Ante Mimica awarded as a young Croatian mathematician for his outstanding results in Probability Theory

Professor Hrvoje Kraljević, president of the
Croatian Mathematical Society, opening the 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress.
About 200 mathemacians participated at this event.
Professor Hrvoje Šikić describing the work of a young and very gifted Croatian mathemacian Dr. Ante Mimica in Probability Theory, who prematurely died at the age of 35.
Dr. Ante Mimica (1981-2016).
In Memoriam. Ante was very fond of music and of

Dr. Ante Mimica reporting about his work at the
6th International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications 2012
at the Banach Center in Bedlewo, Poland.
Plenary speakers at the 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress in Zagreb 2016
- D. Adamović (University of Zagreb)
- S. Čanić (University of Houston)
- R-C. Li (University of Texas at Arlington)
- I. Mirković (University of Massachusetts)
- P. Pandžić (University of Zagreb)
- C. Thiele (Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn)
Sunčica Čanić, distinguished Professor of the University of Houston, the first plenary lecturer at the Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb 2016

Sunčica Čanić is distinguished international expert in partial differential equations and mathematical modelling in Medical sciences

Professor Sunčica Čanić's first slide, showing her principal collaborators. See a closely related

Professor Hrvoje Šikić in the first row, Professors Hrvoje Pandžić, Dragan Miličić (Utah University, USA) and Mirko Primc in the second row,
Professor Marcela Hanzer in the third row, and Professor Ivan Ivanšić in the fourth row.
Sunčica Čanić (University of Houston), Eduard Marušić Paloka, Andrej Dujella (also a member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts) and Boris Muha
Invited speakers
- P. Benner (Max Planck Institut, Magdeburg)
- M. Braun (University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt)
- M. Hanzer (University of Zagreb)
- A. Jakubowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University,Torun)
- C. Krattenthaler (University of Vienna)
- E. Lapid (The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot)
- H. Y. Loke (National University of Singapore)
- A. Milas (SUNY-Albany)
- J-P. Rolin (Universite de Bourgogne)
- V. Romanovski (University of Maribor)
- G. Savin (University of Utah)
- R. Tichy (Technische Universität Graz)
- I. Veselić (TU Chemnitz)
- D. Žubrinić (University of Zagreb)

Professor Zvonimir Tutek on the right, the chairman of the Ordinary Differential Equations session.

Dr. Davor Dragičević (University of Rijeka), Professor Valerij Romanovskij (University of Maribor), Dr. Maja Resman, Dr. Domagoj Vlah, Dr. Goran Radunović and Professor Sonja Štimac.
Previous congresses
5th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, 2012 -
4th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia, 2008 -
3rd Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, Croatia, 2004 -
2nd Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2000 -
1st Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 1996

Dr. Domagoj Vlah reporting about his joint work with Professor Vesna Županović, dealing with Arnold's theory of singularities

Good friends and distinguished international experts in Representation Theory of Groups:
Dragan Miličić (University of Utah, USA) and
Ivan Mirković (Massachusetts University, USA),
former students of the University of Zagreb. They both started their scientific career in Croatia.

In the third row Professors Tanja Vučić, University of Split, and Vida Zadelj.
Dr. Goran Radunović, Professors Vesna Županović and Valerij Romanovskij at the Zagreb Cemetery (called Mirogoj), in front of the family tomb of the
family of Feller's.

The name of Vilim Feller can be seen on the left, better known as
William Feller, who was born in Zagreb in 1906.
He is the most outstanding Croatian mathematician, considered as one of the founders of Probability Theory as a scientific discipline.
He is also a founder of
Mathematical Reviews and a recipient of the National Medal of Science (Presidential Award) from the president of the USA.

Professor Nenad Antonić explaining and discussing the difficult subject of supporting and financing scientific research in Mathematics in Croatia and in European Union.
Panel discussions
- Funding of fundamental research
- Math education for professions of future
50th anniversary of Glasnik Matematički / exhibition of all issues of Glasnik Matematički, 1966 - 2015
Glasnik Matematički, the first Croatian professional scientific journal in the field of Mathematics,
published by Croatian Mathematical Society since 1966.
Except of Glasnik matematički, Croatia today has as many as seven additional scientific mathematical journals: see and 
Preparing the exhibition of Glasnik matematički: Professors Josip Tambača, Andrej Dujella, Sunčica Čanić and Boris Muha.

