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 »  Home  »  People  »  Katja Markotic Croatian mezzo-soprano interpreting chants by Mexican composer Manuel M. Ponce
 »  Home  »  Education  »  Katja Markotic Croatian mezzo-soprano interpreting chants by Mexican composer Manuel M. Ponce
Katja Markotic Croatian mezzo-soprano interpreting chants by Mexican composer Manuel M. Ponce
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/16/2016 | Music , People , Education | Unrated
Katja Markotic is since 1996 the director of the Rovinj Summer Festival

Katja Markotić singing chants by Dora Pejačević, the first significant Croatian woman composer,
accompanied with the Tamburitza Orchestra of Našice.

Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano

Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano, completed her studies of singing and Lied interpretation at the Hochschule fĂźr Music and Performing Arts in Graz with prof. Kammersängrin Ire Malaniuk and then studied with prof. F. Lukasowski in Vienna.

As a concert singer, equally stylish, she successfully interprets works ranging from Baroque to contemporary music. A special place in her pursuit of vocal art certainly belongs and persistent efforts to revive the lesser known and neglected Croatian vocal heritage.

That is so far publicly presented for the purposes of broadcasting recorded numerous works of Ivan Lukačić, Dora Pejačević, Josip Š. Slavenski, Ferdo Livadić, Ivan Padovec and Franjo Krežma.

She has participated in all major national festivals: Zagreb Summer Festival, Split Summer Festival, Dubrovnik Summer Festival, at the Euphrasius Basilica in Porec, Osor Music Festival, Musical Evenings in St. Donat in the city of Zadar, etc. Except Croatian authors, Katja Markotić's repertoire covers the most prominent representatives of European vocal lyricism: Schubert, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Liszt, Strauss, Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Respighi and others.

As a vocal soloist, she has performed with the Zagreb soloists, The Zagreb Quartet, Zagreb Chamber Orchestra, Quartetto d'archi di Venezia, the ensemble "I Solisti di Milano", Croatian chamber Orchestra, Korean chamber Orchestra (Seoul), Deutsches Kammerorchester (Frankfurt), chamber orchestra "Roma Classica", Symphony Orchestra of Croatian Radio & TV under the baton of Christian Ewald, first Croatian performance of songs of A. Zemlinski, Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, the Ljubljana Symphony Orchestra and the National Theatre of Split performed Mahler's 2nd Symphony under the baton of N. Bareza.

Katja Markotić often appears on foreign podiums, in Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium and the United Kingdom. She has achieved remarkable success during the evening recitals at the International Festival "Cervantino" in Mexico, with a final performance at the Palacio de Bellas Artes (Mexico City), in 1991 and in 2002.

She lives and works as a freelance artist in Zagreb. Since 1996, she is the artistic director of the Rovinj Summer Festival.


Manuel M. Ponce - Insomnio, Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano (live concert)

Manuel M. Ponce - AdiĂłs mi bien, adiĂłs, Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano

Manuel M. Ponce - Acuerdate de mi

Manuel M. Ponce - Lejos de ti, Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano (Live concert - Casa de cultura Girona 2008)

Katja Markotić, mezzosopran

Katja Markotić (Zagreb, 1954) - mezzosopran - temelje vokalne naobrazbe stekla je u Zagrebu kod tenora prof. Noni Žuneca. Studij solo pjevanja završila je u klasi prof. Ire Malaniuk na Hochschule fuer Musik und darstellende Kunst u Grazu, a zatim se usavršavala kod prof. F. X. Lukasowskog u Beču.

Kao koncertna pjevačica jednako uspješno interpretira stilski najrazličitija djela u rasponu od baroka do suvremene glazbe. Posebno mjesto u njezinu bavljenju vokalnom umjetnošću pripada skladbama hrvatskih autora, te je tako do sada javno predstavila i za potrebe radija i televizije snimila brojne opuse I. Lukačića, D. Pejačević, J. Š. Slavenskog , A. Vidakovića i F. Livadića.

Nastupila je na značajnijim festivalima (Zagrebački ljetni festival, Splitsko ljeto, Pulsko ljeto, Koncerti u Eufrazijani, Osorske glazbene večeri i dr.), a bila je gošća i prvoga međunarodnoga festivala duhovne glazbe "Međugorje ’ 94", gdje je praizvela skladbu Davorina Kempfa. Osim hrvatskih autora, na repertoaru Katje Markotić nalaze se i naslovi najistaknutijih predstavnika europske vokalne tradicije ( Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Strauss, Mahler).

