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 »  Home  »  History  »  Anna Givargizyan exhbited her photos of Armenian khachkars in Dubrovnik Croatia in Feb 2016
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 »  Home  »  Religion  »  Anna Givargizyan exhbited her photos of Armenian khachkars in Dubrovnik Croatia in Feb 2016
Anna Givargizyan exhbited her photos of Armenian khachkars in Dubrovnik Croatia in Feb 2016
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  02/3/2016 | History , Education , Culture And Arts , Religion | Unrated
Armenian archbishop Kegham Katcherian and the Dubrovnik bishop Mate Uzinić participated the opening of the exhibition

Dr Anna Givargizyan, author of the photo exhibition of Armenian khakchakrs, held from
2nd February to 3rd March 2016 in the city of Dubrovnik. Photo by Slavica Gavranić.


Khachkars - Armenian stone crosses exhibited in the city of Dubrovnik

Khachkars represent the symbols of happiness, light and life. They belong to some of the principal religious signs of Armenian Church.

The photo collection of khachkars has been prepared by dr. Anna Givargizyan, an Armenian living in Moscow. The exhibition lasted from the February 2nd to March 3rd 2016, and was held in the hall of the Society of Friends of the Dubrovnik Antiquities, in Široka ulica 2 (Wide Street) near the main street of Stradun in Dubrovnik. Except Dr Anna Givarigizyen, in the solemn opening of the exhibition participated Armenian archbishop Kegham Katcherian, the Dubrovnik bishop Mate Uzinić, Croatian historian Dr Vinicije Lupis and Mrs Naira Asatryan, who is pianist of Armanian origin, living in Dubrovnik and the founder of the Croatian-Armenian Friendship Society in the city.

Mrs Givargizyan is the founder and editor in chief of an Armenian journal called The ZHAM magazine (in Armenian, Zham = Time), published bilingualy in Russian and Armenian in Moscow, dedicated to all aspects of Armenian culture. She earned her PhD in cultorology from the Moscow University. In 2015, in Moscow, Dr Anna Givargizyan organized a very successful presentation of an important monograph about the tradition of St Blaise in Dubrovnik, written jointly by Dr Vinicije Lupis from Dubrovnik and Dr Artur Bagdasaarov from Moscow.

The ZHAM Magazine, mentioned above, has published already several reports about centuries-old tradition of Sveti Vlaho (St Blaise) in the city of Dubrovnik in Croatia. The tradition goes back to the the 10th century, when Sveti Vlaho became the patron saint of the city. St Blaise is an Armenian martyr, who lived in the fourth century, when he was decapitated in the year 317. His cult is widespread throughout the Christian world, including Croatia. His head arrived as a precious reliquia to the city of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) in the year 972 AD, that is, more than a thosand years ago.

During the Feast of St Blaise (Sveti Vlaho), his head is worn by the bishops and archbishops, which believers touch and kiss with reverence.

The figure of Sveti Vlaho is the principal link between Croatia and Armenia.

From left to right: Mr Denis Orlić (president of the Society of Friends of Dubrovnik Antiquities), Mr Kegham Katcherian (Armenian archbishop),
Dr Vinicije Lupis (Croatian historian), Naira Asatryan (Armenian pianist living in Dubrovnik, president of Croatian-Armenian Friendship Society)

Dr Anna Givargizyan on the left, author of the exhibition of the photo collection of Armenian khachkars.

The solemn opening of the exhibition has been attended by a group of the Dubrovnik schoolchirdren.

Mr Kegham Katcherian, Armenian archbishop, speaking about the meaning and importance of khachkars.


The word "khachkar"  represents a remarkable branch in the art of stones work which, in ancient and medieval times, was mainly encountered throughout the territory of  historical Armenia and in all those places where Armenians set foot and where the smoke rose from their hearths. Khachkar, arising from an early Christian cultural atmosphere of Armenia and as the logical successor of ancient monumental sculpture, developed throughout the centuries, attained perfection and became one of the finest branches of fine art. Being definitely an Armenian national phenomenon, they are remarkable as unparalleled monuments, enriching the esthetic and cultural treasury of civilized mankind.

Many thanks to Dr Anna Givargizyan for sending us this text.

Dr Anna Givargizyan taking photos from her exhibition in the city of Dubrovnik.

Mrs Naira Asatryan was translating the words of archbishop Katcherian from Armenian into Croatian.

Mr Mate Uzinić, who arrived to the opening somewhat later,  mentioned among others that one of
the contemporary Armenian khachakrs will be permanently exhibited in the city of Dubrovnik.

Armenian archbishop Khatcherian, distinguished guest of the Dubrovnik bishop Mate Uzinić, attending
an exibition "Khachkars" of the Armenian photographer Anna Givargizyan in Dubrovnik.

Mrs Naira Asatryan and Mr Mate Uzinić, the Dubrovnik archbishop.

These words, permanently exhibited in the hall, constitute a part of the official flag of the
city of Dubrovnik, i.e., of the old Republic of Ragusa.

Armenian stone cross from the 10th century, called khatchkar, richly decorated with interlace patterns.

Armenian archbishop Kegham Katcherian in the city of Dubrovnik during the Feast of Sveti Vlaho (St Blais),
speaking about khatchkars, Armenian stone crosses. Photo by the courtesy of Dr Anna Givargizyan.

Mr Mate Uzinić, the bishop of Dubrovnik, and Mr Kegham Katcherian, Armenian archbishop.
Photo by the courtesy of Dr Anna Givargizyan.

Armenian archbishop Katcherian with Dr Vinicije Lupis and Naira Asatryan, pianist. Photo by Slavica Gavranić.

Source The ZHAM Magazine, Dr Anna Givargizyan

Khachkars, stone symbols of Armenia, a photo exhibition from February 2nd to March 3rd 2016 in the city of Dubrovnik.
On the right Najka Mirković, distinguished Dubrovnik photographer. Photo by Slavica Gavranić.

Anna Givargizyan above the Stradun street in Dubrovnik. Photo by Boris Jović.

On February 5th 2016, Dr Anna Givargizyan participated as one of promotors of the monograph of
Dr Vinicije Lupis, Croatian historian, dealing with the history the Dubrovnik gold treasures.
The event took place in the Hall of John Paul II in the city of Dubrovnik.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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