitarni koncert za Opću bolnicu DUBROVNIK
Elizabeth Kera recipient of Croatian Women's Network Award
Vesna Skulic Croatian cinderella participating in White Path humanitarian action in BiH 1993
Poziv Hrvatima u iseljeništvu koji su prikupljali donacije: Neka vaša pomoć trajno ostane zapisana
GoFundMe Campaign Launched To Assist With Croatian Earthquake Relief Efforts
Damjan Rodin 1910-1968 Croatian priest in Brasil founder of Vila Croacia in Rio de Janeiro
Ivanka Bubalo i njezina bijela kosuljica jos bdiju nad Bosnom
Mary's Meals - a fruit of Medjugorje initated by Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow of Scotland
Sandra Wigh Hrascanec reviving Croatian composer and benefactor Luisa Erdoedy Lios born in Vienna
Vladimir Paleček Croatian humanist and founder of "Hungry Child" international fund in Croatia 1969
Help needed with crowd funding a Croatian translation of the book "Health at Every Size"
London piano recital by Stefan Warzycki in aid of the International Trust for Croatian Monuments 28 Feb 2018
Senoa House in Zagreb The Museum of August Senoa described by Lady Jadranka Beresford-Peirse
NFCA Newsletter Summer 2017
Vukovar Water Tower Restoration Project Fundraising Report
OZANA nonprofit organization for persons in need founded in 1991 in Croatia's capital Zagreb
Astrid Kuljanic participating A Concert Benefiting the Syrian American Medical Society in NY Nov 29th 2016
Mother Teresa proclaimed a saint in 2016 and her connections with Croatia
St Leopold Bogdan Mandic Croatian saint visited Croatia in April 2016
Yoko Nishii's humanitarian concert in Zagreb during the Japanese Culture Week in March 2016
Almae Matris Croaticae Alumni AMCA Toronto published Collection of Documents 1990-1999
The Story of Ilija Letica by distinguished Croatian filmmaker Jakov Sedlar
Bring the story of Mia Slavenska home to Croatia and to a worldwide audience
Sarma and Bebek in Haiti
Help Portal Dobrote feed schoolchildren in Croatia
Help Croatia's Special Olympics Team get to Los Angeles for 2015 Games
Robert Benmosche's family appoints Libertas Foundation to administer donations in his memory
Goran Višnjić Joins World Stars in Fight to Protect Elephants
Diljem Hrvatske prikuplja se pomoć stradalima od poplava
Goran Visnjic in an appeal for the Croatian Scholarship Fund
‘Everything is Forever’ biographic film about Nenad Bach wins international filmfest top awards in Houston
Screening of documentary film "Many Voices One Song" March 8, 2014
Karlo J. Mirth 1917-2013 distinguished Croatian writer and lifetime president of Croatian Academy of America
Fr. Ante Gabric, S.J. - An Apostle of the Sundarbans, Croatian missionary in Bengal, India
Don Wolf author of autobiographical photo monograph Croatian Love Story
Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Nenad Bach Band in Zagreb at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall on Friday 30 November 2012 20pm
Drago Stambuk a samurai poet connecting Japan and Croatia
The Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Croatian painter Maxo Vanka
Msgr. John E. Kozar Croatian American appointed president of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association
Epidaurus Festival in Croatia for littlest residents of Dubrovnik region in Pridvorje 16 Sep 2011 at 8pm
Concerts for Japan in Croatia 2011
Branka Kandic-Splavski and her Croatian fairy tales as medicine - Bajka kao lijek
Don Wolf Croatian photographer and benefactor in Kansas City USA
Humanitarian concert for Japan in Zagreb 4 April 2011 20 pm
Appeal for Matijas Derek
Mime Cuvalo's FireFTP downloaded almost 18 million times by the end of 2010!
CACF raises over $150,000 at 8th Annual Golf Outing/Awards Dinner
Branimir Kvartuc of to cross the Adriatic Sea for charity
Davor Suker to Hold Mini-Clinic for Charity in NYC, May 15, 2010
Mime Cuvalo Croatian expert for Google/U-Tube and benefactor
FOR | FROM CROATIA WITH LOVE Croatian Jazz Gala at the Lincoln Center
Lady Jadranka Njers Beresford Peirse promotor of Croatian culture in GB
Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist touring Pennsylvania, NC, January 14-21, 2008
Martin Kotarski Croatian pupil winner of prestigious humanitarian award in Japan
Croatian pupil Martin Kotarski and Bill Gates awarded in Japan
Ante Gabric the Saint of Sundarban in India
Appeal for Stephen Dorcich
Mother Teresa and Croatians
Alpine skiing legends to take part in Croatia charity race
Mime Cuvalo, web developer and proponent of open web standards
Nopoki University for Peruvian Indians founded by Msgr. Gerardo Žerdin
Benefit Gala in Zagreb honoring the Croatian House in Padova, Italy, Nov 12, 2007
"Philadelphia" Jerry Ricks is recovering from a brain-tumor operation in Croatia One Child at a Time
Birthday Party Raises $20,000 in donations for Montreal HIV Kids & Families
Ivanisevic, Ljubicic to Play for Children
Chicago: Avon Breast Cancer Walk Fundraiser, Saturday March 3, 2007
"Beyond the Call" on PBS - Check Local Listings
An on-line auction for 48 hours. Famous artists helping other artists. Unity Through Music Dec 27-29, 2006
Reclaiming the lost harmony of the world: CROWN goes behind Golden Karma Awards, with winner Dino Zonic
Rijeka, Croatia - Fundraiser for Autistic Children
“Croatia My Love" - the truth about the Homeland War in Croatia
Detroit: 14th Annual Benefit Fashion Show
(H) Myeloma Euronet
(H) Ruke koje vide - Udruga slijepih i moda - rukom pod ruku
(E) Auction Of Photos Raises Money to buy wheelchairs for children in need
(E) Big Croatian Heart in New Orleans
(H) Veliko srce Hrvatice tjesi ocajnike New Orleansa
(E) Blind Childrens Center and Croatia Connection
(E) Goran Visnjic and Don Wolf
(E) Elevator
(E) Andrew Bogut 4 Foundation to help underprivileged
(E) Rats are called in to defuse landmines in Croatia
(E) Celebrity supporters create the Adopt-A-Minefield Artists Committee
(E) Maradona to play charity soccer match in Novi Vinodolski, Croatia
(E) St. Theresa's Orphanage
(H) Croatian Mine Action Centre CROMAC
(E) Norwegian People's Aid Mine Action Programme - CROATIA
(E) Fundrraiser for the City Museum of Vukovar SUCCESS
(E) Croatian American 3rd Annual Golf Outing, New York May 23, 2005
(H) Preporucamo vam Fundaciju "Ruzickina Kuca" u Vukovaru
(E) Taina Franjevic in Action
(E) Looking for Bone Marrow transplant for my father
(E) Croatian Relief Services for Tsunami Victims
(E) Libertas Foundation Fundraiser Feb 5th 2005
(E) Doctor comes to aid of Croatian student
(E) Croatia Treats Iraqi Children, Trains Doctors
(E) Nita Gizdich - Ag Against Hunger Woman of the Year
(E) Run for Croatia
(E,H) Prijatelji Kresimirgrada - Charity
(E) Jan Mihelich helps Croatia clean landmines
(H) Karta Mina u Hrvatskoj
(E) Croatia sends aid to Iran quake survivors
(E) Spreading joy in Christmas boxes
(E) Paul McCartney And JT Play For Adopt-A-Minefield
(E) Libertas Foundation Fundraiser
(E) French Donated 25K E for the Children of Land-Mine Victims
(E) Viduka plans Croatia orphanage
(E) Ebay for Charity - Fire Relief Fund
(E) CROATIA Gift of Life
(E) Landmine-sniffing pigs
(E) Mccartney Again
(E) Croatian American 2003 Golf Outing
(E) $ 20K for Cancer Research and Adopt-A-Minefield
(E) Adopt-A-Minefield E-Newsletter
(E) Join us for Adopt-A-MinefieldŽ 2003 Galla
(E) Neighbours get together to clean park, clear minefield
(E) Landmines! - GIS Helps Harvest the Dragon Seed
(E) Heather Mills McCartney?s Biography for charity
(E) Press Release from the Croatian House in Washington DC
(E) UK firefighters hold fund raiser for Vukovar fire house
(E) The Croatian Academy of America - Last Call
(E) U.S. Public-Private Donations Help Demine Area in Croatia
(E) Tennis-USTA donates money to clear Croatian land mines
(E) Please Help Radio Vrhbosna
(E) Building a Culture of Peace
(E) Share what you've learned
(E) Host a Dinner, Save Lives
(E) Kindness of Croatian Sailors
(E) $ 1 Million for Croatia, from Adopt -A - Minefield
(E) Wheelchairs for Croatia
(E) Adopt-A-Minefield Annual Gala in LA - IMPORTANT
(E) Two Appeals
(E) Local peace activists plan trip to Croatia
(E) Goran Visnjic donates quiz show money to Croatia's theatres
(E,H) New York -Benefit Concert, Rijeka - beba treba operaciju
(E) Demining Croatia - swords to plowshares
(E) St. Theresa's Dom
(E) Croatian surgeons need help
Croatian - Flemish association provides financial aid to orphans in Croatia
Javni poziv za prijam osoba na osposobljavanje u Državnom uredu za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske
Višnjica estate offers riding of Arabian horses and looks for investment
Touristic & Ecological Estate "Pustara Višnjica" ready for
Croatia Gifts established by Pam Kelley and Melissa Obenauf
Iznajmljuje se luksuzni stan u privatnoj vili u Rijeci
University of Zagreb Medical School announces enrollment in its 2007/2008 MD Program in English!
Famous API console on sale -- ask John Holbrook
(H) Spomenik kulturne bastine na prodaju
(E) PhoneCroatia - The best prices in the world. 5.7 cent to call Croatia
(E) New York-based journalist searching for Croatian publications
(E) Looking for a bone marrow match - please read
(E) Ucim hrvatski jezik, ali jos govorim malo, Cete li pomoci mene?
(E) Croatian interpreter needed in Cleveland, Jan 11-12, 2006
(E) Looking for Croatian/English speaking person as a travel agent
(E) Looking for Croatian/English speaking person as a travel agent
(H) Kuca na prodaju, Veprinac pod Uckom
(E) New Products from Heart of Croatia
(H) Trazi se biznismen iz Osijeka
(E) Container to share from Chicago to Croatia
(E) HITOMANIJA 1 HIT Records - A tko ce pitat' tisinu
(E) Ana Vidovic - Private lessons in New York on June 24th
(E) Exploring New York through Croatian Eyes - Help Needed
(E) TMA Flight Attendant Recruitment
(E) Origin of my last name "Serka" ?
(E) PhoneCroatia 5.7 cents a minute to call Croatia from USA
(H) Trazi se: Zeljko Skropanic, Augustincic u NY
(E) Live and Work in the U.S.A. Green Card Lottery Application
(E) Miro Clogs - The best Clogs in the world
(E) Furniture for Free - from Crown member, New York
(E) Live and Work in the U.S.A.
(E) Townhouse in Manhattan, New York for SALE
(H) Kontinentalni turizam Kopacki rit i okolica - Traze se partneri
(E) Direct Charter Flights to Croatia from Toronto
(E) Croatian Lessons needed
(H) Tekstove: Pisala mi stara mati.. Tko ima neka pomogne
(H,E) Looking for CNC & CAD-CAM Partners
(H,E) Moja Istra DVD Magazine
(E) Apartment in Split Available
(E) Croatian Nanny Available
(E) Dr. Tom Sunic's new site
(E) Flying over Croatia
(E) Student looking for a flat in Zagreb
(H) WSA 2003 - fokus na sadrzaju, a ne na tehnologiji
(H) Trazim sobu u Puli za 17-og Kolovoza
(E) Studying Croatian in Boston?
(E,H) Property for Sale, Croatia, Island of Brac, Town of Milna
(E) VIS Property For sale
(E) Croatian Folklore Costumes from the Posavina region
(E) Generalic Half Price Sale! Grb Bookmarks!
(E) Looking for Croatians in the States
(E) Seeking Work in Croatia
(E) Apartments for sale in Dubrovnik, Croatia
(E) Looking for afordable accomodations in the USA
(E) City maps of Vukovar, Djakovo, Osijek needed
(E) Summer Sublet in Washington, DC
(E) Croatian Easter @ Heart of Croatia
(E) Families NEEDED To Host High School Students From Croatia
(E) Easy Rider, Croatian Style Houston, TX -- Seattle, WA
(E) Immigration Law Services
(E) NEEDED Croatian anecdotes, facts, journals, letters, etc WW I
(E) Free Professional tapes in Santa Monica
(E) Dive Franetovic tickets proposal
(E) Croatia Uncorked
(E) Authentic Croatian Folk Tale Needed
(E) Coupon Valid 2 More Days @ Heart of Croatia
(E) Heart of Croatia Announcements
(E) Hot air and screen savers
(E) Heart of Croatia Newsletter
(E) 9 cents to call Croatia price Breakthrough
(E) Croatian Christmas Village Scene Collection
(E) Job Placement at MountSinai, New York $40-46K
(E) Croatian Grb Jewelry
(E) Need a job, IWPR is looking for you - Hague Project Manager
(E,H) Room in New York to rent / share under $15 a day
(H) Autobusom po Hrvatskoj
(E) Help Wanted - Croatian babysitter in Scotts Valley, CA
(E) Announcing Traditional Lace from the Island of Pag!
(E) Announcing Traditional Lace from the Island of Pag!
(E) Publish your stories!
(E) OPORTUNITY - Croatian American Makes Film
(E) Summer Inter NEEDED
(E) Jobs in Croatia
(E) Heart of Croatia Gifts!
(E) Novalja apartment summer 2002
(E) Shopping at Heart of Croatia Gifts!
(E) Host a Croatian College Student
(H) Hrvatsko Slovo - Internet izdanje, br. 366
(E) Croatian American Times Newspaper
(E) English Teacher needed in Croatia
(E) Job: Programme Co-ordinator - the British Council APR 29
(E) Rental in New York - looking for a two-bedroom
(E) Real Estate - Korcula - old town
Elizabeth Kera recipient of Croatian Women's Network Award
Joginder Singh Nijjar recipient of an Indian state recognition for streghtening links with Croatia
Carmen Verlichak postala je redovitom clanicom Argentinske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 2019
Drago Stambuk odlikovan japanskim Ordenom izlazeceg sunca 2019. g.
Michael J. Novosel of Croatian origin recipient of the Medal of Honor for saving 5589 wounded people
Peter Tomich 1893-1941 recipient of the Medal of Honor for his courage at Pearl Harbour in 1941
Max Emanuel Cencic distinguished countertenor recipent of the Diapason d'Or prize in France 2018
Miro Gavran the greatest contemporary Croatian writer received ''Dr. Alois Mock Europapreis 2017'' award
Sandra Perkovic wins gold in London
Croatian Men's National Water Polo team reclaims World Champions title
Bill Belichick Croatian American, wins 5th Super Bowl with New England Patriots
NFCA Announces “40 Under 40" Winners from USA!
Goran Filipec of Croatia awarded by the prestigious Grand Prix du disque F. Liszt in Budapest in 2016
Josip Glasnovic wins Croatia's first gold of the 2016 Olympics
Brenda Brkusic won her 5th and 6th Emmy Awards at the Television Academy's LA Area Emmy Awards
Drago Stambuk promoting global haiku consciousness and deepening friendship between Brazil and Croatia
Croatian writer Miro Gavran nominated for the 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award
Marko Bilic wins 2015 Cigar Trophy Ambassador Award
Blanka Vlasic Wins Silver at the 2015 IAAF World Championships in Beijing
Brenda Brkusic wins 3rd and 4th Los Angeles Area Emmy
Adrian Beker winning gold at the International Math Olympiad 2015 and Croatia becoming a big surprise
Gladne uši is a finalist at the New York Festival's International Radio Program Awards
The story of the film Zvizdan (The High Sun), the first Croatian Cannes Laureate
Tena Stivicic Wins Blackburn Drama Prize
Croatian director Tiha K. Gudac receives CEI Award 2015 at Trieste Film Festival
‘Everything is Forever’ biographic film about Nenad Bach wins international filmfest top awards in Houston
Branko Istvancic Croatian filmmaker recipient of the Liliane Stewart Award for Design Arts in Montreal Canada
Ivica Kostelić makes history in the Super-combined event at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games
Croatians Krist Novoselic and Ella Yelich O’Connor aka Lorde take home Grammys
Arsen Anton Ostojic wins in St. Louis and has been nominated for an Oscar for a third time
Max Emanuel Cencic world class countertenor singer recipient of the Diapason d'or award in Paris 2013
Alexei Tanovitski Russian singer opening Metropolitan opera season 2013-2014 in New York on September 23
Josip Hanjs world champion in Shorthand Speech Capturing competition organized in Ghent in Belgium 2013
Domagoj Cevid and Borna Vukorepa won 2 golds at the 2013 International Mathematical Olympiad in Colombia
Branko Istvancic Croatian film-maker made a fantastic documentary film about the art of straw-girls in Backa
Luka Misetic and Tomislav Kuzmanovic presented with the 2012 Vinodol Code Award
Nenad Bach dobitnik prestizne Fender-Mega Muzika nagrade uoci koncerta u dvorani Lisinski u Zagrebu
Sasa Casic young Croatian winemaking prodigy of Pakrac and his teacher Ivan Enjingi
Nikola Knez and his iFilms LLC has received 11 Remi Awards at the 45th Annual Worldfest-Houston 2012
2nd Vladimir Devide Haiku Award - Open Haiku Competition - deadline March 1, 2012
BusyBasket™ designed by Diana Pečkaj Vuković
Srdjan Bulat and Petrit Ceku take two top spots at the Maurizio Biasini International Guitar Competition
Nikola Knez won three gold Remi Awards at the WorldFest Houston 2011
Dr. Artur R. Bagdasarov promoter of Croatian culture and language in Russia
Miss America 2011 Teresa Scanlan has Croatian roots
Owen Marecic of Stanford Named Inaugural Paul Hornung Award Winner
Nelly Auersperg distinguished Canadian scientist educated also in Zagreb Croatia
Ivan Gligora's Pag Cheese awarded with the Superior Taste mark in Brussels 2010
Nenad Ban's scientific work is regarded as a milestone in biochemical research
Blanka Vlasic of Croatia proclaimed the best female athlete in the world 2010
Ashley Colburn and WOW Croatia seen by 10 million families in the USA
Srdjan Bulat wins big in Alessandria
Pete Radovich has 18 Emmys
Tomislav Raukar laureate of the Anton Gindely Prize in Vienna Austria 2009
Dr. Borislav Arapovic elected member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2010
Brenda Brkusic and Jack Baric won Los Angeles Area Emmy® Award
Sandra Perkovic won gold for Croatia in discus throw in Barcelona 2010
Fifty three Croatian wines awarded at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2010
Emil Milihram Croatian canoeist wins the World Cup 2010 in Austria
Srdjan Bulat wins in Almeria
Greenwich Trio win at the Beethoven Society of Europe Competition
Australian-Croatian Vinko Romanik featured on stamp
Croatian president awards lifetime achievement award to Hedvig Hricak, M.D.
