Croatian Fraternal Union Lodge 789, Slobodna Hrvatska, has been in existence for well over sixty years and as its name implies, has always been an outspoken supporter of a free and independent Croatia.
Lodge 789 members strive to forge lasting friendships with other lodges throughout the US, Canada and Croatia. Some of the national events that Lodge 789 members have participated in over the last several years are: the Junior and Senior Tambura Festivals, Ski-Festivals, and the Croatian Humanitarian Aid Fund. It members are also encouraged to participate in national bowling, basketball, softball, and golf tournaments. Also on the national level an attractive scholarship program is available to all college-level members.
On the local level, a hiking trip to upstate New York was recently held, in addition to an evening at an off-Broadway dinner theatre and a winter wine tasting exhibition. In past years, lodge members have attended the US Tennis Open in support of fellow Croats and participated in Croatian Cuisine Month at the United Nations.
The goal behind all of these events is to promote fraternalism and offer Croats, both young and old, an opportunity to benefit from, and network with, an international organization that has been in existence since 1894 and boasts over 100,000 members.