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Nenad Bach, Boris Ljubicic & Davor Pavuna at TEDxZAGREB April 2010
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  05/6/2010 | Ideas , Events , Environment , Entertainment , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Nenad Bach: What is Freedom? Boris Lljubičić: Croatian visual identity. Davor Pavuna: Ah, Love

Nenad Bach
non-conformist musician and peace activist

A lifetime of advocating for peace has led Nenad to question: What is Freedom?

Nenad has fused his interests in music and peace into a career that started with a hit album in his native Croatia, to performing and recording with Pavarotti and Bono (U2), to speaking at the United Nations advocating for peace during the Homeland War to an appearance at Woodstock '94 and beyond.

As creator and editor-in-chief of the unique and multi-faceted website Croatian World Network (, Nenad continues to unite and support Croatia and friends of Croatia worldwide. He has brought the distinctive sounds of klapa (traditional man choirs) singing to the world by producing his series of Super Audio CDs entitled "Mediterranean Sounds - Croatia's Mystic Voices."

The journey continues with the Nenad Bach Band, a group recently formed to carry Nenad's music to audiences throughout the world. Through his singing and songwriting Nenad's goal is to spread the message of joy and universal peace.

In his TEDxZg presentation Nenad explored the concepts of private property, world peace and quality food, and how they relate to each other and to freedom.

Boris Ljubičić
designer in quest

I have subordinated personal to the general - simply explains the designer Boris Ljubičić, persistent and uncompromising promoter of Croatian visual identity.

When you see a young man in the midst of Kenya, dressed in a shirt with a dices, it is easy to conclude that Boris Ljubičić succeeded in what initially seemed Don Quijote's work. Author of two alternating squares popularly called cubes, created Croatian visual identity that's recognized in the world.

This confirmed researcher in the field of visual communications and design, exposes annually in six most appreciated exhibitions and his works are published in world famous special editions, almanacs and magazines that determine the history of design in the world.

In 2002. Ljubičić launched an initiative to shape our continent - EUROPE 2020. His STUDIO INTERNATIONAL in Zagreb doesn't carry the usual and commonly used name of the owner and designer. Since 2003. until 2005. he was president of the Croatian Society of Designers. He initiated the establishment of the Croatian Design Center. Is Holder of more than 100 awards and recognitions, mainly international. In 2010. he is one of the five jury members of the world's largest competition for Logo for professionals and students,

"At TEDxZagreb he spoke about the provocative messages - slogans on T-shirts, provocative posters and, of course, historical and contemporary Croatian design character. Many examples of this have not been previously published or seen. That's all I'm revealing"

Davor Pavuna
unusual physicist with vision

Let us be the glue that connects lonely visionaries and brilliant individuals - once said recognized physicist and inventor Davor Pavuna. Many years have passed since and it would be good to hear whether any piece of the mosaic of advanced and successful Croatia, he dreamed of then, is well glued today.

Where to start, anyone would ask when confronted with Davor Pavuna CV and should summarized it in a few sentences. Is it good to start with doctorate in England, working in the French National Center for Scientific Researches, or to start from the present work in a professional teams for science and energy in U.S. or his projects in China? More than 150 scientific papers, a textbook on superconductivity, chairing conferences, lectures at the School of Polytechnics in Lausanne, speak enough.

Although he's been living in Switzerland for twenty five years, Pavuna actively works to achieve better Croatia, joyful country of knowledge oriented to environment and new energy sources. Conformists in this context call him Utopian. Esspecially when they hear his opinion on that the nations should be managed by the physicists for their work is dedicated to the truth an for their understanding a higher degree of colerations that are now essential in planetary civilization.

As this connoisseur visionary, a physicist, polyglot and musician is not a stereotypical scientist for the title of his lecture he has chosen the challenge of universal language: Ah, Love!

"In my 18 minutes I will share with TED-fans the honest communication that text can not convey: that this miracle of existence I feel and live - proudly and passionately, in love - here and now!"