Ivica Kostelic wins silver in Vancouver
Sanja Jovanovic Croatian swimmer with a new world record in 2009
Professors Z. Drmac and K. Veselic received prestigeous SIAM math prize
Blanka Vlasic defends her world title in Berlin 2009
Martina Filjak clinches victory in Cleveland International Piano Competition
A Matter of Taste wins award at Heart of England International Film Festival
Branko Lustig receives 2009 IFF Lifetime Achievement Award
Ivan Kljakovic Gaspic overall winner of the World Cup Finn Class 2009
Branko Istvancic's film depicting Croatians wins Italian award
Luka Sulic Croatian cellist wins the first prize in Warszaw, Poland 2009
Dennis Kucinich Receives the 2008 Vinodol Code Award
Charles Bene French expert for Croatian Renaissance writer Marko Marulic
Goran Simic is the world's best neuropathologist in 2008
Croatia's Zeljko Rohatinski named best world banker in 2008
Croatian Cultural Club in Zagreb
Stjepan Hauser double winner at international music competition in Italy
Hrvoje Gunjaca: Great story about operation of eagle owl on CNN
Valentina Golubenko and Ivan Saric young Croatian world chess champions
Blanka Vlasic wins historic Olympic medal for Croatia at Beijing 2008
Marin Cilic beats Mardy Fish at Pilot Pen for first ATP victory
Ivana Zahirović, outstanding Croatian flutist, won the first prize in Italy
Duje Draganja, the fastest swimming man on the planet Earth
Croatia – Land of World Swimming Record Holders
David Diehl gets the Super Bowl 42
Croatia's Sanja Jovanovic sets 50m backstroke world record Dec 15th 2007
Zoran Dukić, Croatian guitarist, one of the most prominent players of today
Toronto Croatia wins Canadian Soccer League championship series title 2007
Miro Gavran's great international success: Grand-Prix in Russia
President Mesić decorated the US Admiral Lunney with the Order of Trefoil
Ace-king Karlovic pounds out third title of season in Stockholm
Opportunity for Croatian Talent - RechargeIT Request for Investment
PYRAMID on top of the Pyramid - Monumental success of Croatian TV
Croatia's Blanka Vlasic wins GOLD at the World Athletics Championships in Osaka
Zoran Orlić - Brilliant book - The Frames behind the glass - True Rock and Roll
2 Silver medals for Croatia at the World University Games
Martin Sinkovic wins bronze in Beijing
Josip Hanjš - world champion in stenography in Prague
Great Success and almost Gold for Croatian Men's Youth Hanballers in Bahrain 2007
Croatian Karla Fabrio a World Champion with world record in Jump Blue 2007
Blanka Vlasic tops 2.06 in Thessaloniki for a new Croatian Record
Fantela and Marenic World Champions
Croatian accordion players at 60th Coupe Mondiale, Washington DC
Blanka Vlasic wins again in Monte Carlo. 10 victories in 2007
Danijela Grgic wins Gold at the European Athletics Junior Championships 2007
Croatia's Blanka Vlasic cleared 2.05 metres to take victory in Madrid 2007
TENNIS Croatia's Ivan Ljubicic wins the men's title at the Ordina Open 2007
TENNIS Karlovic wins Nottingham Open 2007
Croatia's Stipe Drews World Champion - wins WBA title belt
Klapa Dišpet wins first place at festival for choral singing in Verona
Croatia's Marin Cilic wins Casablanca Open April 15th, 2007
Karlovic blasts way to first career ATP title
Croatia wins water polo gold in Melbourne 2007
Croatia dunks Serbia 10-7 in world water polo rowdy semi-final in Melbourne 2007
Nenad Bach's music helps new film "Random Lunacy" score another award
Marija Grgurevic, a Croatian model on the cover of Time Magazin
Dubravka Oraić Tolić - Croatian Literature Wins Top Translation Prize
Vjera Odak-Jembrih Receives Teaching Merit Award
Amateur Radio Club Koprivnica Celebrates 60 Years
Kastav, Croatia on the World map, thanks to Darko Ivančić & ELCON - KEZIA formed.
Ljubicic beats Murray to win Qatar Open title
Admiral Lunney continues with Peter Tomich's story in The American Legion
Reclaiming the lost harmony of the world: CROWN goes behind Golden Karma Awards, with winner Dino Zonic
Edin Dino Zonic winner of Golden Karma National Awards 2006
Pasionska baština u Hrvatskoj
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Natalija Novak Winner of 2006: Heisenberg-Fellowship of the German Research Council
Tomislav Kuzmanović, Esq - Croatian Rising Star - “Super Lawyer” for the second time
Adolph Lomb Medal 2005 Marin Soljacic
Australia: Croatia win reserves league
Croatian Handball Team Wins Statoil World Cup
Mario Ancic triumphs in St Petersburg
A brand new product for toothcare, toothbrushing tablets DENTAMETE.
Ivan Ljubicic of Croatia lifts the trophy after winning his Vienna Open 2006
Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic wins PRIDE Open Weight Grand Prix
(E) Silver went to Croatia's Duje Draganja at the European Aquatic Championships
(H) Ivan Dikic dobitnik godisnje nagrade za biomedicinu Zaklade GlaxoSmithKline
(E) Vlasic leaps 2.03m to equal world season lead
(H) Ivan Dikic znanstvenik godine Europskog udruzenja za istrazivanje tumora
(E) Croatia's Dikic wins cancer research award
(H) Odlikovanje 'Nikola Tesla' Prof. Dr. Davoru Pavuna
(E) Dva hrvatska branda medju najboljih 100 - Boris Ljubicic opet na djelu
(E) Beyond The Call won the Grand Jury Prize at the Mountain Film Festival
(H) Design Ambalaze Hrvatske Tvrtke Ulola Nagradjen u SAD
(E) Blanka Vlasic of Croatia wins Golden Spike with a jump of 2.00 meters
(E) Croatia storm to World Team title
(E) Admiral Henry Ulrich III, awards the Congressional Medal of Honor to Srecko Herzeg
(E) Medal of Honor on USS Enterprise during port call in Croatia
(E) US Vice President and the Medal of Honor for Croatian
(E) Dutch-grown tulips named after Janica Kostelic
(E) Ivan Dikic receives Award from GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
(E) Ivan Dikic receives 26th AACR Award in Cancer Research
(E) Croatian Chronicle: Filmmaker Brenda Brkusic receives CINE award
(E,H) Prof. Dr. Ivan Djikic wins Binder Award - dobitnik Binderove nagrade
(E) Janica Kostelic Champion of the World 2006
(H) Hrvatske kuglacice na ledu osvojile su zlatno odlicje
(E) Croatia native to compete in spelling - Spahija story
(E) Iva Gersic is this weeks MWC Player of the Week
(E) Vegeti urucena nagrada "Superbrand Russia" u Moskvi
(H) U istini je mir - Fra Nikola Mate Roscic
(E) Snow Queen Crown
(E) Nenad Bach composed the score for two nominated films
(E) Freedom From Despair Nominated as Top Documentary of 2005!
(E) HE Ms. Mirjana Mladineo to receive the Women Who Make the Difference Award
(E) Jerry Grcevich received highest honor for traditional artists
(E) Freedom from Despair wins another award!
(E) Croatia's Ljubicic Wins Tourney in France
(E) Freedom form Despair & Weapons of Mass Deception in IDA Awards
(E) Boris Ljubicic Wins Best Show Award from 'How Design'
(E) 10 Awards for Freedom from Despair plus Tour in US, Canada, Australia
(E) Remi Award for Freedom from Despair - WorldFest Houston
(E) Brenda Brkusic Honored by US House of Representatives
(E) Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and now Brenda Brkusic wins CINE
(E) 60 Years of Victory Medal to president Mesic
(E) Three Titles For Croatian Sanja Paukovic
(E) The Golden Reel Award to Freedom From Despair
(E) Freedom from Despair Wins Cinequest Viewer Voice Award
(E) 10 year Taylor Guitar Endorsment of Nenad Bach
(E) Nenad Bach picks up the Grand Prize in New York
(E) Tajana Raukar Croaitan ICEART World Champion
(E) FFD Wins Best Documentary in NY Film Fest
(E) 36 awards for Croatians World Exhibition of Innovation
(E) Luka Milas Receives ASTRO Gold Medal Award
(E) Freedom From Despair Wins an Award in Hollywood
(E) Croatian Owned horse Diva's double makes Cup history
(E) Weapons of Mass Deception Win an Award
(E) Mira Topic earned tournament MVP honors
(E) Indiana Governor Joe Kernan Honors Croatian Olympian
(E) CUKELA, LOUIS Croatian American Hero
(E) Arsen Anton Ostojic Winner of the 10th Sarajevo Film Festival
(H) Osjecki ansambl ťBrevisŤ osvojio nagradu u Svedskoj
(E) Jure Sola Master Entrepreneur of the Year
Poziv Hrvatima u iseljeništvu koji su prikupljali donacije: Neka vaša pomoć trajno ostane zapisana
GoFundMe Campaign Launched To Assist With Croatian Earthquake Relief Efforts
Boyan Slat founder and CEO of the Ocean Cleanup project
Dr. Bozo Skoko published “Understanding Croatia - A Collection of Essays on Croatian Identity” 2018
Nenad Bach posjetio poduzece Hedona u Krizevcima koje zaposljava osobe s invaliditetom
2019 Heritage, History and Cultures of Croatia Hosted by Robert Jerin
Heritage and History Tour of Croatia and its Islands September 14-30, 2018
The Magic of a Christmas in Croatia and Slovenia
Tomislav "Tom" Mihaljevic is named new CEO of the Cleveland Clinic
NFCA Newsletter Summer 2017
Croatia to Play in United States for First Time on May 27, 2017
Ping Pong Parkinson Hosted by Westchester Table Tennis Center
Vukovar Water Tower Restoration Project Fundraising Report
Tom Begich, Croatian American is New State Senator in Alaska
NFCA Announces “40 Under 40" Winners from USA!
OZANA nonprofit organization for persons in need founded in 1991 in Croatia's capital Zagreb
Croatian American Community Announces "40 Under 40" Program for USA
Association of Croatian American Professionals First In-Person Conference Held in Washington, DC
What's This Croatian Village Doing in McKinney, Texas? Story by Money | Time
Pavo Jurisic published an important monograph about 50 years of pastoral care among Croats of Melbourne
First Conference Organised by Croatian Returnees for Croatian Returnees October 26-30, 2015
Nenad Bach Newsletter October 2015
A Castle for Croatia in Australia's capital Canberra
Hrvoje Prpic Trillenium creating beautiful online shops in VR, 3D and mobile
Josipa Majic from Croatia's capital Zagreb is founder & CEO of Teddy the Guardian global enterprise
Paul Musin promoter of Cricket in Croatia and creator of the portal Croatia Week
Nenad Bach to be featured on Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight May 15, 2015
Brittain Kovac is waking up debt-free in America
Robert Benmosche's family appoints Libertas Foundation to administer donations in his memory
Direct flights from Toronto to Croatia start June 22, 2015! New York, Chicago USA? When?
Croatian American Radio Club of Chicago Celebrates 80th Anniversary
President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović visits New York City
10 Annual Heritage and History Tour of Croatia with Robert Jerin September 12 - September 26, 2015
Documentary about Mia Slavenska, Mia, a Dancer's Journey to be screened in NYC on January 31, 2015
Announcing the formation of the Association of Croatian American Professionals
Poziv na akciju Pokretom protiv Parkinsona 3p u Maksimiru Zagreb 4. listopada 2014 u 10 sati
Tomislav Bralić & Klapa Intrade USA and Canada 2014 Tour
My Little Piece of Land attractive brochure about Croatian farmers published by Suske consulting in Germany
Ljubo Krasic director of Croatian Ethnic Institute in Chicago, USA
Goran Visnjic in an appeal for the Croatian Scholarship Fund
The Croatian Academy of America celebrates 61 years 1953 - 2014
Croatian Fraternal Union CFU founded in 1894 in the USA celebrates 120 years of existence
Joza Vrljicak writing about Croatian Government Advisory Council for Croats Abroad
Dr Peter Kuzmic authority on Christian response to Marxism and on Christian ministry in post-Communist contexts
Frok Zefi Catholic priest, historian and publicist in Croatia
Croatian events in Argentina 2013: Buenos Aires Celebra Croacia, Klapa Kastav, Chaco, etc.
It's not a Velvet but a Snowflake Revolution
How do Croatians Communicate? By David Byler 8th Generation Croatian-American
WTTW Chicago to rebroadcast documentary film "They Never Walked Alone" on Velika Gospa
NFCACF Elects New President Paul Tonšetić-Kunder
The Council for Croats outside of Croatia is founded
Don Wolf author of autobiographical photo monograph Croatian Love Story
Call for proposals for international conference on Croatian history, language, and migration
How can Croatian science help Croatia to overcome the crisis?
Michael Coren interviewed Judith Reisman who visited Croatia in support of Karolina Vidovic-Kristo
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Registracija biraca za izbore zastupnika iz Republike Hrvatske u Europski Parlament
CroExpress: a newspaper that is better informing the Diaspora
Government office for Croatians outside of the Republic of Croatia is looking for advisors
Civic Innovation for a Better Future seminar in Zagreb September 14-15, 2012
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2012 especially Peter Christopher Novakovic
Zagreb Technopolis - Silicon Valley on the Sava River in Croatia
Mobilne aplikacije Vatrenih - Mobile applications of Croatian soccer team on iPhone, Android and Blackberry
Bosnia and Herzegovina where the God weeps
Porez na inozemne mirovine?
Izaslanstvo židovske zajednice u Australiji nazočilo sastanku s Hrvatima u Geelongu
NFCACF Supports New Visa Waiver Program Reform Legislation in US Congress
Tarara: Croats and Maori in New Zealand, monograph by Senka Bozic-Vrbancic
Incorporating the Diaspora in Contemporary Croatian Studies @ The Harriman Institute
A tale of two presidents and two diasporas
A Strong Voice for Croatian Canadians: The Legislative Legacy of Borys Wrzesnewskyj
Branka Kandic-Splavski and her Croatian fairy tales as medicine - Bajka kao lijek
18th Annual Convention of the NFCA to Take Place in Pittsburgh June 4, 2011
Vlada usvojila Strategiju odnosa Republike Hrvatske prema Hrvatima izvan Domovine
Ivan Dragicevic Returns to Australia with Medjugorje’s Message
Perforations Festival to be held in New York City, March 11-21, 2011
My Wife's Husband Premieres makes US premiere March 9 – 24, 2011
Michael Mazzeo Gallery hosts exhibit by Hrvoje Slovenc March 3 to April 23, 2011
NFCA Leaders Meet With US State Department and National Security Council
Zvonimir Ranogajec preserves the story of the Croatian diaspora on film
Chichi may be the oldest dog in the world and vacationing in Croatia
CACF raises over $150,000 at 8th Annual Golf Outing/Awards Dinner
Davor Suker to Hold Mini-Clinic for Charity in NYC, May 15, 2010
Croatians of Chicagoland book set to launch May 17, 2010
US Census 2010 IMPORTANT for Croatian American families
17th Annual NFCA Cultural Foundation Convention to be held May 15, 2010
Croatian president awards lifetime achievement award to Hedvig Hricak, M.D.
Steve Rukavina met Barack Obama at the White House
Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2010 Happy Holidays Blagoslovljen Božić connects single Croatians from around the world
Croatian World Games - Zadar 2010. Interview with Franjo Pavic.
U Hrvatskom Saboru utemeljen Odbor za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske
CROWN Supports National Day of Service on Monday January 19, 2009
Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2009 Happy Holidays Blagoslovljen Božić
Croatian village celebrates victory of US senator Mark Begich
Matica Iseljenika Newsletter Srpanj 2008
Croatian-American Day in Chicago May 8-11, 2008
CROWN Forum launches today, March 2, 2008
17th Annual Traditional Celebration of the Feast of Sv. Vlaho - St. Blaise
Abortion in Croatia is Down 90% Since 1989
Buenos Aires, Argentina HR Tango in action again on Dec 23, 2007
Croatian American Cultural Center hosts 6th Annual SF Bagpipe Festival
San Francisco: 150th Anniversary of Croatian culture celebration on Nov 18, 2007
HELP Croatian Girl Annie Plenkovich missing in Missoula, Montana - SOLVED
66 out of 300 Croatian Lipizzan horses returned home
Zrinski in Concert HR Tango Klapa BA Orquesta T.C.Zrinski 27 de Octubre de 2007
Celebration at the Dubrovnik Maritime College
Diaspora Disenfranchised - The Ethnic Cleansing of the “Diaspora Entity”
Volunteers sought for Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra's USA Tour
Inventory of Heritage Organisations in Europe (IHOE) - Croatia
Who wants to close the Embassy of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Buenos Aires ?
New Zealand: David Cunliffe - speech for Croatian National Day
Croatia Today - May 2007
NFCA Press Release -14th Annual Delegates Assembly
Sacramento festival celebrates all things Croatian
San Francisco: Mandolin Festival, April 22, 2007
George Washington University: Slavic Cultural Festival March 31, 2007
Marta Mestrovic Deyrup: Digital Scholarship, Access for a Connected World
Global PACT Training in Zagreb June 24th - July 21st
New York: 30th Anniversary of Rudar Soccer Club, Sunday March 4
Croatia’s Quality of Life Ranks 18th in the World
Svecano proslavljena Festa Svetog Vlaha u Los Angelesu 3. veljace 2007.
