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It's not a Velvet but a Snowflake Revolution
By Marko Puljić | Published  12/4/2013 | Politics , Media Watch , Friends In Action , Events , Community | Unrated
A snowflake though gentle, can become a deep snow and an avalanche. Democracy by example.

Croatian Hamed Bangoura started a non-violent Snowflake Revolution for fundamental political change. You wanna be a Snowflake?

Zašto Pahulja?

Vrlo jednostavno. Pahulja je nevina, neponovljiva, nježna i čista, baš kao što je velika većina nas. Pahulja je dječja radost, kao što i svi mi želimo biti radost i ponos naše djece jer smo učinili nešto za njihovu budućnost. Ali pahulja po pahulja, iako nježna može stvoriti dubok snijeg i lavinu. Tada one imaju snagu koja se ne može ignorirati.

Drage građanke i građani Lijepe Naše,

bliži se kraj još jedne kalendarske godine. Preživjeli smo jer narod uvijek preživi. Istina, umorni smo, iscrpljeni, slomljeni, pokradeni, nemoćni, na aparatima, ali ipak živi. Od svega, najviše boli što smo duboko podijeljeni od strane političkih struktura tijekom dvadeset i tri godine korupcije, mita, nepotizma i općeg nepoštivanja interesa naroda. Najgore od svega je što na vidiku nema vizije, a ni onih koji bi tu viziju mogli ostvariti. Znamo da je Hrvatska prepuna pametnih, sposobnih i poštenih ljudi koji jednostavno ne mogu doći do izražaja u ovom i ovakvom trenutku. Pahulje imaju za cilj stvoriti okvire za novo društvo u kojem će sposobni i pošteni doći do izražaja, a u kojem će političari konačno čuti svoj narod. Oni su tu zbog nas, a ne mi zbog njih.

Što želimo postići okupljanjem Pahulja?

Želimo omogućiti higijenski prostor za razvoj zdravog političkog društva u kojem bi se biračima vratilo povjerenje i promovirala demokracija koju su povlaštene garniture u proteklih dvadesetak godina obezvrijedile.

Na ovaj način želimo prije svega reći da je bilo dosta te ostvariti neke od zadanih ciljeva:

1) Stavljanje svih mandata nositelja zakonodavne i izvršne vlasti koji su dobiveni temeljem izbora na državnoj i lokalnoj razini na raspolaganje narodu RH.

2) Formiranje tehničke vlade, sastavljene od poštenih i sposobnih građana RH.

3) Dobrovoljni moratorij na djelovanje svim političarima koji su participirali u zakonodavnoj i izvršnoj vlasti na svim razinama od 1990. do 2013. godine.

4) Osnivanje posebnog neovisnog tijela koje unutar godinu dana, temeljem zakonskih okvira, treba provesti poništenje sporne pretvorbe i privatizacije.

5) Podnošenje obvezujuće izjave kojom bi svaki budući političar svom svojom imovinom jamčio povrat sve nezakonito stečene imovine odnosno naknadu pronevjerenih javnih sredstava tijekom obnašanja svog mandata.

Neka se glas naroda čuje, neka počnu padati Pahulje.

I još nešto, pahulje se ne dijele. One se okupljaju.

Why a Snowflake?

Simple. A snowflake is innocent, unique, gentle and clean, just like the vast majority of us. A snowflake is a child's joy just like we all want to be joy and pride for our children because we did something for their future. But a snowflake upon snowflake, though gentle, can become a deep snow and an avalanche. Then they have a power that cannot be ignored.

Dear citizens of Our Beautiful,

Nearing the end of another calendar year. We have survived because people always survive. True, we're tired, exhausted, broken, stolen, helpless, and on life support, but still alive. Of all, the most painful is that you are deeply divided by political structures during the twenty-three years of corruption, bribery, nepotism and general disrespect of the people. Worst of all is that on the horizon there is no vision, and even those who would be able to realize this vision. We know that Croatia is full of smart, capable and honest people who just can not come to the forefront in this and in a time like this. Snowflakes are intended to create a framework for a new society in which capable and honest to come to the fore , in which politicians will finally hear his people . They are here for us , not we for them.

What we want to achieve by bringing together Pahulja (Snowflake)?

We want to provide a hygienic area for the development of a healthy political society in which voters' confidence is restored and promote democracy by privileged groups in the past twenty years have devalued.

In this way, we would rather say that it is quite enough and to achieve some of our goals:

1 ) Putting all mandate holders of the legislative and executive branches, which have been obtained on the basis of elections at the state and local level available to the people of the Republic of Croatia.

2 ) Establishment of a technical government, composed of honest and capable citizens of Croatia.

3 ) A voluntary moratorium on the activity of all the politicians who participated in the legislative and executive branches at all levels from 1990. to 2013.

4 ) The Establishment of a special independent body within a year, based on the legal framework, to implement the repeal of the controversial transformation of privatization.

5 ) Submission of a binding statement that every future politician with their assets guarantee return of all illegally acquired property or compensation of embezzled public funds during the time of their mandate .

6 ) Limiting the term of office bearers of future legislative and executive power to a maximum of 2 terms.

Let the voice of the people is heard, let snowflakes begin to fall.

And another thing , snowflakes do not divide. They gather.

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljic
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Marija Mietic)

    Ja sam za promjenu, ali ne na staro, t.j. kmunisticko!
    Nadam se da ne planirate tako nesto, u kojem slucaju moj glas svakako ignorirajte.
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