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Studia Croatica founded in Buenos Aires Argentina celebrates 50 years
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  06/26/2010 | History , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Celebrating 50 years of creative work

Joza Vrljičak, Buenos Aires, Argentina, director of Studia Croatica since 1995. Mr. Vrljičak speaks Spanish, Croatian, English and French. Born in Buenos Aires 1947 of Croatian parents, he studied in Canada at Université de Montréal - Loyola College, and at Concordia University. Government of the Republic of Croatia decorated him with the Order of Croatian Interlace.

Studia Croatia, Revista trimestral de estudios culturales y politicos, has been founded in 1960. The journal has a nice layout, decorated with traditional Croatian Coat of Arms and with background containig a detail from the Baska Tablet from around 1100, a famous Croatian Glagolitic monument.

Studia Croatica is an important Croatian quaterly in Spanish founded in 1960 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It has published thosands of pages devoted to various historical, cultural and political issues dealing with Croatia and Croatians. The journal is published under the patronage of the Institute of Croatian Culture in Buenos Aires (Instituto Croata - Latinoamericano de Cultura - Instituto de Cultura Croata). As many as 146 issues has appeared in print on about 10,000 pp.

Since 1996, upon the initiative of its present director Mr. Joza Vrljičak, Studia Croatica is being published via Internet:

This impressive web site contains enormous material dealing with all aspects of life and culture of Croatians in South America, including thousands of photos, many videos films, e-books, etc.

The web has 60.0 MB, about 6500 web pages, which is equivalent to about 18,000 pp of printed text. The texts are published in Spanish, English, French and Croatian. Each year about 1500 new pages of text is prepared.

To my knowledge this web was among the first major web site among Croatians in the world, if not the first. Since 2006, upon the invitation of Nenad Bach, Studia Croatica is a part of the Croatian Constellation, composed of three web sites:

Directors of Studia Croatica since its foundation in 1960:
  • Bogdan, Ivo (1907-1971), 1960 - 1971
  • Nevistić, Franjo (1913-1984), 1971 - 1984
  • Latković, Radovan (1917-2003), 1984 -1994
  • Vrljičak, Joza (1947-   ), 1995 -
Ivo Bogdan, the first director of Studia Croatica, has been cruely assasinated in Buenos Aires in 1971 by the infamous ex Yugoslav secret police UDBA.

AUTHORS and ARTICLE TITLES at Studia Croatica

More information at

Online books at Studia Croatica:

In 2005 Studia Croatica with Joza Vrljičak as director issued an excellent CD-ROM  de Historia Croata – Hrvatska povijest (Croatian History), containing 1300 pp in PowerPoint, including 600 photos. See Culture of the Croats in Argentina on CD-ROM. This CD-ROM has been warmly received by the public.

Studia Croatica at YouTube: (about 500 videos!)

Especially interesting are interviews:

Joza Vrljičak interviewing Nenad Bach, New York, in Croatian:

Dr. Slobodan Lang in Buenos Aires 2009 (in Croatian):

Conversation with dr. Maja Lukač Stier:

Joza Vrljičak interviewing dr. Ante Padjen, McGill University in Montreal, Canada (in English):

Joza Vrljičak interviewing Ratimir Mocnaj, Montreal, Canada, one of collaborators of the CROWN, and moderator of . Many greetings to Mr. Ratimir from Zagreb.

Joza Vrljičak interviewing Mr. Josip Sovulj, New York, president of the Croatian World Congress. In Croatian.

Escuela de Policia Juan Vucetich in Argentina. Juan Vučetić (1858.1925), father of scientific dactilosopy (identification by fingerprints) was born in Croatia, on the island of Hvar.

We owe our deep gratitude to Mr. Joza Vrljičak and his collaborators in Argentina for everything that  he has done in a relatively short period. Knowing him, we can be sure there is a lots more to come in the future. His achievements are an inspiration for us all. We should also not forget his deserving predecessors who established Studia Croatica in 1960.

