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Nik Orosi - one man's passion for coffee
By Marko Puljić | Published  02/16/2011 | Bilingual , People , Croatian Cuisine | Unrated
Eli’s Caffe - simply luxury coffee

Hello, moje ime je Nik...

Neznam iskreno kako bih napisao ili opisao sebe i svoj odnos prema kavi kroz par recenica. Znam da sam je jednu vecer sanjao kako je spravljam u nekakvoj kocki i znam da sam sljedece jutro odmah rekao supruzi da ja zatvaram svoj dotadasnji poslovni put te zelim otvoriti caffe s pravom kavom jer sam to sanjao! Zena je naprosto poludjela!

Iako ja nikada prije nisam popio salicu kave, vec iste godine, samo par mjeseci nakon otvaranja caffe bara, postao sam prvi put barista champion Hrvatske i tako jos dva puta, ukupno tri puta prvak...

Kava ima na tisuce, ali nisam bio dovoljno sretan dok nisam sam poceo prziti kavu. Moj puta kave je vec prve godine bio buntovnicki, od Tokija do Londona, od Osla do Edinburga...sebe sam nalazio svugdje gdje su bii pravi ljubitelji kave, a Oslo mi je postao moj osobni Vatikan...

...izdao sam i knjigu o kavi, pisem blog o kavi vec tri godine, putujem i propovijedam, przim i snabdjevam lokale po RH i od nedugo i u Srbiji...kava bi mogla i morala razbiti granice i pomiriti ljude...

Nema svrhe pricati o meni jer moja misija je pricati o kavi koja je cudo, cudo koje povezuje ljude i bez koje ne mogu zamisliti danasnji svijet u kojem zivimo...

"Hello, my name is Nik...

I honestly don't know how to write about or describe myself and my relationship with coffee in a few sentences. I know that I dreamt about coffee one night, about how I was preparing it in some box and I know that I told my wife, immediately the next morning, that I was finished with my previous business career and that I wanted to open a café with real coffee because I had dreamt it! My wife simply went mad!

Even though I had never drank a cup of coffee before, the same year, only a few months after opening a café bar, I became the barista champion of Croatia for the first time, and then two more times, altogether three times I won first place.There are thousands of types of coffee, but I was not satisfied enough until I had started roasting my own coffee. Already in the first year, my coffee journey was a rebellious one, from Tokyo to London , from Oslo to Edinburgh. I found myself everywhere true lovers of coffee were, and Oslo became my personal Vatican...

...I even published a book about coffee, I have been writing a blog about coffee for three years already, I travel and preach, I roast and supply bars throughout Croatia and since recently, in Serbia as well. Coffee could and should break boundaries and reconcile people...

There's no point to talk about me because my mission is to speak about coffee which is a miracle, a miracle that connects people and without which I cannot imagine today's world in which we live..."

Translated into English by: Marinela Aleksovski

Nik Orosi / Eliscaffe
Croatian Barista Champion 2006, Zagreb
Most forward-looking caffe in Croatia 2007 - Financial Times
Croatian Barista Champion 2007, Zagreb
SCAE nominee for Coffee Excellence 2007, Antwerpen
Croatian Barista Champion 2008, Opatija
World Baristas Choice Award 2008, Copenhagen
Best Caffe Bar in Croatia 2008 - Metro, Glorija
Best coffee in Zagreb 2009 - Jutarnji list
Best coffee in Zagreb 2009 - New York Times Specialty Coffee Roastery in Croatia 2009, Zagreb
Best caffe bar in Zagreb 2010 - PravaKava portal
Best espresso award, ELISCAFFE blend - ABC of espresso competition 2010, Macedonia

Nik's book "No Logo Just Taste" is  available on Amazon

ELISCAFFE - simply luxury coffee

ELISCAFFE - caffe bar
Ilica 63, HR - 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
OIB-VAT no.47635866743

ELISCAFFE - roastery
Kava-Kava d.o.o.
Ugljanska 24, HR - 10000 Zagreb, Croatia OIB-VAT no.06282943396
+385(0)91 4555 608

Official distributor for La Marzocco for Croatia

Op-ed: I heard aboout Kava Cafe from Nik (Zagreb) and that is why we published an article about John Saric (New York) and his success. Even more, I know John from before and I didn’t know about Kava Cafe. I called him and he told me that he goes to Ellis Cafe when he is in Zagreb. Croatian Coffee Front. Men with passion. Nenad Bach

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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