Bilingual » Miro Gavran Croatian playwright to have eight premieres in eight countries
Education » Miro Gavran Croatian playwright to have eight premieres in eight countries
Culture And Arts » Miro Gavran Croatian playwright to have eight premieres in eight countries
Miro Gavran Croatian playwright to have eight premieres in eight countries |
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić |
Bilingual , Education , Culture And Arts
Eight premieres in just two months of a playwright translated into 35 languages worldwide
Miro Gavran, distinguished Croatian writer of worldwide fame. Photo by D. Višnjić / pixell.
Summary. In the next two months, November and December 2014, the Croatian playwright Miro Gavran will have eight theatrical premieres in eight different countries: Russia, Czechia, Slovenia, Romaina, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzgovina and in Poland. This rich theatrical series starts on November 6th with the premiere of Gavran's drama "All About Men", in the famous Russian theater RED TORCH from Novosibirsk. Miro Gavran's works have so far been translated into 35 languages. There have been over 250 theatrical premieres worldwide of his dramas and comedies.
| Osam premijara hrvatskog dramaturga Mire Gavrana u osam zemalja
U iduća dva mjeseca hrvatski književnik Miro Gavran imat će čak osam kazališnih premijera u osam različitih zemalja. Ovaj bogati kazališni niz otpočinje 6.studenog premijerom Gavranove drame “Sve o muškarcima” u glasovitom ruskom Kazalištu RED TORCH iz Novosibirska, a u režiji Konstantina Kolesnika. Gavranovu dramu “Čehov je Tolstoju rekao zbogom” premijerno će izvesti 11.studenoga češki Teatar LA MY iz Praga u režiji Martina Vokouna. Za 21. Studenoga zakazana je premijera Gavranove monodrame “Trpimir” u Kulturnom domu Črnuče u Ljubljani, a u produkciji Teatra KAMELAR. Redatelj i interpret te predstave bit će poznati slovenski glumac Roman Končar. Tjedan dana potom, 28.studenoga u Bukureštu u Rumunjskoj će “Colour Theatre Copany” izvesti premijeru Gavranove komedije “Muž moje žene” u režiji redateljice Ance Marie Colteanu. U Beogradu će 4. prosinca premijeru Gavranove drame “Čehov je Tolstoju rekao zbogom” režirati poznati glumac Irfan Mensur u Bitef teatru, a u produkciji Radionice za proizvodnju kazališta. Sredinom prosinca ta drama će biti premijerno izvedena i na albanskom jeziku u Prištini u režiji Sevdija Ajetija i u produkciji Europskog balkanskog instituta. U to vrijeme planirana je i premijera Gavranove drame “Sve o ženama” u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Mostaru u režiji Roberta Raponje. I na koncu, na Staru godinu, 31.prosinca u poljskom gradu Jelenia Gora zakazana je premijera Gavranove komedije “Muž moje žene”.
Djela Mire Gavrana do sada su prevedena na 35 jezika, a po njegovim dramama i komedijama nastalo je preko 250 kazališnih premijera diljem svijeta, dok su njegove predstave imale više od tri milijuna gledatelja. Proteklih dvadesetak godina Miro Gavran je uvjerljivo najizvođeniji hrvatski dramatičar u zemlji i inozemstvu.
| Miro Gavran Croatian playwright to have eight premieres in eight countries
In the next two months, the Croatian playwright Miro Gavran will have eight theatrical premieres in eight different countries. This rich theatrical series starts on November 6th with the premiere of Gavran's drama "All About Men", in the famous Russian theater RED TORCH from Novosibirsk, and directed by Konstantin Kolesnik. Gavran's drama "Chekhov Says Goodbye to Tolstoy" will premiere November 11th, and be performed by the Czech Theater LA MY from Prague, and directed by Martin Vokoun. The premiere of Gavran's monodrama "Trpimir" is scheduled for November 21st, at the Cultural House of Črnuče in Ljubljana, in the production of Theater KAMELAR. The director and interpreter of the show will be the famous Slovenian actor Roman Končar. A week later, on November 28 in Bucharest, Romania, "Colour Theatre Copany' will perform the premiere of Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband," as directed by Anca Maria Colteanu. In Belgrade on December 4th, the premiere of Gavran's drama "Chekhov Says Goodbye to Tolstoy," will be directed by famous actor Irfan Mensur in Bitef theater, while being produced by Workshops for theater production. Mid-December, this drama will be premiered in Albanian in Prishtina, directed by Sevdije Ajeti and produced by the European Balkan Institute. Around the same time, Gavran's drama "All About Women" is also planned to premiere, at the Croatian National Theatre in Mostar, as directed by Robert Raponja. Finally, on New Year's Eve, December 31st, in the Polish city of Jelenia Gora, Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" is scheduled to premiere.
Miro Gavran's works have so far been translated into 35 languages. There have been over 250 theatrical premieres worldwide of his dramas and comedies, while his shows have had more than three million viewers. Over the past twenty years, Miro Gavran has proved to be, by far, the most performed Croatian playwright at home and abroad.
| Uz ovih osam novih Gavranovih premijera važno je istaknuti da je ljetošnja premijera njegove drame “Sve o ženama” u Parizu u LA FUNAMBULE THEATERU MONMARTRE ostvarila zamjetan uspjeh u kritike i publike, a njegova uspješnica “Kreontova Antigona” koja na francuskom igra već nekoliko sezona u produkciji ROSEAU THEATERA ovoga ljeta je proslavila svoju stotu izvedbu na kazališnom festivalu u Avignonu.
| Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.
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