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Ivana Marija Vidovic - successful debut in Rome in 2011
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  04/9/2011 | Bilingual , Music | Unrated
Ivana’s newest bilingual edition of "The Life of Flowers" published by the prominent Italian publishing house Akkuaria

From left to right: Filip Vučak, ambassador of the Republic of Croatia at the Holy See, Giovanni Carta, 
Ivana Marija Vidović, Tomislav Vidošević, ambassador of Croatia in Italy

Ivana Marija Vidović reading selected parts of her latest book "The Life of Flowers", bilingual Italian - Croatian edition.

Front cover page of Ivana Vidović's poetry book published in Italian and Croatian.
Drawing of flowers by Marusja Brautović, Croatian painter from Dubrovnik,
and the inside of the book decorated by Italian painter William Trivelli.

Ivana Marija Vidovic - uspješno debitirala u Rimu

Nakon što je otvorila Meridiano festival u Toskani 27.ožujka, 2011. dubrovačka umjetnica Ivana Marija Vidović održala je 29. ožujka 2011. poetični glasovirski recital u Rimu s kojim se prvi put predstavila rimskoj publici.

Recital, koji je u sebe uključio i predstavljanje najnovijeg dvojezičnog izdanja Ivanine knjige “Život cvijeća”, koje je izdala ugledna talijanska izdavačka kuća Akkuaria, odvio se u sjedištu Societŕ Umanitaria di Roma.

Uz uglednu publiku, sačinjenu od brojnih glazbenika, spisatelja, pjesnika, koncertu su nazočili predsjednica Akkurije u Italiji, spisateljica Vera Ambra, te predsjednik Akkuarije Lazio, pjesnik Sergio de Angelis, koji je nadahnutim riječima uveo u ovu po svemu čarobnu večer. Koncertu su nazočili i čelnici hrvatskog veleposlanstva u Italiji: Tomislav Vidošević, hrvatski veleposlanik u Italiji sa svojom delegacijom, te Filip Vučak, novoizabranik veleposlanstva Hrvatske pri Svetoj stolici, kojemu je ovo prvi javni događaj otkad je na funkciji u Rimu. Koncert hrvatske umjetnice bio je događaj za dugo pamćenje kako navodi u priopćenju medijima u Italiji predsjednica Akkuarije, Vera Ambra.

 ...”Koncert je bio ponovna prilika da se potvrdi odlična suradnja s multitalentioranom umjetnicom velikog međunarodnog ugleda koju je Akkuaria u svibnju 2010. počastila titulom ambasadora talijanske kulture u Hrvatskoj. Od rana je Ivana Marija Vidović započela govoriti o sebi i o svom senzibilitetu putem svoje profesije, glazbe, ali i literarnim izrazom. Uspijeva joj svirati glasovir misleći na riječi, prepuštajući se bogatoj mašti, a kad piše riječi ona misli na note. Njen dijalog s cvijećem je sjajan! Otvara nam neka posve nove vrata neočekivanog i još nam nepoznatog simbolizma, nevidljivog i najpažljivijim promatračima. U njenom pismenom izrazu postoji muzikalnost, a u njenom glazbenom narativnost i poetičnost. Ivana nam kao i Dora Pejačević, govori da je Cvijeće, kao i cijela priroda, veliki učitelj onom čovjeku koji ga je sposoban primjetiti. Nisam još doživjela da rečenice i sintakse imaju glazbeni ključ, glazbene oznake, takav ritam i širok dijapazon tonaliteta....”
(iz priopcenja medijima, pise Vera Ambra).

Glavni protagonist večeri bili su Ivana Marija, talijanski glumac Giovanni Carta koji je fantastično tumačio Ivanine stihove, a glumcu se pridružila za kraj i sama autorica izrecitirajući po jednu poeziju na talijanskom i svom, hrvatskom jeziku. Glumac Carta je nedavno glumio ulogu Carla Pontija, supruga Sofije Loren u biografskom filmu glumice, a u kojem je glumila i sama velika talijanska filmska diva.

Uz dvoje aktivnih protagonista stršala je i ona kojoj je posvećena zbirka pjesama jer je pijanisticu nadahnula da knjigu napiše, s istoimenim ciklusom op.19, za glasovir. Riječ je o Dori Pejačević čiji je glazbeni “Život cvijeća” op.19 prvi put izveden u Rimu u cjelosti, ali i o Franzu Lisztu cija su djela sjajno zakljucila performans slaveci njegovu impozantnu obljetnicu od 200. godine rodjenja.

Ivana Marija Vidovic - successful debut in Rome

After opening the Meridiano festival in Tuscany on March 27th 2011, Dubrovnik artist Ivana Marija Vidovic held a poetic piano recital in Rome on March 29th 2011, which was her first introduction to the Roman public.

The recital, which included a presentation of the Ivana’s newest bilingual edition of "The Life of Flowers" published by the prominent Italian publishing house Akkuaria, took place at the headquarters of the Umanitaria Societŕ di Roma.

The concert was attended by leaders of the Croatian Embassy in Italy: Tomislav Vidosevic, Croatian Ambassador to Italy along with his delegation, and Philip Vučak, the new Croatian Representative to the Holy See. This was Mr. Vučak’s first public event since his appointment in Rome. In a press release for Italian media, the president of Akkuaria, Vera Ambra said that the concert of the Croatian artist will remain in their memory for a long time.

“…The concert was a renewed opportunity
to reaffirm our excellent cooperation with a multitalented artist of great international repute, whom Akkuaria honored in May 2010 with the title of Ambassador of Italian culture in Croatia. Very early on, Ivana Marija Vidovic began to talk about herself and her sensibilities, through her profession, music, but also through literary expression. She manages to play the piano, thinking of words, and relinquishing herself to rich imagination.  Likewise, when she writes words, she is thinking about music notes. Her dialogue with the flowers is great! It opens us up to completely new and unexpected doors of still unknown symbolism, invisible even to most sensitive observers. In her written expression, there is a musicality, and in her musical expression, poetic narration. Ivana, like Dora Pejacevic, says that the flowers and nature are great teachers of those who are able to notice them. I had not experienced that sentences and syntaxes have a clef, musical notation, rhythm and such a wide range of tones..."

The main protagonists of the evening were Mrs Vidovic and Italian actor Giovanni Carta, who fantastically interpreted Ivana’s words. At the end, the actor was joined by the author herself who recited one poem in Italian and in her own Croatian language. The actor, Mr. Carta recently played the role of Carlo Ponti, Sophia Loren's husband in a biographical movie, in which she played herself as the great Italian movie star, Sofia Loren herself.

Alongside the two active protagonists there was the strongly felt presence of the person to whom this collection of poems is dedicated, and the inspiration of the book. We are speaking about Dora Pejačević whose musical "The Life of Flowers" op.19 was first performed in its entirety in Rome, as well as Franz Liszt, whose works brilliantly concluded this impressive performance celebrating the 200th anniversary of his birth.

Written by Vera Ambra
Photo by Elia De Nicola
Translated from Croatian by Sarah Rajtmajer

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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    Predivno! Od srca čestitke i želje za mnogo uspjeha!
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