In Croatian Royal City of Šibenik founded in 1066, more than 400 years before the discovery of America
July 29, 2016 This has turned out to be a very exciting summer. Nenad spent a whole month in Croatia!  Nenad was on Hrvatska Uživo (Croatia Live), hosted by the very intelligent Jelena Perleta.  Sentimento performance with the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra and Stijepo Gled Markos  Nenad with Nigel Osbourne and Stijepo Gled Markos.  Looking at sound through a microscope at Masterdisk. Photos by Scott Hull. Workshop at the 56th International Children's Festival Sibenik 950° the Sound of Sibenik. 950° the Sound of Sibenik PHOTO: An Exceptional work by Nenad Bach as a gift to Sibenik for the city's 950th birthday | FOTO: Iznimno djelo Nenada Bacha na poklon Šibeniku povodom 950. rođendana grada | Nenad Bach, a world renowned musician, and composer, has collaborated with a number of famous musicians, did what he promised to Sibenik - a unique ambient sound greeting for Kresimir city on its 950th birthday. This is a work which one hears the bells of all of Sibenik's bell towers, the voices of participants and spectators performances that appeared at this year's International Children's Festival. This exceptional work's premiere could be heard on the airwaves of local radio stations in the morning of Thursday, June 30 In parallel with the release of the music on the air, on Sibenik''s streets one could hear the bells of Sibenik churches ringing in person. Recall, that Nenad Bach, the famous Croatian musician has been living and working in New York, but these days was residing in Sibenik where he was leading the children's music workshop with the help of assistant Ante Prgin. At 9:50 everyday, Bach and his students had a promenade through the streets of Sibenik, drumming and chanting 900, 900, 900 - 50. Source: | Nenad Bach, svjetski poznati glazbenik, skladatelj, koji je surađivao s nizom poznatih glazbenika, napravio je što je Šibeniku obećao - poseban ambijentalni zvučni pozdrav Krešimirovom gradu za njegov 950. rođendan. Riječ je o djelu u kojem se čuju zvona svih šibenskih zvonika, glasovi sudionika i gledatelja predstava koje su se prikazivale u sklopu ovogodišnjeg Međunarodnog dječjeg festivala. Ovo iznimno djelo premijerno se moglo čuti u eteru lokalnih radija u jutarnjim satima ovog četvrtka, 30. lipnja. Paralelno s puštanjem glazbe u eter, na šibenskim ulicama mogla su se uživo čuti zvona šibenskih crkava. Podsjetimo, slavni hrvatski glazbenik, Nenad Bach već dugi niz godina živi i radi u New Yorku, a ovih dana boravi u Šibeniku gdje vodi glazbenu dječju radionicu uz pomoć asistenta Ante Prgina. Bach i njegovi učenici svakoga dana u 9.50 sati imaju promenadu ulicama Šibenika, bubnjaju i uzvikuju 900, 900, 900, - 50. Izvor: |  A great artist from Barcelona, and a new friend, Ignasi Blanch Gisbert. One inspired by the other.  Opening of the Children's Festival: L-R Neno Belan, Vedran Krizan, Olja Desic, Sanja Vrancic, NB, Leo Rumora, and friend.  Interview for the TV show from Nashville, Waking Up in America,hosted by Tatiana Tajci Cameron. Check the October listings. Barbara Koppel, 2 time Oscar winner new film and friend of Nenad will have her film Miss Sharon Jones open at the IFC center on Friday, July 29. There will be a Q&A, Fri Jul 29 & Sat Jul 30 at 7:45pm show with Sharon Jones and director Barbara Kopple, plus intro to 9:55pm show Fri Jul 29! Two-time Academy Award-winner Barbara Kopple (Harlan County USA, Shut Up And Sing) follows Grammy-nominated R&B dynamo Sharon Jones during the most courageous year of her life. Often compared to the legendary James Brown because of her powerful and energetic performances, Sharon Jones is no stranger to challenge. For years her music career struggled as she was kept in the wings by a music industry that branded her “too short, too black, too fat.” After decades of working odd jobs, from a corrections officer to a wedding singer, Sharon had a middle-aged breakthrough after joining forces with Brooklyn R&B outfit The Dap Kings. In 2013, on the eve of the release of the much-anticipated album Give The People What They Want, Sharon was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. MISS SHARON JONES! is a triumphant crowd-pleaser that captures an irrepressible human spirit as she battles back to where she belongs; center stage. The film will be screened for a week. Check the listings here for times: | In the next newsletter: August 2016 Performance at the Sibenik Chanson. October 1st, 3P Pokretom Protiv Parkinsona with Massimo Thank you all for your support, and let's keep going higher! - Video I will Follow You performed last year with the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra Newsletter editor: Marko Puljic. Previous newsletters can be found at: The Nenad Bach Band is: Nenad Bach: lead vocal, piano, acoustic guitar Joe DeSanctis: keyboards, backing vocal, melodica Richard Lindsey: bass, backing vocal Michael O’Keefe: drums, backing vocal Al Orlo: guitar Sibenik in shorts. L-R Josko Bakula, Željko Keke Koloper, Nenad Bach, Boris Belamarić Bela, Branko Viljac |