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Mladena Gavran Croatian theatre actress awarded The Vladimir Nazor Prize 2010
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  06/14/2010 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
Twelve roles in the monodrama THE CRAZIEST SHOW IN THE WORLD

Mladena Gavran, played twelve roles (!) in the monodrama of her husband Miro Gavran


Za dvanaest uloga odigranih u monodrami  NAJLUĐA PREDSTAVA NA SVIJETU hrvatska glumica Mladena Gavran osvojila je godišnju Nagradu „Vladimir Nazor“.

Mladena je rođena u Varaždinu. Srednju glazbenu školu ( violina) pohađala u Varaždinu. Diplomirala glumu 1988. godine na zagrebačkoj Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti.

Ostvarila pregrš uspješnih kazališnih uloga u predstavama  IFIGENIJA, TOP GIRLS, LJUBAVI GEORGEA WASHINGTONA, TIT ANDRONIK, IFIGENIJA, HOTEL BABILON, DELOŽACIJA, LJUBICA, BEGOVIĆ CABARET, CABARET ITD, PAPUČARI.... Odigrala je i desetak uloga  na filmu i televiziji.

Među kazališnim nagradama koje je do sada osvojila, važno je spomenuti da je dvostruki dobitnik Nagade „Fabijan Šovagović“ na Festivalu glumca u Vinkovcima, dok je na Danima satire u Zagrebu čak pet puta bila nagrađena kao vrsna komičarka.


For the twelve roles she played in the monodrama THE CRAZIEST SHOW IN THE WORLD, the Croatian actress Mladena Gavran has been named the winner of the VLADIMIR NAZOR Prize for 2010.

Mladena was born in Varaždin.  She attended the music high school there (studying violin).  She graduated in Acting from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art in 1988.  She has played a series of successful theatre roles in plays such as IPHEGENIA, TOP GIRLS, GEORGE WASHINGTON’S LOVES, TITUS ANDRONICUS, HOTEL BABYLON, EVICTION, LJUBICA, BEGOVIĆ CABARET, CABARET ETC., HENPECKED HUSBANDS... Mladena has played some ten roles in films and on TV. 

Notable theatre prizes Mladena has won to date include the Fabijan Šovagović Prize, which she received twice at the Actors Festival in Vinkovci, while she has been recognised as an excellent comedy actor on five occasions at the Days of Satire Festival in Zagreb.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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