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RECENT CROATIAN CERAMICS at MC Gallery New York City Dec 16th 2006 - Jan 7th 2007
By Denic Licul | Published  12/5/2006 | Culture And Arts , Events | Unrated
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Gallery MC, NY
564 West 52nd Street, 8 Floor, New York, NY / 212-581-1966
December 16th 2006- January 7th 2007
Opening reception: December 16, 6-9 pm

Curator: Marina Baricevic
Artists: Andrea Bassi, Zvonko Butkovic, Josip Diminic, Ana Hutinec, Ivancica Cvitic  
           Znidarcic, Denis Licul, Marina Orlic, Sanja Stani, Bojana Svertasek and Marina
           Tudjina Badurina
Croatian organizer of the exhibition: Town Gallery Labin,

The exhibition Recent Croatian Ceramics will be on wiev in the Gallery MC, at 564 West 52nd Street, 8 Floor, NY, as a first group presentation of contemporary Croatian Ceramics in US, starting from December 16th 2006 till January 7th 2007.
The exhibition is organised in cooperation with Gradska galerija Labin (Town Gallery of Labin), Croatia. This cultural exhange in the field of ceramics betwen New York and Croatia is iniciated by Croatian ceramist Denis Licul, who recently lives and works in New York. The exchange started in 2003. by the exhibition Clay Art Center & Friends, where artworks of 32 American ceramics were presented in Town Gallery of Labin in Croatia. This exhibition was co-sponsored by American Ambassy in Croartia. The sucess of the exhibition resulted with continuation of exhibiting the ceramics, and in 2004,
Recent Croatian Ceramics was instaled, with the goal of the organisers to bring the exhibition to the States. The exhibition has found the New York host in the Gallery MC
thanks to asistance of the Doors Art Fondation.
Curator of the exhibition Marina Baricevic is a highly estimed Croatian art critiqe and member of International Academy for Ceramic Art in Geneva. She is the author of the book History of Croatian Ceramics and book and exhibition Contemporary Croatian Ceramics which traveled the Europe 1994-95.
For the Recent Croatian Ceramics she has selected ten contemporary ceramic artist
including Andrea Bassi, Tvonko Butkovic, Josip Diminic, Ana Hutinec, Ivana Cvitic  
Znidarcic, Denis Licul, Marina Orlic, Sanja Stani, Bojana Svertasek and Marina Tudjina Badurina.
The work presented in the exhibition is mostly sculptural and it range from figurative to abstract and multimedia peaces. Marina Barichevic writes about the exhibition: Ten Croatian ceramics mean ten different poetics and as many research inspirations. This is simply a representative and impressive selection whose entire picture demonstrates this art's rich European tradition...In a recent moment of art ceramics in Croatia , its own tradition has never been forgotten. Individual achievments within contemporary expression project multiple meanings and variety of ceramics' aesthetics and tehnological givens. Ceramics unite the peculiarity of national and the internationality of the artistics.

The exhibition Recent Croatian Ceramics is financially supported by Croatian Ministry of Culture, Cultural Department of Region of Istra and Town Labin, Gallery MC, with the assistance of Doors Art Foundation in finding the gallery space, support of the Croatian General Consulate in NY and Croatian Chronicle as a media sponsor. 


Ana Hutinec


Gallery MC, NY
564 West 52nd Street, 8 Floor, New York, NY / 212-581-1966
16. Prosinac 2006 - 7. Siječanj 2007
Otvorenje izložbe:16. Prosinca od 18 do 21 sati

Kurator: Marina Baričević
Umjetnici: Andrea Bassi, Zvonko Butković, Josip Diminić, Ana Hutinec, Ivančica Cvitić  
                Znidarčić, Denis Licul, Marina Orlić, Sanja Stani, Bojana Švertasek i Marina
                Tuđjina Badurina
Hrvatski organizator izlozbe: Gradska Galerija Labin,

U Gallery MC, započevši od 16. prosinca do 7. siječnja bit će javnosti postavljena izložba Recentna Hrvatska keramika, kao do sada prvo, grupno predstavljanje suvremene Hervatske keramike američkoj publici.

Izložba se organizira u suradnji sa Gradskom Galerijom Labin iz Hrvatske.
Ova kulturna razmjena na području keramike između New Yorka i Hrvatske, inicirala je hrvatska keramičarka Denis Licul, koja trenutno živi i radi u New Yorku. Razmjena je započela 2003. godine sa izložbom Clay Art Center & Friends, na kojoj je u Gradskoj Galeriji Labin predstavljeno tridesetak američkih keramičara, a izložba je bila sufinancirana od Američke Ambasade u Zagrebu. Uspijeh izložbe rezultirao je nastavkom
izlaganja keramike u Gradskoj Galeriji Labin te je 2004. postavljena izložba Recentna Hrvatska Keramika sa željom organizatora da izložbu prdstavi u New Yorku. Zahvaljujući posredovanju Doors Art Fondation pronađen je New Yorški domaćin izložbe u Gallery MC.

Kuratorica izložbe Marina Baričević, cijenjena hrvatska umjetnička kritičarka, te članica
International Academy for Ceramic Art, Geneva, autorica je knjiga: Povijest Hrvatske Keramike te
knjige i izložbe Suvremena Hrvatska Keramika, koja je 1994.-95. putovala Evropom.
Za izložbu Recentna Hrvatska Keramika ona je selektirala deset suvremenih hrvatskih keramičara koji uključuju Andreu Bassi, Zvonka Butkovic, Josipa Diminić, Anu Hutinec, Ivanu Cvitić Znidarcić, Denis Licul, Marinu Orlić, Sanju Stani, Bojanu Švertasek i Marinu Tuđjina Badurinu.
Radovi predstavljeni na izložbi su uglavnom sculpture koje uključuju figurativne, abstraktne i multimedijalne radove. Marina Baričević piše o izložbi: Deset hrvatskih keramičara znače deset različitih poetika i isto toliko istraživačkih nadahnuća. To je naprosto reprezentativan i upečatljiv izbor čija ukupna slika svjedoči bogatu tradiciju keramike u Europi... U recentnom trenutku umjetničke keramike u Hrvatskoj vlastita tradicija nikada nije bila zaboravljena, a pojedinačni dosezi u suvremenom izričaju projeciraju mnogoznačnost i različitost estetske i tehnološke datosti keramike, koja u sebi sjedinjuje osebujnost nacijonalnog, ali i internacijonalnog umjetničkog.

Izložba Recentna Hrvatska Keramika je financijski podržana od Ministarstva Kulture Republike Hrvatske, Odsjeka za kulturu Istarske Županije i Grada Labina, uz podršku
Generalnog Konzulata RH u New Yorku, Hrvatske Kronike kao medijskog pokrovitelja,
te zahvaljujući posredovanju Doors Art Fondacije u pronalaženju izložbenog prostora.


Denis Licul

Josip Diminic

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Nenad Bach
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