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Green Action Against Russian Oil in the Adriatic
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  06/24/2007 | Environment , Business | Unrated
A disaster waiting to happen in the Adriatic?
Green Action Against Russian Oil in the Adriatic

Green Action thinks Croatia should not allow Russian oil to be transported through the Adriatic and ought to invest in renewable sources.

By: Ivona Bariæ

On the occasion of the Energy summit of the heads of southeast European countries, which takes place in Zagreb today, nongovernmental environmental organization Zelena Akcija (Green Action) issued a statement today saying that they find it entirely unacceptable for Russian oil to be exported through the Adriatic and reminded that the Croatian public and experts unequivocally declared themselves against using the Adriatic to transport oil to the global market and against the project Druzba Adria.

"In our opinion, there is no dilemma on the vision of Croatia's energy future: all the energy development resources should be focused on encouraging energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy, along with the use of natural gas as an energy source for the transitional period, until [we can] fully lean on renewable sources, which is possible and necessary to achieve by mid-century at the latest," says Green Action in the statement.

They also assess that, along with the transition to new technologies and energy sources, it is necessary to maintain the national energy infrastructure, especially hydro-electric power stations as the crown jewel of the national energy wealth, in public ownership, and to encourage local communites' ownership of new plants for the use of renewable energy sources and development of the domestic industry."

"The public's viewpoint on the energy dilemmas is clear: a research conducted in Zagreb and Rijeka in 2003 (before the latest leap of oil prices and new insights on the threat of the climate chaos), 85 percent of those polled supported a greater use of renewable energy sources and 74.5 percent were also prepared to pay a higher price of electricity for this, - Green Action points out.

They think that the new energy policy of the European Union, which presupposes a 20 percent improvement of energy efficiency by the year 2020, which would reduce the overall energy use by about 13 percent, and cover a fifth of the reduced energy needs with renewable energy sources, creates a brand new context for Croatia's energy development.

 Or this?


Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljiæ
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