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Looking For Relatives
» (E) Macan family can be found...
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 06/15/2006 | Looking For Relatives | Unrated
Macan family can be found around... Dear Nemesio, Macan family can be found around Dubrovnik (Gruda, Cibaca, Dubrovnik), Zagreb, Pula, Sinj (and in Hercegovina) and around Osijek in Slavonija. If your parents are from Dubrovnik area, try to give me more detalis (you can write in Spanish too) because I belong to this branch of Macan family. Sincerely, Kresimir Macan KRESIMIR MACAN izvrsni direktor executive director m: 385 99 2083 003 e
» (E) Looking For Relatives of Simon Macan Sisul Chile-Croatia
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 06/14/2006 | Looking For Relatives | Unrated
Looking For Relatives of Simon Macan Sisul Mrs., moan my English is not the best one, I wait for You you help to look for the birthplace me of my grandfathers in the Croatia, apparently is of some town in dubrovnik, Gruda--- ragusa__ pula--- civaca single it I do not have its year of approximate birth and its name, him dare those data p; Simon Macan Sisul 1863-1868 if You not dispne of the possibility please digame to that dire
» (E) Searching for Kostanich family origins and history
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 10/1/2005 | Looking For Relatives | Unrated
 Searching for Kostanich family origins and historyHi my name is Jim and I was adopted and all I can find out so far is my biological family, Name is Kostanich, is that they originated somewhere on the Dalmatian Coast and some have said that the name is quite prolific around a place called Dverenk. If there is anyone out there can shed more light on this subject I would be most appreciative.James Cawdron (Kostanich)2/46 Bainbridge Close Chis
» (E) Looking for relatives in Argentina
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 02/13/2005 | Looking For Relatives | Unrated
 Looking for Croatian relatives Hello,we are looking for our relatives in Argentina. We have a home address for which we are not sure that it is complete....and were trying to find their phone number...unsuccessfully, unfortunately. We thought you could help.....This is the info that we have:Antonio Karlito Sojak (age. around 40)Kalle Belgrano 600HavreguiArgentinaWe would be so grateful if you could provide us with any other information. Tha

Croatian Constellation

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