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Betiana Bellofatto Purifying Ties in Antarctica
By Bettiana Bellofatto | Published  03/17/2016 | People , Environment , Education | Unrated
Purifying Ties is a participative art project by Betiana Bellofatto, developed during an art residency in Hope Base, Antarctica 2015

Betiana Bellofatto, professional photographer, at Manifesta 8 Biennial, Murcia, Spain. Source
Summary. Betiana Bellofatto was born in 1979 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her parents, Teresa Perinic and Carlos Bellofatto, are daughter and son of European immigrants (Croatian and Italian). Betiana studied Audiovisual Design and Photography. Her work as an artist often has a participative and relational approach, and has been exhibited in Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic and China. Purifying Ties is a time-based art work that emerges from the specific location where it was done: Antarctica.

Antarctica. All the photos on this web page are copyright by Betiana Bellofatto.

Purifying Ties

Purifying Ties is a time-based art work that emerges from the specific location where it was done: Antarctica.

Over this continent rules an international legislation, that determines the peaceful character of every activity to be carried out there. In Antarctica shall prevail science, peace and international cooperation for the progress of Humanity. That is what the Antarctic Treaty from 1959 and the fllowing agreements stipulate.

However, a legal frame is not always enough to avoid conflicts between countries. For peace to be possible, communities and individuals that are part of them, have to be in peace with themselves. And for that, it is essential to liberate themselves from their own fear, blame and anger, that is, all those "negative" emotions that are the seeds of hostility.

This was my starting point, the premise with which I started the trip.

I took to the white continent a 35-meter long rope, made of jute, that became a tool for a purifying ritual, to which I invited the inhabitants of the scientific-military base. During three weeks, the inhabitants of Hope Base made, one by one, knots in the rope. Each knote represented an emotional load, from which they wanted to get rid of. I carried the rope during my whole stay. Once it was full with knots, I immersed it in salty whater for a whole day and a whole night. After that, I invited the participants to unmake the knots, all together this time, in order to free the energy contained in them, so it could turn into something else. Finally, calling the power of transformation of fire, we burned the rope in the base incinerator, bringing the ritual to an end.

Purifying Ties is a participative art project by Betiana Bellofatto, developed during an art residency in Hope Base, Antarctica, in January 2015. It was kindly supported by the Argentinian National Direction of Antarctica.

More information can be found at

Antarctica. All the photos on this web page are copyright by Betiana Bellofatto.

Antarctica. All the photos on this web page are copyright by Betiana Bellofatto.

Announcements of some of the past photography exhibitions by Betiana Bellofatto.

Photography exhibition in the Czech Republic.

Photography exhibition in China.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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