Kao vokalna solistica nastupala je uz Zagrebačke soliste, Hrvatski komorni orkestar, komorni orkestar "L’ offerta musicale"-Venezia, Korejski komorni orkestar, Komorni orkestar SPOHV, Simfonijski orkestar HRT-a, Ljubljanske simfoničare, orkestar HNK-a Splita u izvedbi 2. Mahlerove simfonije pod ravnanjem N. Bareze te uz Dubrovački simfonijski orkestar u izvedbi Mahlerovog ciklusa “Pjesme putujućeg djetića” pod ravnanjem M. Tarbuka.

Upravo je zahvaljujući širini svojih umjetničkih interesa, a dakako i znalačkoj artikulaciji delikatne solo pjesme (primjerena dikcija, osjećaj za stil i dramaturgiju koncertne vokalne minijature, te specifična tehnika i kultura vođenja melodijske linije), Katja Markotić često prisutna i na inozemnim podijima, (Austrija, Njemačka, Slovenija, Italija, Francuska i Velika Britanija). Zapažen uspjeh postigla je cjelovečernjim recitalom na međunarodnom festivalu "Cervantino 91" u Meksiku, gdje je izvodila skladbe Mozarta, Straussa, Gotovca i D. Pejačević, te na istoimenom festivalu u listopadu 2002. godine izvodeći djela Schuberta, Zemlinskog, Mahlera, Rahmanjinova, Gotovca, Vrhovskog te Berse.

Snimila je samostalni CD s djelima J. Brahmsa, D. Pejačević, J. Š. Slavenskog i O. Respighia i CD u povodu 200-te obljetnice rođenja F. Livadića.

Od 1996. godine umjetnička je ravnateljica Ljetnog festivala Rovinj.


Katja Markotić rođena je u Zagrebu gdje je započela svoje glazbeno obrazovanje kao pjevačica u klasi tenora N. Žuneca. Diplomirala je u Grazu na ˝Hochschule fĂźr Musik und darstellende Kunst ˝, specijalizirana za Popijevku i oratorij, u klasi poznate mezzosopranistice prof. Ire Malaniuk. Također se usavršavala kod prof F.X. Lukasowsky u Beču. Kao koncertna pjevačica s podjednakim uspjehom okušala se u izvođenju djela iz različitih razdoblja, od baroka do suvremene glazbe. Osim hrvatskih autora, na repertoaru Katje Markotić nalaze se djela najznačajnijih predstavnika Europske vokalne tradicije (Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Mahler, Liszt, Strauss, Rahmanjinov). Također često izvodi arije za mezzosopran (alt) u Bachovim i Händelovim oratorijima.

Kao koncertni solist je nastupala s eminentnim orkestrima i komornim ansamblima kao što su Zagrebački solisti, Zagrebački gudački kvartet, Gudački kvartet u Milanu, Gudački kvartet Venecije, Cremona solisti, Hrvatski komorni orkestar, Korejski komorni orkestar (Seoul), Njemački komorni orkestar Frankfurt, Zagrebačka filharmonija, Simfonijski orkestar Ljubljana, Dubrovački simfonijski orkestar i Simfonijski orkestar HRT-a Zagreb. Nastupala je na svim većim glazbenim festivalima u zemlji, kao i u Austriji, Italiji, Njemačkoj, Belgiji, Sloveniji, Španjolskoj, Mađarskoj, Poljskoj i Velikoj Britaniji.

Postigla je poseban uspjeh svojim solo recitalima na međunarodnom festivalu "Cervantino˝ XXX u Meksiku te u Palacio de Bellas Artes (Mexico City).


Mauel M. Ponce - Sono mi mente loca, Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano

Manuel M. Ponce - Aleluya, Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano

Manuel M. Ponce - Espera, Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano

Warum by Dora Pejačević - Katja Markotić, mezzo-soprano & Tamburitza orchestra "Dora Pejačević"

Yoko Nishii, pianist, and Katja Markotic, mezzo-soprano, in the town of Lovran in 1999.
Katja Markotić gave an impetus to Yoko Nishii to study the works of Dora Pejačević.

