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Ivana Marija Vidović gave a concert in Torino Italy 27 Feb 2010 with standing ovations
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  03/3/2010 | Music , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Performed among others the pieces of Dora Pejacevic

Ivana Marija Vidović in Turin, Italy, where she gave a concert on 27 Feb 2010.

Ivana Marija Vidovic performed in Turin, Italy
Fleurs et Papillons (Flowers and butterflies)
A Dubrovnik born pianist Ivana Marija Vidovic gave a concert on 27th of February in one of the most prestigious art buildings in Turin, Teatro Circolo dei lettori (from the Seicento).
The concert celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great German composer Robert Schumann (1810-1856), and the performance of Blumenstuecke and Papillons op.2 magnified this significant jubilee of one of the most important piano composers.

Vidovic also performed an extremely poetic piano opus 19 'The Life of Flowers' by the most famous Croatian woman composer Dora Pejacevic.

The programme also included a presentation of the future project by Ivana Marija Vidovic, and that's her book of poetry dedicated to Dora Pejacevic, 'The Life of Flowers'. The book will be published in Italian during May 2010.

Standing ovations and several encores have au-revoired this Croatian multitalented artist in this magnificent hall which was thicked with people on Saturday night.
Vidovic played the piano grancoda Lipp R. LIPP & SOHN from 1907 which was played by many important musicians such as Sigismond Thalberg, one of the most distinguished virtuoso pianists of the 19th century and Alfredo Casella who gave his debut in Turin when he was 12...

Ivana Marija Vidović u Torinu
Fleurs et Papillons (Leptiri i cvijeće)
Uspješna dubrovačka pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović gostovala je 27. veljače u eminentnoj kazališnoj kući Teatro Circolo dei lettori u Torinu. Koncert slavi 200. godišnjicu rođenja njemačkog velikana
Roberta Schumanna (1810. - 1856.) pa će izvedbom Blumenstuecke i Papillons op.2 uveličati ovaj značajni jubilej jednog od najznačajnijih pjesnika klavira. Uz djela Schumanna na programu je i
glasovirski opus 19 "Život cvijeća" hrvatske skladateljice Dore Pejačević.

O secesijskim elementima kako u glazbi, poeziji tako i arhitekturi u uvodnoj riječi ovog koncerta govorio je Dr. Manuela Cozzani, dok je prvak talijanskog glumišta Massimo Franceschi recitirao stihove pjesnika G. Gozzana iz Piemontea iz zbirke "Leptiri" te stihove iz knjige "Život cvijeća" Ivane Marije Vidović koju je dubrovačka pijanistica posvetila Dori Pejačević.

Knjiga Život cvijeća (La vita dei fiori) biti će objavljena u talijansko-hrvatskom prijevodu u svibnju 2010. u Italiji te se ovim događanjem inaugurira ovo dvojezično izdanje dubrovačke pijanistice i pjesnikinje.
Autor teksta: Associazione Musicale Piemontese

Ivana Marija Vidović with Mr. Ivan-Đani Maršan, the consul of the Republic of Croatia in Milano and a well known Croatian singer.

Ivana Marija Vidović with Mr. Massimo Franceschi, a well known Italian actor.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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    Prekrasno! Iskrene cestitke na ovom krasnom uspjehu!!!
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