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Marie Spaemann a student of maestro Valter Despalj wins the first prize |
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic |
Music , Culture And Arts
German student in Croatia wins the first prize in Austria
Marie Spaemann (21) from Germany, a student of cello in the class of maestro Valter Dešpalj at the Academy of Music in Croatia's capital Zagreb.
Violončelisti zagrebačke Muzičke akademije pobjednici međunarodnog natjecanja J. Brahms
U austrijskom Pörtschachu već se 16 godina održava veliko međunarodno natjecanje mladih glazbenika "Johannes Brahms". Time Pörtschach iskazuje počast velikom skladatelju koji je u tom prelijepom ljetovalištu na jezeru Worther stvorio neke od svojih najvelebnijih opusa. Natjecanje se provodilo u šest disciplina a Pörtschach je ove godine "preplavilo" preko 280 mladih natjecatelja.
U disciplini violončelo na ovogodišnjem upravo završenom natjecanju zabllistali su studenti zagrebačke Muzičke akademije iz klase profesora Valtera Dešpalja, 21-godišnja Njemica Marie Spaemann i 17-godišnji Holanđanin Bas Jongen. Ove godine natjecanje je privuklo rekordan broj violončelista, njih čak 49, iz mnogih zemalja Europe, Amerike i Azije. Vrlo zahtjevan repertoar pružio je natjecateljima mogućnost da iskažu svoj virtuozitet, umjetnički domet i sposobnost izvođenja raznih stilova. Žiri sastavljen od uglednih profesora i koncertanata dodijelio je u sve tri etape najviše bodova Marie Spaemann.
Pored Prve nagrade Marie Spaemann je i dobitnica specijalne nagrade Daejeon Culture & Arts Center: poziv za gostovanje u Južnoj Koreji. Bas Jongen, dobitnik druge nagrade, također je oduševio žiri i publiku te je po bodovima u sve tri etape bio drugoplasirani. Njemu je pripala specijalna nagrada koncertne agencije Interclassica Music Management.
| Cello students of the Zagreb Academy of Music on the top at the "Brahms" international competition
For the 16th consecutive year Poertschach (Austria) was hosting the "Johannes Brahms" international competition for young musicians. Poertschach was honoring again the great master who composed some of his most inspired pages during his retreats at this beautiful summer resort on the lake Woerther. For a week the town was virtually flodded with over 280 young musicians competing in six disciplines: piano, violin, viola, cello, voice and chamber music.
Among the cello participants two students of prof. Valter Despalj at the Zagreb Academy of Music shone: Marie Spaemann (21) from Germany and Bas Jongen (17) from The Netherlands. This year the competition attracted a record number of 49 cellists from a number of countries of Europe, America and Asia. A very demanding repertoary gave everyone chance to demonstrate their musicality, technical command of the instrument and sense of style. The jury, composed of internationally renown cello performers and teachers gave the highest points in all three rounds to Marie Spaemann, with Bas Jongen placed second. In the final round both of them presented exciting performances Tchaikovsky's "Variations on a Rococo Theme" accompanied by Corynthian Symphony Orchestra, drawing a huge applaus from the audiences which packed up the Congress Hall of Poertschach.
Besides the First Prize, Marie also won the a special prize: invitation from Dajeon Culture And Arts Center for a concert tour of South Korea. Bas Jongen, the Second Prize winner was awarded a special prize by Interclassica Concert Management.
| Marie Spaemann
Marie Spaemann was born in Vienna July 28th, 1988. At the age of seven she started playing the cello. Her first teacher was Georg Baich. Subsequently she studied with Rudolf Leopold, Hildgund Posch, Orfeo Mandozzi and Howard Penny. Since October 2004 she has been studying Violoncello at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna with Professor Reinhard Latzko. Right now Marie takes some time of study abroad at the Music Academy in Zagreb. Her teacher in Zagreb is Prof. Valter Despalj.
Marie Spaemann attended master classes with Eleonore Schoenfeld, Susanne Basler, Valter Despalj, David Geringas and Frans Helmerson.
Marie Spaemann was first prize winner at the Austrian National Competition for young musicians, Prima la Musica, in 2002/03/04, and at the German National Competition for young musicians Jugend musiziert in 2004. She also won first prizes at the international cello competitions in Liezen (Austria, 2002), Gorizia (Italy, 2003, 2009) and at the international Johannes Brahms Competition in Austria (2009).
In summer 2004 Marie Spaemann became a member of the Croatian cello ensemble Cellomania, founded and directed by the Croatian cellist Valter Despalj. In August 2006, the ensemble was invited by the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, where Marie also performed as a soloist. In November of the same year, Cellomania went on tour together with the cellist Misha Maisky. In February 2007 the ensemble was invited to play several concerts in Moscow. In September of the same year Marie followed an invitation by the Music Academy Vienna to go on a tour through Japan, performing chamber music and solo literature.
In November 2007, Marie gave a recital at the Wiener Konzerthaus, in the course of the concert series Musica Juventutis. Another one will follow in May 2010.
Her first experiences as a soloist with orchestra, Marie made in 2002, when she was 14 years old. Her debut took place at Haydn Hall of Esterhazy Castle in Eisenstadt, Austria. She performed Boccherini's cello concerto in G-major, accompanied by the chamber orchestra "Amici Musici". In October 2005, Marie performed J. Haydns cello concerto in C-major, accompanied by the Internationale Donauphilharmonie, conducted by Georg Kugi. On the 2nd of June 2008, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra accompanied Marie Spaemann with the Rokoko Variations by Tschaikowsky in the Croatian Institute of Music in Zagreb.
Source www.cellist.nl
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