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(H,E) The World Summit of Croatian Business Leaders
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  06/15/2004 | Business | Unrated
(H,E) The World Summit of Croatian Business Leaders


Sponsored byAmerican Croatian Business Association

June 25-27, 2004 Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Dragi Hrvatski Prijatelji i Simpatizeri;

Nase pripreme za WORLD SUMMIT Hrvatskih Poduzetnika i Investitora se razvija
vrlo dobro. Do sada imamo preko tri stotine osoba prijavleno a preko sto
miljunasa Registrirano, isto tako imamo velik broj vrlo interesantnih licnosti
koji ce sudjelovati na nasem Skupu.

Ovo ce stvarno biti jedan POVIJESNI Dogadaj. Imati cemo Poduzetnike iz
cijelog svijeta koji su ozbiljno zainteresirani da Hrvatsko gospodarstvo
krene na puno veci nivo, te da se zaposli nas Narod i uboljsa standard zivota
u Hrvatskoj. Isto tako da se Osnuje Nova BANKA, Venture Bank kojom ce
poslovati iseljenistvo i Gospodariti tom Bankom na zapadni nacin Odgovornog
poslovanja da Narod dobije povjerenje u pravi sistem. Sada ima u Hrvatskoj
94% Banaka u stranim rukama i to nije dobro za Hrvatsku buducnost. Mi to
mozemo i hocemo popraviti.

Nasa Nova Vlada potpuno podrzava nas program  novih investicija od
iseljenistva. Mi vjerujemo u ovu Vladu da hoce raditi sa nama kako bi se
Hrvatsko Gospodarstvo podiglo na puno bolji nivo . Ja vjerujem da kad mi
pocnemo zajednicki raditi mi cemo imati uspijeh. Puno ljudi kritizira
sistem u Hrvatskoj, prestanimo kritizirati , zavrnimo rukave i idemo
zajednicki sa Vladom napraviti ono sto je potrebno.

Posto je u zadnje vrijeme je sve vise poslovnih ljudi bilo zainteresirano,

mi smo produzili upis REGISTRACIJE za SUMMIT za nedelju dana.   Ako
se Vi jos niste prijavili i Registrirali onda to sada napravite. Ispunite
dvije ankete pa to vratite preko Faxa 440 953 9237   Pridruzite nam se da
zajednicki pokrenemo HRVATSKO GOSPODARSTVO.


Pero Novak za GRUPU-100
Organizing Committee Chairman

P.O. Box 149, Mentor, OH 44060, USA

PH: 440.951.5191 / FX: 440.953.9237



Group 100 will be a dynamic international organization

that will guide Croatia to a greater level of economic

standards and worldwide influence. It will be a

select and formidable business group of successful

Croatian emigrants from around the globe. Collectively

we will have the business diversity, the acumen,

expertise, and financial resources to lead and accomplish

our objective. Our business volume is greater

already than the entire Croatian national economy

and can employ as many workers from around the

world as our home country can, too. Many within the

proposed Group are also graduates of leading

universities from around the world who can apply

their vast knowledge and expertise in global business

practices. With this knowledge we hope to become a

premiere organization to guide and place Croatia on

the path of true globalization.

These three days will be a profound moment in our

history. The leverage and influence of Group 100 will

make it a win-win situation for all the citizens of

Croatia, its government and the Diaspora, and will

move everyone strategically forward. Now is the time

for all successful Croatian entrepreneurs in the Diaspora

to show your true strength. We must organize

and develop a program collectively and effectively, to

find a way to lead and guide. Join us and become a

guiding star for Croatia and the Diaspora.

Group 100

Pero Novak, Organizing Committee Chairperson

P.O. Box 149, Mentor, OH 44060, USA

PH: 440.951.5191 / FX: 440.953.9237 /


At the Croatian-American Lodge in Eastlake, Ohio



Forme i prezentacija:




Name:__________________________________ Position: _______________________
________________________________ Type:_______________________
Address: ____________________________________City:__________________________
Country: _____________________ Postal code:______________ Province: ________________
Phone: _________________ Fax: _________________Email:_________________________________
Web site: ___________________________ Languages you speak:_____________________________
Years in business: _____________________How many employees?____________________________

Is it a private business or public corporation?_______________________________________________
What sports do you like? _______________________________________________________________
What are your hobbies? ________________________________________________________________
What special interests do you have?_______________________________________________________
What is your specialized knowledge? ______________________________________________________
What part of Croatia are you/your parents from?______________________________________________
How often do you visit Croatia?___________________________________________________________
Do you have a business in Croatia now? ___________________________________________________

Given the opportunity, what kind of business would you like to have inCroatia? ______________________

Would you like to be an q active business operator,  or q  silent investor?
Would you come to Cleveland for Grupa 100 World Summit? q Yes q No
Would you go to Croatia for Zagreb Fall Velesajam? q Yes q  No   
Give us your comments and ideas. How can Grupa 100 better Croatian economyand employment?  ___________________________________________________________________________________
Give us names/numbers of other business people who might be interested in membership.
/Pleasesign and return to Grupa 100 PO Box 149 Mentor, OH 44060 USA, fax to: 440-953-9237, or 





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