Austrian Grants for Croatian PhDs under 35 years - 1000 Euros a month
Dog's life Brightens up with new Centre in Croatia
Croatia Gifts established by Pam Kelley and Melissa Obenauf
Kansas City: Performance of Croatian Medieval Music, Saturday February 24th
Kansas City: World Heritage Sites in Croatia on Exhibit, January 28 - March 11
Chicago: HNNK Hrvat 2nd Annual Super Bowl Party, Sunday February 4
Ambassador to Croatia Visits Pittsburgh
Los Angeles: Sixteenth Annual St. Blaise Fundraiser - February 3, 2007
Web stranica ponovo se nalazi na internetu
Magnificent Christmas Concert in Astoria, New York on December 18th, 2006
Skup Hrvata i njihovih prijatelja zakazan za 9. i 10. prosinca 2006. u Las Vegasu
Istrian American Cultural Day, November 26, 2006
Dr. Franjo Topić gostuje u New Yorku u srijedu 22. studenog 2006
America’s Oldest Croatian Church Could Be Sold To Italians
Croatian Hall in Biloxi, MS to be Rebuilt
Croatia Today - Embassy of the Republic of Croatia's Newsletter, October 2006
Croatians in London Newsletter No. 24 October 2006
A Celebration of Croatian Dance, Music, and Food
Don Zubović Vas poziva na sastanak s Predsjednikom Mesićem i Premierom Sanaderom
Pismo Ministrice Ministarstvo Vanjskih Poslova i Europskih Integracija
Mirjana Bohanec – Vidović promovirana novom pomoćnicom ministrice u Upravi za hrvatske manjine, iseljeništvo i useljeništvo
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 13, 2006 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(H) Croatian Chronicle: Klapa Astoria obiljeila 15 godina postojanja
(H) Croatian Chronicle: Hrvatska-Brazil u Astoriji
(H) Croatian Chronicle: Piknik Hrvatske zupe sv. Cirila i Metoda na Hrvatskoj zemlji
(E) Croatian Chronicle: 2006 Croatian-American Fourth Annual Charity Golf Outing
(E) Canadian Member of Parliament Borys Wrzesnewskyj to the Canadian-Croatian Chamber
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 12, 2006 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 8, 2006 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 3, 2006 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 1&2 2006 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) Subscribe to Croatian Chronicle
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 53 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 2-50 & 51 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 2-48 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 2-47 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 2-46 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) WEEKLY BULLETIN 2-45 Croatian Embassy in Washington DC
(E) Expanding the Diplomatic Network
(E,H) Omis, Croatia - Almissa Webpage by Ugo Matulic
(E) Croats in Louisiana and Mississippi
(E) Croatian Club & Cultural Center in Loraine, Ohio from 1923
(E,H) On the island of Tasmania live about 1200 Croatians
(S) Istrians in La Plata, Argentina
(H) Opci sabor 15,16,17 Rujna u Zagrebu
(E) Croatians in London July issue
(E) Croatian American Bar Association
(E) Croatian Radio Los Angeles KTYM 60 minutes show
(E) Celebrating Croatia in Iowa
(E) U pripremi opci Sabor domovinskih i izvan domovinskih Hrvata
(E) CSYPN : Croatian National Day @ London's City Hall
(E) May 13th CROATIAN - AMERICAN DAY in Chicago
(E) Film CAA-15 th Anniversary Gala celebration by Z. Ranogajec
(H) Otvorenje novoga hrvatskoga kluba u Perthu
(E) Croats in London - Interview with Dr Branko Franolic
(E) New Croatian Organization in the San Francisco Bay Area
(E,H) Mardi Gras Celebration in Steelton Fasnicka Zabava u Steeltonu
(H) Trening program za razvoj lokalnih zajednica
(E) Croatians in London No.5 January 2005
(E) My dream came true in Astoria, New York
(E) Croatians in London - December
(H) Sudjelujte u komunikaciji Hrvata BiH i Svijeta
(E) Croatian Christmas Dinner in London 11 December
(E) Croatians in London No.3
(E) Croatian leaders check out Lima
(E) Anacortes and Vela Luka - Sister Cities
(E) A Search For Roots - Stivan, Cres, Croatia
(E) Croatian speakers reach out to talk
(E) Successful Croatian Golf Outing
(E) CroatiaFest in Seattle October 10
(E) Croatian Genealogy Seminar Nov 13th in Youngstown Ohio
(E) Lone Star Croatian Club of Texas has new web site
(E) Croatians in London Newsletter No.2
(E) Croatians in London Newsletter No.1
(H) Nakovana Online
(H) Zagora Online
(E) Register Online to VOTE in the USA
(H) Zmijavci Online
(E) Milwaukee: Fundraiser for Croatian Park August 28
(E) Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of CAMEO Tonight in Los Angeles
(E) Croatians are always in a party mood Carabana 2004
(H) Pozdrav iz Hrvatskog Sabora - Dr. Bagaric
(E,H) New Design Novi Izgled - Lijepa Nasa Internet Radio
(H,E) The New Issue of Croatian Chronicle
(H) Izvjesce Ivana Bagarica, naseg zastupnika u Saboru
(E) A funeral at St. Paul Croatian Church
(E) SoCal Croats website update
(E) 4th Generation Croatian Enlisting into the Navy
(E) Croatian American Cultural Center - Named
(E) Malkovich zainteresiran za Vilu kod Dubrovnika
(E,H) - info
(H) Yahoo group in French
(H) Internet Radio - Ivezic, Pavuna
(E) Internet Radio Lijepa Nasa
(E) Croatian Apple Farmers in Calfornia
(E) Old Croatian Family on Staten Island, NY
(H) Hrvatska Matica Iseljenika Zove Vas
(E,H) March 3rd 2004 New York Croatian Community Meeting
(E,H) Croatian Chronicle 2nd Edition
(E) A present from Croatia
(H) Croatian American Radio Club Chicago & Radio Gospic
(E) Croatian-American Tavern Owner Killed in Louisian
(H) Grad Mostar i upravljanje
(H) Internet Radio - Lijepa Nasa, Bach, Jovic
(E) Prevent a cold
(H) Vasa je ljubav ugradena u temelje hrvatske slobode
(H,E) Sretan Bozic i Nova Godina!
(E) New Southern California Croat Website
(E) New England Friends of Croatia in Boston
(H) Internet Radio Lijepa Nasa
(E) Croatians in South Africa
(H) Donja Hercegovina Website
(E) Marijon Ancich Years of Service
(E) Croatian Christmas Event in London
(E) Born, when Croatia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
(E) Leaving for Iraq
(E) The Croatian Diaspora votes in 40 countries
(E) Elections 2003 TODAY & TOMORROW
(E) The Croatian Diaspora ahead of time - votes in 50 countries
(H) 16 Studeni
(E,H,S) Studia Croatica - 5 November 2003
(E) Golden days in Flat - Croatians in Alaska
(H) Omis, Croatia
(H) Mundimitar stari hrvatski grad - Old Croatian Town in Italy
(H) 20 Listopad
(H) Susrete domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske 2004
(E) San Pedro Street Renamed in Honor of Area's Croatians
(H) Novi intervjui - Internet Radio Lijepa Nasa
(E) Our new sister-city is Vela Luka
(H) Internet Interview Budimir, Kontic, Bach, Zovko
(H) Internet Radio Interview Zovko, Merdzo, Dzalto
(E) CSYPN London Social Event
(E) Croatian Picnic in Siera Madre
(E) "Moj put u Hrvatsku" by Diane Mahoney
(H) Internet Radio Interview - Busic, Budimir, Bach
(E) Blaze in Croatia
(E) Vela Luka, Croatia, proposed as fourth Sister City
(E) Croatian lodge to host concert in St. David
(E) Husband-To-Wife Liver Donation Successful
(E) The best Croatian love story I've read in a long time
(E) Foreign-born sailors become Americans
(E) Annual Croatian Day in St. Louis
(H) NOVI Radio Program
(E) Croatians on Folklorama, Winnipeg Canada
(E) Croatian family in midst of own tour to discover America
(H) Novi Web site
(E) Tri Kantuna Band
(E) Saving the first Croatian Church in the USA
(H) Adrese nasih crkava i klubova u Detroitu?
(H) Novi veleposlanici i konzuli
(E) Senior sleepover - Ivan Dedric, a new counselor at the camp
(E) Nenad Bach u posijetu Rijeci
(E) NFCA PRESS RELEASE June 23, 2003
(E) NFCA PRESS RELEASE June 30, 2003
(E) Repopulate Rural Croatia?
(S,E) Studia Croatica - 17 June 2003
(E) Looking for Croatians in Florida
(S,E) Studia Croatica - 26 May 2003
(S,E) Studia Croatica - 19 May 2003
(S,E) Studia Croatica - 12 May 2003
(E) The Croatians of London
(E,H) Task Force 2003 Ecological Reconstruction of Croatia
(E) Croatian Chronicle: Call For Submissions
(E) FREE gas masks for US residents
(E) NFCA - Press Release March 25, 2003
(H) Hrvatski Festival Mladih New York, 22.ozujka 2003.
(E) Love knows no boundaries - Croatian Youth Festival
(E) Croatian Youth/Children's Festival in New York March 22-23
(H) Telekonferencija o hrvatskim povratnicima
(E) Prayer for Hilda
(E,H) Hrvatski profesionalni vatrogasci Vas pozivaju
(E) Touching Come Back To The Roots In Gorski Kotar
Anthony F. Lucas the father of Petroleum Engineering entering into the history of cooking
MICROBLINK a mobile vision software development company founded in Croatia in 2012
United States and Republic of Croatia sign new Income Tax Treaty
Croatian - Indian Links, monograph marking 30 years of diplomatic relations 1992-2022
Peljesac bridge connecting Croatia with EU and China
Jan De Jong interview for the CROWN
MIRET ecological sneakers made with 97% natural materials
Vladimir Novak: Croatians in America, fascinating photomonograph published in 2018
Kraljevski vinogradi / Royal Vineyards near Zadar producing some of the best Croatian wines
Lucija & Dusko Rilov and their Studio Turtula of driftwood paintings
American Airlines flights to Dubrovnik (DBV) Airport three times weekly from June 7 till September 27, 2018.
Croatian island's products - Hrvatski otočki proizvod
Nenad Bach posjetio poduzece Hedona u Krizevcima koje zaposljava osobe s invaliditetom
Mara Vitols-Hrgetic program director of the MEETING G2-3 project in Zagreb 6-8 Nov 2017
Vjeko Martinko director of Hotel Villa Astra in Lovran celebrating his 70th birthday in October 2017
Surf'n'Fries Croatian franchise products in Moscow announcing at least 100 outlets in Russia
Mara Vitols Hrgetic of Venezuela and Don Markusic of Australia describing their bussiness work in Croatia
FORUM G2-2 synergy initiative between Croatian diaspora and homeland
Robert Schenk founder and director of the Accord Case company in the city of Pula in Croatia
MEETING G2.2 10-12 October 2016 in Zagreb invitation to Croatia and its diaspora for new business opportunities
Air-Pannonia Croatian aircraft company directed by Miroslav and Jasna Vlasic
Ivan Mrvos of Croatia designed the best smart street bench in the world
FRODDO international Croatian shoemaker superbrand for toddlers and preschoolers
Andrija Colak & Denis Polic founded Surf'n'Fries franchise in Rijeka Croatia awarded in Las Vegas
MEETING G2.2 Conference in Zagreb 10-12 October 2016 aiming at revitalisation of Croatian economy
Branka Cubelic and her Dreamtime Events Croatia
Mate Rimac lecturing at the Stanford University about the Electric Car Industry start-up in Croatia
Petition for direct flights between Croatia & USA
Mate Rimac: How We Build The World's Fastest Electric Car
Monaco Police testing Croatian Bikes | Greyp Bikes breakthrough to institutional markets worldwide!
Croatian emigrants are a great potential for growth and development of the Croatian economy
The Story of Ilija Letica by distinguished Croatian filmmaker Jakov Sedlar
Marijan Busic: The Cravat Day to be marked on October 18th each year throughout the world
Mate Rimac and his fastests electric car in the world in Wall Street International by Zdravko Basaric
Josipa Majic from Croatia's capital Zagreb is founder & CEO of Teddy the Guardian global enterprise
Mireo co from a small village of Banjole in Croatia outbid Google in Dubai with their navigational tool
Robert Benmosche 1944-2015 CEO of AIG found paradise in Croatia
Forum Center in Zagreb connecting Croatia, Venezuela and Latvia via Croatian Glagolitic Script
PhotoMath smart camera calculator and PhotoPay created by Jurica Cerovec and his colleagues in Croatia
Darko Sertic's Applied Ceramics company in California, Croatia, Taiwan, Japan and Israel
Nikola Tesla Electric Vehicles Rally Croatia 2014 directed by Igor Kolovrat
Ivan Hrvoic Croatian scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and benefactor in Canada
Ignacio Frezik Croatian that flooded Colombia and half of the world with his strawberries
Quietest road race ever? Croatia hosts electric vehicle rally in May 2014
Development and production of electric vehicles in Croatia
Marin Soljacic Croatian physicist and inventor founder of WiTricity Corp. announces "GOODBY WIRES..."
IN2 - the largest Croatian IT company founded by Ante Mandic
Goran Oreskovic founder and owner of VESKI Ltd. Croatian export and knowledge based company
Mate Rimac young Croatian inventor created the fastest electric car in the world
Zvonko Viduka Croatian enterpreneur selling high-tech products in 35 countries worldwide
Victor and Vlado Krizek sucsessfully direct Croatian jewelry company Zlatarna Krizek
Zagreb Technopolis - Silicon Valley on the Sava River in Croatia
Sasa Casic young Croatian winemaking prodigy of Pakrac and his teacher Ivan Enjingi
BusyBasket™ designed by Diana Pečkaj Vuković
MeL Lovric meat industry company in Croatia
Brodosplit shipbuilding company in the city of Split, Croatia
The fastest electric car in the world comes from Croatia
DOK-ING remote controlled fire fighting system developed in Croatia
Kava Cafe in New York City gets rave reviews
Ivan Gligora's Pag Cheese awarded with the Superior Taste mark in Brussels 2010
Eight perfect days for Croatians in Perth Australia
Sensational Croatian electric car launched at the Geneva Motor Show 2010
New app brings Croatian Easter tradition to your iPhone
Robert Herjavec Croatian-born Canadian entrepreneur, businessman and TV star
Original Zinfandel, Crljenak Kaštelanski, arrives in the United States
Slavonski Poduzetnik a Croatian success story
Mateo Juric, Croatian Real Estate Specialist in Las Vegas
Croatia Gifts established by Pam Kelley and Melissa Obenauf
Kastav, Croatia on the World map, thanks to Darko Ivančić & ELCON - KEZIA formed.
(H) ATP TURNIR CROATIA OPEN UMAG 25-31. srpnja 2005
(E) Istraturist - New Web Page
(E) ATP CROATIA OPEN UMAG The Tournament history
(E) Pam Kelley and Melissa Obenauf HEART OF CROATIA
(E) MARASKA 5 centuries of tradition and world reputation
(E) A-Val Architectural Metal Corp.- Val Blaskovic
(E) CROATIAmonthly
(E) Croatian Fraternal Union Lodge 789, Slobodna Hrvatska
(E,H) Do Your Part For Croatia -
Cro World Calendar
Croats in Boka kotorska (in present-day Montenegro)
NFCA and CFU To Celebrate 30 Plus Years of Croatian Independence on June 26th Celebration Webinar
The Croatian Academy of America celebrates 61 years 1953 - 2014
Croatian World Calendar - Hrvatski Svjetski Kalendar, coming soon, uskoro
Koncert U Dvorcu Sveti Križ Začretje
(E) The Midwest Croatian Calendar of Events
(E) The Midwest Croatian Calendar of Events
(E) Midwest Croatian Calendar of Events
(E) The Midwest Croatian Calendar of Events
(E) Milwaukee: Croatian Day Sunday July 21
(E) Where were you on Sunday, September 3, 1939.
(E) Midwest Croatian Calendar of Events May 2002
(E) USA Midwest Croatian Calendar of Events
Croatian Cuisine
Things that Sarah Cosic eats, drinks and uses everyday, all made in Croatia!
Croatia shining in 2020
Yoko Nishii between the Dobro Restaurant in Tokyo and Tokamachi
Vladimir Novak: Croatians in America, fascinating photomonograph published in 2018
Croatian island's products - Hrvatski otočki proizvod
Vjeko Martinko director of Hotel Villa Astra in Lovran celebrating his 70th birthday in October 2017
Dubrovnik Restaurant 4th Annual Farm to Table Celebration
Darko Varga 1956-2017 distinguished Croatian publicist
Drago's Restaurant a part of close-knit Croatian community in New Orleans
Goranka Gudelj presenting Croatian cooking artistry
Beautiful Croatia founded and directed by Amanda Grbavac organized an event in New York on 26 April 2016
My Little Piece of Land exhibition of Croatian farmers in Auderghem, Bruxelles, on 4th March 2016
Lovre Stavun linking Croatia and Japan via his native city of Zadar
Nenad Bach Newsletter October 2015
Bunjevci Croats from Backa and their Christmas traditions expressed in straw and cakes
Dubrovnik Restaurant to celebrate first anniversary on August 28, 2014
Ane Strazicic Rodriguez: Traditional Croatian Cuisine From the Region of Dubrovnik
My Little Piece of Land attractive brochure about Croatian farmers published by Suske consulting in Germany
Joso's Croatian Seafood Restaurant in Toronto in Stephen Holt's interview with Leo Spralia
"Croatian Cuisine" is the first mobile app to feature indigenous Croatian recipes
Phil Boskovich, King of Onions, descendant of Croatian immigrants, dies in 2013 at the age of 97
Cliff Searching in Croatia by Orlando Duque etc etc
First Taste: Dubrovnik in New Rochelle. Croatian Restaurant in New York
Entertainment in Croatian restaurant Dobro in Tokyo accompanied with sarma and buzara
Sasa Casic young Croatian winemaking prodigy of Pakrac and his teacher Ivan Enjingi
Cooking Croatia: Easter In Croatia And Traditional Croatian Easter Cake by Tamara Novakovic
MeL Lovric meat industry company in Croatia
Mediterranean Culinary Adventures on the Opatija Riviera in Croatia - Feasts for the Senses
Frank Westerman Dutchman wrote a book about the Lipik Lipizzaners
Nik Orosi - one man's passion for coffee
Kava Cafe in New York City gets rave reviews
Ivan Gligora's Pag Cheese awarded with the Superior Taste mark in Brussels 2010
Croatian Cooking & Brenda Brkusic on KOCE-TV
Fifty three Croatian wines awarded at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2010
Zdravko Kalabric at the 34th Congress of the World Association of Chefs’ Societies
Croatian Cooking Show on the OC Channel (PBS) Jan 27 and Feb 3, 2010
Grapes from Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia are gaining a following
Original Zinfandel, Crljenak Kaštelanski, arrives in the United States
Croatia's gold medal winning wines
World`s Longest Sausage Made In Vinkovci Croatia
Martin Kotarski Croatian pupil winner of prestigious humanitarian award in Japan
Zlata Bartl Croatian inventor of Vegeta died
Croatian pupil Martin Kotarski and Bill Gates awarded in Japan
The World's Healthiest Foods by George Mateljan
Rare Croatian wine and the Internet
Looking for a recipe
CROATIAN FOOD FESTIVAL A Diversity of Flavours from Croatia at the UN
The perfect wine legacy - It all started when Peter Vegar's great grandfather left Croatia
Family tradition continues at Grgich Hills - The Croatian connection
Croatia - The New Foodie Frontier
A Cellar Full of Miracles
Truffle fever hits Croatia's Istria peninsula - for their supposed aphrodisiac effect.
Letters: Zinfandel & Senator Migden
Olive Oil Tasting in Seattle
(E) Come taste Croatian wines daily 5-8 PM, New York City
(E) A Journey to the Heart and Soul of Dalmatian Cuisine
(E) Istria, Croatia: For Foodies, the Next Tuscany
(E) Jana in New York, go get it
(E) Famed Uglesich's in New Orleans Set to Close
(E) Tudor Wines Gains Recognition With Style, Quality And Terroir
(E) TV chef Lidia's got a new show, also starring her mom & kids
(E) Zinfandel: A Croatian-American Wine Story
(E) My Favourite Croatian Recipes by Sandra Raguz Lougher
(E) The world's biggest truffle was found in Istrian peninsula in Croatia, weighing 1.3 kg!