Everything ready: 50 issues of Glasnik matematički published over the past 50 years (1966-2016).
Photos related to Glasnik matematički here and below by the courtesy of Vinko Petricevic. Many thanks to Academician Andrej Dujella.

Academician Andrej Dujella, the current editor in chief of Glasnik Matematički
Editors in chief of Glasnik Matematički
- Sibe Mardešić 1966-1976
- Ivan Ivanšić 1977-1989
- Hrvoje Kraljević 1990-1992
- Mirko Primc 1993-1994
- Zoran Vondraček 1995-1998
- Pavle Pandžić 1998-1999
- Marko Tadić 2000-2001
- Hrvoje Šikić 2002-2011
- Andrej Dujella 2012-

Professor Hrvoje Kraljević, former editor in chief of Glasnik matematički

Professor Hrvoje Pandžić, former editor in chief of Glasnik matematički

Professor Hrvoje Šikić, former editor in chief of Glasnik matematički

Professor Mirko Primc, former editor in chief of Glasnik matematički

Professor Ivan Ivanšić, former editor in chief of Glasnik matematički

Academician Marko Tadić, former editor in chief of Glasnik matematički

Professor Dražen Adamović, current managing editor of Glasnik matematički

Sunčica Čanić on the right, chairwoman of the panel-discussion about the issues of financial support of scientific research in Mathematics.
Professor Sunčica Čanić in the first row, Professors Siniša Slijepčević, Mirko Primc and Darko Veljan in the second,
Professor Vesna Županović in the third row.

Professor Hrvoje Pandžić delivering his plenary lecture "Dirac Cohomology"

Professor Zlatko Drmač:
"Accurate computations with ill-conditioned matrices and applications"

Krešimir Veselić on the right with Dr. Tina Bosner to his right, listening to the lecture of Dr. Zlatko Drmač, his former PhD student and collaborator.
Behind him, professors Ninoslav Truhar (University of Osijek) and Vjeran Hari.

Dr. Goran Radunović, Professor Valerij Romanovskij (University of Maribor, originally from Byelorussia), Dr. Maja Resman and Professor Vesna Županović.

Dr. Goran Radunović, Professor Valerij Romanovskij and Dr. Maja Resman.

Ivan Mirković (University of Massachusetts) and Ivica Gusić (University of Zagreb)

Professors Mario Osvin Pavčević, Tanja Vučičić (University of Split) and Mirko Polonijo.

Professor Siniša Slijepčević delivering a short 20 min. lecture about his very interesting results in Dynamical Systems.
A few weeks before that, he was a plenary lecturer at a conference organized in Bristol, England, in honor of
Professor Robert MacKay, Fellow of Royal Society, who was his PhD supervisor.

Professor Sonja Štimac reporting about her work dealing with strange attractors appearing in one-dimensional dynamics.

Professors Sonja Štimac, Ivan Ivanšić and Vesna Županović, who is reporting about her work on bifurcations of Dynamical Systems.

Professor Valerij Romanovskij (University of Maribor) and Dr. Maja Resman. Behind them Professors Marcela Hanzer and Hrvoje Pandžić.

Professor Valerij Romanovskij was invited lecturer at the Congress, where he
reported about his work in the field of Ordinary Differential Equations.
Professors Valerij Romanovskij (University of Maribor), Vesna Županović, Dr. Domagoj Vlah, and
Krešimir Veselić (retired professor of the University of Hagen in Germany and a corresponding member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts).
Behind them Professors Ivan Mirković (Univeristy of Massachusetts, USA) and Ivica Gusić.
In his invited lecture, Professor Darko Žubrinić reported about his joint work with Professors Vesna Županović,
Michel Lapidus (University of California, Riverside) and Dr. Goran Radunović. Photo by Professor Županović.

Professor Vjekoslav Kovač is a young expert in Harmonic Analysis and Wavelet Theory.

Professor Neven Grbac, University of Rijeka, delivering his lecture the title of which can be seen on the blackboard.

Professor Goran Muić on the right, PhD advisor of Dr. Neven Grbac. In the third row, Professors Mirko Primc, Dragan Mličić (University of Utah, USA) and Boris Širola.

Awaiting the solemn Congress dinner near the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall and the Croatian Heritage Foundation.

Dr. Goran Igaly:
additional photos from the 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress
By the end of the 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress we learned the sad news that Academician
Sibe Mardešić,
distinguished Croatian mathematician, passed away at the age of 89.
We owe our gratitude to Croatian Mathematical Society for its efforts
to organize the 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress.
Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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