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» Culture And Arts » Boris Papandopulo Croatian composer interpreted by American pianist Nicholas Phillips 25 Feb 2012 Houston TX
Boris Papandopulo Croatian composer interpreted by American pianist Nicholas Phillips 25 Feb 2012 Houston TX
You are cordially invited to an evening of CROATIAN PIANO MUSIC with up and coming American concert pianist - Wisconsin's own NICHOLAS PHILLIPS. Nick will be performing works of renowned 20TH Century
Croatian composer - BORIS PAPANDOPULO. It is my great pleasure to host this event and I will also perform a few of my own pieces.
Croatian appetizers will be served during intermission. We will be on KUHF (NPR for Houston) radio on the show "Front Row" that week. Please join me for this unique evening of music.
featuring composer
performed by American pianist
hosted by Loreta Kovacic
Saturday, Feb 25th 2012 at 5 pm
at Christ the King church: 2353 Rice blvd. Houston TX 77005 in the Rice Village.
Please park in the Rice University parking lot across the street.
Recorded by pianist Nicholas Phillips at Wild Sounds Recording Studio, Minneapolis, MN. Check out my CD, "Boris Papandopuo: Piano Music" coming out on Albany Records on June 1, 2011.
Pianist Nicholas Phillips performs the first movement of Boris Papandopulo's Sonatina (1942). This movement is probably his most "Impressionistic" work, with a pentatonic melody over cascasing scale patterns. This video was recorded while reading from an iPad with AirTurn bluetooth foot pedal. Phillips has recorded a CD of works by the Croatian composer called "Boris Papandopulo: Piano Music" (Albany Records).
44. tribina Darko Lukić, Mala dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog 10. siječnja 2011. ZITA VARGA, cello NADIA VARGA MODRIĆ, piano Boris Papandopulo: RAPSODIJA CONCERTANTE, Arioso, Danza
kompozitor BORIS PAPANDOPULO obrada: prof. DALIBOR CIKOJEVIĆ klavir MIRO DIMIĆ bubnjevi
Performance of B. Papandopulo by Nicholas Phillips at Open Doors Concerrt Series, Eagan, MN (October 1, 2011)
The second movement of Boris Papandopulo's Partita for solo piano (1931), performed by pianist Nicholas Phillips in Gantner Concert Hall, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The CD "Boris Papandopulo: Piano Music" is available from all major online retailers.
B. Papandopulo - Concertino za trublju, gudače i timpane 1. Capriccio, 2. Interludium Tiziano Severini Dirigent Vedran Kocelj, truba and Ivana Bilić Timpani 2.10.2003. Dvorana Vatroslav Lisinski Zagreb MAJSTORSKI CIKLUS, SIMFONIJSKI ORKESTAR HRT
Boris Papandopulo: Danza Marie Spaemann, cello and Srebrenka Poljak, piano Live performance, Vienna Konzerthaus, Schubert-Saal Vienna, May 3, 2010 Danza is a movement from Rapsodia Concertante published by International Music Company, New York
Vasko Lukas - bassoon & mandolin orchestra "Sanctus Domnio" play the first movement of rarely performed Concerto for Bassoon by Croatian composer Boris Papandopulo (originally for bassoon and string orchestra). Recording from the live concert at "St. Duje" Cathedral in Split, Croatia.
Viktor Vidovic performing Three Croatian dances, part III-Allegro commodo by Boris Papandopulo (Live)
BORIS PAPANDOPULO: "Allegro" from Sonatina for Piano (1942) Nicholas Phillips, piano, from Albany TROY1274
Boris Papandopulo (Honnef am Rhein, February 25, 1906 – Zagreb, October 16, 1991): Croatian composer and conductor. He was the son of the Greek noble Konstantin Papandopulo and the Croatian opera singer Maja Strozzi-Pečić. He studied composing in Zagreb and conducting in Vienna. Papandopulo led the chores "Kolo" from Zagreb and "Zvonimir" in Split and was also the director of the Croatian National Opera and the conductor of the Radio Croatia Symphonic Orchestra (Simfonijski orkestar Hrvatskog radija). He directed and conducted the Operas in Rijeka, Sarajevo, Zagreb and Split. Boris Papandopulo is the author of the major Croatian classical music Opus (over 440 works).
