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Entertainment in Croatian restaurant Dobro in Tokyo accompanied with sarma and buzara
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/22/2012 | Restaurants , Humor And Wisdom , Entertainment , Education , Croatian Cuisine | Unrated
Many thanks to Japanese friends for enlightening video and superb presentation of Dobro restaurant in Tokyo

"Dobro" is a Croatian restaurant in Tokyo, Japan. The word “Dobro” means "Good " or "Fine" in English.

Hello! Morning (ハロー! モーニング。, harō mōningu?) was a weekly Japanese TV show featuring members of Morning Musume, and sometimes other Hello! Project members on TV Tokyo.

In this episode they introduced Croatia as an opponent of Japan during the Football World Cup 2006 in Germany and showed some cultural things and made a quiz afterwards. Really funny, especially from Croatian point of view. ;-)

Croatian Restaurant Dobro is placed in elite part of Tokyo, near Ginza:


Congratulations to Mr. Satsuki Kawasaki, propietor of the DOBRO Restaurant in Tokyo

Yoshiki with Nenad Bach's famous hat, made in Zagreb by Cahun

Nenad Bach & Friends in front of Dobro Restaurant in Tokyo

Nenad Bach in Tokyo with a butiful Japanese lady in kimono

Entrance to Dobro Restaurant in Tokyo.
Photo from Kucanica u Japanu - Sanja Željeznjak.

Dobro = Good in Croatian

Famous Baska Tablet from around 1100 in Croatian Glagolitic Script

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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