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Nenad Zvonarek former selector of Chinese handball representation
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  11/23/2018 | Sports , People | Unrated
Recipient of the Medal of Friendship from the Governement of the Province of Jingsu in China in 2016

Nenad Zvonarek (on the right), distinguished Croatian expert in handball, professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb, received a Medal of Friendship from the Governement
of the Province of Jingsu in China in 2016. Source. Since 2017, he is a honorary citizen of the city of Suzhu, China.

Naš djelatnik, Nenad Zvonarek, profesor s Katedre za tjelesnu i zdravstvenu kulturu, 26. rujna 2016. je u Nanjingu primio nagradu "Medalja prijateljstva" od Vlade Narodne provincije Jiangsu Narodne Republike Kine.

Nagrada mu je uručena prilikom svečanosti koja je održana 26. rujna 2016., a osim našeg profesora, dobilo ju je 11 stručnjaka iz cijelog svijeta koji su doprinijeli razvoju provincije Jiangsu i NR Kine. Nagrada ove razine (druga razina državne nagrade) prvi put je dodijeljena hrvatskom državljanu, a prvi put i iz područja sporta.

Nakon uspješne dugogodišnje suradnje prof. Nenada Zvonareka i Kineskog Olimpijskog Odbora, našem profesoru je dodijeljena titula počasnog građanina grada Suzhua. On je prvi Hrvat i sportaš kojem je ukazana ta čast. Ovom prilikom čestitamo profesoru Nenadu Zvonareku na iznimnom uspjehu.



The above photos from CRI (Chinese Radio International), in Croatian language.

Professor Nenad Zvonarek in his office at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Machanical Engineering and Naval Architecture

Professor Nenad Zvonarek with a young Croatian lady, his collaborator dr. Tea Bešlija (of the University of Split) - fitness coach

Nenad Zvonarek with a Chinese man who is at the age of 104 and still very active, enjoing with two cormorants

Strategic planning in handball

Professors Nenad Zvonarek and Mario Cifrek (on the left) at the University of Zagreb

Many thanks to Professors Nenad Zvonarek and Mario Cifrek for kind help.
I also express my gratitude to Mr. Milan Bašić for his valuable information.
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