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Croatian Medical Journal takes a lead among 235 journals from 37 countries
By Prof. Dr. Ana Marušić | Published  11/10/2007 | Science | Unrated
CMJ takes lead in the Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development

Prof. Dr. Ana Marušić

The Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes for Health organized the public presentation of the largest coordinated publishing  effort in medicine - Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human  Development. The Global Theme Issue was organized by the Council of Science  Editors, and brought together 235 journals from 37 countries, which  simultaneously published more than 800 articles about research from more than 100 countries on October 22, 2007. At the NIH presentation, the lead  speaker was Professor Ana Marusic, MD, PhD, editor of the Croatian  Medical Journal and current president of the Council of Science Editors.

At the NIH event, seven of the most outstanding articles from these  journals were presented, addressing critical issues of global health  research and policy and examining interventions reduce health-care  inequities among the poor. These articles were selected by a panel of NIH and  CSE experts, and the subject areas included: childbirth safety,  HIV/AIDS, malaria treatment, food insufficiency and sexual behavior,  interventions to improve child survival, physician brain drain from the  developing world, and influenza's impact on children. The articles were  published in outstanding journals - BMJ, AIDS Patient Care and STDs, American  Journal of Public Health, PLoS Medicine, JAMA, Journal of Infectious  Diseases, and Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Croatian research in this area faired well in the selection process for  the global presentation. During the expert NIH/CSE review process of  the articles, the article published in the Croatian Medical Journal was  shortlisted among the 10 best scoring articles. The article "Inequality, Poverty, and Material Deprivation in New and Old Members of the  European Union" by Teo Matkovic, Zoran Sucur, Sinisa Zrinscak from the  Zagreb University Law School, address the objective and subjective measures  of poverty in Croatia and European Union.

Source: Croatian Medica Journal (CMJ)



Siniša Zrinšćak - Guest Editor
October 2007, Vol 48, No 5

Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development
CMJ joins with 234 other journals from 36 countries in the Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development. CMJ will also participate in the Global Theme Issue event, sponsored by the Fogarty International Center, the National Library of Medicine, and the Council of Science Editors, on October 22, 2007. This event will promote the simultaneous publication of new articles devoted to the topic of poverty and human development and will present eight of the most outstanding research articles from these journals, selected by a panel of NIH and CSE experts. Speakers include: NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni; Fogarty International Center Director Roger I. Glass; CSE President Ana Marusic; and National Library of Medicine Deputy Director Betsy Humphreys. Research presentations will be moderated by Catherine DeAngelis, Editor in chief, JAMA, and Fiona Godlee, Editor in chief, BMJ.
[More Info] [Live Web Cast]

CROATIAN MEDICAL SCHOOLS, Universities of Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka, and Split.
Founded in 1953 as Acta Facultatis Medicae Zagrabiensis. Official journal of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia (AMSC), Forum for Public Health in South Eastern Europe (FPH-SEE) and
International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS) .
Publication of the journal is supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports.
Publisher: Medicinska naklada,  Zagreb Croatia


This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics

CMJ (ISSN 0353-9504) is an international peer-reviewed, Open Access journal published six times per year. Indexed in Biosis, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, PubMed/MEDLINE, ISI Alerting Services(SM), Science Citation Index-Expanded (SciSearch), Scopus.
CMJ Online (ISSN 1332-8166) offers free access to all articles at

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