(E) CROATIA'S BIG MAC Sardine snack makes a splash
(E) Croatia's challenge to the Big Mac
(E) Povitica and the Croatians in Kansas City on Food Network
(E) Povitica in Kansas City on Food Network - Video Available
(E) Croatian Winery in Australia
(H) Clanak o Vinogradu VINOKLET u Cincinnatiu
(E) Another Croatian-American Vinter in California
(E) Croatian Chef Shines in Seattle
(E) Zagreb Restaurants Given Favorable Reviews
(E) Lidia Bastianich among 100 Women who shape our New York City
(E) WINE TALK - myths die hard
(E) Nobilo Best Wine From New Zealand
(E) Croatians Make Wine in New Zealand
(E) Insight into good eating - June in Croatia
(E) Insight into good eating - June in Croatia
(E) Zinfandel turned out to be identical to Croatian grape
(E) Croatian-Owned Trio Gets Rave Reviews
(E) Pope John Paul Toasts the World With Croatian Wine
(E) Review of Croatian Restaurant Ponticello in Astoria
(E) Croatian Tailgaters in Kansas City
(E) Grgich Hills in Forbes Magazine
(E,H) Boskinac - A New Croatian Star
(E) A Tiny Corner of Croatia is Bursting With Exquisite Cuisine
(E) Grgich-Hills Cellars 25th anniversary
(E) Truffles from Croatia
(E,H) Gavrilovic - Croatian Tradition
(E) Rudar and Istrian Clubs in the NY Times
(E) Solved: Croatia is officially the source
(E) TRIO first Croatian Restaurant in New York
(E) Croatia in Bon Appetit Magazine - Dennis Valcich
(E) San Francisco Style Cioppino
Croatian Life Stories
Anica Markov - A Dalmatian Girl from Two Continents
Croatian mariners in the ARCTIC EXPEDITION in 1872-1874
Michael Buble Canadian global singing star of Croatian / Italian origin
Epidaurus Festival, Cavtat, Croatia, 3 – 18 September 2022, directed by Ivana Marija Vidovic
Peter Tomich recipient of the USA Medal of Honor described in Croatian film "Heros are Never Forgotten"
Vesna Skulic Croatian cinderella participating in White Path humanitarian action in BiH 1993
CROATIA HAS CHANGED ME! 15 Things I Started Doing After Moving to Zagreb!
Marina Jurica singing meteorologist lead commentator for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 2019
Christophe Dolbeau published his monograph "By the Croatian Patriots" in French in 2019
Vladimir Novak: Croatians in America, fascinating photomonograph published in 2018
New Book: "Immigrant Daughter: Stories You Never Told Me" by Catherine Capphahn
Teresa Perinic and the King of Dolls representing Croatia at the Day of Europe in Argentina
Peter Tomich 1893-1941 recipient of the Medal of Honor for his courage at Pearl Harbour in 1941
Stjepan Radic 1871-1928 a great Croatian politician, humanist and martyr
Marijan Zubanovic 1931-2016 Croatian technical thermodynamics expert in France
Denis Vignot author of the novel Le Choix / The Choice dealing with Croatia published in France
Slobodan Praljak 1945-2017 the truth about Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
Darko Varga 1956-2017 distinguished Croatian publicist
Interview with Giovanna Drpic
Umro je Dr. Slobodan Lang: smrt koja nas moralno obvezuje na gradnju mira i činjenje dobra
Pavo Jurisic published an important monograph about 50 years of pastoral care among Croats of Melbourne
Ilko Corkovic, a Croatian refugee from Bosnia and Herzgovina becomes Mayor in Sweden in 2015
Paul Musin promoter of Cricket in Croatia and creator of the portal Croatia Week
Violet Grgich: Following Your Own Path While Keeping the Legacy
Warren Mason – Kurt Cobain’s Music Teacher Shares His Great Musical Gift
How to travel the world with almost no money
Super Bowl XLIX will be a battle of the Croatians
Michael Bilandic mayor of Chicago 1977-1979 proud of his Croatian heritage
Documentary about Mia Slavenska, Mia, a Dancer's Journey to be screened in NYC on January 31, 2015
Ane Strazicic Rodriguez: Traditional Croatian Cuisine From the Region of Dubrovnik
Ljiljana Coklin teaches writing at the University of California Santa Barbara
Joso's Croatian Seafood Restaurant in Toronto in Stephen Holt's interview with Leo Spralia
The Baron family's Croatian tamburitza band in the USA in 1930s
Ljubo Krasic director of Croatian Ethnic Institute in Chicago, USA
Ignacio Frezik Croatian that flooded Colombia and half of the world with his strawberries
Everything is Forever by Victor Zimet docu-drama on the life of Nenad Bach World Premiere April 11th 2014
Branko Istvancic Croatian filmmaker recipient of the Liliane Stewart Award for Design Arts in Montreal Canada
Heritage and History Tour of Croatia with Robert Jerin September 26 - October 9, 2014
Joško Paro in Houston for the United Nations Remembrance Day 2014
Karlo J. Mirth 1917-2013 distinguished Croatian writer and lifetime president of Croatian Academy of America
Joza Vrljicak writing about Croatian Government Advisory Council for Croats Abroad
Zed Seselja's maiden speech to the Australian Senate
Vukovar is an indelible part of European and World History
How do Croatians Communicate? By David Byler 8th Generation Croatian-American
Phil Boskovich, King of Onions, descendant of Croatian immigrants, dies in 2013 at the age of 97
George Mikan gentle giant and the first big dominant basketball player in the history of NBA has Croatian roots
Joseph Thomas Rukavina 1922-2013 Croatian humanitarian and Democratic activist in the USA
Nikola Primorac Croatian captain of City of Ragusa craft sailing from Liverpool to New York and back in 1870
Don Wolf author of autobiographical photo monograph Croatian Love Story
Call for proposals for international conference on Croatian history, language, and migration
Adam Eterovich 1931-2013 distinguished researcher of the history and culture of Croatian diaspora in the USA
Documentary film Lovers and Madmen is now available in English
Jacob Jake Matijevic 1947-2012 NASA engineer of Croatian origin father of Curiosity rover on Mars
Petar Janjic - Tromblon defendor of Vukovar and Croatia in 1991 and twenty years after
Dr. Ante L. Padjen Croatian neuroscientist and founder of I Medici di McGill Orchestra in Montreal CA
Nenad Bach, Antun Lučić - Anthony F. Lucas i Boris Ljubičić u Slici Hrvatske s Karolinom Vidovic Kristo
Tajci's California Tour Fall 2012
The unbelievable story of a Croatian hero: Michael Palaich
Dr. Josip Marcan born in Croatia is widely recognized as the foremost expert on tigers in the world
Thomas Crowley 1949-1995 Irish hero of Croatian defense 1991-1995
Dr. Andrija Puharich: parapsychologist, medical researcher, and inventor
Mia Slavenska 1916-2002 Croatian ballerina one of the greatest
Sinking of the Titanic in 1912 and Croatians
Tarara: Croats and Maori in New Zealand, monograph by Senka Bozic-Vrbancic
Travels bring experiences and memories that last a lifetime. Capt. Iv Vidos and Violi Calvert
Esther Gitman and Jadranka Juresko-Kero @ The Harriman Institute on November 3rd 2011
Croatian Viewpoint website of Jean & Ante Marinovic husband and wife team in Melbourne
Carmen Verlichak Vrljičak: Hrvati u Argentini - Croatians in Argentina
Casting Call For House Hunters International
Joseph Mikulec Croatian globetrotter appearing in a silent movie 1922
Zvonimir Ranogajec preserves the story of the Croatian diaspora on film
Julienne Eden Busic's second book "Your Blood and Mine" available in English
Croatians of Chicagoland book set to launch May 17, 2010
Julienne Eden Busic: Your Blood and Mine, waiting for Zvonko for 32 years
Drazen Domjanic and his wonderful musical family in Liechtenstein
Kronika povratka Zvonka Busica u Hrvatsku
Croatian Heroes: Dubrovnik defenders in 1991
Nenad N. Bach in Lipik
Croatians in America - photo collection by Vladimir Novak, part 2
Book Review: Escape from Despair
Croatia's Sailing Grandmothers
New book: Escape From Despair - A Croatian Family's Survival
Celebration at the Dubrovnik Maritime College
The perfect wine legacy - It all started when Peter Vegar's great grandfather left Croatia
U.S. could take a lesson from Irish and Croatians
Mijo Jurić: Osamnaesto Proljeće
Croatian Instructor Knows How it Feels to be a Citizen
Andrija Mohorovičić and his MOHO discontinuity of the Earth
William Feller, outstanding Croatian - American mathematician
Josip Novakovich: Ruth’s Death, nonfiction (memoir)
Can We Go Higher?
Razgovor: dr. Radoslav Marić
(H) Moja Polnocka
(E) I have traveled to the soil you washed from your hands
(E) Vedran Vukusic is Traveling man with a big plan
(E) Pianist plays lounges at night, preschools during day Bob Voca story
(H) Prvi i Zadnji Bozic u emigraciji 1945-2005
(E) Andronico Luksic Man of summits
(E) Proud Croatian American Nick Saban investigating his heritage
(E) Vukojebina - Courtney Angela Brkic - Interview by Robert Birnbaum
(E) A slice of Croatia in the heart of Kuala Lumpur
(E) Captivated by the plant
(E) Nancy Lucey - My parents were immigrants from Croatia
(E) They sing it in Croatian, but they don't understand a single word
(E) Croatian Wrestler Played Hated Russian
(E) He touches my heart and makes me think of my parents, of their homeland
(E) Smoldering - Angela Brkic's Story in Washington Post
(E) Boris Miksic, a North Oaks resident's dream for Croatia
(E) Maj. Andrew Zdunich - his mission a success, but his heart heavy
(E) "In Her Footsteps" Courtney Angela Brkic in NY Times
Culture And Arts
Dragutin Cifrek distinguished Croatian miniature painter and calligrapher
Esperanto connecting Croatia globally
Mario Viscovich: Punat ugostio pjesnike Hrvatske izvandomovinske lirike (HIL)
Croatian Library for the Blind in Zagreb visited by Joginder Singh Nijjar and Jane Sha
Armenia and Croatia marking the establishment of their diplomatic ties in 1995
Symphony of Care dedicated to Nenad Bach created by BAI
Hrvojka Mihanovic-Salopek: U ogledalu znanstvenih prosudbi II. sv.
Ivana Marija Vidovic a member of the pianist jury for PREMIO TUSCANY in Italy
Zlatko Josip Grgić Croatian guitarist playing Chaconne by J. S. Bach on the famous Torres guitar La Invencible
Lady Jadranka Beresford-Peirse a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) since 2024
Yoko Nishii bridges Okinawa, Japan and Croatia performing Dora Pejacevic
Croats in South America
Ivana Marija Vidović from Dubrovnik in the prestigious jury in France, Provence 2024
Humanitarni koncert za Opću bolnicu DUBROVNIK
Viktor Cizic Croatian pianist performing at Millenium Stage of the Kennedy Center 2023
Festival Epidaurus 2023 in Cavtat, beautiful late summer in Croatia
Yoko Nishii recipient of the Commendation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat 2023, Croatia, will take place on Sunday, August 27th
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) the father of Radio Technology and Wireless Communication since 1893
Yoko Nishii and Marija Vidovic held concerts in Tokyo, Tokamachi, and Osaka
Emmanuel Vukovich Canadian violinist of Croatian roots popularizing Ukrainian folk music
Zoran Filipovic Zoro distinguished Croatian photographer
Ivana Marija Vidovic the first Croatian to join the Jury of the "Giulio Rospigliosi" competition in Italy
Miro Gavran's plays in India and Indian actress Nimrat Kaur
Miho Demovic 1934-2023 distinguished Croatian music historian and St Paul's shipwreck on the island of Mljet
Elizabeth Kera recipient of Croatian Women's Network Award
Yoko Nishii distinguished interpreter of pianistic works by Croatian composer Dora Pejacevic
Marija Miletic Dail 1934-2022 filmmaker from "Zagreb Film" Croatia to her "Animation Cottage" USA
Dubrovnik gets a new sister city – Sorrento in Italy due to an initiative of Ivana Marija Vidović
Paul Bradbury: Life as a Croatian Postman on the island of Hvar
Joginder Singh Nijjar recipient of an Indian state recognition for streghtening links with Croatia
Ivana M. Vidovic in Granada with Frano Kakarigi - encounter of pianist and double bassist
Croatian - Indian Links, monograph marking 30 years of diplomatic relations 1992-2022
Michael Buble Canadian global singing star of Croatian / Italian origin
Nenad Bach & PingPongParkinson appearing at ESPN / Princess Zeina Rashid of Jordan, visited the WTTC
Gustav Likan 1912-1998 distinguished Croatian-American painter and the Father of Acrylics
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek: Digital Recording of the Croatian Mariological Heritage
Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra performing at Codagan Hall in London on 14 April 2022
Benefit concert of "I Medici di McGill Orchestra" in Montreal, Canada, to help Ukraine
Ukraine - Croatia cultural and historical relations
GAVRANFEST in Augsburg in Germany 17-19 March 2022 in Sensible Theater
1143 years since the first international recognition of Croatia
Marinko Marco Radakovic to appear in the film "Don't Look Up"
PingPongParkinson photo-monograph by Warren Rosenberg with Nenad Bach, illustrated by Ignasi Blanch
Mirjana Bohanec Croatian opera singer, diplomat, and a film star
Epidaurus Festival organized by Ivana Marija Vidovic for the 15th time in the town of Cavtat
Exhibition of Croatian culture in Korean National Library in Seoul 2021
Yoko Nishii's concert in Tokamachi on the occasion of Croatia's participation at 2021 Olympic Games in Japan
Marija Vidovic distinguished Croatian soprano singer
Happy Easter 2021 to all and to your dearest!
Yoko Nishii and Snjezana Bozic connection via Easter Eggs tradition
Ivana Marija Vidovic a member of the pianist jury at the International competition in Lviv, Ukraine 2021
Miracle from Dubrovnik on the 1049th St Vlaho Festivity 2021
Our Lady of the Stone Gate in Croatia's capital Zagreb
Josip Sersic 1948-2020 expert in Croatian-Austrian connections
Petrinja and Sisak between the sounds of the earthquake and of classical music
Croatia shining in 2020
Maxo Vanka film to be made | American Sistine Chapel
Yoko Nishii's lecture about Croatia in the Toba High School in Japan 2020
Mahatma Gandhi and Kristian Krekovic connecting India and Croatia
Japan remembering Vladimir Devide 1925-2010 Croatian haiku poet and mathematician
14th Epidaurus Festival organized in Cavtat on September 5-12, 2020
Ante Glibota 1945-2020 distinguished Croatian patriot and historian of art and architecture
Vukovar hosting fantastic Japanese Ningyo dolls exhibition 2020
Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 56: Post COVID?
Jelko Yuresha 1937 - 2020 distinguished Croatian ballet dancer
St. Jerome and his importance for Croatians
Mia Slavenska 1916-2002 Croatian ballet prodigy
Journal of Croatian Studies founded in New York in 1960
Studia Croatica journal founded in Buenos Aires in 1960
Marijana Grisnik Croatian painter from Strawberry Hill in Kansas City USA
Zoran Orlic world class music photographer: Live From Chicago!
Yoko Nishii plays Sergei Rachmaninov
Ljubo Krasic 1938-2020 Croatian Franciscan founder of Croatian Schools of America and Canada
1141 years since the first international recognition of Croatia: 879 - 2020
Ragusa (Dubrovnik) in Croatia and Ragusa on the island of Sicily in Italy
Tomislav Tom Gabric 1933-2019 distinguished Croatian architect in California, USA
The city of Zagreb struck in 2020 with the earthquake of 5.5 degrees on the Richter scale
Renata Pokupic Croatian mezzo-soprano praised for her expressive interpretations
Croatian folk saga "Following the Sun" discovered on the island of Krk beginning before the Christian era
Miro Gavran in Vienna Austria and in Vilnius Lithuania 2020
Celebrating 22nd February the Day of Croatian Glagolitic Script and Glagolitism
Akiane Kramarik spirituality of painting
Ante Glibota's speech at the Symposium on Art organized in the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna 2020
Yoko Nishii between the Dobro Restaurant in Tokyo and Tokamachi
Nenad Bach Searching for Boredom 2019
Ante Sardelic Kraljevic and the Vukovar Gong of World Peace donated by Indonesia in 2019
Kristian Krekovic connecting India and Croatia via his 1936 portrait of Mahatma Gandhi
Ivana Marija Vidovic member of the jury of the International Music Competition in Kaunas, Lithuania 2019
Klasya Modrusan and Eva Kirchmayer Bilic Croatian musicians performing in Yerevan Armenia in 2019
Sandra Wigh Hrascanec reviving Croatian composer and benefactor Luisa Erdoedy Lios born in Vienna
Ivana Marija Vidovic, Vesna Miletic and Diana Hilje honoring August Senoa
Vladimir Novak: Croatians in America, fascinating photomonograph published in 2018
New Book: "Immigrant Daughter: Stories You Never Told Me" by Catherine Capphahn
Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat directed by Ivana Marija Vidovic 10th – 22nd September 2019
Radoslav Katicic 1930-2019 distinguished Croatian linguist in Vienna
Miro Gavran Croatian playwright has nine premieres in nine countries during two months of 2019
Ivana Vidovic - Vesna Miletic Croatian pianist duo in Trento in Italy 2019
Nenad Bach promoting his World Peace In One Hour program at MedILS in the city of Split
Kinjo Gakuin high school from Japan visited High School Sesvete in Croatia in 2019
Lucija & Dusko Rilov and their Studio Turtula of driftwood paintings
Nicholas Daddazio's reinvention of Croatian necktie with a pocket for a cellphone
Drago Stambuk odlikovan japanskim Ordenom izlazeceg sunca 2019. g.
Teresa Perinic and the King of Dolls representing Croatia at the Day of Europe in Argentina
Hrvojka Mihanovic-Salopek: Veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Diocese of Gospić-Senj
International festival of early music in Dvigrad, Istria, Croatia 2019
Yoko Nishii speaking about Croatia at the Japanese TV in February 2019
Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 52: The Start of a New Year 2019
Miro Gavran's great success in Germany - continuing GavranFest in Augsburg 2019
Artur R. Bagdasarov published an important book "Armenija - Noina zemlja" in 2018
Croatian island's products - Hrvatski otočki proizvod
Japanese-Croatian Friendship House in Tokamachi emits a permanent light
Nenad Bach at the nuclear reactor in Stockholm 30 m below
Dr. Bozo Skoko published “Understanding Croatia - A Collection of Essays on Croatian Identity” 2018
World Cravat Day 18th October - the origin of the CRAVAT and of its universally known name is Croatia
Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist and Koji Miura Japanese clarinettist playing in Italy
Yoko Nishii japanska pijanistica nastupa u Hrvatskom domu Herceg Stjepan Kosača u Mostaru 13. rujna 2018
Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat directed by Ivana Marija Vidovic 2018
Croatia and France in the final of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Moscow
Sanja Falisevac Croatian sculptress and poet enriching us with her deafblind world
Louis Zorich the USA veteran stage actor has died in New York in 2018 at the age of 93
Alojzije Prosoli organizing 16th Dvigrad Festival of Early Music in June and July 2018
Miro Gavran to have premieres in Cuba, the Netherlands, Romania, Macedonia and Kosovo, May & June 2018
Zvonimir Mihanovic distinguished Croatian hyper-realistic painter living in the city of Split
Ivana Marija Vidovic translated into Croatian the verses written in 1876 in honor of Franjo Krezma in Verona
When you want to lift your spirits sky high, come to Croatia!