This dissertation examines the life and music of the Croatian composer Boris Papandopulo. The socio-political climate in which he lived is taken into account, and special attention is devoted to the duality in his compositional style. This duality is characterized by his use of both neoclassic and folk components, and derives from his studies of traditional Western European music as well as from his Croatian heritage. He is thus seen to have been a synthesizer in the best sense of the word. Croatia, a small country positioned on the outskirts of Europe, has its own distinctive identity; and its singular position gave Papandopulo's music the special quality of being both national and international at the same time. His music was heavily influenced by formal techniques, such as the twelve-tone method, yet remained highly individual. Special emphasis will be given to the piano works of this unique and relatively unknown composer.
Zagreb Chamber Music Festival - B. Papandopulo / Rhapsody Concertante - 1. Introduzione Monika Leskovar - cello and Petra Gilming - piano recorded live at the 2nd Zagreb International Chamber Music Festival, Oct. 19th 2007
Zagreb Chamber Music Festival - B. Papandopulo / Rhapsody Concertante - 2. Arioso Monika Leskovar - cello and Petra Gilming - piano recorded live at the 2nd Zagreb International Chamber Music Festival, Oct. 19th 2007
Zagreb Chamber Music Festival - B. Papandopulo / Rhapsody Concertante - 3. Danza Monika Leskovar - cello and Petra Gilming - piano recorded live at the 2nd Zagreb International Chamber Music Festival, Oct. 19th 2007
Major works of Boris Papandopulo
"Sunčanica" (libreto: Marko Soljačić, temeljem Sunčanice Šiška Gundulića i Osmana Ivana Gundulića)
Kantata "Himna suncu" (Praizvedena: 25. studenog 2010.)
Od praizvedbe 1942. godine „Sunčanica“ je iznimno hvaljena, ali rijetko, tek koncertno i fragmentarno, izvođena Papandopulova opera. Nastala na motivima iz Gundulićeva „Osmana“, u libretu Marka Soljačića pokušale su se zadržati i uklopiti sve literarne i glazbene vrijednosti. Skladana na kraju razdoblja nacionalnog stila, uspostavljajući strukturu između korištenja folklornih elemenata i spajanja istih s modernim, tada suvremenim glazbenim izričajem, unutar priče koja nameće ideju humaniteta, ova opera iznimno je intrigantna, poticajna i zanimljiva. U priči koja tematizira naše prostore i bori se, slijedom velikih literarnih djela, za osjećaj bratstva i ljudskosti koji se, kroz pobjedu ljubavi, ostvaruju na kraju priče. Iznimno aktualna, na najboljim zasadama tradicije i literarne baštine, u sjajnom spoju priče i glazbenog tretmana, ovo je ponovno scensko otkrivanje još jednog domaćeg opernog djela.
‘Sunčanica’ je praizvedbu imala 13. lipnja 1942. godine, te je ujedno to i prva opera Borisa Papandopula. Napisao ju je 1935., a uz ‘Sunčanicu’ je skladao još opere Amfitrion (1936.) i Ronu (1955.). ‘Sunčanicu’ je u tadašnjoj izvedbi režirao Branko Gavella, dok su je koreografirali Ana Roje i Oskar Harmoš, a u naslovnoj ulozi nastupila je prvakinja hrvatske opere Srebrenka Jurinac (1921.-2011.)
Croatian Post issued a postage stamp in honour of Boris Papandopulo in 2006.
1906. rođen Boris Papandopulo 1927. Boris Papandopulo, 1. gudalački kvartet 1933. Boris Papandopulo, Glasovirski koncert 1935. Boris Papandopulo, "Sunčanica", opera 1938. Boris Papandopulo, Simfonieta 1942. Boris Papandopulo, "Hrvatska misa" (Croatian Mass) 1943. Boris Papandopulo, državna nagrada za "Sunčanicu" 1944. Boris Papandopulo, državna nagrada za "Koncert za violinu i orkestar"
Hrvatski književnik Vojmil Rabadan napisao je poemu Carmen Boscovichianum iliti Spomen mali velikom nam Rudi (poema uz 200. obljetnicu smrti Ruđera Josipa Boškovića DI), daktilograf, Zagreb 1987., str. 8. Na taj tekst kantatu je skladao maestro Boris Papandopulo.
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!