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Yoko Nishii nastupa s koncertom na HTV3 u povodu 25. obljetnice diplomatskih odnosa Japana i Hrvatske
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  12/14/2018 | Music | Unrated
Until now, Yoko Nishii had as many as 47 solo recitals in 24 Croatian cities and towns

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Koncert pijanistice Yoko Nishii u povodu 25. obljetnice diplomatskih odnosa Japana i Hrvatske

Koncert pijanistice Yoko Nishii u povodu 25. obljetnice diplomatskih odnosa Japana i Hrvatske održat će se u nedjelju, 16. prosinca 2018. u Studiju Bajsić HRT-a u organizaciji Veleposlanstva Japana i Hrvatske radiotelevizije. Koncert će početi uz televizijski prijenos uživo na HTV3 u 18.50 sati.

Yoko Nishii, glasovir


Dora Pejačević: Ruža (Život cvijeća, op.19, br. 5)
Dora Pejačević: Cvjetni vrtlog, op. 45
Dora Pejačević: Sonata za glasovir u b-molu, op. 36
Kosaku Yamada: Karatachi no hana (Cvjetovi narančastog jasmina)
J. S. Bach/Busoni: Chaconne u d-molu, BWV 1004
Franz Liszt: Liebestraume No. 3
Sergei Rachmaninoff: Tri preludija
Op. 23-5 u g-molu
Op. 32-5 u g-duru
Op. 23-2 u b-duru

Izvori: i

Yoko Nishii interpreting piano pieces by Dora Pejačević (1885-1923), the first Croatian woman composer.

YOKO NISHII, pijanistica

YOKO NISHII rođena je u gradu Ise u Japanu. Već od četvrte godine života pohađa privatne satove klavira kod Mitsuko Tomio. Od 1986. nastavlja učenje u klasi Naofumija Kaneshigea, od 1991. u klasi Kyoko Ogawe, a od 1996. u klasi Hitoshija Kobayashija. Paralelno studira i završava studij francuskog jezika i književnosti na Sveučilištu Keio u Tokiju (1998). Iste godine, odlazi u Hrvatsku gdje, zahvaljujući stipendiji, pohađa Visoku školu za glazbenu umjetnost "Ino Mirković" u Lovranu. U samo dvije godine završava četverogodišnji studij (2000), a potom postiže i stupanj magistra glazbene umjetnosti (srpanj 2001). Usavršavanje nastavlja na poslijediplomskom studiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, kao stipendistica japanske Vlade (2005- 2007), u klasi Jevgenija Zarafiantsa, kojemu je bila i asistentica na Visokoj školi "Ino Mirković" (2001- 2003). Kao korepetitor surađuje na majstorskim tečajevima flaute Pierre-Yvesa Artauda iz Pariza. Trenutno radi na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Aichiju u Japanu.

Pobjednica je i finalistica brojnih međunarodnih natjecanja. Održala je brojne solističke recitale u Hrvatskoj (47 solističkih recitala u 24 grada), Italiji, Mađarskoj, Crnoj Gori, Bosni i Hercegovini te u Japanu.

Ustrajno radi na istraživanju i promociji hrvatskih skladatelja i hrvatske glazbe. U veljači 2015. objavila je prvi CD u svijetu s kompletnim klavirskim opusom Dore Pejačević, u izdanju japanske diskografske kuće "Herb Classics", a u rujnu 2015. održala je turneju od 11 koncerata po Hrvatskoj, povodom 130. godišnjice njezina rođenja.

YOKO NISHII, pianist

YOKO NISHII was born in Ise, Japan. After graduating from "Keio University" in Tokyo for studies of French literature in 1998, she entered Music Academy "Ino Mirković" situated in Lovran, Croatia, with full scholarship for 2 years. She finished the academic program in only 2 years of studies (normally it lasts 4 years) and graduated with excellent grades under prof. Evgeny Zarafiants in 2000. In July 2001, she got "Master of Music Art" degree. Also she often worked as accompanist in "Flute Master Class" held in the same academy by prof. Pierre-Yves Artaud from Paris. From 2001 to 2003 she worked as assistant in the piano class of prof. E. Zarafiants in the same academy. From 2005 to 2007 she did advanced study at Zagreb Music Academy as the fellowship under the Japanese Government Overseas Program for Artists. Until now she studied with prof. Mitsuko Tomio, prof. Naofumi Kaneshige, prof. Kyoko Ogawa, prof. Hitoshi Kobayashi and prof. Evgeny Zarafiants. Currently she is a part-time lecturer at Aichi University of the Arts in Japan.

Winner and finalist at numerous international competitions. She has given numerous solo recitals in Croatia (47 solo recitals in 24 cities and towns), Italy, Hungary, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Japan.

She also works hard on research and dissemination of Croatian composers and music. In February 2015 she has published the first CD in the world which includes the complete solo piano works of Dora Pejačević from Japanese CD label "Herb Classics" and in September 2015 she held 11 concerts-tour in Croatia on the 130 th birth anniversary of Dora Pejačević.

H. E. Keiji Takiguchi, Ambassador of Japan to Croatia, addressing to the audience at the HTV3 (Croatian TV)

Beginning of the solmen concert of Yoko Nishii organized on the occasion of 25th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Japan and Croatia.

Yoko Nishii' concerts in Croatia

  • Lovran (5)
  • Vinkovci (6)
  • Zagreb (7)
  • Rovinj (2),
  • Metković (2)
  • Sinj (3)
  • Ludbreg (2)
  • Našice (2)
  • Opatija (2)
  • Rijeka
  • Pučišća
  • Bol

  • Šibenik
  • Drniš
  • Dubrovnik
  • Medulin
  • Poreč
  • Vukovar
  • Osijek
  • Varaždin
  • Split (2)
  • Sisak (2)
  • Cavtat
  • Zaprešić

As we can see, Yoko Nishii had 48 soloist concerts in as many as 24 Croatian cities and towns!

Mayumi Kamei (opera singer employed at the Croatian Radiotelevision Choir in Zagreb) with Yoko Nishii

Rumi Meštrović, H. E. Keiji Takeguchi (ambassador of Japan to Croatia) and Yoko Nishii,
at the reception organized by Japanese Embassy at the Hotel Westin, in celebration of the birthday of his majesty the Emperor.
Yoko Nishii, Drago Štambuk and Rumi Meštrović

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