Ana Vidovic playing extremely demanding Grande Ouverture Op. 61 by Mauro Giuliani
Filip Cvitic and his Fabula Shop promoting Croatian cultural heritage
Miro Gavran's plays "The Doll" and "Death of an Actor" published in Hindi in Jaipur, India 2018
Ante Glibota's hommage to Otto Piene and his HÉLIOGABALUS Berlin 18th April – 30th June 2018
Kristian Krekovic's portraits exhibited in Sweden upon the initiative of Ljerka Galic
Miro Gavran to be awarded with "Gold Merit Badge of the Republic of Austria" by president Van der Bellen
Jelko Yuresha Croatian ballet prodigy at the Royal Ballet in London since 1962
London piano recital by Stefan Warzycki in aid of the International Trust for Croatian Monuments 28 Feb 2018
Senoa House in Zagreb The Museum of August Senoa described by Lady Jadranka Beresford-Peirse
Mihael Feric founded Tambura Museum in Brod na Savi Croatia unique in the world
Miro Gavran's novel "Kafka's Friend" published in Bulgarian in 2017
Croatian tamburitza orchestral play widespread throughout the world
Ivica Percl's song Stari Pjer - Old Pierre - interpreted by Greek singer Nana Mouskouri in German and French
Croatian Coat of Arms from 15th to 19th centuries
Miro Gavran the greatest contemporary Croatian writer received ''Dr. Alois Mock Europapreis 2017'' award
Thana Alexa to perform at concert honoring Ella Fitzgerald's Centennial on November 12, 2017
Miro Gavran will have premieres in India, Russia and Germany in October 2017
Ivana Marija Vidovic i Vesna Miletic s koncertom na Rijeci 27. i 30. studenog 2017.
Yoko Nishii pianist concert at the Mimara Palace in Zagreb in Sep 2017
Mirko Tomasovic 1938-2017 distinguished Croatian literary historian and translator
Dina Merhav דינה מרחב distinguished Croatian born Israeli sculptor presented by Yoko Nishii
University of Zadar to host Inaugural "May of Brešan" in 2018
Darko Varga 1956-2017 distinguished Croatian publicist
Miro Gavran's novel John the Baptist translated from Croatian into Bulgarian
Milka Trnina or Ternina 1863-1941 distinugished Croatian opera singer
Ruggiero Boscovich - Rudjer Boskovic (1711-1787) has a memorial plaque in Milano
AMCA Paris organized two lectures dedicated to Croatian Glagolitic Script in May 2017
International conference in Biograd and Zadar on the phenomenon of glagolitic script in May 12-13th, 2017
Sead Muhamedagic 1954-2021 distinguished Croatian literary translator from German
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek presenting Croatian Mariological Heritage of the Varazdin Bishopric
Cedric Villani visited Croatia lecturing at the University of Zagreb about Mathematics and Art
Miro Gavran's seventh Festival in Prague 5-10th April 2017
Miro Gavran's novel Forgotten Son published in Tokyo in Japanese
Miro Gavran's comedy premiere בעלה של אשתי in Tel Aviv in Israel on Feb 3 2017
Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 47 Life is Beautiful, Vukovar, micro:bit
Ivan Lackovic Croata distinguished painter inspired Fumiko Yamazaki in Japan
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017 messages from the village of Samarica
Marinko Marco Radakovic to appear in the film "Patriot's Day"
Zagreb AdvEnt Days among the most interesting in Europe
Marija Miletic Dail exhibiting her Five medallions of Croatian history in San Pedro on 19 Nov 2016
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek presenting Croatian Mariological Heritage of the Sisak Bishopric
Vinkovci Automns - Vinkovacke jeseni 2016 Croatian folklore manifestation presented by Yoko Nishii
Amira Medunjanin Tour October-November 2016
Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist has six concerts in Croatia in Sep 2016
Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat celebrates 10 fruitful years of existence in 2016 - congratulations!
Ivana Masic exhibiting her works of art in Amsterdam Whitney Gallery NY 26 Aug - 27 Sep 2016
Natasha and Volodimir Balyk distinguished Russian-Ukrainian music duo living in Croatia
Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist has a series of concerts throughout Croatia in Sep 2016
Brenda Brkusic won her 5th and 6th Emmy Awards at the Television Academy's LA Area Emmy Awards
Steve Gadd to Headline the 10th Croatia Drum Camp in Groznjan August 1-10, 2016
Ljiljana Fruk and Marina Prijatelj of Croatian Choco Concept connecting Chocolates, Chemistry and Art
Nenad Bach successfully finished his workshop at the 56th International Children's Festival in Sibenik
PagArtFestival founded on Croatian island of Pag by Lovro Pogorelic dedicated to classical music
Srdjan Bulat to perform in Yerevan, Armenia July 2016
Dvigrad Festival 2016 offering a rich program of Renaissance and Early Baroque music
17th Dance & Non-Verbal Theatre Festival in Svetvinčenat July 22-25 2016
Croatian Vocal Group Roots / Vokalna skupina Korijeni from Chicago, USA
Yoko Nishii's humanitarian concert in Zagreb during the Japanese Culture Week in March 2016
The 3rd International Flute Summer Academy in Karlovac, Croatia July 3-10th 2016
Miro Gavran's comedy premiered in Lithuania's capital Vilnius on 10 March 20016
Trio LUR from Zagreb consisting of flutist Lucija Petrac, organist Ursa Vukman and soprano Rea Alaburic
Lana Genc Croatian pianist has U.S. Premiere Piano Recital at DiMenna Center in NYC on March 5th 2016
What's This Croatian Village Doing in McKinney, Texas? Story by Money | Time
Vitomir Marof distinguished Croatian baritone of international reputation
Pavo Jurisic published an important monograph about 50 years of pastoral care among Croats of Melbourne
Marinko Marco Radakovic Croatian American Actor
Dubrovnik celebrating 1044 years of the Feast of St Blaise in 2016
Najka Mirkovic inspired by flying residents of the city of Dubrovnik – the pigeons
Anna Givargizyan exhbited her photos of Armenian khachkars in Dubrovnik Croatia in Feb 2016
Zagreb Philharmonic to perform with Malek Jandali at Carnegie Hall on February 6 2016
Traditional celebration in Subotica Prelo sicanja to be organized on 7th February 2016
Drago Stambuk promoting global haiku consciousness and deepening friendship between Brazil and Croatia
The 2016 “UPBEAT” International Summer Music School to be held in Milna on the Island of Brac
Croatian writer Miro Gavran nominated for the 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award
Lovre Stavun linking Croatia and Japan via his native city of Zadar
Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 41 Winter Peace Dec 2015
Bernard Luketich 1931-2015 president of Croatian Fraternal Union in the USA during 37 years
Adventski koncert Splitskih virtuoza i Mai Suzuki pod ravnanjem maestra Wladimira Kossjanenka
Ivana Marija Vidovic istaknuta hrvatska pijanistica nastupila u Cankarjevem domu u Ljubljani
The Canon of Croatian Poetry, 1450-2000: Over 200 Croatian Poems with English Translations
Ivan Pavletic's 476 A.D. Chapter One: The Last Light of Aries is available on
Ivo Pogorelich world renowned pianist a frequent guest of Croatian concert halls in Zagreb and Dubrovnik
Nenad Bach's film music for Mia Slavenska sang by Klapa Nostalgija in Zagreb
Yoko Nishii's Christmas concert on 23rd Dec 2015 in Japan includes Croatian composer Dora Pejacevic
Miro Gavran's novel "Kafka's friend" published in Albanian in Pristina, Kosovo
Ana Vidovic why is she considered to be one of the greatest contemporary classical guitarists?
Cravat man Nicholas B. Daddazio
Zdravko Basaric representing Croatia at the Israeli pavillion at the 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair
Stephen Kovacevich distinguished classical pianist of Croatian origin in London
Miro Gavran's novel "Kafka's friend" second edition published in Dutch 2015
Nenad Bach Newsletter October 2015
Zdravko Basaric: Krize ne bi bilo da je 50% Vlade ili Sabora iz dijaspore
Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" had 100th performance in Bratislava Slovakia in 2015
Author Helena Pericic interviewed by Marta Mestrovic Deyrup
Bring the story of Mia Slavenska home to Croatia and to a worldwide audience
Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist issued 2CD in Tokyo with music of Croatian female composer Dora Pejacevic
Join the Project to Present All of Croatia in One Timelapse Video
August Senoa’s historical novel The Goldsmith’s Treasure available in English since 2015
France in Croatia's capital Zagreb
Ante Glibota i neke njegove muzeološke poruke i želje upućene najlipšem gradu na svitu Splitu
Marijan Busic: The Cravat Day to be marked on October 18th each year throughout the world
Ana Rucner Croatian cellist and Klapa Sinj celebrating the tradition of Sinjska alka
Brenda Brkusic wins 3rd and 4th Los Angeles Area Emmy
Vladimir Bubrin & Vinko Grubisic: The Glory and Fame, Croatian Renaissance Reader, NY 2015
16th Dance & Non-Verbal Theatre Festival in Svetvinčenat July 24-27 2015
Plitvice Lakes in Croatia and the sounds of water, birds and 2CELLOS
Giorgio Surian distinguished Croatian opera singer of worldwide reputation
Artur Bagdasarov and Vinicije Lupis promoting their joint book about Dubrovnik in Moscow on 14 June 2015
Ante Glibota elected vicepresident of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Paris since 2015!
Astrid Kuljanic to perform a series of concerts in New York City May-June 2015
Violet Grgich: Following Your Own Path While Keeping the Legacy
Warren Mason – Kurt Cobain’s Music Teacher Shares His Great Musical Gift
The story of the film Zvizdan (The High Sun), the first Croatian Cannes Laureate
Oliver Dragojević to perform in Las Vegas on September 26, 2015
Srđan Bulat continues to play contemporary Croatian composers
U boj, u boj! sung by Kwansei Gakuin University Choir from Japan in Croatia's capital Zagreb 2014
12th Annual BH Film Fesival in New York to feature Irena Škorić and her film "Dear Lastan!"
1136 years since the first international recognition of Croatia, more than 600 years before the discovery of America
Nenad Bach to be featured on Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight May 15, 2015
The 2nd International Flute Summer Academy in Karlovac, Croatia July 5th-12th 2015
Zoran Orlic captures musician Richard Thompson for his new album "Still"
Metkovic Croatian town on Neretva river ornithological paradise in Europe
Artur Bagdasarov and Vinicije Lupis creating a bridge of friendship between Armenia and Croatia
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek and her Stella Maris Croatiae project
Zdravko Basaric: Everything is Forever when I met Nenad Bach
Max Emanuel Cencic Croatian countertenor singing from Versailes and St Petersburg to Budapest and Vienna
Croatian artisans in Kreševo preserve unique tradition of ornamenting eggs
Mirogoj Cemetery in Croatia's capital Zagreb through the lens of Nikola Piasevoli
Croatian American Radio Club of Chicago Celebrates 80th Anniversary
World Premiere of Nenad Bach's new video "Daughter's Eyes"
Robert Herjavec of "Shark Tank" on Season 20 of "Dancing With the Stars"
Goran Višnjić Joins World Stars in Fight to Protect Elephants
The 2015 “UPBEAT” International Summer Music School to be held in Milna on the Island of Brac
Tena Stivicic Wins Blackburn Drama Prize
Croatian director Tiha K. Gudac receives CEI Award 2015 at Trieste Film Festival
Zdravko Basaric i.e. Patrick Hughes Croatian writer of Countdown Trilogy promoted in Israel Jerusalem 2015
10 Annual Heritage and History Tour of Croatia with Robert Jerin September 12 - September 26, 2015
Nenad Hancic created new font inspired by the Vinodol Code written in Croatian Glagolitic Script in 1288
Documentary about Mia Slavenska, Mia, a Dancer's Journey to be screened in NYC on January 31, 2015
Blase Joseph Cupich installed as Chicago's Archbishop on November 18, 2014
Miro Gavran Croatian writer will have ten theater premieres in America, Asia and Europe in 2015
Botanical Garden in Zagreb founded in 1889, through the lens of Nikola Piasevoli
Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist and poet had Christmas concert in Tirana in Albania Dec 2014
Franjo Dugan playing organs in Zagreb during the first public registration of a gramophone record in Europe
Bunjevci Croats from Backa and their Christmas traditions expressed in straw and cakes
Mia Slavenska Croatian-American ballerina broadcast premiere "Mia, a Dancer's Journey"
Carmen Verlichak author of the book Edificios y monumentos de los Croatas de la Argentina
Patrick Hughes Croatian writer guest of Israeli pavilion at the 2014 Frankfurt Book Fair
Miro Gavran Croatian playwright to have eight premieres in eight countries
Faust Vrancic 1551-1617 Memorial Center on the island of Prvic near the town of Sibenik in Croatia
Epidaurus Festival in Cavat directed by Ivana Marija Vidovic offering a rich program September 8-14, 2014
Ante Glibota interview for Art Investor journal in Munich Germany conducted by Judith Eilers in 2014
Festival Kvarner in Opatija celebrating five years of existence with attractive concert program for 2014
Tomislav Bralić & Klapa Intrade USA and Canada 2014 Tour
Otto Piene 1928-2014 in light of poetry and gesture described by Ante Glibota Croatian historian of art
Yin Yang fantastic Chinese painter exhibited in 2014 in Croatia due to indefatigable Ante Glibota
Croatian choirs Kastavke and Jane won gold medals at the World Choir Games in Riga Latvia 2014
TARARA singing and dance connecting Maori people in New Zealand with Croatians
International Folklore Festival in Zagreb 2014 dedicated to the region of Medjimurje in Croatian north
Pag Lace is a miracle of Croatian folk art on the island of Pag
Canada Day celebration in Zagreb features Emmanuel Vukovich a distinguished violinist with Croatian roots
West Village Chorale from New York City's Greenwich Village touring Croatia 4-10th July 2014
Epidaurus Festival in Cavatat Croatia hosts children's artistic troup from Kaliningrad Russia 4th July 2014
Gavran's premiere of "All About Women" in Paris and hundredth performance of "Creon's Antigone" in Avignon
Joso's Croatian Seafood Restaurant in Toronto in Stephen Holt's interview with Leo Spralia
The Baron family's Croatian tamburitza band in the USA in 1930s
Ljubo Krasic director of Croatian Ethnic Institute in Chicago, USA
The Countdown Trilogy is a spy thriller written by Zdravko Basaric under the pseudonym of Patrick Hughes
15th Dance and Non-Verbal Theatre Festival in Svetvinčenat - July 18-21, 2014
LET'S CEE Film Festival Short Film Competition - due date for submissions June 7, 2014
Goran Visnjic in an appeal for the Croatian Scholarship Fund
Oliver Dragojević USA Tour May 10-24, 2014 featuring Nina Badrić, Ljiljana Nikolovska, and Tedi Spalato
Happy Easter - Sretan Uskrs 2014 through art of Jozo Kljakovic
‘Everything is Forever’ biographic film about Nenad Bach wins international filmfest top awards in Houston
Vuprem oci an old traditional Croatian song very popular among French vocal choirs
Branko Istvancic Croatian filmmaker recipient of the Liliane Stewart Award for Design Arts in Montreal Canada
Ukrainian - Croatian friendship
Vinko Coce 1954-2013 Croatian tenor and klapa singer from the city of Trogir
Dr. Svyetlana Vyalova Russian expert in Croatian Glagolitic Script writes about the Bercic Collection
Screening of documentary film "Many Voices One Song" March 8, 2014
soCro: a Croatian Hip Hop artist from Chattanooga
Lana Is presents her Solo Debut Album "In Your Head" on Feb 16th, 2014 in New York City
Croatians Krist Novoselic and Ella Yelich O’Connor aka Lorde take home Grammys
Milan Horvat 1919-2014 distinguished Croatian conductor collaborated with world's most famous orchestras
"Caught Between Darkness and Light" is a new collection of poetry by Walter Mirkovic
Ante Glibota curator of the prestigious exhibition Contemporary Chinese Art in Luxembourg 18 Jan - 9 Feb 2014
Croatia Summer Conservation Field School June 20 - July 18, 2014 initiated by the University of Oregon, USA
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014 to all the people of good will
Srdjan Bulat to give recital at the Royal Academy of Music in London on January 7, 2014
Miro Gavran's world premiere of "HOW TO STEAL A WIFE" in Vilnius in Lithuania adapted from his comedy
Arsen Anton Ostojic wins in St. Louis and has been nominated for an Oscar for a third time
Latica Anić, Kristina Winiarski and Vid Veljak soloists with the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra in Germany 2013
Max Emanuel Cencic world class countertenor singer recipient of the Diapason d'or award in Paris 2013
Croatian events in Argentina 2013: Buenos Aires Celebra Croacia, Klapa Kastav, Chaco, etc.
