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Irish dance phenomenon in Croatia's capital Zagreb May 16 2010 |
By Eugen Divjak |
Bilingual , Entertainment , Culture And Arts
Lord of the Dance's Troupe One in Zagreb led by Michael Flatley
Irska plesna senzacija uskoro u Zagrebu
Lord of the Dance više od deset godina očarava, uzbuđuje i oduševljava publiku diljem svijeta. To je trenutno najveći plesni show i najprodavanija plesna priredba na svijetu, a izvedena je u više od 40 zemalja svijeta. I ovaj put se u Zagrebu traži karta više.
Plesni ansambl čini čak 200 plesača koji su podijeljeni u tri postave. U nedjelju 16. svibnja 2010. Košarkaškom centru Dražena Petrovića u Zagrebu dvaput će biti pozornica slavnoj skupini. Prva predstava bit će izvedena u 17.00 h, a druga u 20.30 h.
Prva postava - u Zagrebu!
Posebnost priredbe ovaj put nije samo u popularnosti ansambla, već i u tome što ovaj put u Zagreb dolazi njihova prva postava, predvođena samim tvorcem i ravnateljem ovog plesnog fenomena, Michaelom Flatleyjem.
Kako je spomenuto, tri postave plesnog ansambla čini čak 200 plesača.Uz njih, 20 profesionalaca brine o scenografiji, koreografiji, svjetlu, zvuku i 1200 kostima koliko ih plesači ukupno koriste. Plesači aktivno vježbaju čak 125 dana u godini, a ostali dani namijenjeni su turnejama.
Za prijevoz seta potrebno je čak 6 šlepera i 35 stalnih članova tehničkog osoblja, a za svaki nastup potrebno je uposliti dodatnih 35 ljudi. Svi oni rade otprilike 770 sati kako bi se sve pripremilo za nastup. Potvrda uspjeha ove skupine je i više od pet milijuna prodanih primjeraka predstave Lord of the Dance na DVD-u i CD-u.
Koreografija koju Lord of the Dance izvodi temelji se na irskom folkloru. Klasična je to priča o borbi dobra i zla ispričana plesom i glazbom. U središtu priče je Mali Duh koji putuje kroz vrijeme kako bi pomogao Gospodaru Plesa da zaštiti svoj narod od zlog Don Dorcha. On, Gospodar Tame, izaziva Gospodara plesa na plesni dvoboj koji će odlučiti o njegovoj sudbini i sudbini njegovog naroda.
Posjetite i službenu stranicu ansambla: www.lordofthedance.com
| Irish dance phenomenon coming to Zagreb
Lord of the Dance spellbounds, excites and thrills audiences worldwide for over a decade. At the moment, it is the greatest and most sold dance show in the world. The show has staged performances in more than 40 countries around the world. This time, Zagreb is looking for a ticket more.
The dance group consists of 200 dancers divided in three troupes. Zagreb will host Lord of the Dance's Troupe One, led by Michael Flatley himself. The performances will be held on Sunday, May 16th 2010, at Dražen Petrović Basketball Center. First perfomance begins at 5 p.m. and the second one at 8.30 p.m.
Troupe One coming to Zagreb!
This is a very special event for Zagreb, not only because the popularity of the show, but also because this time Zagreb will see the performance of The Troupe One. This Troupe is led by the creator and director of this dance phenomenon, Michael Flatley.
As mentioned before, Lord of the Dance's three troupes consist of 200 dancers. There are also 20 professionals taking care of the set, choreography, lighting and sound and around 1200 costumes that are needed for the show. Dancers are actively rehearsing 125 days in a year and the rest is meant for the tours.
The set transportation requires 6 trucks and 35 professional technicians, plus 35 more people needed for every performance. They all work for about 770 hours to prepare everything for the show. One of the conformations of Lord of the Dance’s success is more than five million copies of their DVDs and CDs sold worldwide.
The story
The choreography of Lord of the Dance’s show is based on Irish folklore. It is a classic tale of Good vs. Evil, expressed through the universal language of dance. As the story unfolds, the Little Spirit travels through time to help the Lord of the Dance protect his people from the challenge of Don Dorcha, the Dark Lord. This evil dark power challenges the hero to a dance duel which will decide his destiny as well as of his people.
Visit Lord of the Dance’ official webpage: www.lordofthedance.com
| Eugen Divjak, Zagreb We decided to mention here a little known fact about an old contact between Irish and Croatian culture, going back to 15th century. We know of three Croatian Glagolitic books containing texts of Irish provenance: - A Croatian Glagolitic miscellany from the first half of 15th century, held in Oxford (Bodleian Library), contains St. Patrick's Purgatory. The Oxford Miscellany also contains Philbert's Vision which originated probably in Latin in England in the 13th century.
- Tundal's vision (Visio Tugdali), an Irish legend from 12th century, is contained in the Petris Miscellany (Petrisov zbornik, 700 pp) from 1468, the most important Croatian Glagolitic collection, kept in the National and University Library in Croatia's capital Zagreb.
- De Morte Prologus (an imaginary discussion between Man and Death), contained in a Croatian Glagolitic miscellany from 15th century (National and University Library of Ljubljana), and in the Petris Miscellany from 1468.
These facts have been presented during the grand exhibition Discovering the Glagolitic Script of Croatia, in the Long Room of the Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland (from November 20, 2000 to February 20, 2001). The Baska Tablet, probably the most famous Croatian Glagolitic monument, weighing 800 kg, was also exhibited there.
Source www.croatianhistory.net
Tondal's (or Tunda's) vision has inspired Katarina Livljanić, professor at Sorbonne and director of Dialogos Ensemble in Paris, to create a music recording of the Croatian Glagolitic text of this Irish legend written in the Petris Miscellany from 1486, which is kept in the National and University Library in Croatia's capital Zagreb. Here is an information from www.dialogos-ensemble.org . For those who can read French, a more detailed information is available at www.ensemble-dialogos.org
Darko Žubrinić
| Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!