Josip Hanjš - gold medal in stenography (shorthand / speech capturing; mothertongue), Prague
International Federation for Information ProcessingInternationale Föderation für InformationsverarbeitungFédération internationale pour le traitement de l'information
46th Intersteno Congress Prague, 21-27 July, 2007Altogether 31 countries participated the 46th Intersteno Congress, with 471 participants, and 269 of them have been invited to compete 26th July in various disciplines. The next Intersteno Congress and the accompaning competition will be held in 2009 in China. See [ PPT] presentation. Mr. Josip Hanjš is employed at Croatian Chamber of Trade, Zagreb, as a professional stenographer. Jaroslav Zaviačič (right), president of the Czech Intersteno, awarding the gold medal for Mr. Josip Hanjš, Zagreb, Croatia
Final Results
46. Intersteno congress Prague, 21-27 July 2007
Shorthand / Speech capturing - Graphic
Place, Name, Country, Language, Highest minute, Penalties, Syllables
1 Josip Hanjs, Croatia, Croatian, A15, 73, 497 2 Bernhard Gremmer, Germany, German, A11, 38, 367 3 Marco Hoffmann, Germany, German, B10, 44, 343 4 Éva Szilvia, Horváth, Hungary, Hungarian, B10, 56, 343 5 Judit Árvayné, Dani, Hungary, Hungarian, B9, 22, 321 6 Torsten Semar, Germany, German, B9, 29, 321 7 Erika Vicai,Hungary Hungarian B9 30 321 8 Erika Mária, Kanyár Hungary Hungarian B9 34 321 9 Helena Janovská, Czech Republic Czech B9 37 310 10 Olaf Rörtgen, Germany German B8 8 299 11 Cecília Farkas, Hungary Hungarian B8 22 299 12 Beáta Barna, Hungary Hungarian B8 23 299 13 Anna Maria, Marino Italy Italian B8 25 319 14 Petra Dischinger, Germany German B8 31 299 15 Emily Morris, England English B8 32 269 16 Sonia Natale, Italy Italian B7 23 295 17 Rainer Knehans, Germany German B7 24 277 18 Annie Donnet, France French B7 29 259 19 Armando Covello, Italy Italian B7 31 295 20 Monika Mahlke, Germany German B6 21 255 21 Katalin Rodenbücher, Hungary Hungarian B6 22 255 22 Rosalia Barravecchia, Italy Italian B6 26 271 23 Joachim Eichler, Germany German C5 1 233 24 Yvonne Wagner, Germany German C5 11 233 25 Martina Wichers, Germany German C5 14 233 26 Peter Bruhn, Germany German C5 15 233 27 Sylvia Bauer, Germany German C5 15 233 28 Helene Kobald Austria German C5 16 233 29 Annabell Zwicker, Germany German C5 17 233 30 Andrea Kovácsné, Horváth Hungary Hungarian C5 21 233 31 Eva Fenske, Germany German C4 19 214 32 Veronika Masling, Germany German C4 22 214 33 Heidrun Meyer, Germany German C4 23 214 34 Beáta Eszlinger, Hungary Hungarian C4 24 214 35 Erja Vasara, Finland Finnish C4 26 226 36 Ralf Groß, Germany German C3 8 195 37 Dietmar Müller, Germany German C3 9 195 38 Marion Fenner-Groß, Germany German C3 11 195 39 Erika Just, Germany German C3 11 195 40 Edith Vartok Austria German C3 15 195 41 Anneliese Scherzer, Germany German C3 17 195 42 Walburga Yügrük, Germany German C3 18 195 43 Marlies Hendle, Germany German C3 22 195 44 Anne Saß, Germany German C3 23 195
Source [PDF]
| From ShorthandWorld:
