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The Film Society of Lincoln Center presents The Emergence of Croatian Cinema
By Zdenka Kardum | Published  10/11/2007 | Events , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Croatian film heritage and recent film productions at the prestigious space of Lincoln Center

October 26th - November 14th 2007


                   The appearance in New York and a chance to present the Croatian film heritage and recent film production in a prestigious space of Lincoln Center is enormously important to: our film production.

                   The Croatian film production - although small in size- is vital, and very versatile in the terms of genre, themes and style, which has been recognized at numerous international film festivals at which, for the last couple of years, they have won important awards.

                  Croatia is the homeland of the Zaqreh School of Animated Film which has, from the 5Os to the 8Os of the 20th century, made a significant breakthrough from the production of that period, creating a number of cartoons with modern and modernistic animation expressions, During that period the Zagreb school films won several hundreds of awards including the Academy Award for the animation film The Ersatz by Dusan Vukotic Many actors, such as Goran Visnjic, come from Croatia; Croatia is the homeland of the director Goran Dukic as well as the famous producer or Branko Lustig who is one of the initiators of the Croatian Film Series in Lincoln Center.

                   The production we are going to show during this manifestation includes films that range from those testifying about the modernist movement of the '60s and '70s of the last century to those reflecting the turbulent political times after the fail of the Berlin wail. We are putting special emphasis on current production in order to show you what the Croatian film of today really is and in order to reveal to you a part of the Croatian reality with firm belief it will no intriguing and interesting for you.

                    I would like to especially thank the organizers of this film presentation: The Film Society of Lincoln Center, Mr Richard Peńa, Program Director and the organizer of the series, Croatian State Archives - Croatian Film Archives and Mr. Branko Lustig who have used their reputation, together with their unselfish engagement, to help present the Croatian culture to the American public in this spectacular manner,

                                                      Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia
                                                                                                            Božo Biškupić

Film Society of Lincoln Center

The Emergence of
Croatian Cinema

The organizer of the series: Richard Peńa, Program Director

Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia New York
Croatian State Archives Croatian Cinematheque

Contact Information
The Film Society of Lincoln Center
70 Lincoln Center Plaza
New York, NY 10023-6595

Walter Reade Theater
Automated schedule line 212 875 5600
Box Office 212 875 5601

Film Society Administrative Offices 212 875 5610
Film Society Membership 212 875 5630
Film Society of Lincoln Center Customer Service 212 875 5367
Film Comment Customer Service 888 313 6085

Additional info at Croatian Consulate tel: 212 599 3066

Schedule on the next page: Click here

Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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