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Startup!Croatia Conference May 22-23, 2014 in Zagreb to facilitate changes in values and habits
By Marko Puljić | Published  05/12/2014 | Bilingual , Education , Business | Unrated
The conference aims to show participants how to develop dynamic, innovative entrepreneurial organizational culture


The main goal of the conference is to show participants some real examples of how dynamic, innovative and entrepreneurial organizational culture can be developed inside the large, medium or small organizations, how to increase profitability and improve competitiveness and company˘s overall functioning.

The second one is to present to audience how to start up and develop business through entrepreneurial culture and modern technology, help them anticipate future trends, source capital and reach investors.

Additionally, models of such national economies will be presented, ensuring the sustainable economic success with their innovative approach and "start up" mentality, which can serve as a role model in developing national economy, cities and regions in Croatia.

The motive is to facilitate changes in values and habits, changes in majority of population lacking initiative, creativity and openness for new business ideas and opportunities, what makes the current economic situation in Croatia even worse.


Oliver Rothschild

Oliver Rothschild, is a corporate strategist active in a variety of business arenas. He has held management level positions with Buchler Rothschild Investments and is currently Chairman of Oliver Rothschild Corporate Advisors. He is active within a range of industries and holds a diverse portfolio of business interests.

Mike Reiner

Mike is the co-founder and head of the Startup Wise Guys Accelerator. Wise Guys is a mentor driven international startup program providing seed stage investments.

Saul Singer

Saul Singer is a Member of Advisory Board of Vintage Investment Partners. He is also a Member of Advisory Board of Tevel B’Tsedek. Before moving to Israel in 1994, Mr. Singer served for ten years as an adviser to different Members of Congress and on the staffs of the House Foreign Affairs.

Sarah Kunst

Sarah is an investor, philanthropist and startup executive. She is also part of the Venture Diversity founding team and the Venture for America Investor Board. Sarah also serves on the New York City Department of Education's Business and Entrepreneurship Commission.

Darko Dujić

Darko started working in Google in 2011. Initially his responsibilities were online advertising business development in Slovenia than he took over business development of third parties in Adriatic region. Since October 2013 he is Head of performance in Google Adriatic.

Herman Hintzen

Herman Hintzen started his first company Arpa Systems in 1996, which became the market leading software developer for the construction industry in the Netherlands. After selling his shares, Herman decided to focus on his passion: helping entrepreneurs making their dreams come true.

Professor Dr. Ivo Šlaus

Professor Dr. Ivo Šlaus (BSc, PhD, FCA, FWA, MAE) is a nuclear and particle physicist and Distinguished Fellow of New Westminster College. He earned a B.Sc. in Physics and a Ph.D. in physics, both from the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Branko Roglić

Branko Roglić is Croatian entrepreneur. He graduated Electrical Engineering in 1969. from the University of Split. He had held the position of commercial manager in the company Iret, he was working in Croatia-Baterije and managing the branch office of German company Varta in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.

For more information visit or contact Aco Momčilović at


Pružiti polaznicima niz "živih" primjera koji pokazuju kako razviti dinamičnu, inovativnu, poduzetničku organizacijsku kulturu i "start up" mentalitet unutar velikih, srednjih i malih poslovnih sustava, kako unaprijediti poslovanje, povećati profitabilnost i konkurentnost.

Prezentirati polaznicima kako uspješno pokrenuti poduzetničke projekte, kako korištenjem modernih tehnologija, anticipiranjem budućih trendova osigurati potreban kapital.

Prezentirati polaznicima modele takvih nacionalnih ekonomija - koje su svojim inovativnim pristupom i "start up" mentalitetom osigurale dugoročni poslovni uspjeh i rast te su dobar uzor Hrvatskoj za razvoj nacionalne ekonomije, pojedinih gradova i županija.

Potaknuti promjene postojeće psihološke situacije zatvorenosti i neinicijativnosti koja pogoduje produbljivanju loše gospodarske situacije u kojoj se Hrvatska danas nalazi.


Oliver Rothschild

Oliver Rothschild je korporativni strateg aktivan u raznim poslovnim sferama. Držao je managersku poziciju u Buchler Rothschild Investments firmi, a trenutno je predsjedavajući u Oliver Rothschild Corporate Advisors. Aktivan je u cijelom rasponu industrija i posjeduje raznolik portfolio poslovnih interesa.

Mike Reiner

Mike je suosnivač i direktor Startup Wise Guys akceleratora. Wise Guys je međunarodni startup program vođen po principu mentorstva, a osigurava investicije u začetnoj fazi razvoja startup-a.

Saul Singer

Saul Singer je član nadzornog odbora u Vintage Investment Partners. Također je i u nadzornom odboru Tebel B'Tsedek. Prije preseljenja u Izrael 1994. G. Singer je radio deset godina kao savjetnik različitim članovima kongresa, i kao zaposlenik u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova.

Sarah Kunst

Sarah je investitor, filantrop i direktorica startupa. Također je i dio osnivačkog tima Venture Diversity i odbora investitora Venture for America. Sarah također radi i na njujorškom gradskom odjelu za edukacije o poduzetništvu i buzinessu.

Darko Dujić

Darko je počeo raditi u Google-u 2011. godine. U početku je bio odgovoran za razvoj poslovanja online oglašavanja u Sloveniji da bi kasnije preuzeo i razvoj poslovanja trećih strana u Adriatic regiji.

Herman Hintzen

Herman Hintzen je svoju prvu tvrtku osnovao 1996. godine, a ista je potom zauzela vodeće mjesto u području razvoja softvera za građevinsku industriju u Nizozemskoj. Nakon prodaje dionica odlučio se posvetiti području koje ga je posebno privlačilo - pomaganju poduzetnika u ostvarenju njihovih snova.

Akademik Ivo Šlaus

Akademik Ivo Šlaus je diplomirao je i doktorirao na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Područje njegovog primarnog znanstvenog rada je nuklearna fizika, fizika čestica i medicinska fizika o čemu je objavio preko 360 znanstvenih publikacija i pet monografija.

Branko Roglić

Branko Roglić, hrvatski je poduzetnik. Diplomirao je na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Splitu 1969. godine, a nakon toga je radio i bio na čelu mnogih hrvatskih i inozemnih tvrtki. Bio je komercijalni direktor tvrtke Iret, radio u tvrtki Croatia-Baterije te vodio predstavništvo njemačke tvrtke Varta za Jugoslaviju i Bugarsku.

Za više informacije posjetite ili kontaktirajte Aco Momčilović na

Project Manager, Aco Momčilović, HR Consultant

Conference Director, Tihomir Bronic

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljic
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