497 SYLLABLES SCOOPS THE SHORTHAND INTERSTENO CROWN July 29, 2007 CROATIAN shorthand practitioner Josip Hanjs has taken the gold medal in the senior World Campionship for shorthand/speech capturing competition at Praha 2007. Taking notes in Croatian, Hanjs managed 497 syllables with 73 penalties. Compititors at the world championship event faced a 15-minute dictation exercise with the speed range increasing every five minutes. The highest placed English-language exponent was Emily Morris, who works as a Hansard reporter, who notched 15th place. Ms Morris, who entered the world of stenography 25 years ago and who records the debates in the House of Commons, got a syllable average of 269 with 32 penalties. Results Table for shorthand/speech capturing Name/ Language/ Syllables 1 Josip Hanjs (Croatia) Croatian: 497 2 Bernhard Gremmer (Germany) German: 367 3 Marco Hoffmann (Germany) German: 343 4 Éva Szilvia Horváth (Hungary) Hungarian 343 5 Judit Árvayné Dani (Hungary) Hungarian: 321 6 Torsten Semar (Germany) German: 321 7 Erika Vicai (Hungary) Hungarian: 321 8 Erika Mária Kanyár (Hungary) Hungarian: 321 9 Helena Janovská (Czech Republic) Czech: 310 10 Olaf Rörtgen (Germany) German: 299 11 Cecília Farkas (Hungary) Hungarian: 299 12 Beáta Barna (Hungary) Hungarian: 299 13 Anna Maria Marino (Italy) Italian: 319 14 Petra Dischinger (Germany) German: 299 15 Emily Morris (England) English: 269 ...
| There were competitions in some other categories as well, for example in multilingual category. Boris Neubaer from Germany seems was able to compete in as many as 16 languages: Multilingual shorthand - SENIORS
1 Boris Neubauer Germany German 3 5 140
Bulgarian 3 31 140 Czech 3 46 140 Danish 3 47 140 Dutch 3 10 140 English 3 19 140 Esperanto 3 12 140 Finnish 3 8 140 French 3 14 140 Interlingua 3 41 140 Italian 3 22 140 Norwegian 3 45 140 Portugese 3 48 140 Russian 3 35 140 Spanish 3 31 140 Slovak 3 34 140 Swedish 3 31 140
2 Petra Dischinger Germany German B8 0 299
English 3 4 140 French 3 19 140 Spanish 3 39 140
3 ...
| For Croatia especially interesting is the fact that there were as many as 161 competitors who were compiting via Internet, for their respective countries, and many of them (39!) have chosen the language indicated as HR (Croatian language). We show only the results of the first two competitors, out of 161. 1 | Černilovský Miloš | Hradec Králové 3, CZ | Biskupské gymnázium |
| 68733 | - | - | |
| 3114 | HU | ZAV | |
| 3565 | FI | ZAV | |
| 3575 | PL | ZAV | |
| 3884 | TR | ZAV | |
| 4021 | RO | ZAV | |
| 4277 | PT | ZAV | |
| 4280 | DE | ZAV | |
| 4353 | FR | ZAV | |
| 4559 | NL | ZAV | |
| 4751 | SK | ZAV | |
| 4826 | IT | ZAV | |
| 4988 | ES | ZAV | |
| 5004 | HR | ZAV | |
| 5201 | EN | ZAV | |
| 8335 | CZ | ZAV | 2 | Hais Petr | Praha 11, CZ | Interinfo ČR |
| 60822 | - | - | |
| 2155 | TR | ZAV | |
| 3073 | HU | ZAV | |
| 3308 | PL | ZAV | |
| 3681 | RO | ZAV | |
| 3685 | FI | ZAV | |
| 3724 | PT | ZAV | |
| 3779 | ES | ZAV | |
| 3973 | FR | ZAV | |
| 4067 | DE | ZAV | |
| 4096 | IT | ZAV | |
| 4178 | HR | ZAV | |
| 4222 | EN | ZAV | |
| 4323 | NL | ZAV | |
| 4755 | SK | ZAV | |
| 7803 | CZ | ZAV | ...
For the complete list se the Source
...Als Einziger schaffte der Kroate Josip Hanjs die gesamte Ansage von 15 Minuten, was in seiner Sprache eine Leistung von 497 Silben bedeutet, womit er überlegen Weltmeister wurde. ...
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko ŽubrinićDistributed by . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!