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(E) Subscribe to Croatian Chronicle
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  01/11/2006 | Community | Unrated
(E) Subscribe to Croatian Chronicle


Subscribe to Croatian Chronicle

Dear Friends,

For three consecutive years the Croatian Chronicle, an independent newspaper, has recorded the life of Croatians in North America, successfully bringing together Croatian communities in the United States and Canada.

We, a small group of enthusiasts, started the newspaper in very humble circumstances with the goal of filling the media vacuum that has existed in the Croatian community in North America for many years.

The complicated and costly process of creating, printing and distributing the newspaper has been financed from the very beginning through advertising and subscriptions. That is why, dear friends, we are taking this opportunity to write to you in the hope that you will appreciate the existence of a Croatian publication and that you and your friends will support us through subscribing, as well as by recommending us to your fellow Croatians.

The Croatian Chronicle is an informative and interesting newspaper that every two weeks brings you news, stories and commentary from Croatian communities in the United States and Canada, as well as numerous features from Croatia.

If you subscribe to the Chronicle by January 31st, you will still be able to participate in the draw we organize every year for our subscribers in cooperation with a number of generous sponsors.

With valuable prizes courtesy of the Croatia Travel and Pan Adriatic travel agencies, and a little bit of luck, you could win a trip for two to Dubrovnik or Zagreb. And the friendly staff at the Hotel Dubrovnik in Zagreb and the Hotel Palace in Dubrovnik will ensure the lucky winners enjoy a number of unforgettable days in the most elite hotels in Croatia. Another sponsor is HRT America whose generous gift package includes satellite equipment and a one-year subscription for all-day programming of “Slika Hrvatske.�

Don’t miss your chance to genuinely experience Croatia: until the end of January, a one-year subscription to the Croatian Chronicle will only cost you $50 (Canada US$70, Other Countries US$135)! Now, you can subscribe on line

When you subscribe you will join an already informed and united Croatian community, as well as contribute to the growth of a Croatian publication that is necessary if we are to be a strong and respected community. Let our presence be felt! Welcome to the Croatian Chronicle.

We look forward to our successful partnership and wish you a happy and healthy 2006!

Višnja Miocic


Sanja Floricic Bogovic

Director  Tel. 718 278 5760




Thanks to few individuals, we have a newspapers that are worth reading. I strongly support Croatian Chronicle and I think that 10-20.000 subscription should be achievable. Unfortunately we have to rely on ourselves, although I think that the government should support such effort,  but on the other hand, our independence is priceless. The best and easiest way of support is to subscribe.


Nenad Bach

Editor in Chief, CROWN

Dragi prijatelji,

Croatian Chronicle - Hrvatska kronika - je nezavisna novina koja vec trecu godinu zaredom svjedoci o zivotu Hrvata na Sjevernoamerickom kontinentu, uspjesno povezujući hrvatske zajednice diljem Amerike i Kanade.

Novinu smo, nas mala grupa entuzijasta, pokrenuli u vrlo skromnim uvjetima s ciljem da da pokusamo popuniti medijsku prazninu koju su iseljeni Hrvati na americkom kontinentu osjecali dugi niz godina.

Slozeni i skupi proces izrade, printanja i distribucije novine financira se od samog pocetka iskljucivo kroz reklame i pretplate nasih citatelja. Stoga Vam se, dragi prijatelji, i ovom prilikom obracamo s nadom da cete pozdraviti postojanje hrvatske novine na ovim prostorima i da cete nas podrzati tako sto cete pretplatiti sebe i svoje prijatelje te nas preporuciti i drugim nasim sunarodnjacima.

Hrvatska kronika je informativna i zanimljiva novina, koja svaka dva tjedna donosi vijesti, price i komentare iz hrvatskih zajednica diljem Amerike i Kanade, te brojne zanimljivosti iz domovine.

Ukoliko se pretplatite na Hrvatsku kroniku do 31. sijecnja, mozete jos uvijek sudjelovati u nagradnoj igri koju organiziramo svake godine za nase pretplatnike u suradnji s brojnim velikodusnim sponzorima.

Zahvaljujuci vrijednim nagradama putnickih agencija Croatia Travel i Pan Adriatic uz malo srece moete upravo Vi osvojiti putovanje za dvije osobe u Dubrovnik ili Zagreb. A ljubazno osoblje Hotela Dubrovnik u Zagrebu, te Hotela Palace u Dubrovniku, omogucit ce sretnim dobitnicima da provedu nekoliko nezaboravnih dana u najelitnijim hrvatskim hotelima. Jedan od sponzora je i HRT Amerika, koja sretnom dobitniku poklanja paket satelitske opreme s godisnjom pretplatom na cjelodnevni program Hrvatske televizije -“Slika Hrvatske�.

Ne propustite svoju sansu za vrhunski dozivljaj Hrvatske: Cijena jednogodisnje pretplate na Hrvatsku kroniku do kraja sijecnja iznosi svega $50.00(Canada US$70, Other Countries US$135)! Od sada pretplatiti se mozete i putem interneta na adresi 

Svojom pretplatom pridruzit ćete se informiranoj i sloznoj hrvatskoj zajednici, te pomoci postojanje i rast hrvatske novine, koja je potrebna svima nama ukoliko zelimo biti respektirana i snazna zajednica na ovim prostorima! Pokazimo da nas ima! Dobrodosli u obitelj Hrvatske kronike! S nadom u uspjesno partnerstvo, saljemo Vam srdacne pozdrave i zelimo Vam zdravu i veselu 2006!

Visnja Miocic


Sanja Floricic Bogovic

Director  Tel. 718 278 5760


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