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Zoran Dukiæ, Croatian guitarist, one of the most prominent players of today |
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic |
Awards , Culture And Arts , People
Zoran won an incredible number of international prizes
 Zoran Dukiæ, prominent Croatian guitarrist

Zoran Dukic is one of the most prominent guitarists of the new generation. He was born in 1969 in Zagreb, Croatia where he started to play the guitar at the age of six. He graduated from the Music Academy of Zagreb with Darko Petrinjak and completed his studies with Hubert Käppel at the Hochschule für Music in Cologne, Germany. 

Zoran Dukic has won an incredible amount of international guitar competitions, in fact, more than any other guitarist in the world. Listed below are some of his most important prizes presented in chronological order: 
 | First Prize "International Guitar Competition" in Mettmann, Germany 1991. |  | First Prize "Andrés Segovia" Int. Guitar Competition in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1991. |  | First Prize "Dakar International Guitar Competition" in Senegal, 1992. |  | First Prize "Guerrero" International Guitar Competition in Madrid, Spain, 1992 - plus the special jury prize for the best interpretation of Spanish music). |  | First Prize "20th International Guitar Competition" in Viña del Mar, Chile, 1993 - plus the Prize of the Public |  | First Prize "20th "Francisco Tárrega" Int. Guitar Competition" in Benicasim, Spain, 1994 - plus received the Prize of the Public |  | First Prize "International Guitar Competition "Printemps de la Guitarre" Belgium," 1994 - plus the Special Prize from the "Belgian Composer's Association" |  | First Prize "Andrés Segovia" International Guitar Competition in Granada, Spain, 1996 the only guitarist to win both of the "Andrés Segovia" competitions - Granada & Palma |  | First Prize "De Bonis" International Guitar Competition in Cosenza, Italy, 1997 - plus the Prize of Public |  | First Prize "Manuel Maria Ponce" International Guitar Competition in Tredrez-France, 1996 |

Zoran Dukiæ has been a featured soloist in more then 30 countries on five continents in the most important concert halls such as: Het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Teatre de la Monnaie in Brussels, Maison de Radio France in Paris, The National Art Gallery in Ottawa, the Luis Angel Arango hall in Bogota and the Çemal Resit Rey in Istanbul. He is regularly invited to give Master Classes in international festivals all over the world and often appears as a featured soloist with orchestras from: Spain, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Hungary, Switzerland, Taiwan, Columbia, Chile and Croatia. Zoran Dukiæ is also a very active chamber music performer and a founding member of the guitar trio "Trio de Cologne". He has recorded compact discs for labels in Germany, Spain and Belgium. He is currently teaching at the Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague, Holland, Hochschule für Musik in Aachen, Germany and at the Escuela Superior de Musica de Barcelona, Spain. 

