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 »  Home  »  Business  » Croatian website in English that shows up daily on Google search for news Croatian website in English that shows up daily on Google search for news
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  06/10/2007 | Media Watch , Data , Business | Unrated
Creating a new wave of Internet journalism

News portal has entered the Croatian media scene on January 15th 2007, with the goal to become a powerful means of information, especially in the field of multimedia, on an enviable professional and technological level. In support of that, the portal is run by a team of 30 respectable, young Croatian reporters who have gained the experience by working in the most influential Croatian media.

The portal offers the public an entirely different, faster and comprehensive access to information with the emphasis on investigative reporting and quality authorial texts.

What sets it apart from the existing portals is the speed at which the news is refreshed, a strong multimedia section, a multitude of photo, video and audio content, live coverage of events and, for the first time in Croatia, the use of the possibilities of contemporary technology and the Internet to provide the reader with information as soon as possible, almost immediately after the event occurs. 

The portal is also available in English, which allows us to reach out to users who speak other languages as well as to foreign citizens residing in Croatia. Reporters, correspondents, travel writers, journalists, columnists and photographers take part in creating a new wave of Internet journalism.  To see how successful we have been in achieving our intentions, you can visit us at (English version) or (Croatian version). naziv je novog informativno-zabavnog portala koji je 15.siječnja 2007.godine stupio na medijsku scenu i namjerava zavladati domaćim virtualnim prostorom. Portal je pokrenulo 30-tak mladih i afirmiranih novinara koji su iskustvo stekli u najutjecajnijim hrvatskim medijima, te javnosti nudi potpuno drugačiji, brži i sveobuhvatan pristup informiranja s naglaskom na istraživačko novinarstvo i kvalitetne autorske tekstove.

Ono što ga razlikuje od već postojećih portala jest brzina kojom se obnavljaju novosti, jaka multimedija ; mnoštvo foto, video i zvučnih sadržaja, praćenje događaja uživo te, po prvi put u Hrvatskoj, korištenje mogućnosti suvremene tehnologije i interneta da bi se čitatelju pružila informacija čim prije, gotovo netom nakon što se dogodila.

Također, portal je dostupan i u engleskoj verziji, čime dosižemo korisnike s drugih govornih područja i strane državljane koji borave u Hrvatskoj.

Novinari, dopisnici, putopisci, kolumnisti, komentatori i fotografi uključeni su u nastajanje novog vala internet novinarstva.
O tom koliko smo uspjeli u svom naumu možete provjeriti na www. i posjetiti dom Javno portala.

Prepared by Tina Rotim.


Finally after so many years Croatia is stepping up into the world news media. I have been waiting this moment for a long time. Good, bad or indifferent, and you will have to find for yourself, but we are present at the daily news search on major search engines. So far, everybody but us wrote about Croatia and Croatians. If you search word Croatia for the daily news, you will find in the first 20 news articles more than one article from JAVNO. Now we have a serious microphone. Let's hope that they will know how to use it. It is amazing how they established in such a short time. Somebody knows the business in Zagreb. Congratulations and good luck with all the struggles and successes. We are paying attention !

Nenad Bach
Editor in Chief ,



Krletka d.o.o.
Josip Majher, M. Sc. grad. iur.


Tomislav Galović

Deputy editor-in-chief
Sergej Trajković (Profit)

Executive editor
Nataša Zečević  (Hrvatska)

Dajana Antonija Bebek (Trach, Moda i ljepota, Život)
Marko Dejanović (Svijet)
Hrvoje Dorešić (Zagreb)
Danko Karabelj (Sport)
Tatjana Ljubić ( Bosna i Hercegovina)
Sanja Petrović (Crna kronika)
Siniša Sharairi (Glazba i film, Multimedija)
Branimir Antičević ( Kultura)

Lina Abu Ammash, Hrvoje Baričić, Maja Brkljač, Ivana Dujmović, Alan Eder, Maja Ibrišimović, Tomislav Kocmanić, Sunčana Kolarić, Kristian Kunstek, Josipa Medvidović, Darko Ognjenović, Tina Žagar.

Language editors
Iva Širanović
Tea Maksimović
Silvija Leljak-Jurman

Sub-portal editors
Goran Vuzem (Auto)
Goran Novačić (Technotrip)
Marin Krmpotić (Mladi portal)

Lajla Mlinarić (editor)
Karmen Horvat
Ksenija Orešković - Hadjar

Alan Erbežnik

Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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