Jeunesses Musicales Jazz Orchestra Zagreb is founded in Jeunesses Musicales International Cultural Centre (JMC ICC) in Grožnjan in March 2002 on the initiative of young jazz musicians the participants of the Jazz workshops. Summer Jazz School is held traditionally every summer in JMC ICC in Grožnjan under the leadership of BoÅ¡ko Petrović. The very good artistic results of the workshop have motivated JM Croatia to form the first young professional jazz big band in Croatia. The leader of the Big Band is Mr. Sigi Feigl and the members are the music school pupils, students and young musicians from all over Croatia.
The attractiveness and the quality of playing as well as the team of mentors it has already gathered can very soon lead JMC Jazz Orchestra Zagreb at the very top of jazz youth orchestra scene in Europe.
Some excerpts from newspaper reviews after the first appearances:
“…extraordinary beginning…orchestra that has flashed on Croatian jazz scene already with it’s first appearance … Večernji list,
“… one hour and a half of top jazz�,�…a group of jazz musicians with exceptional knowledge and performance skill has quickly captivated the
audience in Osijek……..â€?(Osječki glasnik, 9.07.2002.)
“…. It is nice to see that Croatian jazz scene has a strong, numerous and inspirited young generation of musicians whose growing up is cared
for by excellent musicians…�
SIGI FEIGL is well known to Croatian public for many years now. He is also a Band leader of Jazz Big Band Graz, and lecturer on
Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz, Member of the Orchestra in Wienna, producer of several Opera performances of the
Opera in Graz, founder and a leader of Big Band Sued, leader of Jazz workshops and producer of many world famous musicians such as: Bill
Holman, Toots Thielemans, Art Farmer, Mark Murphy, Herb Pomeroy, Ack van Rooyen…Since 2002 he is a conductor and artistic director
of HGM Jazz orchestra Zagreb
Conductor: Mo SIGI FEIGL
Mario Stuhnhofer, Antonio Geček, Zvonimir Bajević,
Branko Sterpin, Marko Bobičanec
Zdenko IvanuÅ¡ić, Dejan Kus, Ivan Ivanov, Damir Horvat, Bojan Vukelić
Trombones: press release
Vid Žgajner, Luka Žužić, Tomislav Koprivčević, Andrija Petej, Miron Hauser
Davor Dedić
Goran Rukavina
Elvis Penava
Bruno Domiter
In 4 years there were more then 60 concerts performed by HGM Jazz orchestra Zagreb.
Contact: Makovac Mojca, groznjan@hgm.hr
HGM Jazz Orkestar Zagreb osnovan je u ožujku 2002. godine u Međunarodnom kulturnom centru Hrvatske glazbene mladeži u Grožnjanu. Projekt je nastao na inicijative mladih jazz glazbenika, polaznika Ljetne jazz Å¡kole koja se održava već tradicionalno svakog ljeta u MKC HGM Grožnjanu pod vodstvom BoÅ¡ka Petrovića..
Uspješnost te radionice potaknula je Hrvatsku glazbenu mladež da pokrene taj projekt kao prvi mladi profesionalni Jazz Big band u Hrvatskoj.
Voditelj HGM Jazz Orkestra Zagreb je Sigi Feigl, a članovi su učenici muzičkih Å¡kola i mladi glazbenici iz Zagreba i drugih hrvatskih gradova.
Orkestar bi se po atraktivnosti i kvaliteti izvedbe, timu mentora koji se već okupio i mladim glazbenicima, mogao dovesti vrlo brzo u sam vrh međunarodnih jazz omladinskih orkestara.
O prvim nastupima je u tisku pisalo:
..»izvrstan početak...koji je već prvim svojim nastupom zablistao na hrvatskoj džez sceni...»Večernji list,23.6. 2002.
...»sat i pol vrhunskog jazza...skup jazz glazbenika iznimnog znanja a time i izvedbe, brzo je osvojio osječku publiku..»Osječki glas, 9.7.2002.
...»Lijepo je vidjeti da hrvatska jazz scena ima snažan, brojan, i nadahnut pomladak o čijem se odrastanju brinu vrsni muzičari..»
Glas Istre» 9.8.2002.
SIGI FEIGL već je neko vrijeme prisutan na hrvatskoj jazz sceni. Umjetnički je direktor i donedavno band lider Jazz Big Band Graza. Predavač na Akademiji za glazbu i primijenjene umjetnosti u Grazu, član orkestra združenih scena Beča, producent nekoliko opernih izvedbi Opere u Grazu, osnivač i voditelj Big Band Sued, voditelj Jazz radionica i producent brojnih svjetskih glazbenika kao Bill Holman, Toots Thielemans, Art Farmer, Mark Murphy, Bob Brookmeyer, Arturo Sandoval…Od 2002. godine dirigent i voditelj HGM jazz orkestra Zagreb.
Mario Stuhnhofer, Antonio Geček, Zvonimir Bajević,
Branko Sterpin, Marko Bobičanec
Zdenko IvanuÅ¡ić, Dejan Kus, Ivan Ivanov, Damir Horvat, Bojan Vukelić
Vid Žgajner, Luka Žužić, Tomislav Koprivčević, Andrija Petej, Miron Hauser
Davor Dedić
Goran Rukavina
Elvis Penava
Bruno Domiter
Tijekom posljednje 4 godine HGM Jazz Orkestar Zagreb održao je preko 70 koncerata.
Kontakt: Makovac Mojca, groznjan@hgm.hr