Jules Massenet - Elegie; Katja Markotic, mezzosoprano, Reinchard Armleder, violoncello, Dagmar Hartmann, piano.

W.A. Mozart_Oiseaux, si tous les ans; Museum Mimara Zagreb, Cro, Katja Markotic, mezzo-soprano, Mia Elezovic, piano.

J. Gotovac_Zašto smo se sreli; Museum Mimara Zagreb Cro., Katja Markotic, mezzo-soprano, Mia Elezovic, piano.

Antonio Caldara - Vage Luci
49th concert season at Euphrasius basilica - Poreč 30th july 2010
KOMORNI TRIO, Katja Markotić - mezzosopran, Pavel Kandrusevich - viola, Maria Mikulić Štimac - piano.

Picturesque city of Rovinj on the Adriatic sea. Katja Markotić is since 1996 the director of the Rovinj Summer Festival.

Rovinj Summer Festival

Summer Festival was founded in 1996, is present and recognized chamber music festival and this concert season organized a full range series of attractive and carefully designed musical projects with the participation of prominent domestic and foreign artists, which always provide new experiences. Founded primarily as a summary of many years of work experience in the mezzo-soprano Katja Markotić, guided model related festivals and support fellow musicians, friends and acquaintances and fans of classical music. Such decision fell on fertile ground in the most beautiful town in Istria, Rovinj, where the festival riches concert venues and performances of world-renowned soloists, ensembles, chamber orchestras in Europe, Japan, Russia, Korea, the US, Mexico and Australia, took all the epithets one relevant international chamber music festival.

Projects summer concerts supported by the City of Rovinj, the Tourist Association of Rovinj and Maistra, who have recognized and realized the importance of its cultural significance as well as a great contribution to enrich the tourist offer of Rovinj as a destination.

The Rovinj Summer Festival is a chamber music festival that has been taking place in Rovinj every year from 16 th July to 9 th of July ever since 1996. With very particular concerts the festival offers recitals of various soloists, trios, quartets, smaller and larger chamber ensemble and chamber orchestras.

The concerts take place at the Church of St. Francis, the St. Euphemia Church, at the small island of St. Catharine and at Multimedia Center.

Through guest performances of artists from Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Poland, Japan, Korea, the US, Mexico and Russia, the Rovinj Summer Festival has acquired all the characteristics of an international festival.

The music director is Miss Katja Markotić, mezzosoprano from Zagreb.


Aleksandar Dargomizski - Elegia
49th concert season at Euphrasius basilica - Poreč 30th july 2010
KOMORNI TRIO, Katja Markotić - mezzosopran, Pavel Kandrusevich - viola, Maria Mikulić Štimac - piano.

"When I'm Laid in Earth"; Katja Markotic, mezzosoprano, Zagreb Chamber Orchestra, Live concert - St. Euphemia Church 2010, Croatia.

Ch. Gounod - Evening song; Katja Markotic, mezzosoprano, Zagreb Chamber Orchestra, Live concert Church of St. Eufemia, Rovinj, Croatia 2010.

Nabrala sam - Josip Vrhovski, Croatia; Katja Markotic, mezzosoprano Aleksandra Santin Golojka, piano

Charles Gounod - Evening song; 49th concert season at Euphrasius basilica - Poreč 30th july 2010, KOMORNI TRIO, Katja Markotić - mezzosoprano, Croatia.

Carlos Guastavino - Encantamiento. Live concert - Casa de cultura Girona 2008.

JesĂşs EchevarrĂ­a - Como un PĂĄjaro; Katja Markotić - mezzosoprano, Krešimir Popović - piano, Live concert - Casa de cultura Girona 2008.

Julio CĂŠsar Oliva - Yo no lo se de cierto, Katja Markotić - mezzosoprano, Krešimir Popović - piano, Live concert - Casa de cultura Girona 2008.

J. Brahms - Duet, Die Meere; Argit Caldura, soprano, Katja Markotic, mezzosoprano, Alessandro Cesaro, piano.

Katja Markotić: Forgotton chants (Zaboravljeni pjevi) of Croatian vocal music heritage.

Poslušajte vrlo lijepu međimursku narodnu pjesmu "Nabrala sam" u izvedbi hrvatske mezzo-sopranistice Katje Markotić (umjetnički obradio Josip Vrhovski).

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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