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 »  Home  »  Poetry  »  "Caught Between Darkness and Light" is a new collection of poetry by Walter Mirkovic
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  "Caught Between Darkness and Light" is a new collection of poetry by Walter Mirkovic
"Caught Between Darkness and Light" is a new collection of poetry by Walter Mirkovic
By Marko Puljić | Published  01/21/2014 | Poetry , Culture And Arts | Unrated
His parents are from Veli Rat on the island of Dugi Otok


Sunlight filled the azure skies
So calm, so still

She awoke with me
I gazed into her eyes
So beautiful

She combs her chestnut hair
I watch poetry in motion
So breathtaking

She lets me shower first even though she is running late
So understanding

I make her coffee
She makes my world
She exalts my spirit

She turns to leave
Stops and kisses me
“This is what matters” she says
What did I do to deserve her love?
So pure and bright

We stop at the bottom of the stairs
Again we lean in closer
“You’re right” I say “Only this matters.”
She called me at 9:03
Shaken but always worrying, thinking of me
So selfless

She called me a bit after 10
We knew we wouldn’t be as one again
I love her

I felt her soul rise to the heavens
Tears streamed down my face
I miss her
I’m just half the man I was
She’s my life

In the cold narrow darkness my spirit weeps
The hallways of my mind now echo emptiness
She gave me all of herself

Sunlight filled the azure sky
I reached over to touch her
I didn’t see her glowing eyes
An empty bathroom, her comb lay still
I didn’t make her coffee
She didn’t kiss me as she did

Standing at the open door
“I love you” she whispered
So calm
So still.

Tata, Iznevjerio Sam Te
(Father, I Have Failed You)

Dok sjedim ovdje s mojim mislima
Pitam se zašto si morao otići?
U očaju sam plakao u tami
Moje srce venut će kao cvijet u mrazu

Pokušavam naći smisao u ovom svijetu oko mene
Pokušavam zaboraviti na bol prošlosti
Ja te vidim u daljini, ali znam da te nema
Padam na koljena i molim

Da te opet mogu vidjeti, držati te za ruku
Da se smijemo i igramo kao što smo nekada
Osjećam tvoj duh kad hoda pokraj mene
Ti si topla deka oko mog srca

Novi dan raste, a oblaci su na vidiku
Osjećam kako tonem, utopit cu se sam u sebi
Trazim da posegnem za tvoiju ruku ali ne mogu pronaći spas
Zašto to mora biti tako?

Ti si onaj koji mi je napravio svijet
Ti si onaj koji me je nosio kroz sve nevolje
Vidim tvoje nasmijano lice, krenuo si putem sve dalje od mene
Nadam se da možemo opet biti zajedno jednog dana

Iznevjerio sam te, znam
Nisam učinio sve što sam mogao
Nadam se da ćes mi oprostiti kad dođe vrijeme
Kad stanem ispred Boga i ti si pored njega
Molim te da me pozdravis s ljubavlju
Molim te da me pozdravis s ljubavlju
Molim te da me još uvijek volis.

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Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljic
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