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 »  Home  »  People  »   Miro Gavran to be awarded with "Gold Merit Badge of the Republic of Austria" by president Van der Bellen
 »  Home  »  Humor And Wisdom  »   Miro Gavran to be awarded with "Gold Merit Badge of the Republic of Austria" by president Van der Bellen
 »  Home  »  Education  »   Miro Gavran to be awarded with "Gold Merit Badge of the Republic of Austria" by president Van der Bellen
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »   Miro Gavran to be awarded with "Gold Merit Badge of the Republic of Austria" by president Van der Bellen
Miro Gavran to be awarded with "Gold Merit Badge of the Republic of Austria" by president Van der Bellen
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  03/8/2018 | People , Humor And Wisdom , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Prominent publisher from Vienna - "Seifert Verlag" published four of his novels in hardcover

Miro Gavran, the greatest contemporary Croatian playwright. Photo by D. Puklavec, Pixell.
Until 2017, about 1000 actors in Croatia and thoughout the world participated in his plays.
He had about 1300 public literary appearances in Croatia and worldwide.

Savezni predsjednik Republike Austrije Alexander Van der Bellen donio je odluku o dodjeli "Zlatnog odlikovanja časti za zasluge u Republici Austriji" hrvatskom književniku Miri Gavranu.

Ovo visoko državno odličje našem književniku će biti uručeno 20. ožujka 2018.

Gavranova povezanost s austrijskim kulturnim prostorom je snažna i dugotrajna: u prosincu prošle godine Miro Gavran je u Beču dobio prestižnu međunarodnu Nagradu "€œDr. Alos Mock Europa-Preis" za afirmaciju europskih vrijednosti u svome književnom radu," kod uglednog bečkog izdavača SEIFERT VERLAG Miro Gavran je objavio četiri tvrdo ukoričena romana: Zaboravljeni sin, Judita, Krstitelj i Poncije Pilat. U Beču je u proteklih dvadesetak godina gostovalo dvanaest njegovih kazališnih predstava. Godine 2007. Institut za kazališne studije Sveučilišta u Beču i  njemačka izdavačka kuća Anton Hiersemann iz Stuttgarta objavili su knjigu s izborom ponajboljih svjetskih dramatičara u koji su uvrstili čak tri drame Mire Gavrana a riječ je o dramama Noć bogova, Ljubavi Georgea Washingtona i Kreontova Antigona. I ne samo to, radnja njegovih drama Najduži dan Marije Terezije i Pacijent doktora Freuda događa se upravo u Beču, a u Austriji se djelomično odvija i radnja njegovih dvaju novijih romana Kafkin prijatelj i Nekoliko ptica i jedno nebo. Gavran je do sada imao i devet kazališnih premijera na njemačkom jeziku u Austriji i u Njemačkoj, a za rujan ove godine najavljena je još jedna Gavranova kazališna premijera u Beču.

Miro Gavran u svojim djelima nerijetko obrađuje univerzalne teme koje prelaze granice Hrvatske i šire ideju humanosti. Njegovi junaci, poput samog autora, imaju izrazito afirmativan odnos prema životu. Gavranova djela zastupaju vrijednosti tolerancije i ljudskosti na kojima se temelji zapadna civilizacija. Književni teoretičari i teatrolozi znali su primijetiti da se u njegovu stvaralaštvu prožima srednjeeuropski duh s tipičnim lokalnim hrvatskim motivima i mentalitetom.

Djela Mire Gavrana dosad su prevedena na 40 jezika te su izašla u više od 200 izdanja u zemlji i inozemstvu. Njegova dramska djela bila su predloškom za više od 300 kazališnih premijera diljem svijeta, a vidjelo ih je više od tri milijuna ljudi. Najizvođeniji je suvremeni hrvatski dramatičar u zemlji i inozemstvu.

Alexander Van der Bellen, President of Austria made a decision to award Miro Gavran with "Gold Merit Badge of the Republic of Austria".

It will be awarded on March 20th 2018.

Gavran's connection to Austrian cultural space is strong and longlived. He received international "Dr. Alois Mock Europa-Preis" award for affirmation of European values in his literary works in December in Vienna. Prominent publisher from Vienna - "Seifert Verlag" published four of his novels in hardcover: Forgotten Son, Judith, John the Baptist and Pontius Pilatus. Twelve of his plays visited Vienna in last twenty years. Three of his plays (The Night of the Gods, George Washington's Loves and Creon's Antigone) were selected for book of selection of the best worsk from world dramatists. This was published by the Institute for Theatrical Studies, University of Vienna and German publisher Anton Hiersemann in 2007. But that is not all, the plot of his plays Maria Theresa's Longest Day and Dr. Freud's Patient is set in Vienna, and the plot of his two novels Kafka's Friend and A Few Birds and One Sky is partly set in Austria. Gavran has had nine theatre premieres in German in Austria and Germany so far and there is one more premiere coming up in Vienna in Septermber.

In his works Miro Gavran often deals with universal themes that cross the borders of Croatia and promote the idea of humanity. His heroes, like the author himself, have a very affirmative attitude towards life. Gavran's works represent the values of tolerance and humanity on which the western civilization is based. Literary theorists and theatre experts sometimes notice that his artistic creation is permeated by a Central European spirit with typical Croatian local motifs and mindset.

Miro Gavran's work has been translated into 40 languages in more than 200 editions in Croatia and abroad. His dramas were templates for more than 300 theater premieres around the world which were seen by more than 3 million viewers. He is the most performed contemporary Croatian author in country and abroad.

Razni prijevodi Gavranovih djela s hrvatskoga jezika
  1. albanski
  2. arabski
  3. bugarski
  4. katalonski
  5. kineski
  6. češki
  7. danski
  8. nizozemski
  9. engleski
  10. esperanto
  11. estonski
  12. flamanski
  13. francuski
  14. talijanski
  15. njemački
  16. grčki
  17. hebrejski
  18. hindi
  19. mađarski
  20. japanski
  21. karnatački (Indija)
  22. latvijski
  23. litvanski
  24. lužičkosrbski
  25. makednoski
  26. maratski (Indija)
  27. norveški
  28. perzijski
  29. poljski
  30. portugalski
  31. rumunjski
  32. ruski
  33. slovački
  34. slovenski
  35. španjolski
  36. švedski
  37. teluguški (Indija)
  38. turski
  39. ukrajinski
  40. valonski (Belgija)

Various translations of Gavran's works from Croatian language
  1. Albanian
  2. Arabic
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Catalan
  5. Chinese
  6. Czech
  7. Danish
  8. Dutch
  9. English
  10. Esperanto
  11. Estonian
  12. Flamish
  13. French
  14. Italian
  15. German
  16. Greek
  17. Hebrew
  18. Hindi
  19. Hungarian
  20. Japanese
  21. Kannada (India)
  22. Latvian
  23. Lithuanian
  24. Lužičko-Sorbian
  25. Macedonian
  26. Marathi (India)
  27. Norwegian
  28. Persian
  29. Polish
  30. Portugese
  31. Romanian
  32. Russian
  33. Slovakian
  34. Slovenian
  35. Spanish
  36. Swedish
  37. Telugu (India)
  38. Turkish
  39. Ukrainean
  40. Walloon (Belgium)

Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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