Ljeposlav Perinić, better known as the King of Dolls, and Joza Vrljičak

Studia Croatica has published numerous books in the past 50 years







Collaborators of Studia Croatica

  1. Abdala, Raúl Oscar
  2. Aberg Cobo, Martín
  3. Ahminov, Herman F.
  4. Alerić, Luka
  5. Alferez, Gabriel
  6. Anzulović, Branimir (1928)
  7. Arapović, Borislav
  8. Babić, Ivan (1904 -1982)
  9. Balic, Smail
  10. Baričević, Marina
  11. Barnola, Pedro P.  S. J.
  12. Belić, Anđelko (1915 -1985)
  13. Bartl de Horvat, Ksenija
  14. Basić, Marko
  15. Bauer, Ernest
  16. Beg, Mladen
  17. Béné, Charles
  18. Binayan Carmona, Narciso
  19. Blažeković, Ana (1924 -)
  20. Blažeković, Milan (1913-1998)
  21. Blazina, Vesna
  22. Bobetić, M. V.
  23. Bogdan, Ivo (1907 – 1971)
  24. Bogišić, Rafo
  25. Bonifačić, Ante (1901-1986)
  26. Borić, Gojko
  27. Borić, Ivo
  28. Borić, Tomislav
  29. Bošnjak, Tomislav
  30. Bozzoli, Carlos A. E.
  31. Brughetti, Romualdo
  32. Bulat, Edo (1901-1984)
  33. Bulat, Jasna
  34. Caglević Baković, Lorenzo
  35. Capkun, Pedro
  36. Cettolo, Vladimir
  37. Ciprin, Vladimir (1903 –1987)
  38. Crljen, Danijel (1914 -1995)
  39. Crnobori Josip (1907-2005)
  40. Deur, Veljko (1923-2001)
  41. Dolbeau, Christophe
  42. Dončević (Maixner), Ivona (1917- )
  43. Dučmelić, Zdravko (1923-1989)
  44. Dugački, Vladimir
  45. Dugački-Vrljičak, Mira (1917-2004)
  46. Duplančić de Elgueta, Elena
  47. Dussaut, Alejandro
  48. Erro, Carlos Alberto
  49. Eterović, Jacinto
  50. Eterović, Mirko (1913 – 1999)
  51. Feighan, Hno. M.
  52. Fertilio, Luka
  53. Fillol, Luis Gil
  54. Floegel Ricardo (1900-1971)
  55. Frajtić, Augusto
  56. Franolić, Branko
  57. Fratija, J. G. (Pseudónimo)
  58. Gadze, Jure
  59. Galantić, Ivan
  60. Gandia, Enrique de
  61. Garcia, Augusto Eduardo
  62. Gavran, Ivan
  63. Gazzari, Tonko (1913-1987)
  64. Golubić, Teodoro
  65. Goss, Vladimir P.
  66. Grlica, Djuro
  67. Grubišić, Vinko
  68. Habsburg, Otto Von
  69. Herzfeld, Ivana
  70. Hoić, Carlos
  71. Homonnay, Elemér
  72. Horvat, Vladimir, S.I.
  73. Horvatić, Dubravko
  74. Hubmajer, Mada
  75. Hühn, Ivo (1901-1985)
  76. Ivanković, Nenad
  77. Ivanović, Jure
  78. Ivelić Kusanović, Radoslav
  79. Ivelić, Milan
  80. Ivković, José
  81. Japundzić, Marko
  82. Jerković, Kresimir
  83. Jeza, Franc
  84. Juez Gálvez, Francisco Javier
  85. Kabalin, Mladen
  86. Kadić, Ante
  87. Kadić, Branko (1919-1991)
  88. Kalajzić, Karlo
  89. Kalebić. Duško (1921-1995)
  90. Kamber, Dragutin (1901-1969)
  91. Karaman, Srećko (1909 - 1964)
  92. Karihman, Ferid
  93. Katalinic, Kazimir
  94. Kisić, Anica
  95. Kisić, Ivo (1927-1995)
  96. Kiszling, Rudolf
  97. Klarić, Ivo
  98. Kljaković, Jozo (1889-1969)
  99. Knezević, Anton
  100. Kordić, Lucian
  101. Korsky, Ivo (1918-2004)
  102. Košuta, Leo
  103. Kovačić, Kazimir - Miro
  104. Krasić, Stjepan
