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Vrijeme i Zemlja frontman Nenad Bach to release EP later this year
By Marko Puljić | Published  01/11/2010 | Music , People , Culture And Arts | Unrated
New material on the horizon from the Nenad Bach Band

Transcription and translation of Darko Glavan's video presentation is below:

Pa meni nije uvijek lako prepričavati stvari koje sam pisao prije 30 godina, jer sam bio mnogo izravniji i hrabriji i drago mi je eto da danas mogu nakon trideset godina dodat nešto na moje prve impresije o nastupu ''Vrijeme i zemlja''. Vozeći se iz Zagreba do Rijeke sa Brankom Paićem, izdavačem ovog reizdanja, u jednom trenutku smo se prisjetili, pustili smo CD i Branko je spontano rekao, kako kaže, ''pa tad nije bilo ni jednog benda kao što je ''Vrijeme i zemlja''''. I to je istina. Ja bih rekao čak ni poslije nije bilo. Naime, stvarno se radi o jednoj jedinstvenoj alkemiji, i danas kad zamišljam unatrag, znajući naravno i kasnije sudbinu svih sudionika tog projekta, činjenica da osnovna odlika je to da je to bila takozvana fuzijska glazba. Glazba kraja 60-ih se često nazivala underground, onda je postojao classic rock, jazz rock, dakle miješanje rocka s drugim elementima. Ali mislim da je najprecizniji termin fuzijska glazba i mislim da je Nenad bio blizu _kad je spomenuo_termin sinteze. U svakom slučaju, pogotovo danas kad se sluša u formatu compact diska, kad se recimo mnogo bolje po mom mišljenju čuju klavijature nego na vinilnom izdanju, vidi se da tu postoje nekoliko ujedinjenih glazbenih svjetova. Klavijature su, po meni, iz zabrana progresivnog rocka.

Tekstovi teže šansoni, ritam sekcija očigledno je bila pod uplivom jazza. Sve to u kontekstu nečega što bi se okvirno moglo zvati pop rock. Dakle to je nešto što je bilo vrlo ambiciozno, vrlo svojeglavo, nije čudo da je recimo naišao na simpatije Arsena Dedića, a onog trenutka kad je ''Vrijeme i zemlja'' prestala s radom, svi članovi grupe ostali su u glazbi što je vrlo znakovito i krenuli različitim putem. Dakle, očigledno je to bio jedan zanimljiv projekt, projekt koji je bitno proširio granice mogućeg i ostvarivog, ne samo na riječkoj, hrvatskoj i tadašnjoj federativnoj sceni, nego eto kasnije odlaskom Nenada Bacha u Ameriku, bitno proširio komunikacije ljudi koji su pratili pop i rock glazbu s ovih prostora i mogu se Nenadu zahvaliti u moje ime i pogotovo u ime pokojnog Dražena Vrdoljaka, jer nam omogućio kontakte sa doista vrhunskim glazbenicima, a posebno i vama, recimo emisijama Zagrebačke televizije, mnogi kontakti, nastupi Jamesa Taylora, Ricka Danka, Gartha Hudsona i Levona Helma, to možemo zahvaliti Nenadu i njegovim kontaktima i drago mi je da eto ja, na jedan skroman način, sam pripomogao obilježavanju jednog diskografskog projekta koji je doista značajan ne samo za Rijeku, nego doista za širu regiju.
It is not always easy for me to recount things that I wrote 30 years ago, because I was a lot more direct and brave and I am pleased that I can today after 30 years, add to my first impressions of “Vrijeme & Zemlja’s” performance. Driving from Zagreb to Rijeka with Branko Paic, the publisher of this reissue, we put on the CD and Branko spontaneously said that “then there wasn’t any band like Vrijeme & Zemlja.” That is true. I would say that there wasn’t one after. In fact, it really is about a unique alchemy, and today when I think back, knowing obviously the fates of all of the participants of that project, the truth is that the band’s basic character was so-called fusion music and I think that Nenad was close when he mentioned the term of synthesis. In any case, especially when you listen to it in CD format, in my opinion you can better hear the keyboards than on the vinyl version, and you can see that there are a number of musical worlds. As far as I am concerned, the keyboards are as we say, from the reservation of progressive rock.

The texts strive towards chansons while the rhythm section is visibly influenced by Jazz. All that in the context of something that we could roughly call pop rock. It therefore was something that was ambitious, and it isn’t surprising for example that it came across the sympathies of Arsen Dedic, and at the moment that “Vrijeme & Zemlja” stopped working, all members of the group stayed in the music industry which is very significant and went in different directions. It was apparent that it was an interesting project, a project that essentially expanded the boundaries of the possible and attainable, not only at the Rijeka, Croatia or the federal scenes, but rather later with the departure of Nenad Bach to America, essentially expanded the communications of people following the pop and rock from this region and I thank Nenad in my name and especially in the name of the late Drazen Vrdoljak because he enabled contact with a number of excellent musicians but especially for you, for example broadcasts of Zagreb Television the many contacts and performances of James Taylor, Rick Danko, Garth Hudson and Levon Helm and we can all thank Nenad and his contacts and I am glad, that even I played a small part in documenting a recording project that was not only significant for Rijeka but rather for the wider region.

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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