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Project of Croatian house in Tokamachi Japan |
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic |
Friends , Events , Culture And Arts
The first time that Croatian architects were given the opportunity to realize a project in Japan
Croatian Ambassador Dr. Drago Štambuk and Mr. Yoshifumi Sekiguchi, Mayor of the city of Tokamachi
Dr. Drago Štambuk and Mr. Yoshifumi Sekiguchi with Croatian architects Vinko Penezić and Krešimir Rogina.
Projekt Hrvatske kuće u japanskome gradu Tokamachiju
Tokyo, 21. svibnja 2009.
Jučer su u gradu Tokamachiju veleposlanik RH u Japanu dr. Drago Štambuk i gradonačelnik Tokamachija Yoshifumi Sekiguchi, uz nazočnost hrvatskih arhitekata Vinka Penezića i Krešimira Rogine, potvrdili odluku grada Tokamachija o izgradnji Hrvatske kuće koja bi bila središnje mjesto hrvatsko-japanskoga prijateljstva u Japanu.
Ideju i inicijativu za izgradnju Hrvatske kuće pokrenuo je veleposlanik Štambuk prije tri godine, a danas je ona prešla u fazu realizacije. Na Hrvatskom igralištu - na kojemu se, nakon boravka hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije u ovome gradu na Svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu 2002. godine, svakoga rujna, ove godine po sedmi puta, održava nogometni turnir "Croatia Cup" - hrvatski će, u Japanu poznati, arhitekti Penezić & Rogina izraditi projekt zgrade koja će biti kuća hrvatsko-japanskog prijateljstva sa sportsko-kulturnom i društvenom namjenom.
Veleposlanik Štambuk je u dogovoru s gradonačelnikom Tokamachija pokrenuo proces uspostave prijateljstva s hrvatskim gradom Samoborom, poznatim po ljepoti prirode, kristalnom staklu, kremšnitama i haiku poeziji. U Tokamachiju, gradu od 60,000 stanovnika, poznatom po proizvodnji kimona, zdrave hrane (osobito riže), prelijepoj prirodi i snježnom festivalu, održava se i svjetski čuveni Land-Art trijenale "Echigo-Tsumari" na kojemu ljetnih mjeseci ove godine sudjeluju i dvije hrvatske umjetnice Kristina Lenard i Mirjana Vodopija. Utemeljitelji i organizatori ovoga trijenala poznati su japanski povjesničar umjetnosti Fram Kitagawa, te vizionar i mecena Soichiro Fukutake, koji na južnim japanskim otocima Setonaikaja (Unutarnjega mora Japana) radi čudesne projekte s arhitektima i umjetnicima poput "Podzemnoga muzeja" s Tadao Andom na otoku Naoshimi, te "Muzeja Yukija Mishime" na otoku Inojimi. Fukutake, koji na Venecijskom bijenalu već godinama dodjeljuje važnu nagradu za iskorake u umjetnosti "Benesse Art Award", boravio je prošloga ljeta u Hrvatskoj na poticaj Veleposlanika i tom prigodom održao iznimno zapaženo i posjećeno predavanje u Muzeju hrvatske arhitekture HAZU o ravnoteži između arhitekture, umjetnosti i prirode, zajedno s Junyom Ishigamijem, ovogodišnjim glavnim dobitnikom nagrade Japanskog udruženja arhitekata.
Ovo je prvi put da su hrvatski arhitekti dobili priliku projektirati objekt na japanskom tlu, visoke simboličke namjene i značenja.
| Project of Croatian House in Japanese city of Tokamachi Tokyo, May 21st 2009 In the Japanese city of Tokamachi and with the presence of eminent Croatian architects Vinko Penezic and Kresimir Rogina, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Japan Dr. Drago Stambuk and the Mayor of Tokamachi Yoshifumi Sekiguchi confirmed the decision of the City Council regarding the construction of Croatian House that would represent the focal point of Croatia-Japan friendship in Japan. Idea of building the Croatian House, initiated three years ago by Croatian ambassador Stambuk, today made a step towards its realization. A project of Croatian house as sports, culture and community center, which will represent the symbol of the friendship between Croatia and Japan, has been entrusted to, in Japan renowned, Croatian architects Penezic & Rogina. Croatian House will be built on Croatia pitch, where after the stay of Croatian national football representation during the World Football Championship in 2002, every year in September, this year for the seventh time, soccer tournament named "Croatia Cup" is held. In the agreement with the Mayor of Tokamachi Ambassador Stambuk initiated the establishment of sister-city relations of Tokamachy and Samobor, Croatian city famous for the beauty of nature, crystal glass, cream-cakes and haiku poetry. In Tokamachy, city of around 60,000 inhabitants, famous for kimono production, healthy food (especially rice), beautiful nature, snow festival and the worldwide known "Echigo-Tsumari" Land-Art triennale, this year with the participation of two Croatian artists Kristina Lenard and Mirjana Vodopija. Founders and organizers of this Triennale are renowned Japanese art historian Fram Kitagawa and man of vision and art patron Soichiro Fukutake. The latter is making marvellous projects on southern Japanese islands with architects and artists, such as "Underground (Chichu) Museum" on the island of Naoshima in cooperation with Tadao Ando; also the "Museum of Yukio Mishima" on the island of Inojima. Fukutake, who has for many years been presenting the award for outstanding contribution in contemporary art on the Venice biennale, visited Croatia last year in the organization of Ambassador Stambuk, where he held a lecture at Croatian Academy of Arts and Science Museum of Croatian Architecture that received great attention about the balance between architecture, art and nature, together with Junya Ishigam, who received the great award of Japan Architects Association for year 2009. This is the first time that Croatian architects were given the opportunity to realize the project in Japan that is of highly symbolic meaning and purpose.
|  Ambassador Dr. Drago Štambuk in Tokamachi last year during the 6th Croatia Cup, on the day of his birthday September 20, 2008.
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!
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Comment #1
(Posted by Ines G.)
(I'll write in English, because I don't know how many of the other reader's of this blog speak Croatian)
As a Croatian in Tokyo (but born and raised in Germany) I was really happy to see the article! Thank you for always providing us with interesting articles and the latest news!
Also I am smitten by the beautiful kimono made of our flag. What a lovely idea!!
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