 | Kölnische Rundschau (Germany): "...the 26-year old string genius from Zagreb showed both technical brilliance and tenderness, with the artistic potential and expressive power of life itself. ...This is a musician not a guitarist" |  | Guitarres, Brussels (Belgium): "...enormously rich qualities of phrasing and rubato always at the service of the poetic dimensions of the music." |  | Vecernji List, Zagreb (Croatia): "...This review is not a scream of amazement or adoration but an honest tribute to the purest joy of music." |  | Il Gazzetino, Pordenone (Italy): "...always the master of his instrument, Dukic demonstrated spectacular virtuosity over and over again together with a great maturity and powerful inspiration." |
Source: www.gitarrist.net
 Thailand International Guitar Festival & Competition 2006
Zoran Dukic (1969. Zagreb)
was presented with a guitar at the early age of six. Today he is one of the most distinguished classical guitarists of our time. His concert performances, both as a soloist or with an orchestra, leave long-lasting impressions on audiences and critics alike.
He graduated from the Music Academy in Zagreb with Darko Petrinjak and completed his studies with Hubert K?ppel at the Hochschule f?r Musik in Cologne. Costas Cotsiolis and the "Volos Guitar Festival" played an essential role in the early development of his international career.
In his "tour de force" competition years (1990-1997) Zoran Dukic has won an astonishing number of competitions, more than any other guitarist in the world. He is the only guitarist to have won both "Andr?s Segovia" competitions, in Granada and in Palma de Mallorca. Showing astounding mastery in a wide variety of musical periods and styles he has also won competitions dedicated to "Fernando Sor", "Manuel Ponce", "Manuel de Falla", "Francisco T?rrega" among others. In the greatest Spanish guitar competition in Madrid, patronized by the Royal Family, he was awarded, in addition to the first prize, the special prize for the best interpretation of Spanish music (first time awarded to a non-Spaniard). In numerous competitions he was selected by the audience itself for the prize of the public, a self-evident testimony to his natural ability to communicate through music.
His performances throughout the 5 continents have inspired numerous composers to dedicate their works to him. His premiers of new music are strengthened by his admiration of contemporary musical expression. His programs include works by Takemitsu, Henze, Reily, Carter or Gubaidulina among many others. He has also toured with entire Bach programs, performing complete cycles of lute, violin or cello suites. Music by J. S. Bach is still the focal point of his musical life.
It is almost an understatement to mention his special affinity for Spanish and South American musical idiom, the core repertoire of classical guitar. Currently, his carefully balanced programs present a range of music from Bach to Britten, from Sor to Alb?niz, from T?rrega to Villa-Lobos and Brouwer.
Being exceptionally enthusiastic and dedicated to teaching, his pedagogical activities are equally impressive. He has taught at the Zagreb Music Academy and Hochschule F?r Musik in Aachen and is currently teaching at the Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague and at the Escuela Superior de Musica in Barcelona. He has educated generations of young classical guitarists and has one of the most successful classes in Europe. In addition to this, he regularly gives masterclasses all over the world and is often an invited guest to numerous guitar festivals. Zoran Dukic is also a very active chamber music performer and a founding member of the Trio de Cologne. He has recorded compact discs for labels in Germany, Spain and Belgium.
PROGRAM ( Zoran Dukic )
J.S. Bach - (1685-1750) Ciaccona BWV 1004 M.M. Ponce (1882-1948) - Sonatina Meridional -campo - copla - fiesta A.Piazzolla (1921-1992) - Invierno Porte?o Muerte del Angel
Malcolm Arnold - Fantasia (1921) - prelude - scherzo - arietta - fughetta - arietta - march - postlude Miguel Llobet Romanza (1878-1938) Scherzo Vals A. Barrios (1885-1944) - Preludio Caazap? Choro de Saudade Dusan Bogdanovi? (1955) Six Balkan Miniatures -Morning Dance - Lament - Vranjanka - Macedonian Dance -Wide Song -Tiny-knit Dance

