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Poziv na akciju Pokretom protiv Parkinsona 3p u Maksimiru Zagreb 4. listopada 2014 u 10 sati
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/28/2014 | Music , Events , Education , Community | Unrated
Koncert Nenad Bacha i Radojke Šverko u 12 h & projekcija biografskog filma o Nenadu Bachu u kinu Tuškanac u 17 h

Parkinson i mi - objava, 30sec HD

Nenad Bach podupire rad udruge "Parkinson i mi"

Poštovani, pozivamo Vas na akciju


koje će se održati 4. listopada 2014. godine od 10.00 do 15.00 sati u

MAKSIMIRSKOM PARKU, Zagreb (Mala pozornica)

10-15h   PREZENTACIJA NAČINA VJEŽBANJA (fizikalna terapija, ples, tai chi i pilates)

11h ZAJEDNIČKO HODANJE PUTEM NADE (podrška borbi  oboljelih od Parkinsonove bolesti i sindroma)


17 h PROJEKCIJA BIOGRAFSKOG FILMA O NENADU BACHU  „Everything Is Forever“ (Kino Tuškanac, Zagreb), nakon projekcija razgovor s Nenadom Bachom



Predviđena ophodnja u parku Maksimir u Zagrebu 4. lisopada 2014 s početkom u 11 sati.

Hrvatski predstavnici na European Unity Walk u Luxemburgu!

Ophodnja na Bundeku godine 2013. Nenad Bach skroz desno zajedno s Mirom Gavranom. Izvor

Nenad Bach s djecom i prijateljima na Bundeku 2013. Lijevo dolje Katarina Peročević.

Park Maksimir, 04. listopada 2014. godine od 10.00 do 15.00 sati


pozivamo Vas na akciju POKRETOM PROTIV PARKINSONA 3P
koja će se održati
4. listopada 2014. godine od 10.00 do 15.00 sati u PARKU MAKSIMIR

Događaj će obilježiti hodanje zadanom rutom (Put nade) po parku u 11.00 čime bi se zapravo pokazala podrška borbi oboljelih od Parkinsonsonove bolesti i

Parkinson plus sindroma, a isto tako na 3 različita punkta bi se prezentirali i načini vježbanja (fizikalna terapija, ples, tai chi i pilates) bitni u borbi s bolesti. Uz to će biti i manji koncert Nenada Bacha, Radojke Šverko, uz moguće goste iznenađenja.

U 17 sati će u kinu Tuškanac biti prikazan film Nenada Bacha o životu i radu te borbi protiv Parkinsonove bolesti („Everything Is Forever“). Nakon projekcije bit će razgovor s Nenadom Bachom.



Everything is Forever recently earned a rave review on "A Bucket of Corn"

Plot: About Croatian Composer Nenad Bach's journey through war and peace and rock n' roll.
My Review and Thoughts:

Directed wonderfully by Victor Zimet. This is a touching and emotional reality of one man who has a vision and love of music. I feel this is a personal experience. A beautiful emotional reality of one man's struggle and journey with his American life and his passionate love affair for music. Music makes the world go round and it's a beautiful part of life.

I feel this documentary captures everything it needed to capture about one man's struggle and journey. I think the music is a wonderful mix of folk and classical rock 'n roll with a sense of poetry storytelling. I always like to come across documentaries that follow the day-to-day life of an individual and that's exactly what this documentary does.

It showcases his daily struggle and drama. The filming of the struggle is very important for the viewer to experience. Bach is a person that is being showcased and you the viewer attach to his personal reality. This is a documentary that I feel you get to become a part of Bach's life.

You the viewer get to become a part of the situation and I feel that's one of the strong points. I think the viewer can feel, as if it's reality taking place before their eyes. Bach has a rustic talent of storytelling in his music. He is a cross between Bob Dylan and Neil Young with a splash of Randy Newman.

The film showcases an important passion of a dream. I love how we as Americans take for granted everything and when a foreigner comes over and experiences all of Americas wonders there amazed. I liked the comment that Bach stated about the guitar. He stated how in his country it would take a whole years wage to buy one but here in America a person waiting tables can have one.

I think what makes this documentary become a heart touching, mind altering reality is it's throughout the years. This documentary film follows Bach through his journey with his passion and then the 360 turn with his battle of Parkinson's.

Now you get to see his son, which is his number one fan. A sons passion for his father and the father's passion for his son. I think this brings a humanity to the film and the expressions of love.

I believe Bach's music and stories and poetry inside his soul expresses  the very deep touching reality of the human soul. The documentary not only expresses a mans passion but also the truths of injustice that happens in the world that Bach's lyrics showcase.

Victor Zimet also directed 2006's Songs & Stories: New York Remembers Rory Gallagher. Zimet has a talent and passion for capturing thought provoking experiences and truly important individuals.

This is truly a wonderful biography documentary. A musical exploration. A journey of one mans heart and soul and struggle. His battles, his ultimate persona and his love affair for the American life and passion to express himself as a musician.

I highly recommend this thought provoking piece of documentary cinema.



For more information go to

The other day we saw an amazing movie at the 5th Starigrad Paklenica Film Festival  about such a special and amazing person, Nenad Bach, called Everything is Forever. The fact that the movie  was being shot during 15 years is impressive in itself and the fact that it portrays a versatile person and his very intimate and honest story adds substantially to its value. It touched me in so many ways.

Nenad Bach is an artist; musician, producer, manager and, most of all, humanitarian. He was born in Zagreb, lived in Rijeka and left for the USA, where he has been living, surely everyone would agree, the American dream. What amazes me is his persistence and taking into consideration each and every detail in everything he is doing. Nenad believes in people and goodness and uses his music as the best and most efficient weapon in fighting for peace and better future. He appreciates the country he lives in, but has never forgotten his own roots and his motherland, which he promotes in every possible way.
The interviews with his children throughout the movie add the personal and intimate note to the story. In addition, the movie finishes with a very honest and detailed description of a Parkinson disease that Nenad is currently fighting. There are not many people that would talk about it and I believe it takes a lot of courage to openly share all the problems an artist faces in his day-to-day life. It adds to my deep fascination with Nenad Bach as a person.

The thing is that there is a strong impression that Nenad has done a lot, is giving a lot with his optimism and has so much more to give to others and to the world. I would love many more people to see this movie, especially Croatian people, so they could learn more about Nenad and his work, and also appreciate more all of his efforts. I do not get the impression that Nenad is doing anything with the aim of getting the appreciation and/or fame, but, nevertheless, he definitely deserves them. I am so happy and grateful for having been given a chance to meet Nenad Bach and spend some time in his association.

Maša Katić, Starigrad Paklenica Film Festival

Nenad Bach s prijateljima u parku Maksimir u Zagrebu 4. listopada 2014. tijekom akcije "Pokretom protiv Parkinsona 3p".

Šetnja sudionika akcije "Pokretom protiv Parkinsona 3p" čarobnim parkom Maksimir.

Nastup Nenada Bacha i Čede Antolića s gitarom u Maksimiru tijekom akcije "Pokretom protiv Parkinsona 3p", zajedno s Goranom Kovačićem lijevo.

Nenad Bach nabavlja prozvode udruge "Parkinson i mi". Skroz desno gore je gđa. Ivanka Boljkovac, istaknuta hrvatska operna pjevačica.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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