  105. Krekovic, Kristian (1901-1985)
  106. Krnić, Frane
  107. Latković, Božidar (1911-2006)
  108. Latković, Radovan (1917-2003)
  109. Laxa, Dr. Eugen (1916)
  110. Lendić, Ivo (1908-1982)
  111. Livacic Gazzano, Ernesto
  112. Lučin, Bratislav
  113. Lukač-Stier, Maja
  114. Luketa, Mate (1911-1977)
  115. Luque, Rodolfo N.
  116. McAdams, C. Michael
  117. Majcen, Francisco M.
  118. Mandić, Dominik
  119. Marcelić, Pedro
  120. Marcinko, Mato
  121. Marin, Emilio
  122. Martinic Beros, Mateo
  123. Martinez Marquez, Guillermo
  124. Matjasić, Roko
  125. Matković, Drago
  126. Mestrović, Ivan
  127. Meinzl, Vilko
  128. Mirth, Karlo
  129. Mustapić, Zvonko
  130. Nevistić, Franjo (1913-1984)
  131. Nikolić, Vinko (1912-1997)
  132. Nizeteo, Antun
  133. Obrknezević, Milos
  134. Pagano, Jose Leon
  135. Pavelić, Ksenia
  136. Paveskovic, Andjelko Nedo
  137. Pavletić, Vlatko
  138. Payro, Julio E.
  139. Pedisic, Lino
  140. Pelicarić Šime
  141. Perinić Ljeposlav - King of Dolls (1922 – 2005)
  142. Perović, Bonifacije (Krešimir) (1900-1979)
  143. Perušina, Ilija (1905-1991)
  144. Petricević, Jure
  145. Pezet, Ernest
  146. Picinić, Karlo
  147. Plivelić, Nenad Tomislav (1919-2000)
  148. Polaković, Esteban
  149. Polić-Bobić, Mirjana
  150. Poradowski, Miguel
  151. Porić, Davorin
  152. Preradovic, Petar
  153. Prpić, George J.
  154. Radica, Bogdan
  155. Radja, Tihomil
  156. Radnić, Velimir (1916 - )
  157. Radosević, Hermana Mirjam
  158. Rajević, Andrija
  159. Rakovac, Milan (1914-2000) (= Paver, Vjekoslav)
  160. Ratković, Stjepan
  161. Ravines, Eudocio
  162. Razmilić, Jorge
  163. Riveros, Jose
  164. Rocca, R. Atilio
  165. Rojnica, Ivo (1915 - )
  166. Rojnica, Mladen
  167. Ruiz Diaz, Adolfo
  168. Rukavina, José Nicolás
  169. Saganić, Guido
  170. Sancevic, Zdravko
  171. Sekulić de Hrgetic, Djurdjica
  172. Sinovčić, Marko (1917 -  )
  173. Smajić, Adriana
  174. Smith Pavelic, Ante
  175. Stier, Davor
  176. Ströhm, Carl Gustav
  177. Šimat, Žarko
  178. Siroki, Boris
  179. Sito Corić, Simun
  180. Stefanic Urban
  181. Tanodi, Zlatko (1914 -  )
  182. Tarle, Marko
  183. Telećan, Milivoj
  184. Tevsić, Jadranka
  185. Tijan, Dr. Pavao (1908-1997)
  186. Tomasić, Dinko A.
  187. Tudjman, Franjo Dr.
  188. Turica, Ante (1919 - )
  189. Tutavac Bilić, Pero (1913-1985)
  190. Uscatescu, George
  191. Vasilj, Kvirin
  192. Vida, Viktor
  193. Vidić, Iva
  194. Vrljicak, Carmen
  195. Vrljicak, Joza
  196. Vujica, Stanko
  197. Vukman, Zoran
  198. Vukota, Pero (1923-1994)
  199. Weissenberger Raganzini, Prvislav
  200. Wieckowski, Miguel
  201. Zlovecera, Fray Mariano
  202. Zovko, Lucas
  203. Zagar, Janko O. P.
  204. Živković, Mirko (1911 – 2005)
  205. Živković, Neven
  206. Žubrinić, Darko
  207. Žuvela, Ante

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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