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Klapa Grdelin in Croatia's capital Zagreb singing Dalmatian songs
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  01/21/2012 | Music , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Performed in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Greece, Poland, Ireland, Germany, etc.

Klapa Grdelin, Zagreb, Croatia

Klapa Grdelin osnovana je u Zagrebu u veljači 2000. god. Klapa Grdelin je kroz deset godina postojanja i djelovanja postupno istraživala i proširivala repertoar pjesama izvođenih na različitim koncertima i festivalima. Repertoar je obuhvaćao izvorne dalmatinske pjesme u obradi poznatih skladatelja i etnomuzikologa (J. Gotovac, Lj. Stipišić, D. Fio, D. Tambača i dr.) obrade popularnih napjeva, te tradicionalne pučke korizmene napjeve, božićne pjesme i kolende. Nepresušni izvor pjesama klapa nalazi u bogatoj glazbenoj baštini grada Splita i okolice.

Od prve godine postojanja klapa Grdelin redovno sudjeluje na Festivalu dalmatinskih klapa Omiš na kojem je u nekoliko navrata sudjelovala u finalnoj večeri (2002., 2005.-2007. god.). 2006. god. klapa Grdelin je podijelila prvo mjesto u Večerima izvornih napjeva i osvojila je drugo mjesto Stručnog ocjenjivačkog žirija i Srebrni leut grada Omiša u finalnoj večeri muških klapa. Klapa Grdelin je sudjelovala na brojnim koncertima (npr. Koncerti klapa grada Zagreba, Božićni koncert zagrebačkih klapa, u dva navrata na korizmenom koncertu 2003. i 2004. god. i dr.), humanitarnim nastupima, suradnji sa grupom Krijes, te na inozemnim gostovanjima (Republika Češka, Mađarska, Slovenija, Vojvodina, Grčka, Poljska, Irska, Njemačka) i klapskim smotrama (Crikvenica, Cavtat, Skradin, Trogir). Na 29. Smotri dalmatinskih klapa u Skradinu Klapa Grdelin je i apsolutni pobjednik u kategoriji najizvornijeg napjeva i najboljeg klapskog basa.

Klapa Grdelin je održala i dva samostalna koncerta u dvorani Hrvatskog glazbenog zavoda u Zagrebu 2004. god. i 2006. god, a posebno mjestu u djelovanju zauzima realizacija i promocija prvog nosača zvuka pod nazivom „Parvi“ (promoviran u studenom 2006. u Zagrebu i veljači 2007. god. u Splitu).

Članovi klape:
1. tenor: Andro Rivier    
2. tenor: Andro Bojanić    
Bariton: Dinko Uglešić    
Bariton: Mario Alajbeg    
Bas: Tomislav Šiša    
Bas: Frane Grubišić

Klapa Grdelin was founded in Zagreb in February 2000. Throughout the years Grdelin has been exploring and expanding its repertoire that was performed at many concerts and festivals. The repertoire includes original Dalmatian songs arranged by famous composers and ethnomusicologists (Jakov Gotovac, Ljubo Stipišić, Dinko Fio, Duško Tambača and others), popular tunes adapted for klapa singing, traditional folk tunes of Lent and Christmas. Grdelin has found a valuable source of songs in the rich musical heritage of the city of Split and its surrounding area.

From the year 2000 onwards Grdelin has regularly performed at Dalmatian Klapa Festival in Omiš, where they performed in the final in 2002, 2005, 2006, and 2007. In 2006 they shared the first place in Večer izvornih napjeva, and won the second place from the expert jury, and Srebrni leut grada Omiša in the final of the male klapa competition. Grdelin performed at various concerts at home (in a series of concerts held by various klape from Zagreb, Christmas concerts in Zagreb, Lent concerts of klape from Zagreb in 2003 and 2004, two highly acclaimed performances at Summer Festival in Varaždin, and so on), charity events, various events in Europe (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Vojvodina, Greece, Poland, Ireland, Germany), klapa festivals in Croatia (Crikvenica, Cavtat, Skradin, Trogir), and as backup for the Croatian ethno-group Kries. Klapa Grdelin won two awards, for the best performance of an original folk tune and for the best bass, in Skradin Klapa Festival in 2007.

Klapa Grdelin held two concerts in the hall of Croatian Music Institute in Zagreb in 2004 and in 2006. A very special place in our curriculum is reserved for our first album called Parvi, which was promoted in November 2006 in Zagreb and in February 2007 in Split.

Members of the klapa:
1st tenor: Andro Rivier    
2st tenor: Andro Bojanić    
Bariton: Dinko Uglešić    
Bariton: Mario Alajbeg    
Bas: Tomislav Šiša    
Bas: Frane Grubišić

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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