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American success of Croatian pianist Ivana Marija Vidovic |
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic |
Ivana held master classes at Wayne State University in Detroit
Ivana Marija Vidović after her piano concert in Detroit
After the concert in Detroit.
Ivana Marija Vidović with maestro Kypros Markou   American success of Ivana Marija Vidovic
From cold Detroit, she returned to Europe in November. Her next stop was Curitiba, Brazil, about an hour flight south of Săo Paulo. Following, a trip to Rio on the very day that civil war broke out and finally after a number of concerts on three continents, she arrived home.
A brilliant year is behind the pianist, who is now resting for a short time during the holidays at home in her native Dubrovnik. She is preparing for new artistic challenges in world capitals, starting with a visit to Italy and a concert there which will open her 2011 season.
Note some of her successes and remember at the end of the year, this tireless artist who has thrilled audiences in Circolo dei Lettori, one of the most distinguished theaters in Torino, as well as in ancient Catalonian Girona. She has devoted herself to the organization of the fourth Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat, which she wholeheartedly serves as artistic director. During the month of November, she flew many miles, to appear in both American continents, in Deaborn, Detroit (USA) and Curitiba (Brazil). Her heterogeneous "American adventure" is evidence of the true spirit and inexhaustibility of this Dubrovnik artist.
Over one month’s time she appeared as soloist with three orchestras, as part of a trio with violinist Kypros Markou and Dr. Judith Weg. She gave a recital and lecture introducing the Croatian piano opus with an emphasis on Croatian woman composer Dora Pejacevic.
Her tours have been comprehensive, and the pianist has never regretted the effort despite the changes in climate, seasons, time zones, and with four different repertoires. She performed in in the USA, Europe, and faraway South America, where she has appeared twice before but never with these orchestras.
In Deaborn, in November, she performed with Deaborn Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Markou playing the beautiful Mozart Concert Rondo in A major KV 386 and the Spanish composer Joaquín Turina’s Symphonic Rhapsody for Piano and Strings op.66.
With the Wayne State University Orchestra, she performed Turin and Tres Piezas Para Orquestra de Camara by Argentinean composer Astor Piazzolla, arranged for piano and orchestra by José Bragato.
At a chamber concert, she performed the Piano Trio Op.15 by the Croatian composer Dora Pejačević, marking the U.S. debut of the work.
During her last few days in U.S., Miss Vidovic appeared as a professor of piano, holding master classes for a group of selected students at Wayne State University in Detroit.
The highlight and the triumphant completion of a successful year was her visit to the Brazilian city of Curitiba where for two consecutive nights she interpreted Turin and Piazzolla with the spectacular Camerata Antiqua de Cidade do Curitiba orchestra. The concerts were conducted by one of the foremost conductors in Brazil, maestro Luis Gustavo Petri.
This visit was co-financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture, as Vidovic is the first Croatian artist who has performed with the esteemed ensemble, which this year celebrates its 35th anniversary.
All the concerts served to attract a greater interest in Croatian Cultural heritage, received rave reviews, as the pianist was received by thunderous applause and standing ovations. Therefore, it is not surprising that she has been invited by the same organizers for future engagements and continued cooperation.
Translated from Croatian by Sarah Rajtmajer
 Announcement of the concert by Ivana Marija Vidović as piano soloist in Curitiba, Brazil
Ivana Marija Vidović in Curitiba, Brazil.  Congratualtions to Ivana from a Brazilian child. Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!
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