Davor Pavuna: Svatko je bio genijalan u svojoj autentičnosti i optimizam nas je ponio, jer smo spontano podijelili Iskrenost, Zajedništvo i Ljubav ... i zapjevali ...

What is TED?

Photos by Ratko Mavar -

Nenad with Croatian Glagolitic shirt, made by Mara ethno-boutique, Zagreb

Can We Go Higher? [mp3]



A thousand candles in the air
One by one
A body count each time I raise
My eyes to the sun

No rain of understanding falls
To fill the well
Centuries and days have gone
With the ringing of a bell

Here we are ...
Here we are ...

Can we go higher?
(Love instead of borders) (In our dreams!)
(We can smile at the future)
Higher ?
In our dreams ?
(To believe!)
(Love instead of borders,
smile at the future now)

Teci Savo, Dravo teci
nit ti Dunav silu gubi
sinje more svijetu reci
da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi

A troop of angels, left and right
Watch and wait
Will it happen round the world tonight
A simple twist of faith.

Let us talk as people do
Woman and man
Let us shout out "Peace" again
In every, every, every, every land...

Here we are...
Here we are...

Can we go higher?
(In our dreams)
(to believe)
(Love instead of borders)
(We can smile at the future)
In our dreams?
(Instead of borders,
smile at the future now)

Photos by Ratko Mavar -
Lara Ercegovic: TEDxZagreb – i zašto već nekoliko dana lebdim i smješkam se

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 3:28pm

"Bila sam na TEDx-u u subotu! Ne, ne konzumiram ništa ilegalno! :)", pokušavam objasniti okolini svoj entuzijazam koji je na zavidnoj razini već tri dana.
"Bila si na čemu?," postalo je već standardno pitanje.
I tada krenem opisivati događaj, ideje, doživljaje, prenositi priče i kažu mi da počnem zračiti ogromnom energijom (sjetim se odmah Davora Pavune i plesa atoma koji se u ovom trenutku ljube :) i nema osobe koja nije rekla, "Pa treba nam više takvih događaja! Treba se pisati o inteligentnim, kreativnim, sposobnim ljudima! O tome želimo slušati!"
Ja sam sretna jer je prvi TEDx u Zagrebu postigao ono što sam očekivala, ma neee, nadmašio je moja očekivanja i obogatio me za toliko divnih ljudi. Ne želim zvučati pretenciozno, ali ponosna sam što sam imala priliku biti dio nečeg drugačijeg, vedrog i inspirativnog.

Moje moždane vijugice veselile su se slušajući predavače koji su imali jako puno toga za reći, neki u samo 10 minuta. Slušajući genijalnog Davora Pavunu i njegovu priču o ljubavi u trenutku sam i plakala i smijala se, u riječima i glazbi Nenada Bacha osjetila sam sebe. Još mi odzvanja "All I want is freedom". Po prvi puta sam slušala trio Orient ExPresto koji su me oduševili svirkom i energijom i njihovom kombinacijom ethna i klasike. Da ne nabrajam svemirske putnike Miroslava Ambruša Kiša i Nebojšu Stanojevića kojima želim da ostvare svoj san i sretno se vrate kući, fantastične ekološke izume Igora Jurića iz Siska i Ivana Jakobovića iz Slavonskog Broda. Britki humor dizajnera Ljubičića koji mi je u jednom trenutku rekao: "Mene ne zovu često na predavanja, kažu da sam opasan za današnju mladež", Tomislava Ribičića i muzej Peek&Poke, simpatičnu Ivanu Drčec i njen REFIT Software koji je jedinstven u svijetu. Svaki od ovih ljudi zaslužuje da se o njima piše i priča. Da ne zaboravim Ivanu Žiljak Stanimirović, Veljka Kukulja, Milenka Milinkovića, Tinu Lee Odinsky-Zec, Stašu Puškarića, Marka Rakara, Ivana Malića...