Zamba to compete at the 30th International Blues Challenge in Memphis in January 21-25, 2014
Ivana Kunc's new sophisticated CD entitled KUNC PLAYS KUNC dedicated to her father Bozidar
Vukovar is an indelible part of European and World History
Zoran Orlic captures the band Trampled By Turtles in a new book
Lorde an authentic new music star on a horizon
Nenad Bach's life in America is described in a film called "Everything is Forever"
Queen of Croatians Chapel on the mount of Medvednica near Zagreb celebrates 80th birthday
Ivana Marija Vidovic representing her native city of Dubrovnik and Croatia in Italy as a pianist and poet
Ante Glibota Croatian historian of Art published a monograph about Chinese painter Yin Yang in Bejing
Jolijn Ceelen from the Netherlands learning Croatian Glagolitic Script with her father Mart in Sv. Filip i Jakov
Adriatic Wonder: the Work of Davor Vukovic at the Broadway Gallery in New York City October 16th – 29th 2013
Galley walk through of David Maljkovic's exhibition at Metro Pictures in New York City October 12, 2013
2Cellos Fall 2013 USA Tour
Miro Gavran's plays to be premiered in capitals of Poland, Brazil and Latvia in October 2013
Tajci's landmark 1,000th Concert to be held on October 26, 2013
Pianist Javor Bračić makes solo debut at Carnegie Hall on October 22, 2013
Wladimir Kossjanenko founded The Virtuosos of Split chamber orchestra in Croatia
Croatian folklore groups from Zadar won gold medals at the 2013 World Championship of Folklore in Bulgaria
Miro Gavran's play Night of the Gods translated into Hindi will be played in Hyderabad India on August 3rd 2013
Croatia - Land and People internet project of the Public Diplomacy Service and the Lexicographic Institute
Branko Istvancic's documentary From Grain to Painting awarded as best documentary in LA
Ivana Marija Vidovic and 7th Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat Croatia - festival of music, drama, theatre and folklore
NFCACF Elects New President Paul Tonšetić-Kunder
2CELLOS taking the cello to a new level and breaking the boundaries between different genres of music
Ljeposlav Perinic 1922-2005 the King of Dolls and the world exhibition of his dolls in Buenos Aires in 1970
Marko Marulic 1450-1524 and Katarina Livljanic: JUDITH biblical history of Renaissance Croatia
A famous Croatian Professor Balthazar shown by Google on its front page on June 21st 2013
Destination CROATIA Destination CROATIA Destination CROATIA Destination CROATIA
GLAGOLICA a European Musical Language - project by Festival Kvarner in Opatija 25-26 June 2013 Croatia
LET’S CEE-Short Film Competition - Due date for submissions June 16, 2013
Marija Miletic Dail exhibiting her murals on Croatian history at Lovejoy Gallery in Los Angeles June 15th 2013
Julija Vojkovic champion of International Competition in Middle Age Fencing in Pavone Canavese Italy
Miro Gavran's interviews and plays to be shown in Poland, the Czech Republic and in Belgium in June 2013
Winners announced for the Iserlohn-Zagreb art competition
Branko Istvancic Croatian film-maker made a fantastic documentary film about the art of straw-girls in Backa
The World Festival of Animated Film in Croatia's capital Zagreb 4–9 June 2013
Don Wolf author of autobiographical photo monograph Croatian Love Story
David Byler: 8th Generation of Croatian American, New Dalmatia, Nueva España, Texas, and the way Home
Ana Vidovic concerts and interviews of distinguished Croatian guitarist
Artur Bagdasarov author of Croatian-Russian Dictionary containing 35,000 lexemes published in Moscow 2013
MARULIC DAYS 2013 in the city of Split in Croatia - COLLOQVIVM MARVLIANVM XXIII
Daniel Cacija young Croatian jazz singer of international reputation
Croatian Academy of America celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2013
Miro Gavran Croatian writer and ceremonial 300th performance of his drama in the Prague in Czech Republic
Radoslav Lorkovic Croatian-American musician ranging from classical and jazz styles to blues, country and soul
Vinodol Collection of old Croatian tunes sung and played near the Adriatic Sea
Ferdinand Kulmer 1925-1998 distinguished Croatian painter author of Croatia Phoenix series in 1991
Happy Easter from distinguished Croatian painter Zdenka Sertic 1899-1986
Miro Gavran distinguished Croatian writer was performed in India in Hindi in March 2013
Cantores Maruli vocal quartet promoting Renaissance music and distinguished Croatian guitarist Petar Culic
Zoran Jakuc student of the University of Zagreb and his project CROM = CROATIA & ROMANIA
Tomislav Bralić and Klapa Intrade 2013 U.S. Tour
Dina Rizvic young Croatian singer, composer, piano player, guitarist, and drummer
Bruno Krajcar distinguished Croatian ethno-jazz-rock composer and singer
Croatian Coats of Arms in the 20th century
Croatian Coats of Arms in the 19th century
Croatian Coats of Arms in 17th and 18th centuries
Croatian Coats of Arms in the 15th and 16th centuries
Call for submissions for 1st International Samobor Film Music Festival
Boris Ivandic Croatian painter in Berlin described in a representative monograph by Ante Glibota
Iulius Clouius Croatus and a mistake of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and of the Europeana in the Hague
Gavran's novel "The Only Witness to Beauty" translated from Croatian language into Bulgarian
Roman Krznaric speaking about the art of living and social change
BREVIS Croatian female vocal ensemble in Carnegie Hall in New York on 21 Jan 2013 at 7 pm
Davor Vrankic distinguished Croatian painter living and working in Paris and New York
Giulio Clovio Croata 1498–1578 the greatest miniaturist of the Renaissance
Ana Vidovic Croatian guitarist playing Sonatina & Suite Castellana by Federico Moreno Torroba
CroExpress: a newspaper that is better informing the Diaspora
Ante Glibota distinguished Croatian historian of art writing about Chinese artists
Klapa Cambi 2013 US & Canada Tour Featuring the Jerry Grcevich Tamburitza Orchestra
Croatie - la voici! L'alphabet glagolitique croate en France
Croatian toys exhibited at the Zagreb Ethnographic Museum 1 Dec 2012 - 31 May 2013
Documentary Celebrating 100 Years of St. Jerome Parish in Chicago to premiere December 9, 2012 on WTTW
Nenad Bach Band in Zagreb at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall on Friday 30 November 2012 20pm
Ninth Annual MMFender Awards to be held at club Sax! on November 27, 2012
Dr. Ante L. Padjen Croatian neuroscientist and founder of I Medici di McGill Orchestra in Montreal CA
Mrgari flower-shaped dry stone sheepfolds on the island of Krk in Croatia studied by Dr. Berislav Horvatic
Victor and Vlado Krizek sucsessfully direct Croatian jewelry company Zlatarna Krizek
Tajci's California Tour Fall 2012
Davor Vukovic Exhibit at Broadway Gallery in New York City October 24th - November 12, 2012
Gradovrh a new web portal for Croats in Tuzla is launched
An Evening of Croatian Music in Washington D.C. Sunday September 23, 2012
Drago Stambuk a samurai poet connecting Japan and Croatia
Ante Glibota Croatian historian of art wrote a monograph about young Chinese artist Shi Liru
Rudolf Klepac 1913-1994 professor at Mozarteum and Croatian bassoonist one of greatest in history
Miro Gavran's comedy to be premiered in Hyderabad in India August 19th 2012
Julian Rachlin & Friends Festival founded in 2001 in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Jorge-Luis Subiabre Matiacha published a monograph about Croatians in Punta Arenas in Chile
Dragutin Cifrek distinguished Croatian painter, calligrapher and miniaturist in Slovenia
Livio Marijan & Ivica Dundovic of Zadar Croatia won gold medal at the European Folklore Festival in Bulgaria
Passion Heritage of Croatians in The Danube Region conference held in Sombor 2012
LADO prestigious Croatian national folklore ensemble visited Japan in 2006
Ivana Marija Vidovic organized the 6th Epidaurus Festival Plus in the Bukovac House in Cavtat in Croatia
Ante Glibota Croatian historian of art author of the monograph about a leading multi-media artist Otto Piene
6th Epidaurus Festival solemnly opened on 9 June 2012 in the town of Cavtat on Croatian south
Croatian Festival in France in automn 2012 will have more than 60 events
New York City premiere of "The Doll" by Miro Gavran on June 22nd 2012
Living Cells a new book by Julienne Eden Busic available on Amazon
Nikola Knez and his iFilms LLC has received 11 Remi Awards at the 45th Annual Worldfest-Houston 2012
Christophe Dolbeau wrote a new important book about French - Croatian historical relations
Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat Croatia solemn opening on 9th June 2012
INmusic Festival is back at Jarun in Zagreb, Croatia for the 7th year in a row
Ivo Pogorelich intrigues Dubrovnik with his outstanding musicianship and emotional performance
Croatia Haiku Super Power - Vladimir Devide Haiku Award 2012 goes to Kudryavitsky and Maretić
Marko Vrdoljak photographer and his presentation of Croatia's capital Zagreb
Igor Ilić's first novel F*ckin' Foreigner available on Amazon
Valter Despalj and Istvan Roemer distinguished Croatian cellist and guitarist playing together
The Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Croatian painter Maxo Vanka
Mia Slavenska 1916-2002 Croatian ballerina one of the greatest
Nenad Bach & Miro Gavran hosted by Branimir Bilic on Croatian TV 2010
Miro Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India 28 April 2012
Helena and Zvonimir Bulaja Croatian digital artists
Miro Gavran's play to be premiered in Antwerp, Belgium on 12th April 2012
Armenian and Croatian contacts described by Dr Vinicije B. Lupis
Yamato Japanese drummers in Croatia with students of Japanology University of Zagreb Feb 2012
Collegium pro musica sacra Croatian choir founded in 1972 celebrates 40 years of existence
Dr. Artur Bagdasarov congratulates all Croatians the Holiday of Croatian Language 11-17 March
Boris Papandopulo Croatian composer interpreted by American pianist Nicholas Phillips 25 Feb 2012 Houston TX
Lovro von Matacic 1899-1985 great Croatian conductor
Katarina Livljanic presenting Judith by Marko Marulic a famous Croatian Renaissance writer from 15-16th ct.
1040 years of uninterrupted tradition of celebrating the Day of St Blaise in Dubrovnik
Sena Jurinac 1921-2011 legendary Croatian artist who shaped the entire opera world
Miro Gavran's play 'All About Women' will be premiered in New York on February 17
Klapa Grdelin in Croatia's capital Zagreb singing Dalmatian songs
Martina Filjak, Zagreb Croatia, on a world tour starting January 2012
Francesco Laurana - Frane Vranjanin 1420-1502 Croatian Renaissance sculptor and his Lost Princess
Zdenko Basic distinguished Croatian animator and illustrator of children's books
Dr Jelka Vince Croatian scientist singing a Christmas song in Zagreb
BusyBasket™ designed by Diana Pečkaj Vuković
Marija Zudenigo footprint collection exhibited in Rijeka, Croatia, November 16th – 29th, 2011
Georges d'Esclavonie Croatian professor at Sorbonne in Paris and French spiritual writer around 1400
Marie Bernadette Rouaux - Universal Language
Argentinean Croats presented on YouTube by Studia Croatica
Dinko Fio 1924-2011 distinguished Croatian composer and conductor died at the age of 87
2 Cellos Luka Sulić & Stjepan Hauser 2 Croatian Geniuses conquering the world!
Croatia presents Global Birthday Celebration for the Necktie on October 18th! CNNiReport
Incorporating the Diaspora in Contemporary Croatian Studies @ The Harriman Institute
Srdjan Bulat and Petrit Ceku take two top spots at the Maurizio Biasini International Guitar Competition
Kristian Krekovic's oils exhibited in Etnographic Museum in Croatia's capital Zagreb 2011
Esther Gitman and Jadranka Juresko-Kero @ The Harriman Institute on November 3rd 2011
Ljubo Stipisic Delmata 1938-2011 distinguished composer and proponent of Croatian music and spirituality
Kristian Krekovic's drawings exhibited in the Modern Gallery in Croatia's capital Zagreb
Nenad Bach Band and Marci Geller at Towne Crier Cafe September 30, 2011
Doodle Jump is a pop icon
Croatian animation on Cambridge Film Festival 23-24 September 2011
Epidaurus Festival in Croatia for littlest residents of Dubrovnik region in Pridvorje 16 Sep 2011 at 8pm
Famous Croatian American photographer Zoran Orlic's photo on the cover of the Rolling Stone Magazine
Russian recognition to Croatian Lepoglava lace and to Tihana Rendic in the city of Volgoda 2011
Nenad Hancic created a new high quality Croatian Glagolitic font for Windows
Valter Despalj distinguished Croatian cellist started ensemble project Cellomania in Zagreb in 1991
Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat childhood dream of Croatian pianist and poet Ivana Marija Vidovic
Festival Kvarner a new meeting point of artists and scholars in Opatija, Croatia
Nenad Bach Band At The BeanRunner Cafe NY Friday August 19 2011 7:30-10:30 pm
Ilija Veselica Croatian photographer biking on the island of Brac
Viktor Vidovic distinguished Croatian guitarist
Dubrovnik Missal from 12th century kept in Oxford GB facsimiled in Dubrovnik Croatia 2011
Ana Vidovic distinguished Croatian guitarist interviewed for MEL BAY
Croatian lace proclaimed the most beautiful at international lace contest in Russia 2011
Branko Fucic 1920-1999, representative collection of conference papers published about his life and work
Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" watched by theatre lovers in India
International conference in Carmelite convent of St. Elijah in Busko Blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Croatian Academy of America Issued New Volume of the Journal of Croatian Studies
KAFKA'S FRIEND and FORGOTTEN SON by Miro Gavran go digital on Amazon
Ivan Mestrovic's "Christ on the Cross" sold at Sotheby's in London
Dora Maar robbed by The Direction of French Cultural Patrimony
Pope Benedict XVI in Croatia's capital Zagreb 4 and 5 June 2011
Zvonko Martic & Vido Bagur authors of ethno monograph about Croatians in B&H
Don Wolf Croatian photographer and benefactor in Kansas City USA
Songbooks of Bozidar Kunc Croatian composer now available
“Painting with the Sea” photo art conceived in Croatia by Visnja & Marijan Anic
I AM is a film about a twenty-first century quest for enlightenment
Nikola Knez won three gold Remi Awards at the WorldFest Houston 2011
Brodosplit male choir from Croatia among the best in the world
Ante Gotovina - Croatian general and painter
Exhibition "400 years of Croatians in Vienna" opened by dr. Jan Kickert in Zagreb
Miro Gavran Croatian playwright with four premiers in April of 2011
Sylvie Vucic revealing female Croatian composer Dora Pejacevic to Paris
Max Emanuel Cencic Croatian singing prodigy
Mate Ujevic 1901-1967 the founder and editor in chief of Croatian Encyclopaedia
Ivan Pavletic directs "476 A.D." a new film about the Fall of Rome
Perforations Festival to be held in New York City, March 11-21, 2011
Sam Miltich jazz guitarist from northern Minnesota
My Wife's Husband Premieres makes US premiere March 9 – 24, 2011
Michael Mazzeo Gallery hosts exhibit by Hrvoje Slovenc March 3 to April 23, 2011
Kava Cafe in New York City gets rave reviews
Dr. Kathleen V. Wilkes 1946-2003 devoted her life to the victory of Croatia
Dr. Artur R. Bagdasarov promoter of Croatian culture and language in Russia
"I Will Follow You" by the Nenad Bach Band is hit of the week on Radio Split
Croatia in the Early Middle Ages published in English and French
Croatian cellists Stjepan Hauser and Luka Šulić are a YouTube hit
Branko Franolic 1925-2011 distinugished promoter of Croatian studies
Lidija Bajuk Croatian singer, songwriter and poet
Andrija Buvina's 13th century Christams message Split, Croatia
New book by Slavica Jakelić "Collectivistic Religions"
Little Stars Croatian girls choir singing at Lincoln Center December 19, 2010
Croatian Tales of Long Ago by Ivana B. Mazuranic published in Japanese in 2010
Nenad Bach Band receives rave reviews on Coverville
Hagen Iserlohn 2011 call for submissions
Croatian Middle Age Poetry by A. Kapetanovic, D. Malic and K. Strkalj Despot
Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist touring USA and Brazil
Carla Martinis 1922-2010 Croatian opera star in Vienna
Ashley Colburn and WOW Croatia seen by 10 million families in the USA
Taras Belej painter from Ukraine: Croatia in my heart
Violi Calvert: Nenad Bach in China to be interviewed by China Radio International
Zvonimir Ranogajec preserves the story of the Croatian diaspora on film
Srdjan Bulat wins big in Alessandria
4 Miro Gavran novels in 4 languages at 2010 Frankfurt International Book Fair
Julienne Eden Busic's second book "Your Blood and Mine" available in English
Mile Bogovic opened the Church of Croatian Martyrs in Udbina 2010
Ljerka Ocic prominent Croatian organist and proponent of organ playing
Marko Brešković 1942-2010 a founder of Dubravacki trubaduri
Renata Pokupić makes her LA Opera debut as Cherubino in Le Nozze di Figaro
Filip Cvitic created Epistula Croatica font for Croatian Glagolitic Script
Dr. Borislav Arapovic elected member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2010
Nenad Bach Band new CD "All I Want Is Freedom" 2010
Marija Miletic Dail and her animated film PIXELTOWN
Hrvatski Običaj of Kansas City to release first CD
Brenda Brkusic and Jack Baric won Los Angeles Area Emmy® Award
Ashley Colburn and WOW Croatia won an 2010 Emmy Award
Unforgettable Croatian songs of 1990s
The Korea Times: Croatia – ‘Miss World’ of the Mediterranean
CroExpress newspaper for Croatians in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Srdjan Bulat wins in Almeria
Nicholas B. Daddazio's Cravat Sculpture as icon and symbol of Western Culture
Croatian town Lipik needs help to rebuild Kursalon
Studia Croatica founded in Buenos Aires Argentina celebrates 50 years
Dvigrad International Festival of Early Music in Croatia 2010
Mladena Gavran Croatian theatre actress awarded The Vladimir Nazor Prize 2010
Ivan Mestrovic's marble portrait of a child sold at Sotheby's in London 2010
Branimir Kvartuc of to cross the Adriatic Sea for charity
New Voices in Croatian Drama featured in NYC, May 13, 2010
Nenad Bach, Boris Ljubicic & Davor Pavuna at TEDxZAGREB April 2010
Irish dance phenomenon in Croatia's capital Zagreb May 16 2010
Croatian Creation is the trademark of best Croatian products
Concert in honor of maestro Zeljko Brkanovic in V. Lisinski Concert Hall Zagreb
Greenwich Trio win at the Beethoven Society of Europe Competition
Srdjan Bulat shines in Valencia
Dejan Lazic to perform with the Pacific Symphony May 13-15, 2010
Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran guests at Croatian Television on April 16 2010
Moreska in Croatia the last authentic sword dance in the Mediterranean
Croatians of Chicagoland book set to launch May 17, 2010
Croatian Easter Eggs
Professor Henrik Heger founder of Croatian studies at Sorbonne in Paris in 1981
The Sound of Music, von Trapp and Croatia
JUSTICE a subtle film by Evan Oppenheimer music by Nenad Bach on DVD
Daniella guest hosts on Malaysian Dance Radio
Japan-Croatia Friendship House Project presented in Tokamachi
Ivana Marija Vidović gave a concert in Torino Italy 27 Feb 2010 with standing ovations
Croatian Children's and Youth Festival in New York April 24-25 2010
Zoran Orlic, Croatian-American photographer featured in Jutarnji List
Winners named in Croatian schoolchildren's art contest
Anton Cetin distinguished Croatian painter in Canada
Miro Gavran to be premiered at the TEATRO ALLO SCALO in Rome Feb 16 2010
Sukhev Dail Croatia loving artist and his creations
Armenian bishop Nareg Alemezian in Dubrovnik Celebrating the Day of St. Vlaho
Ivan Mestrovic Croatian sculptor and his Chicago Indians
Zdravko Kalabric at the 34th Congress of the World Association of Chefs’ Societies
Borivoj Dovniković Croatian master of animated film: Learning to Walk
Croatian Cooking Show on the OC Channel (PBS) Jan 27 and Feb 3, 2010
Zagreb Youth Theater Performance at La Mama, New York City Jan 28 - Feb 7, 2010
Dalia Lazar has Carnegie Hall recital on January 27th 2010 at 7:30 pm
Ivo Josipovic, Croatia’s new president, to write an opera on John Lennon
Vrijeme i Zemlja frontman Nenad Bach to release EP later this year
Maksim Mrvica Croatian pianist
Grapes from Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia are gaining a following
Happy birthday to maestro Vladimir Krpan in Zagreb
Zoran Orlic's work is featured on new Wilco DVD
Martina Filjak interview of the winner of the 2009 Cleveland Competition
Ljeposlav Perinic 1922-2005 the King of Dolls
A new monograph: Croatia - Aspects of Art, Architecture and Cultural Heritage
Vjekoslav Sutej 1951-2009 distinguished Croatian conductor
Miro Gavran's premieres in the Czech Republic, Japan and Romania
Romano Sole is among the best Croatian musicians in Germany
Ivan Mestrovic's Pieta sold at Sotheby's in London
Croatians in the Banja Luka bishopric in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Damir Halilic Hal Croatian fingerpicking guitar virtuoso
UNESCO included seven cultural elements of Croatia a world cultural treasure
Votive chapel of gifts at Mary's Trsat sanctuary near Rijeka
5th Festival of Croatian Music in Vienna Austria 5 Nov - 1 Dec 2009
Nenad Hancic-Matejic from Germany created a new Croatian Glagolitic font
Miro Gavran's book published in Chinese language
Croatia - Aspects of Art, Architecture and Cultural Heritage
LADO Croatia’s Acclaimed Folk Dance Ensemble to Perform in North America
Stjepan Veckovic founder of Croatian Bagpipe Orchestra
Srdjan Bulat impresses judges with music and technical ability
Marie Spaemann a student of maestro Valter Despalj wins the first prize
Zeljko Brkanovic distinguished Croatian composer
Croatian guitarist competes at Francisco Tarrega competition in Spain
Julian Rachlin and Friends festival in Dubrovnik
Nenad Bach plays for global peace in Kansas City
Interview: Gordana Brzović
In Memoriam: Virgilije Nevjestić 1935 - 2009
Ana Vidovic distinguished Croatian guitarist
Villa Ruzic in Rijeka and Croatian Tales of Long Ago by Ivana Brlic Mazuranic
Loreta Kovacic to play at the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston Sept 3, 2009
Martina Filjak clinches victory in Cleveland International Piano Competition
Željka Čorak - Warps of abidance in small things
Nenad Bach guest artist in Kansas City Concert for World Peace Aug 29 2009
U2 conquered Zagreb Croatia
Fjaka - Between Times
Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat Croatia Aug 28 - Sep 22 2009
Feri Sucic 91 years old Croatian musician and writer from Gradisce, Austria
Collegium pro musica sacra earned silver medal in Rome 2009
Zvonimir Atletic distinguished Croatian photographer
CROATIAN art&craft EXPO New York City @ Gallery MC July 23 - July 31 2009
Weaving workshop bridges past and present
A Matter of Taste wins award at Heart of England International Film Festival
Radojka Sverko - Croatian Diva
Julienne Eden Busic: Your Blood and Mine, waiting for Zvonko for 32 years
Klapa Cambi singers from Kastel Kambelovac Croatia winning in St Petersburg
Children Festival of Klapa Singing in Zadar May 2009
49th International Children's Festival in Sibenik Croatia June 20 - July 4 2009
Trideset godina od prvog rijeckog rock LP albuma Vrijeme i Zemlja I iz 1979
Drazen Domjanic and his wonderful musical family in Liechtenstein
Ivan Mestrovic's Mother Teaching Child to Pray sold at Sotheby's auction
"Downloading Nancy" screenings in New York and Los Angeles on June 5, 2009
Project of Croatian house in Tokamachi Japan
Branko Lustig receives 2009 IFF Lifetime Achievement Award
Eat that Croatian food man, and you just feel the power in your veins
Marijana Hajdarhodzic & The Penny Black Remedy mix up styles
Ivana Vidovic performing Dora Pejacevic in the city of Zadar May 30 2009
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek and her Stella Maris project of St. Mary's heritage
Joseph Haydn Austrian and Croatian composer died 200 years ago
Srdjan Bulat wins three times in Gorizia
Studia Croatica 1986 #103
Marija Miletic Dail, Croatian artist in the USA, and her animation cottage
Croatian one minute film festival in Pozega May 29-30 2009
Odjeb je lansiran uspješno
Branko Istvancic's film depicting Croatians wins Italian award
U2 legends of rock'n'roll are coming to Zagreb on August 9th and 10th 2009
Miro Gavran's plays in Slovakia, Germany, Poland, and Croatia
FOR | FROM CROATIA WITH LOVE Croatian Jazz Gala at the Lincoln Center
Matko Jelavić releases his latest album Prvoj Ruži Hrvatske
Museum of Broken Relationships visited San Francisco in February 2009
Djuro Janekovic photographing Croatia's captial Zagreb in 1930s
Journal of Croatian Studies - Volume XXIV - 1983
Bratislav Lucin leading expert for Croatian Renaissance classic Marko Marulic
Adriana Smajic from Argentina for Radio Split
Goran Karan Tours the United States and Canada April-May 2009
Studia Croatica 1986 #102
Jerry Blaskovich - Anatomy of Deceit
Studia Croatica 1986 #101
Miro Gavran's 200th staging and new premier in Poland March 27 2009
Journal of Croatian Studies - Volume I - 1960
LADO National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia celebrates 60th anniversary in 2009
Kristian Krekovic portrayed Mahatma Gandhi, Queen Mother, King Gustav V, etc.
