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Ivo Robic 1923-2000 Croatian pop singer and a global star
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  03/7/2010 | Music , People | Unrated
Left behind on american top lists Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Paul Anka and Dean Martin

Ivo Robić (1923-2000), a famous Croatian pop singer who made the German song "Morgen" a hit in Europe and in the USA. At the Zagreb Music Conservatoire he studied piano, clarinet, saxophone, flute, and double bass, and was lauded by his teachers as a musical prodigy. For Germany's Polydor Record Co he first cut "Morgen" in 1959, and in a few weeks the "Morgen" climbed to Germany's top songs. It was sold in more than a million of copies (half a million in the USA!), so it is not surprising that he was nicknamed "Mr Morgen". In 1959/60 he obtained the statue of Bronze Lion from the Radio Luxemburg, and in 1961 the Silver Lion for his song Mit 17 fängt das Leben erst an. Besides his native Croatian, Ivo Robic spoke and sang in German, French, Italian, Spanish, and English. He and his wife Marta donated their house in Icici near Opatija to the Rijeka Archbihsopric, and it now serves as a parish church.

Ivo Robić was a guest star in some prestigeous USA programs: Perry Como Show of NBC, the Ed Sullivan Show, the Dick Clark Show, etc. With his "Morgen" he left behind on american top lists such stars like Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Paul Anka and Dean Martin.


Ivo Robic in Japan

Ivo Robić in Japan

Ivo Robić on YouTube:


On a fragile raft in the sea of pops, Ivo Robić has kept his place more than half a century. Withstanding all the wartime and post-war trials of light music, he rose from being a bar and radio singer to the high society of European and world crooners. From being his school’s regular reader at literary meetings, he developed into the pioneer of interpretation with perfect pronunciation and promoter of the melody of the Croatian language.

He either song or composed the finest pages of the Croatian pop songbook and cut a whole salon of disks. Generations of lads used the refrain from the song That little hand of yours to whistle below the windows of their girls. His song Only once has by now for fifty years been keeping warm hope for the one true love of a lifetime. Heart, Good Night , in many people’s opinion his best tune, for decades announced closing time at dances and called all hearts in love to the last dance. The song You’re just seventeen (Save the last dance for me) was used to send radio birthday greetings to all seventeen-year-old girls for some sixty years.

With his song about a better tomorrow, Morgen, he won the longed-for spaces of freedom and the very acme of success – a Polydor Gold Disk, rose to the top of the Billboard chart, became the singer of the season on the waves of that cult station for launching melodies, Radio Luxembourg, hurtled round the world and appeared in the best-known TV review on the other side of the Atlantic – the Perry Como Show. He sang everywhere and for everyone and was able suddenly to touch the hearts of thousands of Croatian expatriates, giving them at the end of a concert another song or two from the old country.

The first gentleman of Croatian pop, regular guest at all domestic festivals, always even-tempered, he would sing anything given him. Lover of the sea, the Kvarner, Opatija and Zagreb, he never wanted any other homeland, because music anyway knows no borders. As Croatian-German pop star, today he still finds his way into all the compilations made up from the archives of pop.

Maja Šojat-Bikić, MSc

Source Museum of the City of Zagreb

HGU (Hrvatska glazbena unija) Primorsko goranske županije, Podružnica 3 Rijeka 

OBILJEŽAVANJE 10. obljetnice smrti IVE ROBIĆA (9. ožujka 2000. - 9. ožujka 2010.)

IČIĆI , 6. ožujka 2010. - 12 sati - otkrivanje spomen-ploče o boravku I. Robića u Ičićima (1973.-2000.) (obalno šetalište F.Jozefa,ulaz kod ACI Marine), autor : David Dezso, pokrovitelj MO Ičići,  ZAGREB, 9. ožujka .2010.

- 12 sati - MIROGOJ, Zagreb,  ruže na grob Ive Robića položit će delegacija HGU i HGU PGŽ Podružnica 3 Rijeka,te predstavnici svih strukovnih glazbenih udruga… 

- 18 sati - Crkva Sv. Marka u Zagrebu, Misa zadušnica

 - 22.10 h - HTV 2, emisija u čast obilježavanja obljetnice smrti I.Robića 

OPATIJA, 9. ožujka 2010. - 17 sati - Crkva Sv.Jakova Misa zadušnica 

OPATIJA,12. ožujka 2010. - 20 sati - Hotel Imperial/zlatna dvorana


 Nastupaju: učenici glazbenih škola Mirković  i Tarla, dječji zborovi Mići vrapčići i Opatijski dječaci, glazbeni vrtić Girotondo, Maria Marinović, DND Opatija i Mažoretkinje Grada Opatije

 Gosti : ZDENKA VUČKOVIĆ, Zbor Maestral                             

Realizator: Udruga SERENADA OPATIJI 

Pokrovitelji: Grad Opatija i TZ Grada Opatije

U utorak, 9. ožujka 2010. g. navršit će se 10 g. od smrti IVE ROBIĆA - pjevača i skladatelja - najvećeg imena u povijesti hrvatske glazbene pop-scene.Tim povodom HGU PGŽ Podružnica 3 Rijeka i HGU pripremili su prigodni program u sjećanje na Ivu Robića -najuspješnijeg i najustrajnijeg interpreta šlagera, doajena glazbenih festivala, glazbenika koji je napravio veliku međunarodnu karijeru i svjetski postao poznat kao "Mister Morgen" (ploču sa pjesmom MORGEN prodao je u više od milijun primjeraka), i do danas je to najveći komercijalni uspjeh koji je neki naš glazbenik postigao.

Snimao je za velike svjetske diskografske kuće Polydor, Supraphon, i domaći Jugoton/Croatia rec. Pjesme su mu se prodavale u milijunskim tiražama po cijelom svijetu,ali je ostao vjeran i domaćoj publici.Od 1950.g. započinju njegovi čuveni ljetninastupi u Opatiji /terasa Hotela Kvarner/ i dugogodišnja glazbenasuradnja sa Opatijskim suvenirima. Bio je počasni Predsjednik HGU i HGU PGŽ Podružnice 3 Rijeka.

Od mnogobrojnih nagrada izdvajamo nagradu Josip Štolcer Slavenski - za glazbenu umjetnost(1981.),i PORIN za životnodjelo (1997.g.). Zlatnu Jugotonovu pticu za milijun prodanih ploča.
Hrvatska glazbena unija
Primorsko goranska županija
Podružnica 3 Rijeka
Tajnik; Jadranka Čubrić

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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