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Natasha and Volodimir Balyk distinguished Russian-Ukrainian music duo living in Croatia
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  08/6/2016 | Music , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Music family educated in Moscow and living in Croatia in the city of Lovran

Duo Balyk, residing in the town of Lovran, Croatia

Concert on the island of Mljet, Croatia 2007, in the open, in front of the sea

Duo Balyk performing in Kozani, Greece

Summary. Nataša and Volodimir Balyk, better known as Duo Balyk, is a music family of Russian and Ukrainian provenance, both of them excellent musicians playing respectively domra, a sort of a mandolin, and bajan, a sort of a button accordion. They live in Croatia since the 1990s, in the town of Lovran, and are perfoming not only throughout Croatia, but also in various parts of Europe. Their reportoire is enormous, ranging from classical pieces to traditional, folk and jazz music. Both educated at the Moscow Conservatory, they are lecturing in Croatia at the Music School of Ivan Matetić Ronjgov in the city of Pula, as well as in the town of Rab, in departements for guitar & mandolin (Nataša), and accordion (Volodimir).

Duo Balyk in the Euphrasius Basilica in Poreč, Croatia 2013

Volodimir (Vladimir) Balyk

rođen je 1958. godine u Ukrajini. Studij klasične harmonike (klasa prof. dr. M. Oberjuhtina) i dirigiranja (klasa prof. dr. I. Wymera) završio je na Državnom konzervatoriju u Lavovu. Doktorirao je 1986. godine na Glazbenoj akademiji Gnessin u Moskvi pod mentorstvom prof. dr. V. Bjeljakova. Dobitnik je niza značajnih međunarodnih nagrada (laureat je jednog od najuglednih Međunarodnih natjecanja harmonikaša "Vogtländischen Musiktage" Klingenthal u Njemačkoj 1981.). Niz uspješnih nastupa započinje solističkim koncertom 1977. godine, a nakon 1981. gost je brojnih koncertnih pozornica Europe (Rusija, Njemačka, Francuska, Poljska, Rumunjska, Hrvatska). Ističe se solistički nastup 1999. u Parizu na koncertu Music for Peace at UNESCO zajedno s najistaknutijim umjetnicima svijeta.

Repertoar mu se temelji kako na originalnim skladbama za harmoniku tako i na obradbama djela ponajviše iz razdoblja baroka. 1993. godine osnovao je jedan od vrlo uglednih komornih sastava u Rusiji Nata Bene Trio, sa kojim osvaja brojne nagrade kao sto su Grand Prix u Francuskoj, 1. nagrada u Castelfidardu u Italiji itd., te nastupa na turnejama u Francuskoj, Švicarskoj, Italiji, Njemačkoj, Austriji, Slovačkoj, Nizozemskoj. 1999. g. objavili su nosac zvuka Nata Bene-Debut u njemačkoj izdavačkoj kući VMA koji časopis Intermusik proglašava CD-om godine. Od 1998 god. uglavnom nastupa sa suprugom Natašom (domra, mandolina) na recitalima diljem Europe. U suradnji sa zagrebačkim pjesnikom B. Pejnovićem 2001 god. pokrenut je projekt glazbeno-poetskih recitala – JESENIN (“Kerempuh” i “Tvornica” u Zagrebu, “Zorin dom” u Karlovcu, HKK u Zadru i itd.), CESARIĆ (EXITteatar, Zagreb). Vladimir Balyk bavi se i skladanjem, autor je skladbi za harmoniku (izdanih u Ukrajini i Njemačkoj) te transkripcija za harmoniku i komorne ansamble.

Autor je niza monografija i članaka o problemima metodike i povijesti izvođaštva na harmonici, izdanih u Rusiji, Ukrajini i Njemačkoj. Bavi se i pedagoškim radom, od 1987. do 2000. je predavač (1991. - docent, 1994. - redovni profesor) na Državnom konzervatoriju u Astrahanu (Rusija). Od 1995. gostujući, a od 2000. redovni profesor na Visokoj školi za glazbenu umjetnost "Ino Mirković" u Lovranu te od 2004. profesor mentor harmonike u Glazbenoj školi I. M. Ronjgov u Puli, od 2013. pročelnik harmonikaškog odjela. Učenici klase prof. Balyka postižu zapažene rezultate na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Prof. Balyk stalni je član ocjenjivačkih sudova u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Od 2009. g. član je ispitnog povjerenstva za polaganja stručnih ispita pri Agenciji za odgoj i obrazovanje.

Dobitnik je naslova Zasluženi umjetnik Rusije 1994., a 1995. proglašen je u Rusiji čovjekom godine u oblasti kulture i umjetnosti. Godine 2002 je V. Balyk zbog posebnih zasluga u razvoju glazbene kulture dobio hrvatsko državljanstvo.


