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 »  Home  »  Croatian Language  »  Miro Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India 28 April 2012
 »  Home  »  Humor And Wisdom  »  Miro Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India 28 April 2012
 »  Home  »  Entertainment  »  Miro Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India 28 April 2012
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Miro Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India 28 April 2012
Miro Gavran's comedy "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India 28 April 2012
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  04/22/2012 | Croatian Language , Humor And Wisdom , Entertainment , Culture And Arts | Unrated
The play has been translated into Hindi and is being directed by Munish Sharma

Komedija Mire Gavrana "Muž moje žene" bit će premijerno izvedena 28. travnja 2012. u Indiji u gradu Mumbaiu na hindi jeziku. Predstava je nastala u produkciji The Performers Theatre Group i National Centre for Performing Arts iz Mumbaia. Režiju i prijevod na hindi potpisuje Munish Sharma, dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju Aditi Pohanker, Munish Sharma i Abhimanyu Pandey.

U proteklih dvadesetak godina ova komedija imala je brojne premijere širom svijeta od Zagreba i Ljubljane do Moskve, Los Angelesa, Krakova, Tirane, Prešova...

On April 28 2012 Miro Gavran's comedy, "My Wife's Husband" will be premiered in Mumbai, India in the Hindi language.  The Performers Theatre Group and the National Centre for Performing Arts in Mumbai are handling the production side. The play has been translated into Hindi and is being directed by Munish Sharma, while the main roles are being played by Aditi Pohanker, Munish Sharma and Abhimanyu Pandey.

In the past twentz years this comedy had numerous premiers worldwide, from Zagreb aU proteklih dvadesetak godina ova komedija imala je brojne premijere širom svijeta od Zagreba and Ljubljana to Moscow, Los Angeles, Krakow, Tirane, Prešov...

Gavranova komedija govori o dvojici muškaraca koji žive u različitim gradovima, a već pet godina su u braku s istom ženom, a da toga nisu svjesni.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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