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 »  Home  »  Humor And Wisdom  »  (E,H) GRATITUDE - ZAHVANOST
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  08/26/2002 | Humor And Wisdom | Unrated


Gratitude is a burden upon our imperfect nature, Lord Chesterfield (823)Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation; you do not find it among gross people.S.Johnson

Swift gratitude is sweetness; if it delays, all gratitude is empty and unworthy of the name. Unknown

Gratitude is one of those things that cannot be bought. It must be born with men, or else all the obligations in the world will not create it. Lord Halifax

Zahvalnost je teret nesavrsenoj ljudskoj prirodi. Lord Chesterfield

Zahvalnost je plod velike kulture; ne mozete je naci medju neuljudnim svijetom..S.Johnson

Brza je zahvalnost pozeljna; ako u tome oklijevamo sama zahvalnost postaje suha i nedostojna svoga imena.Nepoznat

Zahvalnost je jedna od rijetkih stvari koje se ne mogu kupiti. Ona se radja s ljudima, ako ne, tesko cemo je u zivotnim okolnostima usvojiti. Lord Halifax

Justice is always pale and melancholy; but Gratitude , her daughter, is constantly in the flow of spirits and the bloom of loveliness. W.S.Landor

Gratitude is the memory of the heart. J.B.Massieu

Pravda je oduvijek i blijeda i otuzna, ali Zahvalnost, njezina kci, neprestano leluja i cvate cvatom ljupkosti.W.S.Landor

Zahvalnost je pamcenje srca.J.M.Massieu

If you do anything well, gratitude is lighter than a feather; if you give offence in anything, people s wrath is as heavy as lead. Plautus

To receive honestly is the best thanks for a good thing. G. Macdonald

Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks. Shakespeare

Praise the bridge that carried you over. G. Colman, the Younger

Ccinite li sve sto cinite na najbolji moguci nacin, zahvalnost je laksa negoli pero; ako vam se omakne neka uvreda ili nesmotrenost, proklinjanje ljudi tesko je poput olova. Plautus

Prihvacati dobrotu u postenju najljepsa je zahvala. G.Macdonald

Prosjak kakav jesam, ccak sam i u zahvaljivanju takav, (prosjacki). Shakespeare

Ne stedi pohvalama most preko kojega si presao na drugu obalu. G.Colman, the Youngest

Srdacno clanovima Mreze: Njegujmo vrlinu zahvalnosti! Not to be beggars! Mozda cemo slijedeci Dan domovinske zahvalnosti okititi s vise zahvalnosti!!!


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