You are invited!
The Croatian Heritage Museum is pleased to announce a reception for theopening of our annual exhibit, Croatians celebrate Christmas.
Reception DateDATE - Sunday, December 1, 2002TIME - 2:00 PM to 5:00 PMLOCATION - 34900 Lakeshore Blvd, Eastlake, Ohio
The exhibit will include a large and beautiful jaslica (manger) containingfigures dressed in traditional Croatian nosnija (folkdress), a full sizemodel a typical peasant home at Christmas time, a tree decorated withold-fashioned Croatian Christmas ornaments and a photo display discussingthe traditions of Croatians during the Christmas season.
The reception will feature traditional Croatian music by Mr. Joe Senin.Traditional Croatian refreshments will be served.
The Croatian Heritage Museum has the following items available(they can alsobe ordered by):
1) Croatian Christmas customs booklet, describes the various customs ofChristmas with illustrations
2) Licitar srce, heart shaped preserved cookie dough ornaments decoratedwith various designs and a tiny mirror in the center. A tradition whichstems from courting practices of young Croatians in former times.
3) Bon bone, colored foil wrapped candies with fringed edges meant to hangon the tree. This and the licitar were among some of the first ornamentsused by Croatians when they adapted the Christmas tree to their culture inthe 1800s.
4) Kitchen towels embroidered with various Croatian designs and verbiage, IEDobar Tek, Sretan Boz"ic, Dobro Dos"li
5) Psenica, seed wheat which is planted on Dec 13th, St Lucy's Day in ashallow bowl. When the wheat sprouts a red, white and blue (Croatia'snational colors) ribbon is tied around the wheat and a candle is placed inthe middle. The wheat symbolizes our rebirth in Christ, the candle Jesuslight of the world. In some regions of Croatia 3 candles are placed in thecenter symbolizing the Trinity.
6) Note cards with a beautiful print of a painting by Croatian Americanartist Stanka Koridic of a girl in Bratina (between Karlovac and Zagreb)nos"nija (folkdress)
7) Christmas cards with greetings in Croatian or English, various sceneswith artwork done by Croatian American graphic artist Zdenka Benic Gorn(ic).
8) Handbook, Searching Your Croatian Roots by Robert Jerin
If you are interested in the above items please send email inquiry
The museum hours are Friday evenings from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM and mostSaturday and Sunday afternoons during the Christmas season (please email orcall, 216-991-2310 for times)
Robert Jerin