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(E) From Solid State To BioPhysics II
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  06/11/2004 | Science | Unrated
(E) From Solid State To BioPhysics II


From Solid State To BioPhysics II

International Conference
From Solid State To BioPhysics II :
Role of Inhomogeneities in Solid, Soft and Bio-Matter
June 26 - July 2, 2004
Hotel 'Croatia', Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Sponsored by:
Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology
Office of Naval Research (ONR, Washington D.C., USA)
Croatia Airlines

Organization (co-)supported by:
Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia
Institute of Physics, Zagreb, Croatia
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
École Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

László Forró and Davor Pavuna
École Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland

Conference Secretary:
Mme Monique Bettinger, EPFL (

More information on registration & travel
On-line abstract submission
Download accommodation-registration form

International Advisory Committee:

D. Andelman* (Tel Aviv)
W. Ansorge (Heidelberg)
N. W. Ashcroft* (Ithaca)
S. Barisic (Zagreb)
A. Bishop (Los Alamos)
N. Ban* (Zürich)
I. Bozovic (Brookhaven)
S. Catsicas* (Lausanne)
C.W. Paul Chu* (Houston)
A. Fersht (Cambridge)
P.G. de Gennes (Paris)
I. Giaver (Troy)
A. Heeger* (Santa Barbara)
J. Herak (Zagreb)
A. Jánossy (Budapest)
K. Kern (Stuttgart)
C.W. Li (Hsinchu)

S. Marcelja (Zagreb & Canberra)
G. Margaritondo (Lausanne)
M. Milun (Zagreb)
K.A. Müller (Zürich)
P. Perfetti* (Roma)
J.C. Phillips (Piscataway)
Y.W. Park* (Seoul)
D. Pines (Urbana)
R. Podgornik (Ljubljana)
J. Prost (Paris)
M. Radman (Paris)
R. Schrieffer (Tallahassee)
A. Sienkiewicz (Warsaw)
S. Takada (Kobe)
M. Thorpe (Tempe)
F.Vidal (Santiago)
S. A. Wolf* (Alexandria)

* did not confirm yet

Invited Speakers (incomplete list):
In addition to the members of the Advisory Committee, there is a number of very distinguished speakers:

P. Basserau (Paris)
E. Ben-Jacob* (Tel Aviv)
A. Bianconi (Rome)
A. Bilusic (Split)
P. Boolchand (Cincinnati)
A. Bussmann-Holder (Stuttgart)
F. Brochard* (Paris)
M. Calame (Basel)
G. Cappello (Paris)
P. Carloni (Trieste)
M. Chergui (Lausanne)
G. Colombetti (Pisa)
S. Conradson (Los Alamos)
A. Criscenti (Roma)
G. Csanyi (Cambridge)
G. Cuniberti (Regensburg)
J.S. Davis* (Ithaca)
W. Daggett (Seattle)
P. De Los Rios (Lausanne)
G. Deutscher (Tel Aviv)
G. Dietler (Lausanne)
M. Dove (Cambridge)
A. Dulcic (Zagreb)
W.A. Eaton* (Bethseda)
P. Fazekas (Budapest)
R. di Felice (Modena)
E.-L. Florin* (Austin)
L. Gorkov* (Talahassee)
B. de Groot (Goettingen)
R. Gruetter (Lausanne)
M. Hadzija (Zagreb)
K. Holczer (Los Angeles)

J. Hudspeth* (New York)
C. Huebner (Halle)
Y. Hwu (Taipei)
J.H. Je* (Pohang)
S. Jeney (Lausanne)
J. Jung (Edmonton)
E. Kapon (Lausanne)
J. Karpinski (Zurich)
S. Kasas (Lausanne)
D. Kern (Waltham)
V. Kresin* (Berkeley)
K. Kruse (Dresden)
L. Kuhn* (San Diego)
G. Le Lay (Marseille)
A. Libchaber (New York)
G. Lucovsky* (Raleigh)
D. Marsh (Goetingen)
G. Menestrina (Trento)
C. Micheletti (Trieste)
D. Mihailovic (Ljubljana)
D. Mijatovic (Enschede)
L. Mihaly (Stony Brook)
N. Mousseau (Montreal)
I. Mrkonjic (Zagreb)
C. Morais-Smith (Fribourg)
P. Ormos (Szeged)
B. Patterson* (Villingen)
M. Paulmichl (Milano)
S. Parkin* (Almaden)
A. Peres (Varese)
G. Pifat-Mrzljak (Zagreb)
J. Plastino (Paris)

M. Prester (Zagreb)
Z. Radovic (Belgrade)
R. Rigler (Stockholm)
N. Rozlosnik (Risoe)
J. Ryan* (Oxford)
J.F. Sadoc* (Orsay)
P.L. San Biagio (Palermo)
Ch. Schoenenberger (Basel)
A. Schueler* (Lausanne)
K. Sekimoto (Strassbourg)
F. Seno (Padova)
E. Shakhnovich* (Cambridge)
S. Shenoy (Trieste)
J. Spatz* (Heidelberg)
A. Stasiak* (Lausanne)
O. Steinbock (Tallahassee)
W.-D. Schneider (Lausanne)
P. Soukiassian (Saclay)
G. di Stasio (Madison)
P. W. Stephens* (Stony Brook)
B. Subotic (Zagreb)
V. Svetlicic (Zagreb)
F. Taddei (Paris)
G. Tiana (Milano)
S. Tomic (Zagreb)
E. Tutis (Zagreb)
J.-M. Triscone* (Geneva)
T. Valla (Brookhaven)
I. Vobornik* (Trieste)
H. Vogel* (Lausanne)
P. Wolynes* (San Diego)

* did not confirm yet

The Scope of the 2nd Conference
Following the success of the 1st conference in the series, the 2nd conference still aims at the understanding of the living matter which, given its enormous complexity may require some of the techniques at least partly elaborated in solid state physics. The goal of the conference is to focus on the structure - function relationships. The interdisciplinary discussion of some of the leading experts in various subfields will take place in a stimulating, yet relaxed setting.

Abstracts: 20th May 2004
Registration : 31st May 2004

Further information: 

B. Lukic (Lausanne)


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