Volodimir (Vladimir) Balyk

was born in 1958 in Ukraine. He completed his study of classical accordion (class of prof. dr. M. Oberjuhtina) and conducting (class of prof. Dr. I. Wymer) at the State Conservatory in Lviv.
In 1986, he completed his PhD studies at the Gnessin Music Academy in Moscow, under the guidance of prof. dr. V. Bjeljak. He is a winner of many significant international awards (laureate of one of the most distinguished international accordion competitions "Vogtländischen Musiktage" Klingentha, Germany in 1981). Series of successful performances begins with a solo recital in 1977, and after 1981 he performed in numerous concert halls in Europe (Russia, Germany, France, Poland, Romania, Croatia), most notable being the solo recital in 1999 in Paris at the Music for Peace concert at UNESCO together with the most prominent artists of the world.

His repertoire is based on original compositions for the accordion and the arrangements of works mostly from the Baroque period. In 1993 founded one of the distinguished chamber ensembles in Russia Nata Bene Trio, with whom he has won numerous awards, including the Grand Prix in France, the first prize in Castelfidardo, Italy, etc., and has toured in France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, the Netherlands. In 1999, the German label VMA published their CD Nata Bene-Debut, which was proclaimed Album of the Year by the journal Intermusik. Since 1998, he mainly performs with his wife Natasha (domra, mandolin) with recitals throughout Europe. In collaboration with the Zagreb poet B. Pejnović, in 2001 he started a project of musical-poetry recitals - JESENIN ("Kerempuh" and "Factory" in Zagreb, "Zorin dom" in Karlovac, HKK Zadar, etc.), CESARIĆ (EXITteatar, Zagreb). Vladimir Balyk is also a composer, the author of accordion compositions (released in the Ukraine and Germany) as well as transcriptions for accordion and chamber ensembles.

He is an author of a series of monographs and articles on the problems of methodology and history of interpretation on the accordion, published in Russia, Ukraine and Germany. He is also active in pedagogical work, from 1987 to 2000 was a lecturer (1991 - Assistant Professor, 1994 – Full Professor) at the State Conservatory in Astrakhan (Russia). Since 1995 as visiting, and since the year 2000 he was a full time professor at the College of Music "Ino Mirkovic" in Lovran. Since 2004, he is working as accordion teacher in the Music School I.M. Ronjgov in Pula, where from 2013 he is head of the Accordion Department. Students of prof. Balyk achieve notable results at national and international competitions. Prof. Balyk is a permanent jury member at competitions in Croatia and abroad. Since 2009 g. he is a member of the examination committee for the professional examinations of the Agency for Education.

In 1994, he was awarded with the title of Honoured Artist of Russia, and in 1995 was proclaimed the Man of the Year in the field of culture and art. In 2002, due to his special merits in the development of musical culture,
V. Balyk has obtained the Croatian citizenship.

Concert in the church of Sv. Križ (St. Cross) in the town of Rab on the island of Rab, Croatia 2006

Natasha Balyk

belongs to a generation of performers who stand out because of their extraordinary technical brilliance and first class musical interpretation. Her performance on the domra* projects a new and more valuable image of this Russian national instrument. She received her master's degree in 1983 on the domra* at the State Conservatory in Astrakhan (Russia) under Prof. Dr. Noskov, and completed her Doctorate in 1987 at the State Conservatory in St. Petersburg under Prof. Dr. Shitenkov. She was docent at the Music Conservatory in Astrakhan. She performed at many concerts as a solo artist and as a concert maestro at the Astrakhan Philharmonic Orchestra. Since 1993, she has been a permanent performer with the Trio Nata Bene ensemble with whic she has won numerous international awards.

Since 1998, she has regularly performed with her husband Vladimir throughout Croatia and other countries (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Greece, Finland). In May 2000, she was an honorary guest at the 5th Annual Mandolin Festival in Imotski. Since 2001, she has been a permanent member of the evaluation committee at the Mandolina Imota Festival, and in 2005, she became a judge in the tamburitza discipline at the 43rd Croatian competition for students of music and dance, organized by the Croatian Society for Music and Dance Professors (HDGPP).

Since 1999, Nataša Balyk has been a professor of guitar and tamburitza at the Mirković Music School (since 2001 she has been also a professor at the Ino Mirković Music Academy in Lovran), and since 2010 N. Balyk – professor of mandolin at the Music School I.M. Ronjgov, Rijeka (branch Rab, on the island of Rab). 
*domra - a Russian string instrument similar the mandolin, but with four strings like a tamburitza.

We express our gratitude to Yoko Nishii, who is a Japanese pianist, for having made an important impetus in order to prepare this article,
as well as to Vjeko Martinko, director of the Hotel Villa Astra in Lovran, for having enabled the second author to listen to Duo Balyk.

Duo Balyk perfoming at one of their past concerts in the church of Sv. Filip i Jakov in the town of Novi Vinodolski, Croatia


Duo Balyk in the church of Sv. Filip i Jakov in Novi Vinodolski, Croatia

In the Euphrasius Basilica in Poreč, Croatia 2013

Duo Balyk performing at the Atrium of the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb in 2009

Concert in Ikaalinen, Finland,

Duo Balyk with Branko Pejnović reciting the verses of Jesenin, Zagreb 2009 

Concert in Bischwiller, France


Concert in the church of Gospa od Otoka (Lady of the Island) in the town of Solin near Split, 2008 Croatia

Duo Balyk, living happily in the town of Lovran, Croatia

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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