Lady Jadranka Njers Beresford Peirse promotor of Croatian culture in GB
Ante Sardelic distinguished Croatian sculptor, painter and printmaker in Canada
Luka Sulic Croatian cellist wins the first prize in Warszaw, Poland 2009
Vladimir Kristl filmmaker and artist from Croatia
Support Ann Marie Boskovich For The Next American Idol
Croatians in Romania celebrate 500 years of their roots
Croatia Coming Soon at Jimmy Choo
Robert Belinic to play guitar at the University of Chicago March 10 2009
Miro Sinovčić innovative Croatian artist in the USA
Kimono Croatia worn in honour of Croatian ambassador Stambuk's birthday
International conference dedicated to the memory of Branko Fucic
Listen to a famous Croatian song O MARIJANA in Japanese
GAVRANFEST 2009 in Trnava Slovakia February 23 - 27, 2009
Bruno Krajcar dedicated himself to the study of Istria's ethnic heritage
Zumberak a hidden Croatian treasure
Martina Filjak from Croatian child prodigy to mature pianist
Filip Dević Croatian Folklore Ensemble from Split
Wooden Baroque Church from 1642 near Zagreb
Charles Bene French expert for Croatian Renaissance writer Marko Marulic
Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist touring Pennsylvania, NC, January 14-21, 2008
Croatian Cultural Club in Zagreb
Croatian Language in the Gutenberg Galaxy with 500 titles in 23 languages
Renata Pokupic acclaimed Croatian mezzo-sporano
Ivan Rabuzin 1921-2008 outstanding Croatian painter died
Petar Zoranic 1508-1569 important Croatian Renaissance writer
Stjepan Hauser double winner at international music competition in Italy
Marin Speranda's attractive photos of the City of Dubrovnik
Ignjat Djurdjevic: St Paul was on the island of Mljet in the Adriatic for three months
Vlaho Paljetak's Marijana sung by Seiji Tanaka in Japan in 1976
Dr. Slaven Letica: If Streets Could Talk. Kad bi ulice imale dar govora.
Miro Gavran 3 premieres in 3 countries in 2 weeks. Latvia, Slovakia and Czech R.
Ivan Mestrovic's The Descent from the Cross sold for 250 000 EU at Sotheby's
Nenad Bach is Baack and Wanted - performance at Fairleigh Dickinson University
Stjepan Hauser obtained cello from legendary Bernard Greenhaus as a gift
Nenad Bach performing LIVE at Fairleigh Dickinson University Nov. 1st 2008
Mirna Brkanovic working on her debut film
Oliver Dragojevic in Concert at Carnegie Hall, October 9th 2008
The Baska Glagolitic Path on the island of Krk, part 2
Billy Kirchen and his musical "Mirrors of Desire" in New York on October 19th
Spancirfest in Varazdin, a Baroque city in Croatia
Croatian national costumes in Monostor on the left bank of Danube
Marin Drzic 1508-1567 a famous Croatian Renaissance playwright
Matica Iseljenika Newsletter Srpanj 2008
Charles Billich's Bing Ma Yong cycle of paintings in China
Ilija Veselica's photo view of Croatia
Damir Bačić: Hrvatski glazbeni identitet - Discover the music of Croatia
Cravat is a trademark of Croatia
Croatia - China then and now
Stjepan Hauser performed for Prince Charles at St James' Palace in London
Croatia - Russia, historical and cultural relations
International Children's Festival in Šibenik
Miro Gavran's new premiere in Prague on July 7, 2008
Maxo Vanka, a famous Croatian painter
Ivana Zahirović, outstanding Croatian flutist, won the first prize in Italy
Tatiana Banđen wins ZadarTeen festival
Movable exhibition wagon of the Croatian Railway Museum
Gordana Muraja Revives Hidden Cultural Heritage of Croatia
The Barber of Kigali at the Boston International Film Festival June 6, 2008
Nenad Bach on Global Broadcast for Supreme Master TV, June 1, 2008
Tiny ceramics on show in Croatia reported by Chinese TV
Svjetlana Kabalin and Sylvan Winds performing at Carnegie Hall on May 14, 2008
Miro Gavran's premieres in Bratislava May 16th and Krakow May 17th
Bosnian-Herzegovinian Film Festival at Tribeca Cinemas - May 9-10, 2008
Ivana Zahirović invited to play flute in Kansas City on August 7-10, 2008
Handball Connects People
Croatian Cinema Today at the Aero Theatre in Los Angeles May 16-18, 2008
5 Ways to purchase Freedom from Despair on DVD & VHS
Spectacular Monument to The Sun in the city of Zadar by Nikola Bašić
Croatian-American Day in Chicago May 8-11, 2008
New York City Escape from Despair book promotion May 16, 2008
From Pazin to Paris - Luigi Dallapiccola's Opera Ill Prigioniero featured in the NYT
Stjepan Hauser performed for Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace on April 23 2008
Robert Belinić - Guitar performs in New York City on April 29th, 2008
Dr. Drago Štambuk on an official visit to Kobe, Japan
Melita Spahic Dance in London
Croatia-based WHW named curator for 11th International Istanbul Biennial
Charles Billich prepares for The Olympic Games in China 2008
Velimir Trnski painting the 1671 love story of Petar and Katarina Zrinski
Festival favorite Random Lunacy is on the road again! April 14 - June 5, 2008 The Music Genome Project plays Nenad Bach music from March 28th
Damir Spanic - Artist of the Week - Photographer for Life
Croatia Film Festival in South Africa from 18 to 28 April 2008
Josip Ganza: Croatian klapa singing break-out to Europe
Composer Margareta Jeric to perform at the University of Montreal on April 5, 2008
Sretan Uskrs! Happy Easter! Felices Pascuas!
Joe Magarac, a legendary Croatian steel worker in the USA
Vladimir Devidé and Haiku poetry in Croatia
Arithmetika Horvatszka from 1758, the oldest Croatian arithmetic
Dr. Ante Padjen, founder of the "I Medici di McGill"
Ksenija Prohaska performs as Marlene Dietrich in Pittsburgh March 15-16, 2008
Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova in Once for your consideration at the Oscars
Sylvan Winds in concert March 13, 2008
Falkuša regatta in 1593, the earliest known regatta in Europe
Random Lunacy tonight in Salem Oregon, with great review in Salem News
Dario Šolman - The Heart of Perspective, Friday, February 22, 2008
Willy Terrazas Muller and Tango HR in Croatia
Croatian Cinema in Chicago from February 3 - March 6, 2008
Valentina Šuljić exhibition in Slovenia
Janja Glogovac and Jelena Vukotić at the Rotterdam Film Festival
Professor Balthazar and Zagreb Film a Croatian trademark
Ana Mihanović mezzo-soprano in concert New York City February 9, 2008
Petar Brajković Exhibit in Sesvete starting February 8, 2008
4th International Antonio Janigro Cello Competition in Zagreb
Drago Štambuk inaugurated an exhibition in the Turkish Cultural Centre in Tokyo
Guitarist Ana Vidović says she can't imagine her life without music
25th RIJEKA CARNIVAL 2008 in Rijeka this weekend - Come and enjoy
Franjo Dugan, a prominant figure of Croatian church music
Artist Jasnica Klara Matić Exhibition in New York City
KOCE-TV to air "Freedom from Despair" Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008
Iron Maiden to perform in Croatia
Artist Vlatka Horvat will have three exhibitions in New York
Tess Gallagher's speech at a presentation of Drago Stambuk's poetry in Pula
Croatian Film "All for Free" at The Museum of Modern Art Tonight, January 11, 2008
Terezija Cukrov will perform at Carnegie Hall on January 27, 2008
Amigos del Museo Kreković, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Japanese inspired art with a twist from Croatia
Book Review: Escape from Despair
The Music of Bozidar Kunc performed by his daughter Ivana Kunc
In Loving Memory of Joseph Turkaly, 1924-2007
Nopoki University for Peruvian Indians founded by Msgr. Gerardo Žerdin
Croatian-Americans The Cynics waited till their 40s to release best yet
Igor Kovacevich at the Sundance Film Festival 2008 with "Downloading Nancy"
Pittsburgh Symphony coming to Croatia
Buenos Aires, Argentina HR Tango in action again on Dec 23, 2007
Christmas in Croatia
Zoran Dukić, Croatian guitarist, one of the most prominent players of today
Sidro, California's favorite Croatian Tamburitza Orchestra
Life is a tapestry of MOMENTS - film by Liliana Resnick at the French Festival
Freedom from Despair available for purchase on DVD and VHS
Croatia ceremony honored prominent Persian poet Mowlavi born in 1207
Nikola Bašić, author of the Zadar Sea Organ
Croatian American Cultural Center hosts 6th Annual SF Bagpipe Festival
Archaeological sites near Dubrovnik with several important discoveries
Zdravko Dučmelić, el pintor preferido de Borges
Miro Gavran's comedy available as Croatian-English parallel text
San Francisco: 150th Anniversary of Croatian culture celebration on Nov 18, 2007
Zoran Orlic - Photographs Featured in 2008 Calendar for Rock Band WILCO
Free tickets for CROWN readers for Croatian Film Festival at Lincoln Center
50 years ago today on November 3rd 1957, Laika by Marilyn Cvitanic
Ivan Paric on the reality show for photographers VH1 TV this Sunday
Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra American Tour November 2007 East Coast
Miro Gavran’s play Dr. Freud’s Patient premiers & book launch of Judith in Prague
Marko Perkovic - Thompson USA & Canada Tour Nov 2 - 18th 2007
Carmen Verlichak: Maria Josefa Ezcurra, El amor prohibide de Belgrano - 4th edition
3rd Festival of Croatian Music in Vienna, Austria, Oct 21 - Nov 27, 2007
Miro Gavran's great international success: Grand-Prix in Russia
Jaz Spelic Actor Producer based in Sydney 'The Trinity of Vukovar'
Goran Dukic's film Wristcutters: A Love Story in the movie theaters NOW
Closer Croatia 2007 - Croatian Film Festival in London UK, Oct 11-14, 2007
The Film Society of Lincoln Center presents The Emergence of Croatian Cinema
3 Books by Janko Deur
Freedom From Despair Screening at the European Parliament in Brussels
Zrinski in Concert HR Tango Klapa BA Orquesta T.C.Zrinski 27 de Octubre de 2007
Prof.dr. Vlatko Čerić and his algorithmic art in New York on Nov 1st 2007
KLD Resetari is looking for writers from the Croatian Diaspora
Ivana Kunc’s brand new CD “Music of Božidar Kunc" in stores now
Culture of the Croats in Argentina on CD-ROM
U2 in Sarajevo, 10 Years After September 23, 1997
The Baška Glagolitic Path on the island of Krk
11th International Lace Festival, Lepoglava 2007, Croatia
Ištvančić's film at the Los Angeles International Children's Film Festival
Nick Bicanic, Director, Producer & Creator - A new filmmaking star on a horizon
New book: Escape From Despair - A Croatian Family's Survival
Josip Turkalj 1924-2007, a renowned Croatian American artist, died
Croatian Film Festival in New York Sept 13 -16 organized by Doors Art Foundation
Istarski gunjci, musicological book by Vladimir Pernić
Croatia Hall celebrating 75th anniversary
Horses in Croatian Art
The Lipik Kursalon 1893-2007
Invitation to Croatian Émigré Publishers. Deadline Sept. 10th
Award Winning Film Random Lunacy available on DVD + 2 Festival Screenings
Oliver Dragojevic through the lens of Zoran Orlic
A river of the faithful visits Our Lady of Sinj from all directions
Nela Eržišnik, a Croatian actress and entertainer, died
Zoran Orlić - Brilliant book - The Frames behind the glass - True Rock and Roll
3rd Festival of Baroque Music - Rovinj 2007
"An Age of Angels" at Edinburgh Festival
New Jersey Singer is #1 in Croatia
Volunteers sought for Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra's USA Tour
Tino Radanović victor of the 292nd Sinj Alka
Award Winning Film Random Lunacy on Chicago Underground Film Festival 2007
Inventory of Heritage Organisations in Europe (IHOE) - Croatia
Croatian accordion players at 60th Coupe Mondiale, Washington DC
Guitar virtuoso Viktor Vidovic
Ethno hairstyles of Croatia
Voices from the Heart coming to Croatia July 5 - 12th, 2007
American edition of Lovers & Madmen: A True Story of Passion to be Released
Zindependence day
Book Review: Goli Otok
Ruggero Cattaneo, a scholar devoted to Croatian language and literature
New York: Grant Opportunities for Organizations & Artists
Thompson snimke sa Maksmira / Thompson videos from Maksmir
Cultural cooperation between Croatia and Mongolia
Ples konja na zagrebačkom Hipodromu
Nedamo te pismo naša - Klapski pozdrav Gospi Trsatskoj 21-22 lipanj 2007
Tanac dances from the island of Krk by Tvrtko Zebec, Ph.D.
Dvigrad Festival 2007, June 15th-24th
Show draws more than 10,000 dogs in Zagreb, Croatia
Sacramento festival celebrates all things Croatian
Ivo Miche Borovina: MINI-PHOTO EXHIBIT: “Big City Blues”
Neugodna istina na DVD-u
Dr. Drago Štambuk one of Croatia's best loved poets + Presentación de Andrés Morales
Denis Licul at Clay Art Center Exhibition
Women's chorus to visit Croatia
Međimurske popevke, Nedelišće 2007.