IX Festival Internazionale della Chitarra Niccolò Paganini Zoran Dukic Il chitarrista croato arriva al Festival Paganini, giovedì 12 aprile al Teatro Cinghio Scheda pratica | Informazioni | Maggiori informazioni nella scheda del Festival | Biglietti | 10,00 ¬ - presso la biglietteria del Teatro Cinghio Tel. 0521 964803 | |  | | Si avvicina allo studio della chitarra classica all'età di sei anni. Oggi è uno dei più raffinati chitarristi classici della sua generazione. Le sue performance, sia da solista sia con orchestra, lasciano ad ogni occasione un segno indelebile su pubblico e critica. Laureatosi presso lAccademia di Musica di Zagabria con Darko Petrinjak, ha completato gli studi con Hubert Käppel alla Hochschule für Musik di Colonia. E'stato l'unico musicista ad ottenere il premio "Andrés Segovia" sia a Granada sia a Palma di Maiorca. Al più importante concorso spagnolo di chitarra, a Madrid, patrocinato dai Reali di Spagna, è stato insignito oltre che del primo premio, del premio speciale per la migliore interpretazione di musica spagnola (per la prima volta assegnato a un non spagnolo).
Le sue performance mondiali hanno spinto numerosi compositori a dedicargli proprie composizioni. L'ammirazione per l'espressione musicale contemporanea si manifesta nel suo repertorio che generalmente include composizioni di Takemitsu, Henze, Reily, Carter, Gubaidulina e molti altri. Ha inoltre affrontato una tournée con tutti i programmi di Bach, eseguendo i cicli completi di suite di liuto, violino e violoncello. Dukic manifesta una particolare affinità con l'espressione musicale spagnola e sud-americana, il cuore del repertorio della chitarra classica. Al momento i suoi programmi presentano una vasta scelta di musica da Bach a Britten, da Sor ad Albéniz, da Tarrega a Villa-Lobos e Brouwer. Si è dedicato negli anni all'insegnamento, tenendo corsi presso lAccademia di Musica di Zagabria, la Hochschule Für Musik di Colonia, la Royal Conservatory of Music di The Hague e presso la Escuela Superior de Musica di Barcelona. E' molto attivo nell'ambito della musica da camera ed è uno dei fondatori del "Trio de Cologne".
16. Februar 2001 Stadttheater, Aschaffenburg Aschaffenburger Gitarrentage 2001 Werke u. a. von Johann Sebastian Bach, Miguel Llobet, Manuel M. Ponce, Leo Brower Zoran Dukic, Gitarre Zoran Dukic - Noble Kammermusik auf sechs Saiten Beeindruckendes Finale der Aschaffenburger Gitarrentage Von Ingo Negwer Im Alter von nur 21 Jahren gewann der kroatische Gitarrist Zoran Dukic den Internationalen Gitarrenwettbewerb in Mettmann (1991). Eine Reihe weiterer Erfolge bei renommierten Wettbewerben folgten, u. a. ein 1. Preis sowohl beim "Andrés Segovia International Guitar Comp." auf Mallorca (1992) als auch beim "A. Segovia International Competition" in Granada (1996). In Aschaffenburg gestaltete Zoran Dukic, der nach Studien in seiner Heimatstadt Zagreb sein Konzertexamen bei Hubert Käppel an der Kölner Musikhochschule ablegte, nun das Abschlusskonzert der diesjährigen Gitarrentage. Mit einem äußerst anspruchsvollen Programm stellte er im Stadttheater unter Beweis, dass er zurecht zu den führenden Gitarristen der jüngeren Generation gezählt wird. Den Auftakt machte Dukic mit einer stilsicheren Interpretation der Sonata BWV 1001 von Johann Sebastian Bach. Das Werk, das - original für Violine solo - längst zum Standardrepertoire für die klassische Gitarre gehört, war bei Dukic in den besten Händen: Mit scheinbar spielerischer Leichtigkeit gestaltete er die Verzierungen im Adagio, transparent und dennoch frisch die Fuge, ehe er die Sonata im Anschluss an eine lyrisch dargebotene Siciliana mit dem effektvollen Presto ausklingen ließ. Zoran Dukic pflegt einen unaufdringlichen, noblen Gitarrenton. Dass er zu virtuosem Spiel mühelos in der Lage ist, stellte er bereits im Schluss-Satz der Bachschen Sonate unter Beweis. Weitere Kostproben sollten noch folgen, beispielsweise in den lateinamerikanisches Temperament versprühenden Fünf Stücke aus Venezuela von Vicente Emilio Sojo. Dennoch vermeidet Dukic jede aufgesezte, nach purem Effekt strebende Virtuosität. Sein Umgang mit dem Instrument ist stets getragen von quasi intimer Sensibilität. Mustergültig in dieser Hinsicht waren seine Interpretationen der Fünf katalanischen Volksweisen von Miguel Llobet. Mit Manuel M. Ponces komplexem Thème varié et Final eröffnete Dukic den zweiten Teil seines Konzerts. Die Sonata des kubanischen Komponisten Leo Brouwer schloss sich an. Dukic formte die drei Sätze des Werks, das nur noch entfernt an die klassische Gattungsvorlage erinnert, zu nuancenreichen atmosphärischen Klangbildern. Mit den effektvollen, orientalisch anmutenden Sechs Balkan Miniaturen von Dusan Bogdanovic setzte Zoran Dukic den Schlusspunkt unter den offiziellen Teil seines Konzerts. Zwei Zugaben von Tárrega und Ponce schlossen sich an. Doch das begeisterte Publikum entließ den Solisten erst nach einer humorvollen Wiedergabe der Titelmusik aus dem Film "Der dritte Mann".
 Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko ®ubriniæDistributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!
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Comment #1
(Posted by Raúl)
Esta informacion sobre Zoran es muy valiosa, lastima que sea practicamente la única de este nivel.
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