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(E,H,S) Studia Croatica - 5 November 2003
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  11/11/2003 | Community | Unrated
(E,H,S) Studia Croatica - 5 November 2003


StudiaCroatica - New material on our Web site

BRATOVŠTINA SVETOG JERONIMA ZA POMOC HRVATSKIM IZBJEGLICAMA, by Andrija Lukinovic, Zagreb, in Papinski Hrvatski Zavod Svetog Jeronima (ed.) Jure Bogdan, Rome, 2001. (in Croatian). Is the first part of the chapter The Fraternity Saint Jerome for the Help of Croatian Refugees. This is an important documental source on Croatian emigration after WW II, many of which went later to Argentina. It is a subject which surfaces every so often in the media, usually with negative overtones. (We are working on a Spanish translation).

Croatian surnames in Argentina, starting with letters A and B (700 last names)

Ivo Gulis - Hommag - by José Spoja Cortijo, Perú (in Spanish)
Virtual Museum

Studia Croatica wishes to receive photographic material (e.g. photos of the immigrant grandparents) and text (in any language) related to the history of Croatian emigration, to be published on our Web site. Whenever possible please send the material in digital form.

Recent material on our Web site

The Croatian Fraternal Union within the Fraternal System of the United States of America and Canada, by Ivan Cizmic

Amanecer en Vis, poema de Elsa María Salas Burich

¡Hombre al Agua!, a short story, in Spanish, by Lorenzo Caglevic Bakovic about Croatian emigration to southern Chile, in the last years of the 19th century, based on a real history.

Dalmacija - a poem by Gabriela Vucetic (Rosario, Argentina)(in Spanish)


Read one of the best Croatian journals on the net: Croatian World Network

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This Bulletin is published by the journal Studia Croatica - Institute for Croatian Culture. The journal is published in Buenos Aires since 1960 - The Bulletin is distributed in two versions, Spanish and English, to some 2100 email adresses in 30 countries. Please tell us if you do not want to receive more this kind of material. Studia Croatica is on the Web since 1996, -where it has some 15000 pages in Spanish, French, English and Croatian. It receives some 140000 hits per month.  - .

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