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Humanitarni koncert za Opću bolnicu DUBROVNIK
Najavljujemo početak humanitarne akcije uglednih umjetnika različitih profila ali s istom srdačnom željom u ova sveto doba: "Kupnja suvremenog aparata za kardiološki odjel Opće bolnice Dubrovnik". Pozivamo svih da nam se pridruže u hvalevrijednoj akciji: samostalne građane, poduzeća i sve pojedince da doprinesu koliko bili u mogućnosti. Upravo Božić nas uči biti boljima, biti dijelom velike ljudske obitelji. Podupiru: Klapa Ragusa, Ra
Elizabeth Kera recipient of Croatian Women's Network Award
Members of the Croatian Women's Network are successful women from around the world, who share Croatian heritage and ancestry and come together to celebrate achievements, to inspire, champion and mentor younger generations. The aim is to connect like-minded members around the world. The Croatian Women's Network was founded by Caroline Spivak in Canada in 2015. One of the recipients of the Croatian Women's Network Award for
Vesna Skulic Croatian cinderella participating in White Path humanitarian action in BiH 1993
Vesna Škulić is living in the village of Ražanac near the city of Zadar, Croatia. As an amateur radio operator, she She trasfered more than hundred thosand humanitarian messages. She actively participated in solving numerous problems related to the humanitarion action of White Path in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993. According to late Professor Slobodan Lang, Zagreb, who was the chief organizer of the action, this was
Poziv Hrvatima u iseljeništvu koji su prikupljali donacije: Neka vaša pomoć trajno ostane zapisana
Nenad Bach, osnivač CROWN-a (Croatian World Network) pokrenuo je akciju pomoću koje bi pomoć Hrvata iz iseljeništva stradalima u potresu, ali i inače pomoć Hrvata iz iseljeništva Domovini, trajno ostala zapisana, te pomoću koje bi svima bilo vidljivo koliko je tko i iz koje države uplatio. Bach smatra kako je hrvatsko iseljeništvo uvijek pomagalo i pomaže kad je najgore, bezuvjetno, od srca i velikodušno, a za uzvrat nikad nije tražil
GoFundMe Campaign Launched To Assist With Croatian Earthquake Relief Efforts
We are monitoring the situation in Croatia following the devastating earthquake that struck near the towns of Petrinja and Sisak, and caused major damage and loss of life. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who died and are injured, all those impacted, as well as with the first responders and volunteers who continue their search and rescue operations. As global Croatian organizations, we stand united with our home
Damjan Rodin 1910-1968 Croatian priest in Brasil founder of Vila Croacia in Rio de Janeiro
Damjan Rodin was one of the first Croatian priests to move to Brazil after the Second World War, where he organised the religious and community life of the ethnic Croatian community in Sao Paulo. In Rio de Janeiro he continued his important work for Croatians and Brazilians. He was born in the Šibenik hinterland (in the town of Prvić Luka on the island of Prvić) and moved to Brazil in 1947, working as parish priest in Sao P
Ivanka Bubalo i njezina bijela kosuljica jos bdiju nad Bosnom
Ivanka Bubalo je poput ostalih Plehančana protjerana s Plehana, ali se ona nikad nije rastala, ni svojim umom ni srcem odvojila ni od Plehana, ni od Plehančana. Susreti s Ivankom bili su bogatstvo. Opredijeljena za trajne vrijednosti, bila je pravi prijatelj, u svakom, baš svakom našla je bar zrnce dobra. Krhka izgledom, snažna duha, spremna svakom i uvijek pomoći... Provela je i pomagala mnoge humanitarne aktivnost
Mary's Meals - a fruit of Medjugorje initated by Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow of Scotland
In 1992, the MacFarlane-Barrow family from Scotland, launched an appeal to help the people of war-torn Bosnia-Herzegovina. Mary's Meals is today reaching more than one million children across four continents. Those involved in the first Mary's Meals projects were all people whose lives had been changed by pilgrimages to Medjugorje. They chose, therefore, to name the organisation in honour of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Sandra Wigh Hrascanec reviving Croatian composer and benefactor Luisa Erdoedy Lios born in Vienna
U Velikoj koncertnoj dvorani Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Varaždinu, 30. studenoga 2019. održala se grandiozna Glazbeno-dramska večer "Lujzina košarica", posvećena životu i stvaralaštvu Luise Erdoedy-Lios, na kojoj je nastupila mezzosopranistica Sandra Wigh Hrašćanec, koja živi i djeluje u Beču. Grofica Lujza, naime Luisa Erdoedy Lios (1853-1924), rođena je u Beču i nakon smrti svog prvog supruga, udala se za hrva
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