Heritage and genealogy of Croatia tour hosted by Robert Jerin, October 4 - 17, 2007
Objavljena Knjiga Emila Čića "Eseji O Glazbi"
Random Lunacy at the Portland Underground Film Festival, Thursday June 7, 2007
Armin represented at the prestigious Tribeca film festival
Croatian World Calendar - Hrvatski Svjetski Kalendar, coming soon, uskoro
Klapa Navalia and Klapa Luka new SACDs coming soon !
Klapa Dišpet wins first place at festival for choral singing in Verona
40th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Name of the Croatian Literary Language
New York: Homage to Tin Ujević, the Bard of Croatia @ The Bowery Poetry Club
New York: Ana Vidović in Classical Guitar Society's Spring Concert Series
San Francisco: Mandolin Festival, April 22, 2007
Croatian-born Radovan Vlatkovic, virtuoso hornist, makes it sound easy
Brigham Young University is seeking contributions of digital Croatian historical documents
Sretan Uskrs - Happy Easter - Veliki Tjedan - Procesija na Hvaru
Memory Institutions in the Digital Age: Current Models of Collaboration in Croatia
Damir Matausic, sculptor and medal designer
In Debt we Trust is the latest film from Danny Schechter, playing in New York April 4-5
Award Winning Film Random Lunacy playing in New York on April 1st 2007
Detroit Tamburitza Orchestra Concert, Saturday April 21, 2007
Zoran Orlic Announcing the US Book Launch for "The Frames: "Behind The Glass"
George Washington University: Slavic Cultural Festival March 31, 2007
Josip Novakovich will be participating in a memoir symposium at Trinity College
Domagoj Ivanovic, violinist - violin teacher
A rich program of Pasionska baština for 2007
Prof. Dr. Nikola Buble
Studia Croatica moved to
Mijo Jurić: Osamnaesto Proljeće
Nenad Bach's music helps new film "Random Lunacy" score another award
Marta Mestrovic Deyrup: Digital Scholarship, Access for a Connected World
New York City: Sylvan Winds World Premiere at TENRI on March 29, 2007
Detroit: Croatian Cultural & Tourism Day, Sunday March 18, 2007
Looking for authors to write an English-language books about the Culture and Customs of Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
Joseph Haydn - Austrian and Croatian composer
Marija Grgurevic, a Croatian model on the cover of Time Magazin
"BORDER POST" by Rajko Grlic in New York tonight
Carmen Verlichak: Los Croatas de la Argentina
RANDOM LUNACY: new film by Vic Zimet and Stephanie Silber premieres on March 9th
Dubravka Oraić Tolić - Croatian Literature Wins Top Translation Prize
Vjera Odak-Jembrih Receives Teaching Merit Award
New York City: Screening of Zrinko Ogresta Film "Washed Out" February 22, at 7:00 p.m
The New York Times: Ms. Livljanic has assembled a work so magnificent and moving
CROATIAN PREMIERE of "An Inconvenient Truth"
Goodbye Champion is the five-piece incarnation with a Croatian roots
Zagreb: Photo Exhibition "The Croatians in Argentina" February 20, 2007
Katarina Livljanić in the USA and Canada in February 2007 with Tondal's Vision
Zagreb: Al Gore - Neugodna Istina - An Inconvenient truth - Premiera 15 Veljače 2007
Svecano proslavljena Festa Svetog Vlaha u Los Angelesu 3. veljace 2007.
Croatian Gallery 2006
Katarina Livljanić & Dialogos in New York on Sunday, February 18, 2007 @ 4 pm
Croatia - The New Foodie Frontier
Kansas City: Performance of Croatian Medieval Music, Saturday February 24th
Kansas City: World Heritage Sites in Croatia on Exhibit, January 28 - March 11
"Beyond the Call" on PBS - Check Local Listings
New York City: Screening of Lukas Nola Film "Alone" Tonight at 7:00 p.m.
Guillermo Terrazas & HR Tango in Zagreb Tonight Jan 18, 2007 - Free Entrance
January 15th Croatia’s International Day of Recognition
Tanja Simic to Perform at Flames of Classic Concert in Berlin
Mi stvaramo Audio knjige - hrvatske!
Dalibor Matanic's "I Love You" opens tonight at the Two Boots Pioneer Theatre. Jan 3-9
The New York Times review "I Love You" by Dalibor Matanic. Jan 3rd, 2007
An on-line auction for 48 hours. Famous artists helping other artists. Unity Through Music Dec 27-29, 2006
A Triumph at Carnegie Hall: Ivana Kunc makes Her Smashing Debut on Dec. 9th, 2006
Night At The Museum - New Movie Has Croatian Roots - Milan Trenc in Action
Chicago: Friday December 22nd, Boduli and ODE Collaboration at Martyrs'
Oscar nominated filmmaker Adrian Belić showing his film Beyond the Call @ Jakarta International Film Festival
New York City Tonight: Croatian director Dalibor Matanic will present his film *I Love You*
Reclaiming the lost harmony of the world: CROWN goes behind Golden Karma Awards, with winner Dino Zonic
World famous Russian Tsar's ballet performed Swan lake in Osijek, Croatia Dec 8, 2006
Edin Dino Zonic winner of Golden Karma National Awards 2006
Pasionska baština u Hrvatskoj
Josip Novakovich: Ruth’s Death, nonfiction (memoir)
Come celebrate the music of Croatian composer Božidar Kunc. Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. Saturday afternoon, December 9, 2006 at 2:00 PM
Magnificent Christmas Concert in Astoria, New York on December 18th, 2006
RECENT CROATIAN CERAMICS at MC Gallery New York City Dec 16th 2006 - Jan 7th 2007
Can We Go Higher?
BEYOND THE CALL theatrical opening, Chicago Nov. 24th San Francisco Dec. 1, 06
Književni Petak - Tragovima znanja u budućnost
Dr. Franjo Topić gostuje u New Yorku u srijedu 22. studenog 2006
Jelena Vukotić again in The New Yorker
“Croatia My Love" - the truth about the Homeland War in Croatia
New York: Nova zbirka pjesama Ivana Dobre Žirjanina "MOLITVA ŽIRAJSKI OLTARO“
Helen Merrill: 60 Years of Warm Sweet Songs
Croatian lace
Ivana Kunc - Solo Concert at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall on December 9th, 2006
C.F.Croata Zrinski Compañia Hr Tango Argentina, Nov 11th, 2006
Miro Sinovcic in action again: New York, October 26th 2006 "Impeferfectly Perfect"
A Croatian glagolitic book written in 1395 in Prague, Czechia, kept in France
Croatians in London Newsletter No. 24 October 2006
Novi Humoristicko-Satiricki Magazin
NEW YORK: Croatian Film Screenings "THE RED DUST" by Zrinko Ogresta Thursday, October 5th, 2006 @ 7PM
Međunarodni Sajam knjiga u Frankfurtu
New York: Croatian Film Screenings 'WHAT IVA RECORDED' by Tomislav Radic
New York: Concert of Ana Vidovic, Guitarist from Karlovac, Croatia on September 29th and 30th., 2006
Dublin Launch for “THE FRAMES: Behind the Glass”
A Celebration of Croatian Dance, Music, and Food
Oakland Int'l FF: BEYOND THE CALL screening this Friday, Sept. 22, 6pm at the Grand Lake Theater....
Photo Exhibition "Silence and the Sea"
Festival Hrvatske Glazbe u Beču 2006
Old Photos of Croatians
Croatia Knots World's Biggest Tie
Croatian Highlights and History Tour
Beyond the Call and Genghis Blues playing at Temecula Valley Film Festival
Poziv na Predavanje 26.9.2006
Coming Home to Croatia: A Spiritual Journey
Invitation to Emigre Croatian Publishers/Poziv Hrvatskim Izdavačima iz Iseljeništva
Rave Reviews for Croatian Actress
Richard Gere Filming in Croatia
Don Wolf's photo exhibition "Images of Croatia" - Kansas City, Kansas USA
In Honor of Josip Slavenski, Celebrating the 110th Anniversary of His Birth - New York
NE DAMO TE, PISMO NAŠA 3. rujna na splitskom Poljudu!
Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra Opening Concerts Sept 12 - 16
(E) Zoran Orlic: The Frames - Behind the Glass
(E,H) Skarabej - First online museum of lost and discarded family photographs
(E) Brenda live, reporting for PBS TV today and tomorrow
(E) Nenad Bach's production of Klapa music again on Millennium of Music
(E) Denis Licul at Touched by Design on June 16-18
(H) Arhitekt Leo Modrcin otvorio samostalnu medjunarodnu izlozbu
(H) PRED LITOM Izlozba Krunoslava Medjimoreca
(E) Croatian Book Club-Mike Celizic
(E) Goran Filipec at the Carnegie Hall
(E) Opening of Croatian Naive Art Gallery and Museum in the USA
(E) Croatian film festival in South Africa
(E) Fish made of flowers in Split, Croatia
(E,H) Doors Art present Tamara Obrovac USA Tour 2006
(E) BEYOND THE CALL, World Premier - Adrian Belic
(E) Sylvan Wind Quintet on prestigious WQXR Radio - Today
(H) Hrvatski film Dejana Sorka na Tribeca Festivalu
(E) First time ever a Croatian Film on Tribeca Film Festival
(H) Predavanja Igora Zidica u New Yorku
(H) Prvi Glas Hrvatske Dijaspore - danas u New Yorku
(E) Igor Zaninovich appearing on CSI:NY on April 12th 10pm CBS
(E) Croatian Naive Art at Kellusion Art Gallery in St. Petersburg, Florida
(E) James Bond Film to Feature Croatian Actress
(E) Diversity in unity - written by Anita Brkanic
(E) Iranian Women Directors News Conference in Croatia
(E) Korijeni - List domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske
(E) Mario Perestegi in Concert - USA Tour 2006
(E) New Croatian Films @ Silver Lake Film Festival in Hollywood
(E,H) Pixeltown in your town Book Signing by Marija Miletic Dail
(H) Odlomci iz knjige Kostelici - Cijela istina
(E) The Passion to Skate - Sandra Bezic Story
(E) Ivana Kunc, Soprano in Concert on Dec 9th 2006
(E) Famous Croatian Photographer looking for a Book Publisher
(E) Nenad Bach na Z1 TV
(E) Marko Gazic in 'Seven and Counting' band
(E) Hrvatski Jazz u New Yorku
(E) Jele Croatian Women's Choir a joint concert with Tamburica "Dobri Decki"
(E) The Sylvan Winds celebrate GEORGES BARRERE
(E) Goodbye Dear Old Homeland on CBC of New York
(E) FEDOR KABALIN Divertimento - New York premier
(E) Intervjui Nenada Bacha na hrvatskim radio postajama u rujnu 2005
(E) Passion Makes the World Go Round
(H) Sirokobrijeska bazilika - majka mucenika
(E) Croatians in London Croatian actress Danira Govic on BBC
(H,E) Lindjo in America
(H) Zdenka Vuckovic na Floridi
(H) Nova Bascanska ploca ili povijest u suvremenosti?
(E) Seeking actors teaching artists in New York
(E) Prompt Croatian translation leads to $500,000 gift
(E) Prljavo Kazaliste - USA Tour 2006
(E) Brenda Brkusic to be interviewed on PBS THURSDAY Jan 12
(E) Vecer duhovne i ljubavne sansone - Bruno Krajcar
(E, H) Domogaj Margetic Review of Freedom from Despair in Zagreb
(E,H) Jazz Orchestra Zagreb in New York
(H) 380. Obljetnica rodjenja Ane Katarine Frankopan - Zrinski
(E) Traveling can humble us - Zoran Orlic in Pology magazine
(E) Pology magazine Cover - Zoran Orlic represents Croatia
(E) Major cultural events and festivals in Croatia
(E) Spencer James: New Work & Slop Pop
(E) Book Review 'Mother's Memoirs'
(E) New Journal of Croatian Study - vol 43
(E) News from the City of Rijeka
(H,E) Vremeplov - SINOC U SARAJEVU - Muzicki spektakl
(E) Two Croatians erect Bruce Lee statue
(E) FINE DEAD GIRLS - monthly screenings in New York
(E) The New Yorker announces Klapa Sinj and Nenad Bach
(E) Mystical choral folk music from Croatia
(E) Book Review 'American Scream'
(E) You haven't heard music (or international relations) like this before
(E) Boris Ljubicic's 2006 greetings
(E) Klapa Sinj & Nenad Bach USA Tour - few words of thanks - part 1
(E) Klapa Sinj & Nenad Bach Chicago Live December 7th 2005
(E) Bozicna Sreca - Christmas Luck - Klapa FA Lindjo sings for you
(E) Rolling Stones of Klapa received standing ovations in Washington
(E) Klapa Sinj and Nenad Bach USA Tour 2005 in pictures
(E) Book Review 'Zagreb, Exit South' by Edo Popovic
(E) Klapa Sinj and Nenad Bach sing their hearts out to sold out audience
(E) HERE by Zrinko Ogresta - Croatian Film Screenings - Two Boots Pioneer
(E) Brkic New York reading and book-signing TODAY
(E) Klapa Sinj to Embark on First Ever US Tour of Klapa Music
(H) "Ta divna splitska noc" je film o neostvarenim ljubavima
(D) Ethno Podium Konzert im Nordportal, Baden - Lidija Bajuk
(E) Sanya Mateyas on CBS 'The King of Queens' Monday Nov 14th
(E) Matija Gubec iz Tavankuta proslavlja svoju 60. obljetnicu
(E) A Wonderful Night in Split at 2005 Queens International Film Festival
(E) Croatian colours incorporated into a GOOGLE ICON
(E) Reserve tickets - Klapa Sinj and Nenad Bach concert in New York
(H) Mladi hrvatski umjetnici u P.S.1.
(E) Listen to Klapa Sinj and FA Lindjo on Millenium of Music
(E) A musical busker who loves Croatia
(E) Hrvatska otkriva Ameriku
(H) HRVATI U ARGENTINI - nova knjiga
(E) Liliana Resnick at New York Film Festival
(H) Dr. Franolica o utjecaju Rudjera Boskovica na Engleze njegovog doba
(E) Stories of War and Lust this Friday the 28th @ National Arts Club
(E) David Byrne about Croatian painter Vanka
(E) Croatian pianist Kemal Gekic played at the Austrian Embassy
(E) Croatian Film Festival in New York by Doors Art Foundation
(E) Patrica Kalember, another Croatian actress
(E) The Zagreb Folk Dance Ensemble US Tour 2005
(E,H) Trogir - Drvenik - Nature - Zoran Orlic
(E) Klapa Sinj & FA Lindjo on 200 Radio Stations Millenium of Music
(E) Chicago: Zagreb Folk Dance Ensamble will perform October 14.
(E) Freedom from Despair Screenings in Australia
(E) Ivo Pervan's 'Colours of Croatia' exhibition in London
(H) Veliki uspjeh prve emisije Radio Vukovara 'Domovina u srcu'
(E) Oct 2 Zagrebacki FA at the Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro
(E) A little bit of Croatian culture on the catwalk - a skirt called Croacia
(E) Gina - A Songbird Takes Flight
(E) Joe Magarac American Legend with roots in Croatian immigration
(E) Pixletown - the World Found a new book by Marija Miletic Dail
(E) Croatian Renaissance sculptor Ivan Duknovic
(E) Crotian DNA
(E) The Zagreb Folk Dance Ensemble
(H) Hrvatski Radio Vukovar Vas poziva na suradnju
(E) Croatian priest stands up for Manson
(E) Dalmatinska Sansona - Sibenik 2005
(E) Book review 'Inlaid Pearl' Stacie G. Vesolich
(E) Nenad Bach Produces Two Magical CD's
(E) Radoslav Lorkovic on WOMAD July 30, 2005
(E) Male choir score of 'U Boj !' used in Japan
(E) Japanese Choir singing Croatian Opera in Croatian language
(E) Brenda Brkusic a Feature Story in Doings
(E) Subway to 'Flamingo' - Lorence Ferich
(E) Nada Khodlova and Public Urban Ritual Experiment
(E) Doors Art Presents Zana Markelson July 28, New York
(E) 39th International Folklore Festival, Zagreb, July 20-24, 2005
(I,E) Optimal acceptance of Croatian Klapa FA Lindjo in Italy
(I) Great success of Klapa FA Lindjo in Ravenna, Italy
(H) Papa Bend in New York July 10, 2005
(E) Review of the Children's Illustrated Croatian Dictionary
(E) Croatian ambassador to visit Adriatica Village at Stonebridge Ranch
(E) Mediterranean Sounds - Croatia's Mystic Voices - SOON
(E) Pre-literature and oral traditions in Wales
(E) Deceiving John Q. Public With a war of images and words
(E) Colors of Croatia in Warsaw - Ivo Pervan
(E) DIFF wraps in Dubrovnik, The Festivity Town
(H) Izlozba paske cipke u Muzeju Appenzell - Izvorno Hrvatsko
(E) I Miss Communism by Ines Wurth at New York 59E59 Theater
(H) Oluja u prvom licu jednine
(E) Croatian Artists Set Their Sights on New York
(E) Ivana Sajko Woman-Bomb
(E) Book review "Can You Hear Me Screaming?" Eric Obenauf
(E) The World Is The Stage 45th International Childrenâ??s Festival, Croatia
(H) Kad nece drzava, mora pojedinac
(E) Charles Billich at the UN June 14-25, New York
(E) Danijel Zezelj at Gardner Museum in Boston
(E) Klapa Subrenum performing in Chicago on May 18th, 2005
(E) Sylvan Winds and Pedja Muzijevic at Carnegie May 25, 2005
(E) Jama Jandrokovic at Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall
(E) Classical music's Sex and the City World Premiere of Five Lovers - FREE
(E) Freedom from Despair Draws Large Crowds in Ontario
(E) Studying the Jewish community in Zagreb, book coming out
(E) Feelings almost too deep for tears DENNIS KUCINICH
(E) "I Miss Communism" by Ines Wurth
(E) Nenad Bach - Video Press Kit 1990 - 2000
(E) The Roads Come Back to You by Nenad Bach - This week only
(E,H) IMOTSKI on Modro Jezero pages
(E) Artists from Croatia and Africa Create Images Based on Neckwear
(E) Actor Zeljko Ivanek co-stars with Billy Crudup and Jeff Goldblum
(E) Bosnian Laureate The mystical poetry of Nikola Sop
(E) Freedom from Despair at the Artivist Film Festival
(E) CONRESSMAN KUCINICH to attend FFD screening
(E,H) Is Image Everything? Western Stereotypes of Croatia and Croatians
(E) Move over Sponge Bob
(E) Croatian Salsa, Cuban Ska, and Oregonian Mambo
(E) Daniella Invites you to her concert in New York City
(E) Cinema Croatia - directions & parking
(E) Tvrtko Saric and Matej Grahek Flutistically Yours
(E) Anton Cetin deep-rootedness in the history of Croatian art
(E) Jabuka Tamburitza Fundraiser - Saturday April 2nd
(E) Film starring Rick Schroder produced by Bosnian Croat Igor Kovacevich
(E) Cinema Croatia - Fri