Zatvaram oči i širom otvorena uma ponovno sam tamo i s lakoćom putujem u sfere nevidljivog.
Upravo nam ovakvi događaji trebaju da se probudimo, opijemo pozitivnom energijom i krenemo ostvarivati naše ideje i snove. Trebamo se izvući iz crnila i žutila kojim smo svakodnevno bombardirani.

TEDx je pokazao da u Hrvatskoj postoje brojni genijalni, vedri i moralni ljudi koji žele pomoći i imaju viziju boljeg sutra." Trebamo posložiti sve te perle u jedinstvenu ogrlicu," poetično bi rekao Nenad Bach.
I baš nekako gledam da li je dnevni tisak prenio išta o ovom događaju i naiđem tek na po koju crticu. "Nema veze," govorim sama sebi, možemo i samostalno širiti dobre ideje, samo trebamo biti uporni, dosljedni i ne ostajati samo na riječima.

"Utopist si, naivna si...", pokušavaju me zaskočiti cinici, ali zbilja me nije briga kako će me netko nazvati.
Znam da će mnogi pitati, "I što nakon? Što kada ushićenje splasne nakon par dana?"
Ali bitno je da se posložimo, da se nađu znalci, kreativci i praktičari sa zajedničkom vizijom koja omogućava bolji svijet za sve. Bitno je da svatko od nas u svom malom mikro okruženju pozitivno utječe na okolinu.
Znam što želim, znam kakav svijet želim vidjeti, znam da to možemo ostvariti ako smo zbilja zajedno i ako nas ima. A ima nas...Zašto ne pokušati? Netko treba krenuti, netko treba biti taj tko juriša na vjetrenjače i svatko od nas može na neki način doprinijeti boljoj budućnosti.
Ekološki moramo drugačije živjeti i stvoriti temelje za novo društvo koje će biti puno plemenitije od ovog sada. Trebamo iskočiti iz komfor zona, promijeniti percepcije koje nas guše i oduzimaju slobodu i podići vlastitu svijest na više razine, shvatiti koliko smo povezani jedni s drugima. Koliko smo povezani s prirodom, slušati mnogo više sebe.

TEDx nas je samo podsjetio da se svijetlo nalazi u nama i da ga trebamo širiti.

Žao mi je jedino što toliko fantastičnih ljudi nisam stigla upoznati i što sam sa svakim željela pričati dulje jer su se teme same otvarale. I nekako prenosim tu energiju dalje, pričam bližima, daljima i širim taj entuzijazam. Znam ponekad uzletim, ali volim taj let, volim taj osjećaj slobode i nade da će inteligentni, sposobni, moralni kreativci voditi jednog dana ovu državu.
Želim da što više ljudi postane inspirirano pozitivnim primjerima i počnu vjerovati da nema nemogućeg! :)

Kada pokušam zbrojiti sve dojmove, možda me je najviše oduševio toliki broj iskusnijih (da ne kažem starijih :) sudionika koji su sačuvali onog kreativca u sebi, u kojima se svako jutro probudi želja za istraživanjem i koji zrače novim idejama i dječjim ushitom. Takvi ljudi kada pogledaju u nebo vide bezbroj mogućnosti – eto od njih crpim toliki entuzijazam, oni me podižu i takva želim biti i kada uđem u cinične četrdesete, ma takva želim ostati zauvijek.
Jedan stariji čovjek mi je baš na TEDx-u rekao: "Ja sam samo lik koji želi pomoći svijetu i u tebi vidim sebe." Svidjele su mi se njegove riječi i ako se pronađe u ovom, pozdravljam ga.
Možemo li više / Can we go higher? Mislim da možemo i trebamo.

Nenad Bach and Boris Ljubičić

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Titi)

    When it comes to public transportation, Croatia's buses are excellent.a The bus system is equal to the railways in Western Europe. Taking a train would be down the list for getting around Croatia. Buses are the mass transit of choice in Croatia. Croatian buses are air conditioned, clean and very comfortable. It is a great way to see the countryside and Croatia beaches.
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