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Carolina Blaskovic Croatian violinist wins American Protege International Piano & Strings Competition 2016
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  03/30/2016 | Music , People | Unrated
Carolina was the youngest one among 62 participants in the College students and professional musicians category

Carolina Blašković, young Croatian violinist.
As the winner of the competition, she will play at the Carnegie Hall in New York.

Carolina Blašković and Zagreb soloists: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - Winter

Carolina Blašković (violin) - H. Wieniawsky: "Faust" Fantasy

Croatian Violinist Wins American Protege International Piano & Strings Competition

Carolina Blašković, a 20 year old Croatian lady from Zagreb has won the 2016 American Protege International Piano and Strings Competition.

Blašković, who is currently studying at RCM-Royal College of Music in London, is just 20 years of age, and was the youngest of 62 participants in the College students and professional musicians category in this years competition. The American Protege International Piano and Strings Competition is open to adults and school students of all nationalities. She beat participants from around the world, including Australia, Hungary, Korea and the United States.

Thanks to her winning performance, she has been given the rare chance to perform at the spectacular Carnegie Hall in New York, which has been the stage of all stages for countless performances from various famous musicians throughout its long history.

The big win is far from the beginning of the talented Carolina's musical career, as she has already won several national and international awards, these include the Bravo Competition in Paris, Flame Competition in Belgium and the Stockholm International Music Competition in Sweden. She has performed a number of concerts all over Europe, noted performances took place in Croatia, the United Kingdom, Slovenia and Poland.

Croatia keeps sending more and more talented individuals out into the world, ranging from those in the field of science, to those in sports and in the arts. We truly do live in a nation brimming with gifted people.

Congratulations and continued good fortune to Carolina!


Carolina Blašković winner of the 2016 American Protégé International Competition

RCM violinist Carolina Blaskovic has been awarded first prize at the American Protégé International Competition. American Protégé is designed for young musicians, actors, singers and dancers on the path to a successful career.

Carolina will now perform in a recital at Carnegie Hall’s Weil Hall in New York City in November 2016.

In reaction to the news, Carolina said ‘I am really honoured and delighted to represent Royal College of Music at Carnegie Hall. It is a great confirmation of my work so far as well as motivation for future engagements. I would like to express my deepest thanks to my professor, Radu Blidar, and to the RCM String Faculty without whom none of this would be possible.’


Carolina Blašković (15) Paganini Caprice No. 5 - live on Croatian TV 16. June 2011

Carolina Blaskovic (18) Paganini Cappriccio No. 24

Mlada violinistica postigla sjajan uspjeh u New Yorku

Mlada hrvatska violinistica Carolina Blašković proglašena je u New Yorku pobjednicom prestižnog međunarodnog pijanističkog i violinističkog natjecanja ‘American Protege International Piano/Strings Competition 2016.’, kao najmlađa od ukupno 62 natjecatelja u kategoriji ‘studenti-profesionalci’ za starije od 19 godina.

Blašković (20) je osvojila prvo mjestu na natjecanju u kojemu su ove godine sudjelovali natjecatelji iz SAD-a, Kanade, Kostarike, Velike Britanije, Belgije, Mađarske, Italije, Poljske, Slovačke, Azerbejdžana, Kine, Hong Konga, Indonezije, Japana, Malezije, Filipina, Sjeverne Koreje, Singapura, Tajlanda, Vijetnama i Australije.

Prvonagrađeni glazbenik dobiva priliku za solistički nastup u glasovitom newyorškom Carnegie Hallu, a mlada će violinistica svoju nagradu preuzeti upravo prilikom svojeg tamošnjeg američkog debija u studenome 2016.

Violinistica Carolina Blašković rođena je u glazbenoj obitelji u Zagrebu a trenutno je na studiju violine na Kraljevskom muzičkom koledžu (RCM-Royal College of Music) u Londonu u klasi profesora Radu Blidara.

Prvi javni nastup održala je s nepune četiri godine, te je već sa šesnaest godina bila redoviti student Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu. Usavršavala se kod niza renomiranih glazbenika, među kojima su Victor Tretiakov, Natalia Likhopoi, Goran Končar, Adam Korniszewski, Michael Vaiman i drugi.

Dobitnica je brojnih nagrada na nacionalnim i međunarodnim takmičenjima, prvu od kojih je osvojila sa samo devet godina na Međunarodnom natjecanju za mlade violiniste u Gorici (Italija), a među ostalima je osvojila i nagrade ‘Mladi Paganini’ (Poljska), ‘Vaclav Huml’ (Zagreb), ‘Flame Competition’ (Belgija), ‘Bravo Competition’ (Pariz), ‘Petar Konjović’ (Beograd), ‘Stockholm International Music Competition’ (Švedska).

Blašković je dosad održala brojne koncerte diljem Hrvatske, te u Velikoj Britaniji, Sloveniji i Poljskoj, a nastupa kao solist uz pratnju orkestra kao i sa klavirskim triom, gudačkim triom, te s harfom, gitarom i orguljama.

‘Prvo mjesto na prestižnom natjecanju 'American Protege' za Carolinu predstavlja odskočnu dasku u karijeri, ali i veliku potvrdu njezina dosadašnjeg rada’, stoji u priopćenju.
Source Hina/CroExpress

Carolina Blašković plays Franz Waxman's "Carmen Fantasie"

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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