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(E) SV.VLAHO FESTA - USA - FEB.2-9,2002
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  01/20/2002 | Events | Unrated
(E) SV.VLAHO FESTA - USA - FEB.2-9,2002
SV.VLAHO/ST.BLAISE PATRON SAINT OF CITY OF DUBROVNIK IS BEING CELEBRATED THIS YEAR IN THE USA WITH SPECIAL CONCERT PEFORMANCE BY RENOWNED GROUP "KLAPA MAESTRAL" FROM DUBROVNIKSaturday - February 2,2002 - LOS ANGELESSt.Anthony Croatian Church/Center - Alpine & Grand6 pm Holy Mass, 6:30 Social Hour, 7:30 Dinner/Concert/DanceDonation:Adults $50, Students/Children $25 R.S.V.P by Jan.25,02Sponsor: Libertas FoundationFor more info & reservation: e-mail:Dubrovnik5@aol.comor call Niko Hazdovac (310) 548-1446Sunday - February 3,2002 - SAN JOSE, CA.Napredak Hall - 770 Montaque Expwy, San Jose11:00 am Holy Mass, 1:00 pm Social Hour, 2:00 pm Lunch, 3:30 Program/DanceDonation: Adults $25, Students/Children $10 Sponsor: Hrvatsko Dubrovacko Drustvo "Sveti Vlaho" - San Francisco Bay AreaFor more info & reservation: e-mail:Peter@accurainc.comor call Pero Matkovic (408) 988-7633Friday - February 8,2002 - CHICAGOSt.Jerome Church/Hall 2801 S.Princeton, Chicago,Ill.8:00 pm Maestrali Concert - After Concert music for dance by Mario & DavidDonation:$15 - Coffee and cokies free -No Dinner - No Host BarSponsor:Croatian School & Tamburitza group "Cardinal Stepinac"For more info & reservation: e-mail: mmromanovic@altavista.comor call Mario Romanovic (773) 624-0337Saturday - February 9,2002 - NEW YORKLeonard's Restaurant, 555 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck,N.Y.7:00 Cocktail Hour, 8:00 pm - 1:00 am Dinner,Concert,Dance Donation $120 - RSVP: by Jan.20,02 to (212) 744-2043 Maro BarisicSponsor:Club Dubrovnik,Inc. New YorkFor more info contact Srdjan Gjivoje Lets keep the Sv.Vlaho tradition of celebrating the Freedom alive... Lets celebrate Tenth Anniversary of Croatia recognition....Join us for the unforgettable evening of delicious Croatian food, music, songs and friendship. Bring your American friend with you and share the joy of our tradition, culture and our quest for freedom and democracy. All proceeds to benefit humanitarian causes in Croatia and USA.distributed by CROWN - - CroWorldNet@aol.comNotice: This e-mail and the attachments are confidential information.If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail and the attachments is strictly prohibited and violators will be held to the fullest possible extent of any applicable laws governing electronic Privacy. If you have received this e-mail in error please immediately notify the sender by telephone or e-mail, and permanently delete this e-mail and any attachments.
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